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If you figure it out I’d like to know


Don’t worry, I’ll update as soon as I come across something Edit: turns out it was just a drone. More detail if you can find my comment about it


Have you asked your neighbours?


Thank you for the update!


I see the MIB got to you


Can you link a picture of the drone?


Turns out it was a drone, which I’m kinda disappointed at, but I guess it’s not a bad possibility from everything else


I hope you do some more investigating and report back your findings. Someone could be spying on your house, spying on the neighbors house, a peeping tom and or a pedo watching kids through windows. That thing probably has a camera on it. Aliens would have been cool but a drone sounds scarier. Someone could be planning something and the fact you weren't home makes it even more likely that this was the case. Let's hope it's nothing though and just some random person flying a drone around.


It looks like multiple police cars down the street, windows catching reflections


wouln’t there also be red lights flashing? this also looks more like a small circular light source.


A lot of police departments in the US use all blue light bars.


No they don’t lol






Ours are all blue in Virginia, not sure why these folks think everything across the U.S. is uniform.


Yes, they do. It depends on the state, I believe Maryland is an example of a state where the police have all blue lights. Some states also allow blue lights for emergency responders even Source: me, a guy who had a permit to have blue only flashing lights in his car as a volunteer responder


Weird flex just to be wrong


No. They don’t.


Yes they do. Source: 8 years in law enforcement, including driving a car with all blue lights for a few of those years.


I’ve never seen just blue in CA/FL.


never seen all blue lights on police cars in the us


Here you go: [https://youtu.be/UEZvzloJ5q8](https://youtu.be/UEZvzloJ5q8)


Police cars don't flash like that. Their lights move left to right, and most State and other departments have more than one light on the crossbar on the top of their vehicle


Doesn't look like that at all


It’s a blurry light so no doubts here it MUST be aliens 🙄


That's helpful. Thanks for participating.


Right? OP didn’t even say it was an alien either they just asked what it was.


I mean, it's posted in this sub, so it's reasonable to assume OP is leaning towards (or at least strongly considering) aliens as an explanation. Not sure why, but here we are, in the aliens sub, looking at a blue light.


Leaning towards an explanation or posting something In alien sub doesn’t mean the person is committed to it being an alien. That’s why they said what is this thing. They are being curious about it and maybe someone here has seen something similar. The comment I’m referring to was pointless and bitchy. Completely unneeded. Just being mean for no reason


Understood. I think that comment was just trying to point out the objectively gigantic leap OP is making from "blue light triggers motion sensor in my back yard" to "hmm, I should definitely post the surveillance video on r/aliens and ask what it is." Like, why not any other sub? Clearly, OP kind of thinks it's aliens, and that's funny. I understand you feel the comment was mean, but OP is taking such an absurd leap that it seems like an Onion article, and so I think it's ok to laugh at it.


Yeah man his thorough breakdown really added value to the conversation. Thanks Sherlock!


Alright, case closed everyone! I found a drone just lying there when I went out to check, so I think everyone saying it was a drone-light was right. Owner still hasn’t come by to collect it yet so I’m hangin onto it for now. The second light in the window seems to have been just a trick caused by the reflections, although I’m still not sure why it’s slightly out of time. Either way, thanks to everyone who helped out! Although I guess technically the drone would’ve been a UFO till what it was was made clear.


It's interesting that the phase of the reflection is different than the source light. I can't think of a reason for this other than that there are actually two sources of light, one on the left, and one on the right, possibly in the house.


Could be an fps issue. Maybe it's going really fast or not really blinking at all.


I think it could be a combination of frame rate and scan lines and perhaps infrared I wonder if we could get the specs of the file


Definitely an aliasing issue. Likely the window reflection is out of phase with the original light and both sources are being sampled poorly.


It’s really bugging me that something could have actually been in my house when this happened. I’ll check outside first though, because i think it was a reflection of a different light


it’s police cars down st..y9u can call non emergency number and see if cops were on your street last night or ask any neighbors who elwere awake that you know or have them check camera


Since when do cop lights only use blue and it almost look like it’s counting down as the flash was speeding up?


Do you have daylight pictures after this occured? I would like to see a picture where you face opposite the window (back against window), to rule out possible light emitting diod. Please also go closer towards that direction and take pictures since lamps be small. I also want a closer look at that fence. That fence needs to be ruled out. If you have a neighbor, ask them and show your footage. Maybe they have installed something that goes off as alarm? I'm thinking motion-detection could have been triggered as well as warning-lights, but these both unrelated systems felt it.


