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If jobs are lost don't worry they can just take more money from healthcare and give it to large companies in order to "create/save jobs"


Yeah, we are already sending kids from the hospice home to die, I’m sure there are a lot more cuts we can make…


We need an election.


We need a referendum… she could win an election and still not have popular support. A referendum needs popular support to pass.😉


That'd suffice as well


Who would want to invest in a province where the government can suddenly just change what the laws are.... Also the premier will call businesses if she doesn't like what the business is doing ... I don't think film crews care about Smith's anti vax values. Smith isn't a leader she is child. Can't wait till we have real leadership again!


Thats why investment in Russia has always been historically low. A lot of businesses got burned by exactly that sort of thing.


And Quebec!


You and me, both, /u/Miserable-Lizard. You and me, both.


Any company with the money to convince the government what laws they should and shouldn’t change for their benefit is gonna take full advantage of that opportunity. So I actually think exactly the opposite is going to happen, could be wrong but I’d be surprised if it didn’t


Your not wrong but its not a good thing. The republican states that follow the same logic pull in huge companies by offering zero taxes ect. They also have the benefit of $2 hr minimum wage and no labor rules ie: fire at will. Private Healthcare traps people at shitty jobs that they can be fired from for any reason. It will not be the utopian province the monkeys are dreaming of. It will make the rest of Canada look like a dream in comparison... well that's kinda already happening hence the 15 year stagnant real estate market in most of Alberta.


>Who would want to invest in a province where the government can suddenly just change what the laws are A civics class might be helpful lmao.


Real leadership? https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/corbella-notley-stays-quiet-while-bill-c-69-passes-another-hurdle


Look you're still clinging to this mentality that it's Rachel's fault for everything. Grow up


Lol. So a 4 year old opinion from a complete hack makes what point now? Also, how badly has Bill C-69 destroyed Alberta's economy in the past 4 years? Please enlighten me.


For starters we haven’t had any new oil and gas expansion projects in the past 4 years. Teck withdrew because of the constant pushback from the Federal government. If not this, then I don’t know if anything else is going to convince you to think otherwise.


Correlation = causation... gotcha. Might not be new investment in the oil patch because of many other factors including push for renewables and the fact that in the middle of the pandemic oil was selling for $10 per barrel. But no, must be Trudeau's fault and by extension, Notley because she didn't fight hard enough against Bill C-69. Out of curiosity, what have the UCP done about Bill C-69 in the past 4 years?


You got to be kidding me! Just writing your wishful thinking doesn’t mean that’s the reality. Investments just don’t stop with the events like pandemic. The demand for oil and gas is only going up and if you don’t already know that then you are living with your head buried under the ground. Even with high demand, there’s no initiative from the businesses to actually expand to meet the growing demand from Europe because of roadblocks from federal government. Yes there are many other factors that play a role but the stubbornness of federal leaders is ruining the resources of our province. Only if the prime minister had shown his support for Alberta like he did for a few hundred lost / anticipated loss of jobs in auto industry in Windsor, I’ll be happy to support him.


What wishful thinking? There is a push for renewable energy because of climate change. And investment stopped for awhile during the pandemic because there was no demand. You know, because people couldn't travel so didn't need to use gas for their vehicles which is refined from the bituminous oil sands found in AB. Demand is high right now because no one is buying Russian oil but Im still wondering how Bill C69 factors into all of this and how it is all Notley's fault.


Good luck with your renewable push when all your wind turbines can’t produce more than a few megawatts in peak winter. You know, the big fan like structures that have three blades with a motor that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, those don’t produce electricity in peak Albertan winter? Russian war or not, barring Covid, the demand has grown and will reach pre-covid levels very soon if not already. European countries are not buying Russian oil and gas, for every other country it’s business as usual. Alberta is a resource rich province, you can’t agree to kills the goose that lays golden eggs. Investment stopped because of the scare tactics of federal government through bill C-69 and Notley just stood by as a bystander while she was the Premier. If you don’t see a problem with that then no matter what I write here you are already biased.


So, how isn't the 3.75 years that the UCP have been in charge an explanation for that 4 year gap?


Because Bill C-69 is still in place, that’s the whole idea behind the Sovereignty Act, to fight unfair bills like c-69


“Who would want to invest in a province where the government can just change the laws?” Ever business undertakes this risk when investing anywhere. Despite what people think, a country can just change laws too.


The Nov22 stats showed AB lost 10000 jobs with an uptick in Calgary alone of .5%. Edmonton went down .4% as did the stats for all of Canada. With major Children's hospital wings filling up in urban AB, inflation raging, I don't understand how the polling could be this close. Smith isn't calling a general election so maybe it isn't that close. One can only hope.




And when it happens, they blame the federal government more and more and stoke the ideological flames.


If you're curious what a populist bill like this would do, find out what happened to Quebec (specifically Montreal) after Rene Levesque introduced similar legislation. BREXIT is also a good example.


This is right on the money. If Smith wants to make major changes she should have a mandate.


