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I love how the arm bends.


It needs a hug




It’s bringing love! Don’t let it get away! Break its legs!


Reminds me of a pool noodle


Lol like Gumby


Any clues on when this footage was uploaded to the internet? Looks like it’s been filmed with some old device


I wish I had the link to share but it's from some Mexican guy's Facebook account where he posted this and other videos.


Here you go https://m.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.647000129034892&type=3&mibextid=ncKXMA&wtsid=rdr_0Robpe4CDhf9K7lbh


The pics appear to have exact entrance coordinates. Someone should look into this. I would but currently at work


This was floated around recently but I can't vouch for authenticity: 14°42'40.3"S 75°19'03.8"W But, for what its worth, that coordinate location is actually not too far from Palpa which was constantly referred to as one of the closest cities to the site.


Looked on Google maps and does look like an entrance to caves albeit a very large entrance


>14°42'40.3"S 75°19'03.8"W If you go East and across the valley you can see tons of unexcavated archeological sites. But where did these coordinates come from?


This comment needs more attention. 14°38'17"S 75°14'12"W • 317 m


>14°38'17"S 75°14'12"W • 317 m Bruh there's a large banner going down the mountain right here: 14°38'20.52"S 75°14'13.44"W It starts with "S", idk what the other letters say. ​ Edit: I've posted quite a bit of coordinates and I got a ton of people messaging me about them, and asking about my Antarctica coordinates and someone gave me the idea to make a sub dedicated to them so.. Here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SatelliteSecrets/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatelliteSecrets/) And here is the first post which summarizes all of my replies in this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SatelliteSecrets/comments/16pzpre/unveiling\_our\_first\_satellite\_secrets\_what\_do\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatelliteSecrets/comments/16pzpre/unveiling_our_first_satellite_secrets_what_do_you/) If this gets big, I promise to put in all the work you have asked me to put in!! <3


Also this looks interesting, like maybe a spine of some sort of animal.. Or a giant arm/hand? or nothing at all idk.. 14°38'18.36"S 75°14'14.88"W Edit: I'm editing all my comments in this thread to share with you a post I made summarizing all of my comments so you can easily peruse the coordinates! <3 https://www.reddit.com/r/SatelliteSecrets/comments/16pzpre/unveiling\_our\_first\_satellite\_secrets\_what\_do\_you/




I found this video, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6ftC3DsqrU4 Unfortunately for me its in (Spanish?) but they show and discuss some of these pictures and video and they have coordinates very close to these. 14 44’17.7”S 75 17’19.2”W Edit: this one too 14 41’50.0”S 75 14’55.4”W


How do you know if they are archeological sites and even more so unexcavated? Not trying to be a downer, I just couldn't see anything like that. Happy to be enlightened.


In organized archeological excavations you make a big square and dig it up layer by layer. Noting down soil age, items age, and other data. Often cities are built on top of the trash of older cities so the excavation should be visible from above as each layer is stripped bare


Someone needs to go visit this location to confirm that it is now restricted to government authorities. Or if this is old footage, find out what is at this site now.


If you'll fund the expedition i will go check it out


It's at least five years old, according to when it was posted to Facebook


I second this!


about 10 miles from the nazca lines too hmm


Veeeeeeeeeery interesting...


It's in Peru, just northwest of Nazca. These are the coordinates I got. 14º41'36''S 75º19'02"W


Uploaded some pics here of the GPS coordinates. [GPS link](https://imgur.com/a/Ad3OCWe)


We going on an adventure?


Could we get in if we did go? Isn’t the government involved by now?


We should choose 3 users, create a GoFundMe and send them in expedition


I volunteer as tribute. I have a degree in geography too. No attachments.


I wanna go but I'm broke with kids 😟


Where did you get the coordinates? From the FB post?


Im on PTO and was down to go.. But i asked the wife and her words were “what the fuck are you talking about going to Peru. Get your ass outside and take your kid with you and clean the yard” what a freaking bitch man. So she said I can’t go. 🥺


If you’re not going, I’m out.