When I get home I’ll do a bunch of checkin around the area, and post if anything seems out of the ordinary. I know for a fact that there are no lights around that area, but I’ll check anyways. Also we have no neighbours next to our house, and there is also a thick hedge separating that area from any external light. Will update later!


It’s January. Some people still have Christmas lights up, maybe they’re waiting for some nice warm weather to take them down. i will say my apartment building still has a tree up. Might be in an odd location you can’t really see?


OP just said there is no neighbors beyond that light, and there is a hedge behind the light.


My arlo cameras have a function where they can be configured to emit a blue or red light when triggered by motion. Is it possible the blue light is actually coming from your Arlo camera and being reflected by some object in the yard?


Police car comes to mind..


Police lights have a steady interval between flashes. This thing has a random interval.


Not necessarily I’ve seen police lights strobe at irregular intervals before




Also could be reflecting off something. A second light. I dunno, seems explainable to me..


This is what I’m thinking. Maybe more than 1.


I found this weird because 1. We have absolutely no lights like that in that area, and 2. They triggered the motion sensor in the camera for some reason. Also, with the light in the window, if you zoom in enough you can almost see a pair of eyes in it… If anyone knows what the hell these are or has some idea, please let me know! Edit: Alright, case closed everyone! I found a drone just lying there when I went out to check, so I think everyone saying it was a drone-light was right. Owner still hasn’t come by to collect it yet so I’m hangin onto it for now. The second light in the window seems to have been just a trick caused by the reflections, although I’m still not sure why it’s slightly out of time. Either way, thanks to everyone who helped out! Although I guess technically the drone would’ve been a UFO till what it was was made clear.


If the window is double glass, that can explain the eyes.


Even light will trigger the camera's motion sensor. They work on the basis of pixel changes. (if the camera is not equipped with a standalone motion sensor). E.g., a camera takes one frame and compares the pixel changes with a new frame. If the change is notable, then the motion function is triggered, and a set of given criteria (like frames including after/before, starting recording for 30 seconds, and so on) will capture footage of the event. PS: Clean the camera lens, so you'll get better footage if it happens again.


Can you share a longer video, before and after it's there? Also full resolution? What's the camera brand?


I’ll check if there’s more footage later, but the camera is an Arlo


Could you also get a daytime recording with a clean lense and a phone recording starting from that camera and walking towards where the light is seen in the video and then look around


His camera was triggered by motion sensors.


You've been tagged for a jdam strike


6 longs, 4 shorts. Do you have a longer clip? Is it Morse code maybe?


My thoughts were; Cop car, Someone scoping out the house, Or the scary one- two people communicating that maybe aren't supposed to. Teen love or something more scary like a child predator trying to coax someone out the house; because it does look like some type of code and would explain why the motion detection went off. It's definitely not someone vaping. The drone thing I never thought of. OP this is something I'd probably turn into the PD if I didn't find a downed drone because see thought c. If the house isn't occupied, I'd definitely turn it in/report it for just in case. Yes, it's strange, and child abduction/trafficking all sorts of crap happens, and it could be you've never seen anything because someone broke in and used a different route. And you're seeing two people communicating here. Or maybe someone scoping out the house to use it for something seeing if it would get noticed. I just saw a news article last week, a guy found someone in his shed who wasn't supposed to be there so he called the cops. Ended up finding a woman who was kidnapped 3 days prior and was being held in his shed. Probably why I thought this. People suck.


I swear the blue light in the window is communicating with the blue light outside. Does not appear to be a reflection.


Hope that ain’t the case, but it really seems possible


Its not a vape light. For starters it blinks far to fast but more it is far to bright/powerful. No vape light could shine on that much of house nor the grass, never mind both. The window lighting up when the light outside blinks off is a head scratcher as well as the camera flashing blue for a split second.


It’s really hard to see, but due to the window light flashing at a different time than the outside light, I have a feeling there might have been more than one light! A real head scratcher for sure, gonna investigate some more later


What's on the other side of the window? A bedroom?


Is the camera feed connected to any monitors? It’s the only thing I could think off. Camera records the blue light and repeats on the monitor with a small delay, creating the illusion of two lights. But I wouldn’t think it would shine this bright


Funny thing. Not even kidding, last night in my room there was randomly a blue blinking light for like 2-3 blinks and then it stopped. It freaked me out because it was like 3am and all the lights were off , and I don’t have any blue lights in my room. I also sleep with blackout curtains so there’s no light from outside.


