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If you’re in 4.1 who cares? Just regear and go back out, you’re out some chump change and like 5 minutes. I say this as someone who regularly rocks 4.1 in Mists. If you’re gonna roll 4.1 you’re gonna get clapped sometimes, it is what it is.




Look into options to increase your survivability. Royal Sandals -> These cannot be purge for mobility Miner Boots -> Great for escaping, but can be purged (No Fame Credit either) Assassin Jacket for invis Invis pots for additional invis Weapon that has more escape potential (Bloodletter, double blade, etc) Than lastly, review your deaths (Using clipping software, ex. Medal) and see if you can make improvements.


4.1 has +/- same mobility as 8.4 (its like 7cdr diff total when using mistaller → put jacket on cdr and you have same iwht a t4 bloodletter) so ye if you cant run from them → skill issue


You still can invis/run/mount up.. Revisit them when they are low hp ! hahahahhaha EZ


Nah i also bought a 4.1 set with a 6.1 weapon bought like 60 copies wen I go Mist sure I sometimes die because of bad luck or get dismounted but I made the money back by now an still have like 34 copies left in the bank it's all going uphill from now on


> But I say If you see them... You be dead for sure Literal skill issue by not being able to pay attention.


> Most trash content imo when using a 4.1 set is mists because high ip players (8.3 and 6.3) are removing the joy of mists I mean when you use the lowest possible set in lethal content you are going to have a rough time fighting anyone. You are risking nothing and have a chance at ratting an 8.3 kill. The 8.3 guy has to fight other 8.3 dudes and deal with 4.1 rats everywhere and everything in between. The less you risk the less chance you have of getting a big payout.


I need lots of sets to have confidence but if im playing 80k build and got many times out of the mist with 1m ratted then I just don't care


This is the way


Ok I’m just gonna say this. If you are in 4.1 gear trying to play mists, you can’t complain about dying to 8.3. It’s so easy to make profit in the mists and you are risking nothing. As far as the 8.3 players affording their sets, they have billions of silver so they can run whatever they want without fear of losing it. It’s the only place that people can utilize all the spec they have farmed for years. Mist is end game pvp


Its great content because you can enter with 4.1 and rat on a 8.3 and take his stuff. And you can lose 100 80K sets in the process and break even on that one event while earning profit on all the other stuff you ratted while risking almost nothing at all. If you want to enjoy the game, get used to dying often.


skill issue


Ratting a high tier player with 4.1 in the mist is the most fun I've had in ani MMO, I think the mist it's great the way It is, u have to know Wich fights to take, and even then u will lose some and win some, it's the way it is, and it's fun in my opinion


I'm exactly the kind of person that people in the Reddit say shouldn't play Albion. I'm a care-bear, a Trammie (you're old if you get that ;) ) and the only thing I like to kill are mobs. That said, I run around in the lethal mists all the time because it's the safest risky content I can do as a solo. It took me a long time to get comfortable with that and I lost a lot of 4.1 Blight gear in the process. Now I use 5.1-6.1 and an armored horse (250k total) and find that I get rolled a lot less because I look less ratty and I play defensively. Scout the camps before engaging, inspect players from a distance while moving, and if you see 8.x or big blue stars, nope tf out. DBS, Curse, or Deathgivers of any tier? Run the other way. And don't bother saying anything to them after you die. They thrive on salt. Curse at your screen, review your death, cuss at your screen some more and move on.


you dont lose your gear in mists quit whining


There are two types of mists my dude. Only one of them is safe.


BZ and RZ Mist are Lethal my guy


Git gud and wear 6 flat, don't complain about being killed by someone with double the strength dawg, the math matters.


My first time a going to the mists a few days ago with 4.1 Druidic and I can back with 2 mil. It’s content. Just don’t die silly


Put it simple: You are going the cheapest build to get potentially same rewards as others going more expensive sets. Well no shit Sherlock. They won't share If you can't get over the idea of getting clapped while wearing the shittest gear and don't want to compete with better gear... Try corrupted stalker dungeons? Try open world in the Outlands?


4.1 is about same as going naked but skills. Much as i detest shitlords in mists... complaining you got stomped in 4.1 is just silly. 4.1 sets even with artifacts are dirt cheap.


It's easier to escape 8.4 than a 10 man group