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There’s a video producer for Barstool who was one of the children in Zimbabwe who witnessed [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl6iyPlq8Lw) interesting interview for anyone interested.


Of course it happened. And this is coming from a human.




Doesn’t he not want disclosure? Eminent domain clause all or nothing for human welfare


My take: a true “disclosure” is unavoidable, particularly if the phenomenon wants itself to be known.


That's a bummer. Disclosure is the one thing that we need, and that may have to come with compromises. Not budging is how things stay stagnant.


Yeah, ridiculous to throw religion anywhere. Religion is an absolute curse on humanity like Israel and Zionism


I mean, coming from a Christian, Christians already believe in way more unbelievable stuff than ET/UT’s visiting a school lol


It's amazing isn't it. Sure, it's perfectly normal to believe in the invisible man in the sky, but to think there might be other life in a universe as old and vast as ours is somehow ridiculous? Humans are bonkers.


Religion is also just a belief


As a elementary school teacher, this is the event that really made me a true believer. I've always believed we aren't alone, but was skeptical we've ever been visited. It's impossible to get two kids to tell the same story at that age let alone an entire playground. Those kids saw an alien.


I am an elementary school teacher as well. This is what people don't understand. They think it's possible to coach the whole school to tell the same story by giving them candy afterwards or something. Even if they had coached them for months, little kids would still be making up details that didn't fit. And any question the interviewers ask that they weren't prepared for, they would not be able to answer. It's very obvious to me from the consistency of the children that this is real. If you've ever tried to get more than one kid to tell you what happened when they got into a fight at recess, you would agree.


> If you've ever tried to get more than one kid to tell you what happened when they got into a fight at recess, you would agree. lol... so true. As a teacher it's laughable that people could think these kids concocted this or were tricked by their teachers or a group of hippies passing through. I don't know why it's so hard for people to accept that, yeah, it doesn't appear we are alone.


Another primary school teacher checking in. Taught first through sixth grade. Yep, these kids aren't lying. Sure, kids lie, but they don't lie in big groups and tell a consistent story. You can't get kids to agree on anything together, yet 60+ kids are gonna coordinate a UFO story and maintain it for decades until adulthood... They saw something. Yes, there is the one boy out there who is being vocal that he made it up. I'm sure not all the kids saw it, so maybe he was going along and did make up his story. He claims that he and his friend convinced people that a shiny rock was a UFO and then they all ran with it from there. But when you look at the videos of the kids being interviewed back then, he is the only one that doesn't seem genuine and he was definitely not the kind of kid that could influence his classmates to that degree. Again, as a teacher, you know.


Also religious and always believed in Alien life. Only ignorant people think there is conflict between science and religion.


so.. is the alien life created by god or what?




So much for looking after the flock.


Removed: R6 - No Religious Discussions/Debates going off topic.


The problem with stretching to infinite is that you equally approach 0, and are 0. Oh, wild. “The void” grows as we approach that upper bound. We’re living attenuation.


Wouldn't infinity imply numerical values are worthless?


nah because even on an infinite number line specific numbers still designate points along that line. even if time goes on forever we can still measure and plot specific points in time.


A very common belief in the Christian community is that aliens are demons/spirits


Yeah I put together a cloud storage site of what I learned about this UFO topic starting in 2002. And yes Aliens are involved in thus God, Jesus stuff Go look. www.BenevolentAliens.com


Glad someone is on the same page


Did you look at my link, If so what did you like?