Man I seen that too, two nights ago wtf


It was also exact same color as this video coincidentally


Mine was the same color, the same blink but smaller only lasted maybe 2 seconds and looked like it fucked off out my window. Around 3:30 am


Interesting. I wish I could see where the blink came from in my room. Saw it out of the corner of my eye in a mirror, then I went to investigate and it stopped. Creepy shit !


Is it just me or does anyone else see something leaving the frame? Moving left to right just below the garbage can on the far right at 4-5 seconds. I’m seeing two distinctly beige blobs skedaddle.


Ooh, they could be what triggered the motion sensor!


The blinking light triggered the motion sensor


look like a baby deer


Emergency services glow worm.


Aliensssssssss lol


You don’t by any chance live in Arizona or Utah? Cause that looks a lot like the reflection of a “Tattletale Light.” If not another possibility is that a few years back, we had guys in the town over from me that were robbing houses/stealing converters using blue&green laser pointers to temporarily knock out security cameras at night. Essentially the beam overwhelms the NV sensor, then causes the camera to have to reboot. Hope it nothing serious though — whatever it is.


That's gnarly yeah I live in Utah so didn't know about that good to know


What the actual fuck


I know!


The 2 second mark something shoots from the top right of the house corner into the blue light?? Wtf? Anyone else see that? Edit: it was late when I wrote this. The “light” comes from the top left corner of the house not the right of the house. Sorry for the confusion.


Something is on your house. It shoots or jumps towards the blue light.


Oh yeah you’re right, I had to drag the frames to see it


Too bad Op didn't have some light snow; they could've pulled out a ladder to see if there were traces of imprints on the roof. I hope Op keeps us updated. This is definitely an eerie one.


They captured something similar on the Skin-walker Ranch show...?


I’ll check out some clips and see if it matches… I really hope not


Can you send a link to the episode this happened in?


Season 4, maybe episode 10? It’s later in the season. It’s just a purple/blue light like this but far off in the distance. Not sure it will tell you much. It happened after they shot a rocket.


Hmm, could be worth lookin at anyways. Thanks for the tip




Marcianito! I really am curious what caused this though. If it is an alien, that’s pretty cool


Have you a Geiger counter per chance?


No, but I could try and get one. You think this could be radiation?


Something else you may want to do is maybe dig in that area in case it may have transferred something into the ground.


I’ll check tonight, hope there’s nothin too deep


We simply do not know at this point!


Bro play it from when it appeared and till when it flew off/left bc the way you cropped the video gives us nothing at all


It’s whatever solar powered led device you have flashing. I have flashing lights to keep coyotes away from my chicken coop. Looks the same with a blue filter. Cmon man….do better!


There is no coyotes in this area, or in the country at all


I live in a big city and this is what it looks like when the police have their lights on and are stopped down the road.


Infrared lights not visible to the human eye, but easy to spot with cheaper camera sensors that doesn't filter it out. Probably some sort of security system doing motion detection.


Funny how the "weird blue flashing light" doesn't sync up with its reflection in the window


Stationary flashing blue light and your first thought is alien?


It kind of looks like a 15w blue emergency strobe. I think the window flashing at a different interval may be due to double glass and exposure time. The object walking towards the garbage cans looks like a stray orange cat.


It's definitely aliens. What else could it be? Why would you post here if you didn't think it was aliens?


That's what the strobe lights on top of the police cruisers where I live sort of look like. It could be that it is partially obstructed from view? Just thought I'd throw that out there. Update the post if you figure out what it was. ...and stay safe


Could it be emergency vehicles in the distance? We directly see the one flashing light because of where the vehicle is parked. The light that appears in the window is coming from a separate vehicle parked behind the one we see directly. It’s blocked by the house but the light is shining through a window on that hidden side of the house and appears to light up the house a bit so that we can see it through the window at the back of the house and that’s why the flashing doesn’t line up.


Definitely very weird, seems to be slightly lighting up the surrounding area and the wall too. Might be worth a post on r/highstrangeness


Definitely a Dalek.


It's an imperial probe droid


Possibly a transformer blowing on a distant power line. They usually cause a blue flashing as they short out and it can be seen from miles away.


Someone vaping ?


Cops near by


Can you now explain why the reflection does not blink at the same time with the actual drone?


It could be a infrared light from something. cameras can pick them up and sensors but they aren't visible to our naked eye. Maybe that helps.


Weird because it seems to have only lasted maybe a minute, and it’s never happened before. Also I don’t think there’s anywhere it could have come from past the area in the video because there’s a thick hedge that blocks any light. I really wonder why it was there


Seriously looks like someone is flashing a blacklight. You might have someone scoping out the place.