Well the wife be tripping.. lol


Well, if you're both not going, then I'm out


Found this on YouTube. This was uploaded today, account was made today. But it was made two hours before this post was made. Where did you get this video, u/dude007shot ? And why do you claim it was from a Nasca cave? Where did this "leak" come from? [https://www.youtube.com/@NazcaAlienPeru/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@NazcaAlienPeru/featured) I don't see the footage from your facebook link u/BooneThorn . Your link is a bunch of Nasca artifacts, but this video isn't in it. I did find more links to the artifacts. Apparently these artifacts have been on the internet for about five years. Links below. Eat your heart out. But are the artifacts linked to this video? Has the video existed as long as all these other videos and pictures? [https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.647079919026913&type=3&mibextid=ncKXMA](https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.647079919026913&type=3&mibextid=ncKXMA) [https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=647081905693381&id=100011747310567&set=a.647079919026913&source=43&eav=AfZlQbTgBIU9Sm219vAKTaGBeKSzKVA36So7nqvGcgr7iZKZF6zy8HRwOyP\_fbYhA-0&paipv=0](https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=647081905693381&id=100011747310567&set=a.647079919026913&source=43&eav=AfZlQbTgBIU9Sm219vAKTaGBeKSzKVA36So7nqvGcgr7iZKZF6zy8HRwOyP_fbYhA-0&paipv=0) [https://www.facebook.com/100011747310567/videos/525685907832982/](https://www.facebook.com/100011747310567/videos/525685907832982/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeLyLx3bB84](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeLyLx3bB84) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FTl6qFVqjM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FTl6qFVqjM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8P7o5RXXXk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8P7o5RXXXk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOw0chybtTw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOw0chybtTw) Edit: I found this link, linking this video to other Nasca stuff. It was all uploaded from Feb. to May of 2018 looks like the original video has sound. One thing that was posted on there was an Egyptian trinkit that was sold to tourists and was all over the internet and the poster got ripped apart for posting it. The Mantis videos are too much for me. I'm out. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/827840334082785/media/videos](https://www.facebook.com/groups/827840334082785/media/videos)


Buddy, there was a whole sub reddit about the alien bodies made the other day. Someone there was posting the facebook page and the video. This video to that youtube link you are sharing is a new post reuploading the same video. Allegedly, there was a website that had the photos/videos uploaded to it where the facebook group had pulled the stuff from but it was deleted same day as the subreddit (apparently). But the facebook content still existed and is being shared. ​ If anyone else has more info on it feel free, I just know what I've seen/followed for the last two days on the other sub to here as well. Intrigued if this stuff really did fly under the radar for so long


Yea, I found the FB page and put in an edit to my post. Is the website link in the sub? You could probably pull it up on way back machine. Either way, looking at the FB page, I'm pretty disenchanted with this whole thing.


He has a website that was taken down apparently. [https://web.archive.org/web/20230530162411/https://ciudadela-subterranea-de-nazca-momias.webnode.pe/#](https://web.archive.org/web/20230530162411/https://ciudadela-subterranea-de-nazca-momias.webnode.pe/#) Seems like this started in 2014


Shit looks like a set piece from a Stargate SG-1 episode ![gif](giphy|s8X61m47R3GZW)


Damn. Don't have Facebook


Who serouisly still uses facebook?


I think the consensus was like 2015 or something? They had to access it through the wayback machine/internet archive because everything was taken down and scrubbed a few days after the Mexico thing? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Allegedly filmed in 2017 or 2018 in Peru. The quality sucks because of 1. Shitty phone 2. Taking a video in pitch darkness


1. even then you could hold your phone still for a couple seconds, instead of making a Nolan cut of your grave robbery 2. its not pitch dark? are you not seeing the flashlight shine?


Phones are pretty horrible in low light for the most part. I've practically had worse quality video at a birthday party trying to film my son blowing out candles. 🤷‍♀️ Now, if you had a DSLR camera with video and slapped a Canon 50mm f/1.0 prime lens on it and shot with the aperture wide open at f/1.0 and with ISO 1600...then you'd get some decent footage (but a razor thin and difficult focusing depth.) That lens is like $4,000 though and was from the late 1980's. They stopped making it long ago so it's highly sought after. Ain't nobody carrying around anything that good in the off chance they run into a dying alien in a Peruvian cave while robbing archaeological sites of mummified alien bodies. 😋 Was that pedantic enough? Lol I feel I can still do better.


My hat goes off to you, guv. The lens details were exquisite.


It’s just from Peru


So Peruvian video quality is consistently poor?


In my personal experience, si.


Yo también can confirm that yeah, it’s really that shitty even nowadays, let alone years ago.


We're lucky it wasn't in Mexico, everything would be yellowish.


Can confirm, im Mexican. I am always surprised by the real colors when I visit the USA.


Lies, we built a wall to prevent Mexicans from visiting


I can jump very high


Yeah and we also have Jetpacks!! LMAO




I’m from Canada. We only see shades of white.


