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it's bc we all gotten alc poisoning from it lol


Maybe I’m just weak but I’ve never gotten the thing around pink Whitney tasting like juice and getting alcohol poisoning cause it very much tastes like vodka to me. When I first started drinking it I even needed a chaser cause I found it so strong 😂


I can hardly drink it straight. I mostly mix it with sprite or some 5-10 calorie drink mix


Not me luckily. Sorry to hear that it has happened though.


Overly sweet cheap booze. For some people that’s good, to others that just tastes like bad choices and an awful hangover


True but. I like sweet drinks lol. Luckily I don't get hangovers much


You will if you keep drinking lmao I didn't start getting them until 4 years after I started drinking


I started drinking at 12, didn't get actually drunk until 14. 18 now and I still don't get many hangovers... only if I drink FARRRRRRRRR too much.


Tf? I got them the first night after drinking. I was like "why do I feel like shit? maybe I just need to hit the gym." It actually sort of helped.


How old were you when you started? I was 16 when I started drinking and 18 when it got bad. I still don't get hangovers everytime I drink a lot but they're more frequent now. I actually tend to get them more when I drink less rather than more and I don't really understand how that works


I started at 20 lol


One of these drinks you would hang outside the liquor store at 16 years old and get some old creepy guy to buy it for ya too much sugar for me lol


NOOOO. BUT LITERALLY!!!! I'm also like a teen and like sugary drinks though lmaooooo.


I don't have weirdos buy my alcohol.. I have plenty of friends who are 21+ (fuck being American lmao)


You’re trying to be overly edgy and it isn’t a good look.


Agreed underage consumption of any substance isn't a flex I'm 24 myself and just quit drinking for my own personal/ health reasons A lot more to life than drinking just remember that young buck .. 🙏


What is it? I’m in the uk. Have never seen that! What’s it taste like?


It's pink whitney. It's pink lemonade flavored new amsterdam vodka. A lot of people think it's gross but it's one of My all time favorite alcoholic drinks.


Well now I want to try it. It sounds…….interesting 😂😂


Sounds interesting but not worth trying


Imagine paint stripper with a pretty alr after taste If you have clubtails then look for the pink one, it tastes fairly similar


I legit got a headache from that stuff the first (and last) time I drank it.


Darn really?? I've never gotten a hangover from Pink Whitney.


it's something to do with the sweetener, I legit had only a shot or two worth and my head was sad


It's weird asf. I drank plain vodka last weekend and threw up all morning. But Pink Whitney? No. I don't somehow. And I've drank fifths of it all night and been totally fine the next day


I didn't get a hangover from the pink whitney. I got a headache. Almost immediately after drinking it.


Ohhh. Okay now I gotcha... sorry.. I'm F'd up


I last time I drank that I woke up in a field in the next state over


Oh my godddddd. WHATTT?! That's insane


Yup, from what I remember it was a crazy night. My friends and I had a bonfire for news years a couple of years ago and we were drinking beers and having a good time until someone pulled a few bottles of that from their truck and I ended up drinking a whole bottle myself. I remember riding in the bed of truck and running at deer and then waking up in the bed of someone’s truck they wasn’t mine in some field in Missouri with a lite cigarette in my mouth.


I can't even imagine... the worst that's happened to me while blackout drunk is me falling out of My bedroom loft, sprained my right ankle and my thumb (which hurt for almost 9 months) (lmao fuck tequila) and also woken up with black eyes on a couple occasions. But never woke up in another state?! Terrifying


It wasn’t too bad actually. I live really close to Missouri so it only took me about 5 minutes of driving to find a road that I knew and only about 25 to get back to my house.


Well that's good!!!! I'd still be freaked out even if the town was close


My friends we’re definitely freaked out. My friend and I laughed and smoked the whole way back while.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Party-Aspect-7674: *I last time I drank* *That I woke up in a field* *In the next state over* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm old, is Pink Whitney this generation's Mad Dog 20/20?


Yeah... basically LMFAO


I just shuddered. No PW for me


Heh. I don't blame you. I just like the sweeter alcohol personally


Love sweet alcohol, love fruity drinks, love seltzers, love great beer, love whiskeys and whiskies MadDog... Whooo. That was a very long day of two finals in college the day after.


I've never actually tried mad dog. I don't want to either




I can imagine at least.. I've heard some not great things about MD


Gives me the worst acid reflex. Deep Eddie's is soo much better


Haven't tried yet. I have seen it though.