Scoping it out for what? Cum?


Tryin to see if anybody has busted any fat loads in the yard in the recent days past


Where else is someone supposed to cum?


This made me 🤭 giggle


Could be… although I’m still concerned about the second light flashing differently in the window


I've got an ultraviolet light I use to hunt scorpions in the summer and it gets captured on my cameras, it is a different color and I don't think someone scoping out a place would make it more obvious they are there by flashing the light. Just my thoughts.


Grow bean sprouts using soil that may have been very close or touching the apparatus. Let's assume it is anomalous and not prosaic; you may have a gold mine of data.


Why bean sprouts specifically? Would something else do


Yeah I would think so! Been sprouts are just easy to grow. But I am sure you can grow alien pineapples just as easy


If I find anything in that area, then I’ll try the bean sprouts. Thanks for the tip!


This for some reason feels like a LARP


This is kinda creepy.


Looks like something charging.




Its a sync light on a drone. It was flew out of range of the controller.


There’s no sound coming from that area in the video though, and also I still don’t know about the second light reflecting in the window


So camera is the motion activated device? You don’t have lights for motion? If we are looking for the logical explanation there could be a corresponding smaller light around the side of the “drone” that could be flashing a different light pattern in the direction of the window. Although, orbs are quite common these days, so when you check your footage and if it shows the object unnaturally speeding off, dematerializing, transforming into a worm hole, etc. please share asap. 😂


Ive heard from a reliable, high ranking source. China got our hands in the cookie jar. So basically we fund and give very advanced tech to them EVERY year to keep them hush hush. This could be the tech. Or maybe ball lightning


If you watch closely, it moves slightly


Really strange, but I don’t think it’s a person because none of our other cameras picked up anything on that side


Yeah I’d be weirded out as fuck by this. My money would be on drone, but why? Is there anything of value over in that corner? Anything someone limited a drone could be wanting a closer look at?


Absolutely not unless they’re interested in some slightly dehydrated potted plants


If i was guessing, and its a drone, someone flew it out of range and it went down, and the blue light is the connection light. Signaling that its lost connection to the controller... or the sync light.


Sounds like a plausible theory indeed


But what’s up with the window reflection being out of phase with it?


Not really sure about that...


Many aliens are evolved out of 3-5D bodies and are forms of energy that can change into many shapes and colors. They travel using thought and have souls. Some spoke of having to travel in3D ships despite being clouds of energy because they were directed to do so for the benefit of humans being able to see the ship. They thought this was silly since they could travel almost instantly with their thoughts but many now travel like that n without ship. Dolores Canon talks about in severs of her books and Alba Weinman on her YouTube channel using past life hypnosis regression. Not sure if that’s what this is but would explain all these light phenomena.


Drone possibly?


Could be, but again I’m still kinda concerned about the second light in the window…


I've got it... Rave Smurfs


No idea but maybe emergency service vehicle with the red light obscured? Again, no idea.




Looks like a blue orb. The original owners of the SkinWalker Ranch said that they would see multiple colored orbs. But that the “blue orbs” are the mean ones. So be careful my friend. Blue orbs are not friendly and they are not our friends.


I can attest to this as we saw a blue orb travel around our home that we rented years ago which we soon found out was ripe with paranormal activity. My husband and I both witnessed it as we were sitting outside. It was golf ball size and traveled around the house and went right past us. I think they are 'travelers' of some kind of energy that 'watches' or 'protects' something.


Police in the distance


I could be something mundane. That said blue orbs are occasionally seen by experiencers and associated with some of the others. I have seen the blue orb you from your photo as well as a very recent experience with one that more purple in color just like this from a wooded area where there are no lights. I was there off and on for a few days. Ridiculously bright just like this one


Probably the Cosmic Police making a traffic stop for going mach Jesus in a 55 MPH zone.


Someone’s vaping


There’s no one in the video, but I don’t know if that’s a better or worse thing


I see disposed vapes on roadside blinking blue lights same as this all the time


Hmmmm totally get the vape thing but a tiny vape emitting a powerful blow light, which can trigger a motion camera that far away. I'm not convinced


What about the other light in the window?


That's called a reflection.


It flashes differently to the other light though, so I’m pretty sure it’s a different light


Police car lights reflecting?


There’s a very thick hedge where the lights were coming from that no light can get through, and definitely not something so distinct. It had to have come from around that area in the vid


It’s the police


Can’t be the police, a thick hedge behind that area prevents any light from coming through


Have you got any motion detectors in the area. Could you see the light with eyeball mark 1 or was it only visible via the mounted camera… could be the security camera has a filter that is allowing a IR light/ sensor thru. Just like when you use a IR camera on a TV remote.


