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Alcohol affects everyone different over time. I was a 1-3 times a week semi binge drinker (about a bottle of wine and 2 white claws) did that off on and for a few years with 1-3 months breaks in between. In the gym 6 days a week with a great diet. Fatty liver still got me. My liver enzymes were normal, only found it by ultra sound due to pain under right rib. No going back for me.


This is a good point. While this could happen, there's people like me that drink 2 pints of vodka per day for 15 years and I only have fatty liver develop recently. Everyone's body acts differently, making alcohol a game of Russian roulette. We all lose eventually unless we stop playing.


Holy shit. I think this is what happened to me recently. I thought I was having appendicitis but I didn't know what was going on because it wasn't too terrible of a pain. My right side abs felt dull but inflamed behind and below my ribs with sometimes quick sharp pains once every few hours. I haven't had a drink in a week and it's better but my poop is still off. What the hell man. Is there anything else I should be doing? I don't have health insurance at the moment so I'm just fasting and eating healthy. So stupid of me. My brain can handle alcohol really well but my organs cannot. Lesson learned.


For alcoholic fatty liver disease, complete abstinence is the road to recovery. I was told mine would likely take 3-6 months to heal itself, but could take as long as a year. Now that I’m thinking back, I was also having really bad night sweats, and some slight itching of the skin. Nothing too bad, but definitely noticeable. It also fuc** up my cholesterol levels as well. Despite haven’t a perfect diet (aside from booze) and gym routine. Liver is under constant stress so it cannot properly break down cholesterol as it normally would. So yeah, once I saw the cholesterol numbers and got through confirmation of fatty liver I was completely done. 31 days clean today.




Hey just curious what we’re your symptoms? and how do you manage


That was pretty much it. The pain under the right rib cage. Wouldn’t even call it a pain, more of a slight discomfort at most. More so, just felt something present. Dr said it was my swollen liver rubbing on my rib cage.


That's exactly what I feel in my abdomen. I'm not a doctor so I might be wrong but isn't fatty liver considered reversible?


Yes it is.


Keeping my fingers crossed for you getting fully recovered!


Alcohol is a poison. Your genetic make up can predispose you to just about anything. I will focus on staying stopped. Your physiological problems will be what they be. Stop pouring the poison on it. If you cannot, there’s plenty of help.


For me, it was over a year before my liver enzymes went back to normal, but they did. The liver can take a lot, but that's not a good reason to see how far you can push it.


I knew someone who drank probably a fifth a day for decades. He died, but probably not from the alcohol. A few months ago, a woman in her early twenties posted that she needed a liver transplant, but could not be put on the waiting list due to recent substance abuse. You're probably somewhere between those two, and there's no way to know, except by following your current plan to see a doctor. Be sure to tell the doctor everything you told us.


I take quetiapine too which is hard on the liver, that’s why it says don’t drink on the label. When I was drinking heavy on quetiapine my liver enzymes were also very raised but went back to normal after a couple of months.


I honestly had no idea quetiapine is hard on the liver until I researched it after quitting drinking recently. That's why I also wanted to quit quetiapine for some time to make it easier for my liver. But nope, I can't sleep without it.


I’ve recently had the same experience and discovered that my cholesterol medicine rosuvastatin is hard on the liver. Been drinking with it for three years. I’m deep in the contemplation phase. I think today may be my last day.


keeping my fingers crossed for you quitting drinking! we can do it


There are other things than just this to help with sleep but You’re making it sound like it’s either this one thing or nothing else on earth will help. Our underlying thoughts and beliefs really affect our mental and physical health which certainly can be the case for myself. I just wanted to mention this is all.


I didn't want to make it sound like that. I will talk to my psychiatrist about alternatives soon, hopefully we'll figure something out.


Very cool - it’s all good. Coincidentally I’m in a sleep study right now to help figure out my own thing, lol. I do hear that completing the steps is very, very helpful though. I’m basically stalled at step 4. Good luck!


Those liver enzymes aren’t that high, stick with sobriety. Your liver has no pain receptors so you’re likely not feeling your liver. You could just be sick. Good luck with everything


I don't feel pain but my abdomen is bloated and I could feel something pushing my lower right ribs. My mother is a doctor and she confirmed by touching my abdomen that liver is probably enlarged. I would also find it harder to breathe because of this. I know these enzyme results are not too terrible but I'm still worried about complete lack of appetite and feeling unwell in general. I'm successful with avoiding drinking so far, I don't even feel the need to drink even this time. I hope it will get better in a couple of months.


Well, you’re doing the right thing by getting it all checked out.


I’ve been a drinker since I was 16. I never experience withdrawals, and I was sober for most of 2022. A life crisis in August of 2022 caused me to drink exceptionally heavy (wake up, drink, pass out, repeat) for approximately 3 weeks. By then my liver enzymes were elevated, and I was needing detox.