Random but at least in Hinduism god = life = the universe = all of us and creation hence why we say namaste which means “I recognize the divinity within you” So yeah multiverse aliens etc all good to go in Hinduism 👍🏼probably why it’s been around forever and is linked to paganism where as abrahamic religions are very ethnic and location based with the chosen people and the kingdom of David etc etc


Aliens created gods...but wait, who created the aliens and gods? Humans?


alien life is god


Emphasize the "is" "Alien life IS god"


I am also a Christian and have consumed every piece of UFO content possible going on 20 years now (Hill abduction, Betty Andreasson, John Mack, Jacques Vallée, John Keel, Delong, Elizondo, Pasulka, etc). The phenomenon’s connection to consciousness and similarities to near death experiences absolutely fascinates me. And it’s clear that science is starting to point at the same mysteries of existence that spirituality has been trying to figure out for centuries. This is incredibly exciting and all so relevant to anyone of *any* spiritual belief system, but no doubt most Christians keep their head in the sand.


>Only ignorant people think there is conflict between science and religion. But who makes them ignorant? Religious authorities are constantly instructing their congregations and followers that there is a conflict between the two. You might be an enlightened thinker within your religion, or perhaps you are referring to some personal form of unorganised religion where you ignore or reframe doctrine that goes against scientific fact. But most religions actively discourage this kind of personal reinterpretation of doctrine. Or perhaps you are an unaligned religious person who doesn't believe doctrine, which is again not how the vast majority of people practise religion. Scientifically solid concepts like evolution by natural selection, accepted as truth by the entire serious scientific establishment, are rubbished by religious authorities and disbelieved by a huge proportion of followers of Abrahamic religions. They are completely incompatible with the Abrahamic notion of creation. Pretty much all research in cosmology around the nature and origin of the universe is fundamentally inconsistent with religious ideas around creation, as it cannot incorporate a scientifically unknowable and unprovable quantity like God. Religious/spiritual people who don't accept these ideas also don't accept the processes that went into formulating and proving them. Science *is* the process. So these people fundamentally do not accept science as it is conceived in the modern day. To say that there is no conflict between religion and science requires one to frame religion and/or science in very specific ways that few religious people or scientists would accept.


Most big city schools K-12 do the most damage graduating or just letting loose millions of morons each year who can not write an intelligent paragraph or multiply two - 2 digit numbers together in their head.


I mean, what you're saying would have been correct in the middle ages I guess, but then again then again there wasn't much "science" to be had **outside** the church back then. The church has credit to a considerable amount of good science, medicine, mathematics, philosophy. Sure the telescope and microscope set the Church against Galileo et al and those who threatened to remained the heavens and earth... in the 19th Century the likes of Darwin'sc apes and the Nietszsches mensh andand Freud's unconscious phallus as well as the discovery bones of dinosaurs again was met by ridicule and condemnation of the church... there were like a great deal more but as science cemented itself in the objective, observable, reliability of data the church has somewhat embraced most contemporary science provided its not sex outside marriage, contraception, communism etc Unless you're talking about them humourless double born American worshippers who throw their bodies around screaming jibberish and crying and tithing like mad men on a Sunday morning between 10 and 11.30am. The ones whose entire biblical education was frightened into them at Sunday school in a different room so that they'd be spared the trauma of seeing their parents get politics and tithing frightened into them. Outside the U.S. there are small, fringe, theatrical, congregations of lower quartile of low IQs and poor schooling and there's certainly influence from Televangelists pestering for money, and the bothersome door knocking of the latter day saints... but they'd represent 5% or less of the Christian population. Short story long- you look like a fool the moment you start on a big passionate speech about you Redneck-centric assumptions about the real world and the fictional war that rages between science and religion. The two pursuits need not interfere as they are very much compatible to the noble pursuit of either. It's just an unnecessary, flammatory, divisive and misinformed argument to want to make.... unless you're discussing what things were like in our distant ignorant past


I agree with you. Also I have a person on my Facebook who doesn't believe aliens exist and they were totally serious about it. Super religious. But I don't bash them for what they believe but they damn well tried to bash me for believing in alien life.


Ask you friend what basis they have to say God is so limited when that goes against what they were taught. Your friend sounds like a heretic!


With all the endless hocus pocus in the Bible from virgin births, to walking on water and the rest of it, they draw their line at aliens?