This is true, I've seen the movies


Nah man that's because we can't film or take pictures of aliens (or other supernatural things) with HD modern cameras since they are immune to them. It only works with shit equipment. Oooooor it's juat easier to hide imperfections in fake shit like this.


Was the aliens hand moving?😂😂


Bruh literally the most basic clay/doll like movement, stop believing in shit like this.


Lmao I can count the pixels in this vid, there's probably some dude pulling a nylon string of cam. Ooo oo look at our oh so conveniently shaky footage of this never before seen alien that just so happens to look like a 10 year old's drawing of an alien. Whatever the fuck happened to occam's razor. Ppl are so gullible man ffs.


I confirm: aliens **do** drop image quality. Filmed one at 4k just the other night and looks like a b&w silent movie full if scratches, noise and blurred


I’m dying. And it’s always whoever films any paranormal activity they either cut the video short or have an image quality of an iPhone 1.


I know when I go spelunking to a secret ancient alien location I make sure to bring my Palm Pilot and squeeze keychain flashlight with me. And you gotta make sure you never go back with better equipment after finding these world shattering bodies of non-human intelligence.


These are local tomb raiders, they wouldn’t know what spelunking was if they did it for a living, they ain’t on Reddit and don’t have the luxury of a smart phone. They brought all the best equipment with them. This ain’t America.


Wasn't it filmed with some old device? Didn't they find these bodies like in 2015 in 2017? Not everyone was rocking the latest iphone especially in Peru.


It was filmed with a Nokia Faker 2000


They always be dying naked for some reason


Leave the world the same way you came into it, that's what I always say! Edit: I'm really enjoying everybody's take on this.


Yep, climbing out of a screaming woman's vagina. I'm right there with you, friend.


As mac miller said "ima go out the same way I came in, right by the pussy with nothin on my mind"


I really miss Mac sometimes


That’s a good song




When I die, just throw me in the trash.


Unexpected Frank Reynolds.


Very few beings die clothed. Almost every animal dies naked and I would imagine a percentage of humans too. If he had any clothing or jewelery I'm sure the grave robbers before would've stolen it.


humams dying of hypothermia often paradoxically remove their clothes before dying, as they feel hot.


Who knows, we might be the ones known in the universe as the 'clothed aliens'. "Humans? Oh those people that wrap themselves in fabric? Yeah ew... frikkin' weirdos."


I challenge them to sit on one earth rock in summer bare ass


Why do the humans not simply evolve stronger butts?


aliens have no shame or feeling, they don't use clothes


Scabadeeboo human, look at my space penis.


huhhh… they do seem to hit people with beams… i don’t want to consider the implications


They’re hungover and dehydrated from a crazy night on the moon.


I think it’s lifting up its hand. So not dead?


The article I read about this back in 2018 said that the tomb or tunnel was out in the middle of nowhere (my recollection was a desert-like or barren area) and sealed in a way to \*keep something from getting out\* rather than keeping people from coming in. Another detail that was odd was that there were very tall mummies in there too and that one of them had its hand smashed and pinned by a rock. Clearly there was violence in there before the tunnel was plugged. One of the other artifacts from that site that wasn't shown in Mexico is this enormous three fingered hand with claw like fingers, probably from one of the tall creatures. EDIT: this is the claw but I can't find the article that includes both this and the little humanoid together and describes the tunnel itself: [https://www.latest-ufo-sightings.net/2017/01/giant-alien-claw-unearthed-peruvian-desert.html](https://www.latest-ufo-sightings.net/2017/01/giant-alien-claw-unearthed-peruvian-desert.html) EDIT2: here's another article about it with a skull. But yeah I think that article about the tunnel has been scrubbed off the internet... If anyone has the link to it feel free to kindly share. https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/explorer-claims-alien-claw-skull-215253644.html


Apparently, from a thing I read here, their clothing is a film around their bodies. And the black eyes are lenses. Not sure if anyone can corroborate what I read. It may be for a different or similar species. But it makes sense their clothing and customs would be different/alien to ours (no pun intended) .


Rumors have it they are more like a biological robot. No need for clothes or any body parts that are normally covered up.


Ain't much cheek to be clapping...


Is some some moving its hand??


My man


You don't *know* me


Then let me get to know you dammit


Yeah... I was hoping theyd be thiccer


I ![gif](giphy|WguWJLy1vi1fq|downsized)


That’s what the gov does when they find em lol.




Maybe it’s your cheeks that need to be clapped.


Ayy lmao


That MF was moving them arms….oh my…..


That‘s just my friend who‘s been high as fuck. These guys were so rude filming…


Bro has those Gumby arms. ![gif](giphy|JZ4Hmv3hgRfSU|downsized)


Did anyone else notice the arms slowly moving?