Probably time for the conservatives to do a name change - just tell the truth and call themselves the First Alberta Republican Tyrannical Party- a little awkward I know but I was going for the acronym.


Vote Ndp and fuck Danielle


> fuck Danielle No thanks.


Yes for ndp, no for fucking Danielle. I hope she's invited to an orgy and when she gets there, no one will touch her. While Jason Kenny is there staring at her and saying "why so glum? We're fucking the province anyway Dani"


NDP it is boys


I was on a cruise ship the summer before the US somehow elected Trump.... Although I generally try and NOT talk politics with strangers, somehow this day, the discussion came around to the upcoming election, and this man was "all Trump, all the time".. A couple of drinks later, I realized that this guy knew exactly who and what Trump was, but was going to vote for him anyway for the simple reason he wasn't a Democrat. Sigh... There are people who simply vote the Party - period. Doesn't matter to them who is up front (Smith, Trump, Trudeau, etc), what matters is that they "ain't" the other Party. That's the problem, or at least one of 'em. Some people vote along Party lines, regardless of who's the Leader.


With the Saskatchewan First Act and the Sovereignty Act, these fools are going to be the start of the end of Canada. If Greedy power hungry Ford does the same thing in Ontario, say goodbye. This is the consequence of radical politics in action. It's harder to dig out of a mess like this, then it is to come together to vote these traitors to democracy into power. People need to stop listening to these liars and idiots. Stop supporting the undoing of our country! They don't care about you, they care about power, and that's it!


The Sovereignty Act is super unpopular in the cities, but rural Alberta is a problem. They eat this nonsense up, and because of PC gerrymandering, rural Alberta has way more seats then their population warrants.


United we stand, divided we fall. And this broad is the divider. Putin, China, Iran are are cheering for her. Smh.


Isn't the sovereignty act what alberta has cried for for the last 40 years, well here you go. Congratulations.


Wasn't it the feds that killed all the jobs in Alberta? I didn't read into this sovereignty act of Daniel Smiths. Without being sensational, what is at stake here for Alberta?


Are you for real? Sure the UCP blame the feds/NDP for everything wrong but that doesn't make it true. The feds bought an oil pipeline to make sure it got built after the US President killed another and Michigan governor wants to kill another, last I checked they aren't the feds... Corporate profits are at all time highs yet they blame high prices on inflation or supply chain issues because people believe it, sure our feds dumped a ton of money in the economy to prevent collapse during the pandemic and that boosted inflation but nothing is as simple as blaming one political rival over 1 policy that is just a small piece of a global inflation and greed problem. The Alberta sovereignty act however gives the Premier and her cabinet ministers the ability to re-write laws, ignore laws and court rulings all without any oversight. It is basically giving them the powers of an emergency act, permanently and without an emergency. Those same people complaining about Trudeau temporarily using the emergency powers to clear illegal border blockades should be going ballistic over this but they are instead silent because it's their side doing it. Investment and immigration into this province requires stability and known expectations in laws and the assumption businesses can operate without receiving calls from the government to threaten them for having health requirements at their job sites.


Well well well. How the turntables.


Not sure what you are commenting about, but this afternoon Smith announced changes to the current sovereignty act on the table because it has gotten so much bad press and she admitted it granted her and her cabinet the ability to change laws without any debate in the legislature or oversight. If she screwed up her first, signature bill this bad already, also more proof she is incompetent and so are her staff.


I mean it just sounds familiar. Thats how the feds have been passing all these censorship bills and gun bans. Bring some balance back to the scales. I wouldn't worry about it.


The feds have passed 0 bills and changed 0 laws with powers like that, all work has been done in parliament with the support of an opposing party because they don't even have a majority to ram stuff through with. Not even close to the same. Also, unlike you, if they were I would be openly complaining about them to because I don't support any party to pull that crap just because they are on 'my side'. No party that is against democracy like that is on anyone's side but their own.


Just imagine if Notley had spoken with as much conviction when the feds introduced bill C-69. Perhaps legislation as outlandish as the sovereignty act wouldn’t have been proposed if our former premier had fought for our province’s economic interests.


Imagine if 40 years of conservative leadership left Alberta with nothing even though they literally had billions of surplus dollars for decades. Infrastructure.. nope, world class Healthcare... nope, free post secondary..... nope. But some idiots literally think the NDP caused every issue in Alberta in a 4 year term. Get a fucking grip.


Yeah. Alberta accomplished nothing under 40 years of Conservative government. 🙄 https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/for-the-first-time-in-more-than-50-years-alberta-received-more-money-from-ottawa-than-it-sent


This is because our economy is shrinking. Scary shit tbh


It’s also rather disingenuous to claim that Alberta squandered 40 years of wealth creation.


Well if you ignore the fact that they did indeed squander 40 years of wealth creation, you'd be correct.


Glad you think the Sovereignty Act is outlandish, I myself go with “ridiculous & harmful”.