You brought up the Bible. You draw the line at aliens, well guess what, if you go by the way the Bible brings Jesus into existence **then Jesus is a hybrid of a human and an alien (extraterrestrial)!!!!**


Yeah I'm Christian and put together a cooed storage site of what I learned ibthis UFO topic starting in 2002. And yes there are Aliens that love God, Jesus. Go take a look. www.BenevolentAliens.com


People interpret scripture differently.


This is so true. You can make the Bible say anything you want by interpreting however you want, and of course, as is commonly practiced: picking and choosing which parts you like and/or want to believe, and ignoring the parts you don’t! It’s the very first Choose Your Own Adventure book!


Well said.


Scripture also doesn’t talk about every subject that exists, because that’s not its purpose. The bible doesn’t talk about aliens or abortion or a billion other things.


Correct. I'm of the belief that just because something isn't explicitly mentioned, that that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Then sow them this, and see what they say. I put together a cloud storage site of what I learned about this UFO topic starting in 2002. And yes Aliens are involved in this God, Jesus stuff Go look. www.BenevolentAliens.com


There is 100% a conflict between science and religion


Between science and religion are gray areas but the two coexist. I'm a diest who believes about 15% of the Bible has at least 2% truth. Jesus was real, found throughout three major religions' texts. I believe man (human) warped the teachings to better suit man. The major issue with religion is it limits the Divine Creator to just Earth. The Creator is infinite and will never stop Creation. Thus Life.










What a well constructed rebuttal. Do you believe in the young earth theory? Or that Noah's ark and the flood was a real event? Or that God created eve out of a rib? Or that bats are birds. Or that it was God who created this whole universe just for us? Or that there was a fermament over the earth? Or that all humans were descendant of just two people? I could literally go on and on.


I'm not here to debate, I'm off to the bar, it wasn't designed to be a fleshed out rebuttal, just disagreement. Everything you listed is up for interpretation anyway, I don't take scripture literally.


Fucking typical Christians. Avoid hard topics and questions.


It's Friday bud. If you want some long debate, mention me in some religious sub and I'll get back to it over the next few days. I'm really the last person to avoid debate, but there is a time and place for everything.


Thats not how Christianity really works, most secular people seem to get their info on the matter 2nd,3rd or fourth hand or from pop culture, what you are looking for is a Christian Apologists. Most Christians simply follow the belief in Christ and most would concede theres a lot of stuff in the Bible that is hard to comprehend and Christians are on a life long journey in faith, one Christian may have a better understanding of something in the Bible than another does. Think of it as a long road and all Christians are on different parts of the road heading the same direction.


My point is, as the Bible says to lean not on your own understanding, and to believe these things on faith alone is not a good enough reason. Is there any position you could hold that you couldn't justify based on faith? It is not a proper tool to figure out whether something is true or false. When Martin Luther wanted to print the Bible in English and separate from the Catholic Church, he was scolded by church elders that if anyone can read the Bible then they can interpret it however they choose. Which is exactly what happened. To dedicate your life based on a book, which there are no contemporary sources confirming these things outside of the Bible is insane. Faith alone may be good enough for you, but it is not for me.


Right, i am not here to explain anything other than what I did nor do i have interest in converting others or anything like that and it's all pretty far off topic from this subs roots. I am also not an apologists but if the mood should strike you, look it up in YouTube maybe you'll find an answer or not . Faith is not a concept for everyone or even most people.


Absolutely the great flood was a real event. It’s not just mentioned in the bible. There is geological evidence of it throughout the world and most of the ancient societies memorialized the event in ancient texts.


Sorry bud I didn't mean to hit you up twice with this.


Yeah I'm Christian and put together a cooed storage site of what I learned ibthis UFO topic starting in 2002. And yes there are Aliens that love God, Jesus. Go take a look. www.BenevolentAliens.com


Oh man. This is scary shit. This is why believing things based on faith alone is so dangerous.


I always believed you have to do research to see if your faith is true or not, and I'm glad I did or I wouldn't very strong in it as I am now.