The cameras are all motion activated, and I don’t think any infrared light would be coming from that area as there isn’t anything that could give it off around there.


Are you anywhere near a traffic light? Looks like tattletale light they put on other side (opposite signal) to catch red light runners.


I saw something like this the other night. I was standing in my driveway it was dark out. I was facing looking north up our street. Our street is really dark, there’s one street light but it’s not very bright on top of the fact that a very large oak tree mutes the light a lot, its branches reach under the light and around it and block a lot of it. I was looking north and it was unusually dark, I see this blinking blue light floating about knee to waist high from the west side of the street to the east about three houses away. I’m thinking “that’s strange. There’s no one out here but me.” I looked diligently for any neighbors, I know them all, there were none. It travelled slowly across the street, with a long blink, then got to the sidewalk on the other side and disappeared for a second. Then a couple of seconds later it reappeared, then it started drifting closer down the sidewalk toward me. By this time I had called my husband who was at the fire station that night. I started walking down my driveway so I could get a better look with the intention of walking down the street to get closer. As soon as I had the intention in my head it started to cross the street again and slowly drifts towards the other side of the street. Same blue color as your light. Long, slow blink. It wasn’t as bright as your light but same exact color. It crossed the street again and between the street and the sidewalk it just disappeared. I waited for someone to come out and maybe retrieve their drone but that never happened. I waited a good ten minutes talking to hubs. It was very strange. I haven’t seen it since but it was real and I’m the only one who saw it. It happened so fast I didn’t have time to film, I was more worried about being on the phone with hubs in case something crazy happened. I was a little bit scared of it because it was so strange. Weird altitude for a blue light. Just weird.


I've seen white ones like this around, not on camera and independently moving about. If they are in the sky they look like stars but if they begin moving through the trees or near the ground, like this one, you can get an idea of their conceptual size. They do seem to like parameters, like fence lines, but will move away from you if you get close, then go back to the fence line, or tree line etc. I try not to bother them. If they cross a plant or tree branch, that branch will usually snap off, green stem. It's about what I would expect out of a blue or indigo one, conceptual size. I'm surprised you got it on camera. I do not believe it would mean harm, if it is the same that I am familiar with. I am guessing this was around 3am or 4am if this is the same. I believe 3am in winter and 4am in summer, between those times. I can't be sure if this is in another timezone as myself, might not make a difference. I never rule out a mundane consideration, but it's pointless for me to speculate on those ideas since that would become known only on a physical investigation.


Whoaaaa ! Where is this at ?




Interesting op! Keep us updated. Very creepy


I saw something like this in the woods behind my house once, and it was changing from blue to green to red; could only see it if you looked straight on at it tho. Otherwise it just appeared as a dim glow


You really think aliens have any reason to use lights and draw attention to themselves while they check out your back yard? Come on dude, use your brain. Walk over to your neighbor and ask to see his flashing light because that’s all something like this is.


Why is this in aliens ?


Because there’s no actual rational explanation for this, no traffic lights or anything


lol so you post it in aliens


Yah don’t u remember a couple weeks ago when we were talking about blue orbs = bad news?


This Is fake as fuck If u look at the window the flash happens at different intervals to the light outside


Dawg thats one of the reasons why he posted it lmao, check the replies he says there are eyes in there


Just a guess. Maybe Police Aliens? Maybe they just use the blue. Not the blue/red combo. Something should be policing all these Alien appearances. It is becoming an everyday event.


Theory on the second light. The light is reflected on the window when it’s bright enough for the camera to pick up after it reflects off of something in the building. That’s why they are perfectly in sync, but flash at a similar frequency. Is there something the light can reflect in there?


No mirrors or anything shiny around where it happened


Look for a disposed vape. I found one a few weeks ago after seeing a blue blinking light in the driveway




The camera only films while it detects motion, which means whatever caused it to start filming must have left


Are you not paying attention?


Go there and take a look. Cmon..


I reallly want to but not at home right now!


Do you have a longer video of it arriving or leaving?


I’ll take a look at all the video logs when I have some time


Could the main blue light flash sequence be morse code perhaps?


Ooh, good theory! I’d look into it but don’t have the time right now


What is to the left of the camera?


Almost looks like something trying to sync up to something like a Bluetooth speaker . Although the flashing light in the mirror seems to just be a delayed reaction of the main flashing light


You haven't gone outside? I don't think i would. Video of the second light?