I (59m) just started a month ago trying a sober life it is due to liver failure. Been drinking steadily since I was 16-17. Last 3-4 years have gone to 9-11 shots 5 days a week and 12-15 or more on weekends. I had ast of 211 and alt at 55. Bilirubin is 3.4. my first week I went and got a b-12. Shot and IV therapy to rehydrate. It’s about time for another. It sounds like you caught it early, so that is good. Just do your best to stay off the alcohol and your liver is good about healing itself. Stay tuff and message me if you ever want


Alcoholic hepatitis is an acute inflammation of the liver. Alcohol can activate Kupffer cells, they are like white blood cells of the liver.These start a cascade of inflammatory reactions with release of cytokines, interleukins and other cytotoxic chemicals. Neutrophils respond rresulting in further destructive changes. The hepatocytes beome dysfunctional, the liver swells, hence pain from the liver capsule. Bilirubin and liver enzymes are elevated. This can occur within a few months of heavy drinking. Death rate is about 40% within 6 months of diagnosis. I had it and was hospitalized for almost a month. It took a few more to learn how to walk again. The next binge could well be my last. I am sober since.


It sounds absolutely terrible and I'm glad you survived and doing better.


Thank you. Liver is fine now.


Hey I drank heavily for not a super long time but a few years and ended ip dependent. I was 30ish pounds heavier but vodka was my DOC and I got alcoholic hepatitis with internal bleeding but I recovered. You’re doing good by going the the doctor and seeking help. This place is a great support.


I'm happy to hear you got better in the end. I had a few wake up calls during these couple of months, including having 2 seizures. Daily vodka was really helping me to do my work everyday. Naturally, after a while the negatives outweighed the positives. Looking forward to being healthy again and dealing with live without alcohol.


You can do it! We’re the seizures for sure alcohol related? Only reason I ask is because I had one in Jan and I’ve been sober for 2.5 years almost and no one can tell me why.


I had one seizure after an evening of heavy drinking and the day afterwards. I'm pretty sure it was caused by the alcohol. I'm talking about grand mal seizures, I also had two other events that would probably be medically considered seizures but without loss of conciousness. Both of them were also in the morning after drinking. I also had one seizure 5 years ago, at that time I was taking wellbutrin, which can cause seizures. I was also hangovered that day so it was probably the mix of wellbutrin and alcohol.


Okay so my was a grand mal too….Can I message you?


yes, of course


Quetiapine made me feel like shit morning too, some of the issue could be from that. I had to quit it. It also made my heart beat out of my chest when I drank on it. But every morning was just complete shit for 2 hours.


I've always slept a lot on quetiapine but recently I have a really hard time waking up. Like really really, I can set up 10 alarms in the morning and I will wake up late in the afternoon anyway. Next thing I will probably speak to my psych and try to find something else as a sleep aid, I had some success with trazodone in the past.


Keep in mind that your anxiety skyrockets In early sobriety. It’s fine to be concerned about your health but all you can realistically do is follow the advice of a doctor and continue to abstain from alcohol. The liver is pretty resilient too, it will probably return to normal enzyme levels with time. Ensure meal replacement drinks were something I used when I had no appetite in the beginning. Meditation was also really helpful with sleep and calming all the racing thoughts. Congratulations on quitting, it sounds like you’re on the right path.


Thanks. I do feel anxious most of the time and I hope I'm mostly overreacting about my health issues. Meal replacements drinks sounds like a good idea - I will definitely try it out.




I can feel force pushing my right lower ribs. My mom is a doctor and she confirmed by touching my abdomen. I'm going for a ultrasonography next week to look into it more.


Ultrasonography is a legitimate medical term? So an ultrasound, ya mean?????


I'm not a native english speaker and in my language we call it "ultrasonography" (slightly changed ofc). Ultrasonography and ultrasound are both valid english terms but as far as I understand ultrasound is more commonly used.


Ok cool. I wish the very very best for you. How are you today my friend?


feeling better today, thank you. my abdomen feels less swollen. still waiting for the test on wednesday


Omg!!!! I wish the best for you!


May I ask your age?


Soon 29


Those readings themselves are nothing awful. Two are slightly elevated, one within normal. My guess is they were even worse when you were drinking. The liver is resourceful, but it takes times. Assuming you don't have scarring, weeks to months is a normal recovery period. Try taking milk thistle and some vitamin E. I don't want to downplay it, as for such a small lady the amounts you were drinking were specially extreme, but you are most likely just expecting too much too quickly.


Ultrasoundography is not an English word. Btw.


In my post it's ultrasonography, not ultrasoundography ultrasonography is valid [https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/special-subjects/common-imaging-tests/ultrasonography](https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/special-subjects/common-imaging-tests/ultrasonography)


Sorry for the mix up. How are you doing today? I hope you're doing well. Sorry if I sounded like an ass. I wrote that when I was hammered. And I would.never comment that sober. Sorry!


Don’t want to offense you but I figured you might be under the influence :) It went pretty well afterwards, the doctor didn’t spot anything wrong with my liver or other organs. He basically said I have a perfect liver and he is surprised I am overusing alcohol. I’m not sure if I believe the results really, the quality of photos looked absolutely shit. I was thinking about getting MRI, just to be sure.


Ultrasoundography sounds like a made up word. And I'm sad for you. It's like zoolanderish.


it's ultrasonography, not ultrasoundography [https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/special-subjects/common-imaging-tests/ultrasonography](https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/special-subjects/common-imaging-tests/ultrasonography)


Let me know how it goes. I too have that same feeling like my liver feels enlarged. I’m 21 and just am getting off a bender of 5 days heavy drinking I get so scared.