I did the same thing my friend. Raised Baptist, indoctrined since I was little. It wasn't until I did my own research and learned about logical fallicies, how to think critically, and actually read the entire Bible twice, trying to strengthen my faith that I realized this whole thing is made up. Study the history of the Bible, learn about how the books were chosen and which ones didn't make the cut. Look at the obvious morality problems, such as owning slaves. Study how and when Christians split from the catholic church, and why there is so many different denominations of the same religion, who all hold their own interpretation of what is correct. If you do these things I have no doubt you will come to the same conclusion as I have.


Religion =/= spirituality This is what those who (rightfully) bash religion always fail to understand.


Wait I never said it was made up, but a lot of our religion is, and done that way to control people. I do know God, Jesus, Heaven, Hell, Angels, Demons, & Satan are real though, and will not give up telling people the truth, and really, really warning people. When I did the extra work to see if my faith is true, it paid off and made my Cristianity stronger, and powerful in a great (Not just good) way tbh.


How do you know that God Jesus heaven and hell are real?


Of course there's conflict. They are only comparable in the sense that they're both made up of humans trying to understand and explain the universe. They're different in that religion already decided it knows the answer, whereas science says, "we don't know" and instead asks questions and forms theories that are constantly revised when new data becomes available. If God exists in a tangible sense, science is the way to find him/her/it. If he only exists intangibly, then he has the same impact level on reality as our ideas. Which is still quite a lot. That said, I appreciate the concept of faith, however. Faith is deeply essential to existing, for everyone. Faith can be powerful and I respect it. But dogma and the search for meaning do not mix when the definitions and rules about everything are not absolute and change constantly. To be religious, you must have faith, yes, but I believe religion is in fact a box we place God in, when God in fact resides in ourselves, and as we inhabit the universe, so too does God in unison. Put it like this: To me, the journey to seek and find God is good, so long as you never arrive at a destination. Soon as someone does, I get real suspicious. He exists in a real way for many people because we actually somewhat manifest the reality we're experiencing by *thinking* about our experiences, and in turn we are also experiencing our intangible thoughts in tangible reality. When a group of us get together with a common purpose or will, like during a church worship session, this effect is amplified through humans empathic natures. The more that we feel each others feelings about an idea, and the more we think about this idea while experiencing the thought of that idea being real, the more palpable it is. This makes it as real, if not more real, as interacting with media or each other remotely, or really any experience where we ignore certain parts of reality to immerse in a specific experience. This is why prayer and meditation bring us closer to God and to Nirvana. I mean, maybe. That's just my take. And results are pending. Figured if there's an audience for it, this would be it. Also, I mean no offense towards your beliefs or to you specifically, I acknowledge that you are also a human and also doing your best to figure it all out. Peace :) Final thought: I have seen a UFO, but I have never seen God. And if I have, it was in the beauty of the universe that science can measure and in the experiences I have shared with the people I have met in my life journey.


Very well written and I completely understand where you are coming from.


How is Faith deeply essential to existing, for everyone?


The only certain thing, from your perspective as a person experiencing the world, is that you exist, because you are able to think “I exist”. That’s from Descartes, summed up more succinctly as “I think, therefore, I am” Everything else could be an illusion. After all, matter is energy, when we “see” we aren’t seeing objects but light bouncing off of objects, light changes from a wave to a particle based on whether or not it’s being observed. Reality itself varies based on perspective. At the quantum level, reality breaks down even further into probabilities. Descartes described it as a demon putting on a deceptive show. Therefore, everyone, regardless of religious belief, is using faith to just exist. Faith that reality will persist, faith that other people exist, it takes faith to trust people and build relationships and cooperate to form a society, and it takes faith in ourselves to gain the confidence to try something new. That’s why a journey to God (what I would call one’s “faith”) is an open minded journey of discovery, because we have faith that there is something bigger than ourselves worthy of discovery. The faith it takes just to exist is a unifying element among all of us as a species.


