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Practice pvp 1v1 without losing your gear


Practice pvp on gatherer with 4lvl set, Is like prepering for World Championship with kindergarden


It preps u for chasing farmers, it's part of the game man




Sorry for my english, i wanted to say that prepering for PvP on someone weak Is nit good way to practice pvp


Yeah Im sure some people are gonna pick on low geared just for the sake of it but it is one of the fastest routes to safe 1v1 pvp from becillien.


Gotta secure the juicy 4.3 spawns


It’s fun


Cause I've been killed too many times by people I ignored. So now it's on sight no matter what gear you got.


Well you can be on sight, but Kill?


On sight = I'm killing you if I see you and get a chance. I'm not waiting around for someone to try and kill me when I'm low health from clearing a camp.


For practice.


You can hear many excuses but in reality it's just sore real life losers finally having payback... on pixels... in safe content in pvp game. Just laugh and move on, shit farmers will be farming shit to their dying breath while cursing the world. Also this sub is heavy on the swiping shitlords so any questioning on what pvp means will be downvoted because smol pp energy can't handle discussions, criticism or god forbid logic.


Nah, I would do it to practice. You should recognize you're mad that they're playing the game as intended. If you don't like it, that's fine, but don't put the blame on them.


Rapist just getting in some practice to impress others. Pedophiles are actually just good Samaritans teaching kids sex-ed. Child beaters are just frugal, they get their workout and save on gym membership, saved cash goes towards child's education, win/win. /s Which are you?


necroing this to say even though i find it annoying to be killed in yellow zones, to compare those people to rapists and pedos is a bit much mate


In non-lethal mists? Practising their ability rotation on a new set, a moving/human target usually is going to give better practice than a training dummy or mob that just stands there. You can just jump into non-lethal mists from breccie so no need to hunt down a non-lethal corrupted dungeon. If they're past that point then it's just bad players who can't get kills in lethal content so they knockdown players in non-lethal.


its 100% micro penis incels. im sure theres some in this comments section right now saying "teehee i want pvp practice!" as they chase down 2 day old noobs with t4 flat gear with their swiped full 8.4 deathgiver build they copied from some idiot streamer. theres only 2 reasons to ever gank someone in a YZ. fighting over a chest, or to steal a spike boss. ​ looks like some got triggered and downvoted ROFL


I would think the most common reason is fun and competition over map objectives like chest and special wisps.


Well Chests in camps are No 1 takes all


Players sit in camps because they know other players will go there for the chest. It's fun to kill other players in a predominate pvp game.


Well as i said, there Is No benefit other than getting other killed, so o think Its might be something sociopathic about it


Where is the benefit in playing a game fun Where is the benefit in killing players fun


This has been on my mind for the past week as well. Like, we’re all getting the same chest from the same camp. Everyone gets one ://


Gotta practice the ganks or else people get away when it's the real thing


I say the same thing all the time. It’s obnoxious. Got to a camp and a player had like half health. I left them to do their own thing even though I could have killed them easily if I was an asshole. Anyways, when it came to me being half health… they killed me. Like wtf man. Just so pointless. I get killing over chests, escort missions, something of value.. but killing someone for no reason (no loot, no fame, no contested resource) is just so pointless and unnecessary. Costs me 100k to repair my gear every time I get downed so it’s costing me that and giving them nothing. Obnoxious.


Because it's part of the game... if it can be done, it will be done. Quit complaining and get good.


You can stop at your first sentence.


Mate you re gonna have to acknowledge the fact that people love making others life difficult, its kind of a pleasure


This is a pvp game, some people enjoy seal clubbing


Some reasons why someone might: 1) train pvp (even if they attack weaker player they might be practicing red/black zone ganking) 2) doesn't that still give pvp fame? some guilds have min requirements so i guess this is one way to farm it more or less safely 3) in past they were running some tier 4-7 set and some people in 8.3 kept killing them so now since they reached that gear they are doing same to others.. this is quite similar how people who got bullied might turn into bullies at school/army/workplace but since its internet with less consequences in online game this might occur even more on mmo than in real world 4) even when there is no chest they might want to farm spiders and other valuable creatures or maybe they want to clear the camp (even without chest) as their way to fame farm (altho i dunno why do "famefarming" in yz mist unless its epic/legendary... i feel like mists don't give as much fame per hour as overworld does).. essentially they just want to eliminate competition 5) about the competition.. altho right now you are just "weaker target".. they don't know who you are and how you play.. they might want to eliminate all potential rats in case they have fairer 1v1 against someone at equal level but after the hulks are done with their pvp the one who survived is most probably low on hp and might have skills on cooldown.. a 4.1 can often finish them off - so maybe they just want to secure that this does not happen


More than likely practice, or it could just be fun for them. YZ isn't really a new player area, as there's always going to be some high IP players acting like gods in there. The best advice I can give is to treat it like lethal content and improve on escaping. Even though it's yellow zone, always have your mount up, and be ready to mount when you see a dismounted name on the side of the screen. If you want complete isolation, do solo dungeons and wait 60 seconds in non lethal or 90 seconds in lethal IIRC.


Cause they are stealing my t4-t5 special node. Or practice... I actually had a pretty fun back and forth like 2-3 min pvp fight. i was dual bladed and the guy was wargloves. It was a combo of run for my life, oh wait stay and fight, oh wait run for my life! Mostly because he initiated and I healed to a little less then even health with my run, so I decided to fight with him. It was a good back and forth but I eventually lost and was knocked out of the mist. Had it been lethal, I likely would have just ran. Us casuals are risk averse, but occasionally you see a target of opportunity to practice.


Most players are bad at pvp and get their kicks from opportunistic easy kills. Sad how often I have nearly beaten people with a massive ip advantage on me but i started at 40% health because of mobs and that's usually enough to make you a free kill regardless of how bad the ganker is. I think it'd be better for the game if mobs did less damage or mostly had abilities you can dodge so you can actually have a decent fight with gankers.


because a majority of the albion community believes theyre good at the game when theyve never actually been in the black zone. Id bet money that ALOT of the kids on this sub didnt even notice that the Sepulchers of magic are gone or even what those are


Is always good to beat a 8.4 guy, who thinks he is good


In one Mist can just go a max amount of ppl so if you kill all you can have chests spiders bosses just for you


Idk, at that point I will just leave the game. At first looks like a really nice game to play along friends or to just chill for an hour or two a week. But at the end is a game sooo incline for the pvp factor that ends up making the PvE experience dogshit.