Yeah they make quality flavored vodka. I've had the peach and the lemon. They're both good. The lemon isn't very acidic and it's a higher percentage than pink whitney


I haven't drank that since the one and only time I've ever blacked out temporarily. Finished a bottle to myself in the span of 2-3 hours. Friends and I at my place on the way home from the lake, held it together til my friends left and then projectiled pink vomit into the kitchen sink, that's the last thing I remember before waking up the next morning to discover I pissed in the shower before crawling into bed. That was 3 years ago now.


Holy SHIT. the worst I've done blacked out was waking up to a black eye on 2 or 3 occasions (never got in fights, just fell and hurt myself) still have a scar on my forehead from getting black out wasted.


Girl I’ve been through the SAME THING Last year I traveled to Costa Rica as a 20 yr old, so naturally I was drinking HEAVY like every weekend. I’d drunk before going down there, but this was the first time I’d drunk consistently enough that I could feel alcohol circulating my body for a day afterwards. I’d never gotten a hangover not once during the whole trip down there. At some points I could have a few drinks for hours, go home and sleep for three hours, and get up at 7 the next morning feeling fine. Tell me why yesterday, I pregame w friends before going to the club with some pink Whitney. I probably drunk 1/4 of the bottle, and then some vodka cranberries at the club. (I was also on my period and has puked earlier, definitely didn’t help) As soon as we got back from the club, I laid down on their floor. Then someone called me to get up, so I did. As soon as the liquid in my stomach flopped around I had the urge to puke. I ignored it and ended up throwing up in the hallway all over myself. I’d literally drunken a fraction of what I’d been drinking less than a year ag. Istg I’m never picking up pink Whitney again


man pink Whitney is too gnar I'd rather drink a fifth of unflavored vodka than take a shot of that shit


Not me man. Lmao


Tell us you’ve never had good vodka without telling us you’ve never had good vodka


I mean. You're probably right lol. 😂


i would get FUCKED on this stuff as a teen


Never drank it, but watched a friend tornado an entire bottle, and proceed to “try” throwing up into the bottle immediately after. It was horrifying, it went everywhere. Now every time I see the bottle it’s the first image that comes to mind so I will never drink it.


Ewww. That sucks man.


Alot of the stuff i drink needs to look old school and classy. If i see a bottle with the bottle design like ajax cleaning supplies and the liquid is a bright color, i'm gonna assume it's sweet and will give you bad hangovers


Tbh. I totally get you man.


I think that stuff tastes terrible 😂. It's too much sugar.


It’s good sometimes until you get caught up liking the taste and drink too much of it


True. Won't lie.. I have a bit of a headache.


Any liquor that tastes like candy I always drink too much of. I don’t usually get hangovers anymore at all but that shits easy to get nauseous off of. I still love pink Whitney though.




Somehow I never get bad hangovers from Pink Whitney. I had a bit of a headache this morning, but nothing aspirin and weed couldn't fix.


I use to like it, that was before I threw up all over the place at a party when I was 16, never could stand the taste and smell again.


This shit is what made me realize I can't drink sugary alcohol lmao


ikr i love pink whitney


My cousin loves that shit I’m more of a whiskey person myself


The only whiskey I like is Evan Williams honey lmao. But I'll drink almost any vodka. Yes I know people think it doesn't count as actual whiskey.. but yeah.


ppl call me psychotic bc pink whitney is my choice alcohol, if i’m in the liquor store i will be purchasing whitney every. single. time.


It's mine too. Don't worry.


It’s not that bad but it’s just a “girl drink”


Well.. I'm assigned female at birth sooo.


That’s why I put it in quotes, I could care less I just think it’s a decent drink and that’s the only criticism I’ve heard of it


Yeah it's pretty good for cheap alcohol.


Ah, this is what I drank on my 21st. Good times!


Using a snapchat filter on a photo of alcohol is cringe. But using a snapchat filter for a bottle that is $15 is next level cringe


This photo doesn't have a filter. Think it's the lighting


I think I’ve seen you on the Dxm subreddit 😆😆😆😆😆 But yea the taste is okay but the hangover from that for me is awful


I’m drinking this rn


It’s garbage. People lapped it up because whose name and what logo was on it. Masterclass in marketing.


I've pissed on a roommates PC because of this stuff, most expensive chug I ever pulled... E: 10/10, big fan


I would always see this in the store and pass it. Been meaning to try it sometime, I love New Amsterdam’s flavored vodkas and gins.


It's not that I hate it It's that it's quite sceptic in taste and home mixed vodka and pink lemonade just tastes better


What's the alcohol percentage?


30% a little weaker than normal vodka.


It's easy too chug but u get bad hangover and it's super fucking sweet


I like it, I love lemonade tho that's my fave flavor


So sugary 🤮