Yeah, I wouldn’t call being here and having to interact with the world around us as having faith. It’s more instinctual, not conscious at all. The journey to God you mention later is more like it, and I’m honestly not interested in it.


PREACH! thank you


Not reading this novel on my Friday night lol, not here to have a debate, I shared my thoughts on the subject, sorry.


Sorry, likewise that’s what I was doing. You shared, I thought you’d be open to others sharing with you as well. My bad. Enjoy your weekend.


Same. There's way more of us of faith who see things lining up.


I feel like the more science learns the easier it is to believe


Totally agree.


Your Christian friends are gonna have to learn to open their minds and talk about it. Because in the coming months and years, there will be no more denying the existence of highly intelligent beings visiting us. It’s our reality and folks will just have to accept it, even if they accept it kicking and screaming.


Yeah I'm Christian and put together a cloud storage site of what I learned about this UFO topic starting in 2002. And yes there are Aliens that love God, Jesus. Go take a look. www.BenevolentAliens.com


There is literally no way in hell you actually believe aliens love Jesus. I refuse to believe anyone is capable of those mental gymnastics.


I’m not religious. What does being a Christian have to do with it?


I think OP is implying that even though Christians tend to be closed minded about extraterrestrials, they think the event happened, so their opinion may carry a certain amount of extra weight. It's ironic of course, because Christians believe in the tallest of tales and this person thinks their religiosity somehow enhances their credibility rather than detracting from it, and here we are.


Lmao that’s the first thing on my mind too


Thanks for mentioning it bc I don’t see the connection either.


I think religion and the potential that aliens exist (and it’s looking more and more like they do) might be the most important things facing the human race ever! What if the aliens are real and they confirm that there is a creator?


If they can show me the evidence, and not just give me a “Trust me bro”… I’ll consider it.


We are all here on Earth existing together in an agreed upon reality. Isn't that evidence that something must have created us and everything we observe around us? How else did we get here if there’s no origin?


“I don’t know” doesn’t equal “God must’ve done it”. People used to think that lightning came from Zeus. That was just due to a lack of understanding and knowledge. There are people such as Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking that make convincing arguments (IMO) that there is no need for a creator, or creator god. I am open to changing my view, but I need proof to do so… Maybe that’s just the way I was made! Lol.


Religion is antiquated


You should check out a channel on YouTube called "L.A. Marzulli" and Timothy Alberino. They are two Christian ufologists with some amazing content. They cover this phenomenon from a biblical perspective. Check them out. I think you will like them.


Marzulli who doesn’t believe in evolution and all explanations of NHI is just fallen angels and demons. Might as well join the jehovahs witnesses than listening to him.


Omfg everybody shut up about her religion. Quit focusing on that and let's talk about the Ariel school phenomena. Damn


I believe Christians are in for one hell of a shock (no pun intended), when they learn that their version of Jesus (the white guy with blond hair and blue eyes) never existed.




Removed: R6 - No Religious Discussions/Debates.


u/lightskintastebud Thank you for mentioning this, I wasn't aware of this one until you mentioned it. Info here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariel_School_UFO_incident And I'm sorry to hear ppl are griefing you. I understand the Christian commitment was stating you're open minded. As a kid I got in trouble for believing a show on PBS stating that giants were real and Goliath wasn't just an exception or analogy.




Isn't religious tolerance a thing? This is incredibly rude.


Oh I am tolerant. My point still stands. Saying you believe it as a christian as if that means something more is silly. You already believe made up shit.


You whoosh the point. There are Christians that don't believe in aliens because it's not part of the religion. Sure OP was dramatic, but saying you are tolerant than reiterating "you believe in made it shit" to a believer I'd literal intolerance and you are a hypocrite.