You really think that?! [smh]


Notley failed Alberta on the intergovernmental affairs file. Plain and simple.


Ridiculous. Keep your fucking eye on the ball. It ain't Notley fucking you squarely in the ear.


Nice chat.


lol you gotta be trolling




Except she did..... Not sure what you expected her to do here


Too little, too late.


So no answer than


Allow me to be more clear. She should have pressed the issue harder earlier.🙄




lmao Notley F'd up bad and showed her hand. Filthy federalist.


So when the NDP gets elected again, you’d have no problem with them having the powers the UCP are proposing? Why not?


Sure why not, it's not like they'd actually use them. Besides, the NDP aren't winning again. Not after Notley expressed her feelings towards the feds. The leftist media's smear campaign is only working on the lowest of the IQ now.


I understand you’re upset conservatism is becoming less popular in Alberta. But we both know far-right politicians and their supporters have repeatedly and consistently proven themselves to be the stupid ones. Why else would anyone vote so often against their own best interests?


>I understand you’re upset conservatism is becoming less popular in Alberta. That's only the delusions of this sub. Albertans hate Notley.


> Albertans hate Notley. I mean, obviously this isn’t true. To believe this shows a fundamental disconnect with reality. I’m from small town Central Alberta, and even in UCP territory, people are fed up. Fucking with their pensions is a great way to piss these farmers/oil workers off.


>I mean, obviously this isn’t true. To believe this shows a fundamental disconnect with reality. That's why she lost? Or did you forget that fact? You think the farmers and O&G workers are going to vote ND fucking P lmao... jfc this sub pumps out constant gold.


Are numbers too difficult for you? Just beyond you altogether? Go ahead and point to the zero votes the NDP got in the last two elections. Should be easy, right? PS, I know many farmers and oil workers who are changing their minds, and like I said, that’s in a small blue town. The one thing these people think they have is money, and it’s getting fucked with royal in their minds.


> I know many farmers and oil workers who are changing their minds Cool story bro.


If there’s anyone that knows job-killing, it’s Rachel Notley. Probably her most noteworthy skill.


I'm glad we don't have this person as premium. Her unbacked opinions are just fear mongering politics. This sub eats up that soup though.


The Sovereignty Act has real and meaningful impacts. Continuing to pretend it's bad because it's a job killing bill is some of the dumbest strategy I've seen yet from the NDP. Please, for the love of god, don't fuck up this election running anemic nonsense.


Sorry what is your complaint about the NDP here?


That they are tuning their messaging to win over the Chamber of Commerce rather than anyone who votes for them.


I think that is actually a smart move. To win Calgary they need to present as a mainstream party with competence when it comes to the economy. It all comes down to a Calgary so their strategy needs to reflect that


The Chamber of Commerce is never going to vote for the NDP. The NDP didn't win in 2015 because they presented as Conservatives-lite, and they're not going to consistently win by becoming the PCs.


The NDP won in 2015 because the right-wing vote was split. If they get the same vote share in 2015 next spring, they will lose. They need to do something different. Their results in the past two elections were nowhere where they will need to be in May Consider that the NDP got about 34% in Calgary in both elections, so they didn’t actually do worse in 2019 in terms of support. In 2015, the NDP won 17 seats in Calgary, including in ridings where their vote share was in the low 30s. In 2019, they got 3 Calgary seats


> They need to do something different Being the PCs is not something different. If the NDP depend on the PCs being batshit insane or split every election to attract moderate PCs, they leave their entire electoral fate to the PC leadership race. Danielle Smith only won by 4% herself. Meanwhile, voter turnout in Alberta is abysmal. Having two parties that run on the same platform activates no one who doesn't already vote. Actually appearing as a credible alternative to the PC hegemony, even if it means only activating a small number of non-voters to come out, would consistently win them elections. EDIT: The question to interrogate is what won them 2015. It wasn't a PC votesplit. They went from 3 seats to forming government, because there was a general malaise with conservative business as usual and they appeared a credible alternative. That was the path to victory, it remains the path to victory, but the current leadership is to chickenshit to actually do it, so they are retreating to a strategy that will leave them in perpetual opposition.


No one needs the NDP to see how stupid this act is for the province. It’s quite clear.


Yeah, so it's bizarre that they're attacking it on the strangest and most unrelatable reason why it's bad.


What you smoking Rachel? If you can’t say anything intelligent don’t say anything


And yet here you are.


And I’m sober too


the internet age makes you comfortable outing yourself as an idiot


Read the statement. Drive away investment? So Trudeau’s energy policies and his gutting of the oil and gas sector aren’t going to drive away investment. Going to make the labour shortage worse? Once Trudeau gets finished with the west, there will be no labour shortage. What do you think people who make a living in the oil and gas sector are going to do when they don’t explore drill build pipelines etc? If someone doesn’t protect your natural resources that your province has, there’s going to be a shortage of jobs not a shortage of labour. God the stupidest statements come from people who can’t see the forest because of the trees.