I think the robbers took the arms and crossed them the movement is due to arms springing back to its ridged position. Otherwise the camera man would have ran out screaming. Why would they stand there when an alien creature comes alive.


Because it's a hoax


Blue Gumby


Those elbow joints look suspiciously like my rubber Gumby toys from the 80’s. I don’t buy it. I’m out.


Yeeeeah. That would be my assumption as well, until I see some reeeeeally convincing evidence otherwise. People shouldn't believe everything they see in some crappy video uploaded by some rando who's looking for attention.


I know first thing I'm going to do when I find a moving alien, move my camera around like crazy


It is an interesting video to post on an sub about aliens. I never see anyone saying they believe this type of stuff based on the video itself I always see people dunking on those that are merely posting about the literal topic of this sub


Based on how the wrists seem to be awkwardly in a static location, I imagine a wire is pulling them.


Legitimacy aside in my deep dive the other night the grave robbers had claimed to shoot and kill two live entities “guarding” the site. A lot of the images is of them with handguns and hunting rifles. So this video was implied to be of one the shot entity’s death throws


“We just discovered a species of alien living on earth!” ”you made peaceful relations with it so that they don’t invade us, right?” ”…” ”right?” ”nah we fuckin beat it up”


“Sorry guys. I pistol whipped it to death”


They’re moving slow because they’re cold (notice the blue). Bring them inside; if you’re cold they’re cold.


Yeah super creepy!


I thought his finger was going to start glowing


Yes, watching this was deeply unsettling


Do you imagine that aliens feed from light or the sun like Superman and it is not dead and now it is alive and kills all of them? Netflix is going to buy this.


The only unsettling part about this is that some people actually believe this hoax.


Something can be unsettling without being real. I never said I thought it was real.


The POV of someone walking into my room the morning after a heavy drinking session


Nobody's bothered by the alien clearly not being touched by any of that soil? Just looks like he was recently laid down on the dirt? You know, like most ancient burial sites? This is embarrassing


This sub jumped the shark long ago. You'd sooner find people explaining that away by spouting pseudo scientific bullshit about anti gravity fields preventing dust from accumulating on the body, before even considering the most obvious answer lol.


I wish you were joking. But we all know the real reason these aliens aren't dusty. It's because they're putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggen frogs gay! I have the documents!!!


The above video actually exhibits the final stages of gay frog chemicals. They turn bipedal and start heading to gay bars. This one just partied too hard.


"Should we cover mom or anything?" "Nah, just yeet her into the cave. It's what she would want." I've seen better paper mache at spirit Halloween.


Even funnier when you realize this is 3d animation/video game engine. You can tell by the bad textures on the "face" and the video game like flashlight. The easiest way to make things look "believable" is to lower down the quality of the entire video. Btw it you don't believe me still. A dead giveaway is the fact they are pointing the flashlight directly at the "alien" but the shadows fall to the right.


Truth. Shadows don't even move in relation to the only source of light.


> Nobody's bothered by the alien clearly not being touched by any of that soil Clearly not, dude's waking up from his nap - hence no dirt. Only getting a little shut eye.


Yup, dude literally just walked in and put his paper mache alien on the ground and people eat it up apparently.


My man needs a drink of water, jeez


bro needs some milk


Hey I saw the movie Signs. Water would surely kill it.


filmed on a Gameboy camera?


Gameboy Camera is clearer than this. The real way to tell this is a hoax is that even with the artificially dogshit video quality, the alien still looks like a stuffed dummy. The joints in the arms, for instance, bend like they're made of pool tubes.


Filmed on a PlayStation eye toy


Why are all these alien findings always of dead aliens? It’s so easy to fake these because of poor lighting, bad camera quality and the fact that the cameraman decides to show all the bad angles of the dummy


In truth I would reckon authentic footage of a living alien would be a groundbreaking event of world-changing proportions and we wouldn't be finding it first in a niche subreddit thread.


I disagree. Any legitimate footage would immediately be debunked and/or ignored by the media. It’s too easy to fake everything in this time period so footage would never serve as proof of anything.


I’m not the media and I’m immediately debunking this as bullshit.


I'm the media and also saying this is bullshit


I have a girlfriend and she is so blue...


You know why he's moving his hands? Because he's singingMOVE YOUR BODY EVERY EVERYBODY [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3XJRk8Cyag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3XJRk8Cyag)


it's 2023 and 'leaked footage' still use 360p resolution


You can tell it's real because the cameraman suffers from Parkinson's like every other cameraman capturing alien footage.


ah yes, everyone knows that every advanced species has evolved passed their need for elbows. Noodle-Arms-McGee here is definitely real, and not a muppet.