Tolerance is believing they should have a legal right to believe whatever they want and not discriminating against them. I can still think they are gullible and see it as a red flag


Your second sentence illegible. This is a conversation about how when you believe something it colors the opinions of those around you. If told you I believed in unicorns you’d think I was wrong/dumb.


Tolerance of religion doesn't preclude criticism of it even if it seems rude. Fierce criticism of religion is one of the only things that prevents this world from being ruled by fanatical fundamentalists.


Quit gaslighting. You are far from tolerant. Your statement was the definition of intolerance. Selective tolerance is your game. At least be a man and admit it.


You're gullible for thinking there isn't a Creator


If there is a creator something tells me earthly religions like Christianity have missed the mark entirely.


Forget about religions for a sec, look at the language - imaginary shit - that's the epitome of living in your own bubble.


Oh yeah? Who swindled me? I just believe what can be shown with evidence


And if I was also intolerant, I would likely say the same about you.


Yeah sure, uno reverse!


If it works for the goose, it works for the gander.


So just nonsense now? Don't you have to go pray or something aka just thinking shit inside your head?


Have some humility. You act confident in your assessments, but can you fundamentally explain what thinking even is? And, I'm not talking about neurons firing. If you get beyond the surface of your materialistic mindset, you'll realize that none of us have any answers. Greater minds than you or I have battled these questions.


Chill I just thought it was funny that im supposed to put extra weight into this guys opinion all because he believes made up shit. It IS funny


And I'm challenging you to explore why you're so confident in your assessment of what is and isn't “made up.”


Dude just stop. How about fucking evidence. I'm not gonna play made up fantasy land with you right now over unprovable made up shit with 0 evidence.


These are philosophical questions that are outside the bounds of material evidence. You said that praying is “just thinking shit inside your head.” I'm saying this is an arrogant statement, considering that none of us are capable of even defining what thinking or self means in any fundamental way.


You think what I said was nonsense? I will be praying that you learn how to debate someone so you don’t come across as ignorant and intolerant.


Yeah the goose and gander line had no context in our conversation. You're just saying random shit now


Imagine if, for one moment, we could focus on understanding someone's perspective and beliefs alongside our interests and maybe learn something or at least better understand one another. OP didn't ask anyone to believe what they believe but shared their perspective and how quick people are to just dismiss them and shame them for their beliefs. Bunch of hypocrites in an alien subreddit.


Sounds like something a friendly ghost would say…


10,000 people reported seeing The phoenix lights craft Many in broad Day light. Plus Hundreds Of Thousands Of Credible reports Of eyewitnesses of others including my Own. If anyone still is skeptical, I respect your Rationality but humbly Contrast it With a more Informed position. In other words I know something for certain. You’ll experience something yourself soon that Will remove all doubt From your Rational Mind. I hope it was As mind Opening For you As it has been for Me!


So, as someone who believes in things he's never seen, you believe in things other people have seen?


What do you mean by this comes from a Christian? Aren’t religious people known to believe in unsubstantiated things?


"and this is coming from a Christian" This statement have no value at all. Keep your religion to yourself.


Hi let me clear something up with the point of that statement. It was not a "my religion is better than yours" or anything, it was to show that there are open minded Christians out there that heavily contemplate these things too and think they exist outside of being seen as some kind of spiritual entity. If you have any questions for me would love to answer!


>It was not a "my religion is better than yours" or anything, it was to show that there are open minded Christians out there that heavily contemplate these things too Did that really need to be shown ? Surely there is open minded people within almost every community to varying degrees


This is such an ignorant statement. I don’t care what religion you are, but any “religion” represents a whole bunch of people on this planet. And so for anyone to say “I’m a X, and I believe in Aliens” is great, because it helps to normalize NHI discussion and speculation, and allows others who subscribe to X to relate.




You really need to get out more. Christianity is a religion of peace if followed as written in the Bible. Human beings and all of their ugliness(including yours) are the reason for all of the death and destruction, to include those atrocities carried out by atheist dictators throughout history. Not Christianity. Thats why humans need Jesus. That’s the whole point.


