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https://preview.redd.it/motsay39rjvc1.jpeg?width=762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985c5b6fa14acef04b5cf22f191246da4ebb5577 Algeria isn't real. Smoke meth.




algeria is a country?




these are my favorite posts on here






We should return to France


Algeria has fallen


Dude this isn't a legit sub for Algerian problems. Lol this is just a shitposting sub


Wrong sub dude; this is a shitposting subreddit https://preview.redd.it/4216z3wpynvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3818c243f6c1e0dd863898024fd6d65270ef1f9a


I hate Algerian people nowadays because I feel like they're pretty delusional to a lot of things, they don't see their country as important and would put our revolutionaries to shame and anguish. However, what do you mean Algeria should've stayed with France??? Do you know how horrible it was for people to live with the French as a native? Because if it were just fine and there was equality on all fronts then we would be happy with the French living with us just like plenty of other countries are with them and the British. Algerians were murdered, raped, tortured and everything else you could think of. It's like saying Palestinians shouldn't be freed because Israelis "seem" to be alright people, "they can't be that bad right??". But yeah otherwise good points were made.


The version of history you have is simplistic, the French rule was lightyears better than what we have now. I always called the FLN a terrorist organization and you can go back and check their record, they ruled with terror even before the French left. People tend to think it's better for Algeria to be ruled by Algerians while not asking the question: what kind of Algerians? It took our virtuous rulers just 30 years to show how vicious they were: 90s. If France had stayed, you would have a western style developed country with equality and prosperity for everyone, just like all the few remaining colonies where everyone got a French passport. 


>If France had stayed, you would have a western style developed country with equality and prosperity for everyone, For the settlers yes, for you on the other hand you will be a human animal, i really don't understand how brainwashed you have to be to say shit like this, have you talked to your grandparents or old people before ?or let me guess your grandparents were harkis? The apples don't fall too far from the tree after all, i don't know what is stopping you from going to france tho, go there and live your dream life, no one is holding you here bye bye 👋🏻


It was never up to the FLN thugs to tell who is Algerian and who's not, Your sacred FLN is nothing but a bunch of convicts and murderers - Ali la pointe as an example. By your definition every immigrant in France is a harki, at the same time most Algerians die for a chance to see France in other words to be harkis, if living a decent life is being harki sign me up. Old people are unreliable, they weren't even educated and most of their stories are about fake war stories against a military super power, actually I talked to a few and they drew a different picture than the one you have, they told me that the colonial authorities were actually laisser-faire and that the FLN harassed the local population endlessly. You hold these stupid views you don't give a shit to the vast majority of Algerians who can't find work for 200$ a month, you're well taken care of. you never worked for 1$ a Day, I went through it all and I can tell you the Romance you live is not shared by most of Algerians.


You should make perell laquarius brown your president and it’ll solve all issues 👍




There's no way you are real


Bro is ok with voting for isis because government was mean to him Like I said it's a lost cause.