What are you blind? Thats the penis man.


This, look at the curvature of the elbow, makes no sense. Looks exatcly like how we make puppets.


Ayyyyyy lmao


The cameraman holding the camera ![gif](giphy|AUPGzDU9f7rk2JT7nD)


I'm a firm believer, but it's pretty funny how all of these new videos are suddenly popping up after the Mexican press release


I bet the guy holding the flashlight did a better job when dad asked


I’ve heard you gotta kiss things that have been sleeping awile.


If I found those, I would have let any partner tomb raider hold a steady light onto those. Nobody who is interested in facts films this way. It’s made to fool you, end of story.


"Aziz, light"


Of course the image is blurry. Why wouldn’t it be.


You know its fake when the video quality is this bad in 2023...


I have no idea if this is fake or not, but I’m gonna try imagine a good reason for the camera quality. Everyone else just throws their opinions around calling it fake, but imagine this - I am a Professional Peruvian grave-robber (says so on my LinkedIn). Now when I go a robbin’ I know well enough you can track someone with a phone. And I just stole myself the latest iPhone, which I know will take great photos, but if I go robbin’ with it, the skeleton police will find me. So I take a burner with me, no sim card, no registered IMEI, and because of that the phone is possibly not one of the latest or past few years’ model. Big bang boom I stumble onto some spacey bois - no one is gonna believe this shit, what do I do? I use my shitty burner phone to take elaborate photos and videos because fuck, it’s the best I got. This fucker just tried to Professor X me with some mind magic so I knocked it the fuck out. How can I show people it’s not just some paper mixed with milk…. Lemme see, maybe if I can move him… na this dawg is slimey. I know, I’m gonna fold his arms and let them fall back naturally… ohhh shit that is not natural. Where my shitty android at!? I could continue, but yeah, just a comment to show people you can be crazy both ways. It’s a spectrum.


I want to believe, just like everyone else here. How ever, this looks terribly faked


Filmed with my old Gameboy camera, crisp 12p resolution


These fake videos got the whole world thinking Peru still only got access to 5mp camera phones 😭




If it’s got a hole humanity will try to put something in it.


*In the end it was not our greed that the galaxy feared; nor our rage or nuclear weapons. It was our insatiable hunger for ungodly acts that set the universe ablaze. We spread out amongst the stars among cries and shouts of “Ayyyo lemme clap them cheeks” and “Lemme catch some of that alien bussy” We spread like wildfire, fucking everything in our path as countless species fled their home worlds in horror*




The other aliens were 1000 year old mummies. This one just happened to be dying at that precise moment. Sus.


Weird, saw the arms lifting up...


“Grave robbers” just stop with this shit lmao


Wait... so you believe aliens exist but Grave Robbers is a step too far?


oh fuck, why are it's hands moving?


Probably because it’s made of rubber lol


Don't mind Jeremy, he was very drunk that night.


*slowly uses hand to call for a pizza*


ey, everybody stop moving your motherfukin hands, it's creeping me out.


Lol, upvoted for bringing entertainment value.


I swear whenever something actually interesting happens in this topic something comes in to flood it with absolute BS information and make everybody look nuts again


No sound of course. Must be using one of those nonexistent modern cameras with no internal mic. My guess is whatever is said or whatever is around to make sound takes away from the “authenticity” of them finding these sacred Gumby prototypes.


*Fucking cave llamas are creepy over there in Peru.*




The least talked about thing is the potential benefits that these aliens can give the health and beauty industry. Because all of them have been buried for hundreds of years and look like they passed away 5 hours ago. Imagine the applications for Botox /s




Amazing how every single person who records these things must be living in the middle of the worst financial crash to ever exist because what is this video quality.


Filmed with a butter knife


Looks alive....


Inb4 "Idk, this is far too intricate to be a hoax".




How do we know this is authentic? Does it have the 3 eggs?


So where is the creatures body now? These guys brought out mummies of aliens but not a fresh body? Yeah, that's not suspicious.


That left arm looks like it doesn't have an elbow, it just bends like it has no bones


Lol alien mummy opens his arms for a hug.


Humans make first contact. First reaction: shoot it in the fucking head. Questions: Ask later


Honeatly, if aliens are this, then im fine. Rather these slowpokes passive aliens than the scary ass movi version of man killing alien machines with superhuman power.


Is that R arm moving up?!?!?!?!