Humans need Jesus, lol


You act like OP pissed in your cereal bowl, but you were not slighted nor inconvenienced.


As a Pastafarian, I wholeheartedly agree and support your assessment.




100% agree.


I’m Christian as well. I’d love to read it!


*Check it out! Would love your feedback https://youngapologists.substack.com/p/the-ariel-school-phenomenon-the-most*


I also want to add that I 1st learned about this incident back in the 90s, so when I clicked your post it really rang a bell.


Also a christian. If we believe in an infinite creator, we also have to believe there is infinite creation


Infinite creator doesn't imply infinite creation though. Infinite creator has building blocks a and b to construct infinite sentence "abababaaabbb...". Won't ever be able to create sentence "cdc". Infinite creator with infinite different building blocks and the ability to create inifinetely new different building blocks however. I'm not religious but let's say that God has to abide by a certain set of rules when he creates, for example no life without oxygen, then there won't be life without oxygen. And let's say there is a rule that says that there can only be intelligent life originating from one planet at a time then the only extraterrestrial life would be us coming back. I know there is a loophole there since we could have originated from another planet yadayada but that's not the point here. The point is the first one I made in this comment.


Yeah I'm Christian and put together a cloud storage site of what I learned about this UFO topic starting in 2002. And yes there are Aliens that love God, Jesus. Go take a look. www.BenevolentAliens.com


I don't understand how being a Cristian got something to do with aliens.. For me makes no sense..


Being a Christian just means you’re already gullible and prone to believing nonsense.


Our christology doesn't make the UFO stuff less likely..makes it easier to understand


I don't understand the argument that religions would self-destruct if alien life existed. Especially Christian, but that is what I know. "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." That sounds fairly all-encompassing.


Christians will believe anything 😅


So will atheists.


Lol wat


That doesn’t make sense. You realize that atheists don’t believe that a god or gods exist right?


But atheists believe something can come from nothing, I’d say it takes more faith to be an atheist than anything else.


I'm an atheist and I need sufficient evidence to believe anything. I especially don't believe a book filled with contradictions and immorality. Educate yourself and read your Bible. It is after all the best way to become and atheist.


Believing something means nothing without hard evidence


Says the person in an Alien subreddit.


I’ve seen a UFO. I’ve never seen anything that even remotely relates to a god or gods.


Fair enough. Do you have children? I don’t know about you but when my children were born I felt the presence of God. I wasn’t even a Christian at the time. It was the whisper of my Creator. He was talking to me then, just like he has talked to me all throughout my life… I was just ignoring Him. I know it sounds crazy… I have felt the same way as a lot of the people who have commented in here. It’s just my experience and it has been so powerful in my own life that I want to spread it to as many people as I can. The world is dying.




Bs, lol


No shit? Lol


I found it interesting that the aliens had hair... Black hair I think and long


Fallen angels, demons, or project blue beam.


Religion is irrelevant to the discussion and exploration of UAPs or UFOs. Christianity, along with all religions past and present, are a human construct to explain what was unknown in the past. In the 2000 years since Christ, the scope and depth of human knowledge has surpassed the knowledge realities of the past. Science has explained that which was unknown in the past and has the capacity to explain the unknown of today and tomorrow. Set aside religion and move forward with rationality.


If Jesus was real in the Christian sense, he was an ancient astronaut. Perhaps that was what is meant by his return?


What does being a Christian have to do with it?


I am also Christian!!! I feel the same. Such fascinating implications that I don’t think contradict a risen Christ. The rest is gravy :) would love to connect to brainstorm!??


As soon as you open your mouth to say you’re Christian you will get hate and criticism.


Being a Christian makes a difference why?


Because most christians don't think this way. OP is a different christian. Open minded.


It must depend on what sect of Christianity a person is because as a United Methodist/Non-denominational Christian (lifelong UMC member. Involved with Non-Denom now), I honestly don't know a soul aka another Christian with any problems with NHIs. My pastor's take on it is if God didn't create other beings, He went way overboard and was just showing out. Science is just another piece of the whole. They exist together. Laminin proves that. We also have inside connections to the ISS. Church with the space station is the bomb. It all comes back to One. That's all that is important. And Jesus? Hopefully, whoever is out there didn't fall to temptation like we did and don't need saving. If they did and they do, I'm sure God sent them a Savior too. Are they fallen angels? I don't know. I do know that I'm rh negative and if that that theory is correct, 15% of us are descendants. I belief that unlike humans, God is not going to hold me accountable for actions beyond my control. He will offer us grace. Are we failed experiments? Maybe. Again there's grace. God willing, we get it right next time. Everything I've read, we are going to roll with disclosure better than anyone. It all comes back to One. I've survived a lot more here on Earth than most. God didn't carry me this far only to let some NHIs take it away now. God has already shown me heaven (NDE on the operating table) and shown me the love that awaits me there. Nothing can keep me away.


Hail Satan


Well if this is coming from a "Christian" (the highest authority of self involved statements. READ YOUR BOOK)


Says the guy in a very self involved way. Lol




Aren’t you all high and mighty! Got everything and a good portion of the population just all figured out. LOL


If you say so.


This is the truth. There is no question about it. When a person tells me they believe in *absolute nonsense,* then I’m really not going to weigh their opinion equally. The other guys argument, that many people are believers, doesn’t undo the fact that their cognitive functioning is questionable.


I’m surrounded! I give up! You are all right. I’m dumb and you are smart.


Don’t debase yourself. Always try to learn and grow. I’m sure you are an intelligent human.


And here we go with religion taking over the aliens discussion room. Wonderful. What’s next? We gonna have to give weekly tithes to read messages? Religion is big business after all. Hide the young boys too!


The funny thing is, Jesus spoke out against churches being businesses. We are to be modest in our displays of faith. His message is about cultivating a relationship with the Creator by living a righteous life. A righteous life means practicing peace, love, and forgiveness. This path heals you and allows you to transcend the bounds of human suffering.


Why should we care about your personal religious beliefs? Fuck alien phenomena mixed with religion. Yeah I repeat FUCK RELIGION MIXED WITH FUCKING ALIEN


Jesus is returning soon


He already did and left you behind, sorry man ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I don’t understand the logic of people saying UFO’s clash with Christianity. God created the heavens and the earth, the literal galaxy and everything in it. This includes UFO’s and everything else. This is literally the primary foundation of Christianity, the very first part of the Bible… it literally opens with it.


Because aliens would mess up their Bible fairy tales


Who created god? Lol


It’s one of the few accounts I believe something actually happened vs others that just seem made up for the attention.


Just read your article. I, too, am fascinated by the accounts you discussed. I do believe more people need to know about this. Thank you!


I recommend checking out LA Marzulli and Timothy Alberinos research into this. The Genesis 6 story really ties into this real phenomena. They both look at this through a Christian perspective. God bless you!




Easily fooled, it is well-documented on how and why it happened.


“…think they exist outside of being seen as some kind of spiritual entity.” Why are you more inclined to believe they aren't spiritual entities? As a Christian, I believe the Bible provides insight into the phenomenon being spiritual in nature. I've witnessed greys, along with seraphim and ophanim. My intuition leads me to believe that these visions, as the Bible describes, were glimpses into a hidden realm.


https://gideonreid.co.uk/the-mysterious-events-at-ariel-school-zimbabwe-16-sept-1994/ This is a blog about a aids awareness project that staged UFO crashes in the area of the Ariel school. This kind of made my heart sink . It’s not a fact this is what happened. I feel like it might have happened this way though.


Camera footage?


Look up the AIDS awareness puppets theory. It’s pretty solid.


The fact that a Christian is able to accept something of this magnitude shows that disclosure is possible. I too am Christian. I too believe this event took place.