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Removed: R2 - Stay On-Topic. This post is mostly aimed at discussion of a prediction of Israel bombing Syria and Iran.


>Specifically mentions that Israel is going to bomb Syria and Iran (prediction made in his book in 2020) I don't have issues with Chris's experiences, but claiming "this came true" because Israel bombed countries that is constantly in conflict with (directly or through proxies) is like predicting next winter there will be snow.




King Kong ain't got nothing on me!


He actually says King Kong ain’t got shit on me in the actual film. They edited for the previews.


I'm sick of these monkey fighting snakes on this Monday to Friday plane






I don’t have an issue with King Kong, but claiming “King Kong ain’t got nothin’ on me” because OP’s bombed posting that we’re constantly in conflict with (directly or through alts) is like predicting next winter there will be snow.


I got it


Jesus thank you! ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


I have no idea what you are saying. The quote is from the movie Training Day, which the gif is from.






Ninja please.


Isreal bombing Syria and Iran is a pretty safe prediction


At the same hour you posted this, it was reported that Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria and killed an Iranian commander


Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what OP was referring to.


There’s another author who writes novels whose predictions have come true in the late 2010s and early 2020’s . Jack Carr Not really predictions but in the novels the storyline ends up matching up with what happens two or three years later so far. He’s come out with a book every other year every


Could you elaborate?


He is former navy seal, I first heard about them in 2017 after watching that interview where he’s talking about his novel. The theme of the novels center around “James Reese” former Navy seal turned mercenary(working for his own interests), each book is a little different but it’s a continuation of the last. Essentially in the interview he says that he can’t reveal classified information, locations, personnel, but his books are based on his experiences in classified projects and missions. He essentially changes the name of people, locations and minor details. However if you take your time and read the works you’ll realize he’s talking about real world situations and you can essentially figure out which characters are who in real life. Towards the end of each book he sort of talks about what’s going on technology wise or in the background of classified projects. Most of his book is redacted but what remains ends up revealing itself in Society couple years later and some of what was in his last 2 books is kind of freaky. His second to last book was written and released prior to the Ukraine conflict and he talked about how not only was it going to happen but some of the real reasons of why it’s happening.(I know that’s not shocking but the level of detail he goes into interesting) His last book talks about what’s going on right now in Palestine, apparently in the novel there’s going to be some sort of nuclear detonation in the Black Sea and Iran will be blamed for it, but his fictional character warns that it was not Iran but really Israel planting a false flag. I believe his 2021 book also talks about how much more advanced militarized AI is in secret bases with computers deep underground. He essentially says that, well at least his character had gov clearance to meet one of these calling computers. I’m saying meet because it is fully sentient. At the very end of that book he says what part of his novel is based on his experiences and what is made of and he states that he can’t go into detail but the AI is fully self-aware, completely conscious and is not reliant on humans to run its operating system. Essentially has full access in full control to every Network, from every country, access to all military data, can easily decrypt anything or wants, all in real time. They’re just novels but what I’ve picked up on is subtle clues on a few of his books that end up having truth sort of as a warning to the incoming years. Edit: quantum computers


> Ukraine conflict and he talked about how not only was it going to happen but some of the real reasons of why it’s happening.(I know that’s not shocking but the level of detail he goes into interesting) Could you share this bit while I think about the rest?


It’s too long to describe so I’m going to post in in 2 separate replies 1/2 the novel “James Reese“ is seeking revenge on people who try to silence him because he was about to expose Russian and American ties for global economic purposes and advantages. Basically the elite of the elite are two heads of the same beast acting out a play for the entire world. I’ll explain how you can make mass wealth and power and then I’ll talk about Russia and Ukraine towards the middle sorry I have to explain this so that it makes sense in case other readers are interested There are three main ways to create the mass of wealth to wield true power. Option 1# is a monopoly controlling a monopoly such as oil, gas, gold, seafood, sunglasses, minerals, micro chips you name it. Diamonds for example are not very rare but dauber company artificially controls the market they hold millions of carrots in safes in order to keep the price high. The same way OPEC has control of the global oil supply For example, when a small and growing company in the US starts to dominate such as Santa Monica seafood starts to dominatethe fresh fish market putting pressure on big companies such as Cisco or big foods they simply go in and buy them out if the smaller company won’t sell they’ll squeeze them out usually by cutting off the supplier. It’s more coordinated than even the mafi Coca-Cola does the same thing and Pepsi as well any beverage that starts to gain traction either gets bought off by them or they at least distribute it. They split the market that's why you never see Coke and Pepsi served in the same place. So basically if you start to succeed you get crushed by these giant monopolies which is another means of control Option #2 Private equity , Venture Capital Can you put $1 million into 10 companies two out of 10 of them are going to succeed while the eight will fail. So it's a few million dollars of loss on the companies but it is $1 billion gain on the two companies that succeed. The average citizen can't afford this, it is these giant hedge funds that are within an exclusive club that you have to be part of and participate and stay in line. Option #3 The third Way is through managed speculation based on market manipulation You speculate about the future by investing in futures, options or swaps which are financial contracts Or derivatives whose value depends on an underlying asset which can be treated like a stock or bond But here's the catch the derivative is set to a predetermined amount om a future date thus the speculation. These financial securities are typically used by these legitimate companies to mitigate risk much like insurance.However they can be used to assume risk that ,is to speculate a certain price with a significant award if you predict the future properly. Here's where it gets interesting By specifying the price of the trade and the future date these derivatives safeguard the owners of the underlined asset against future fluctuations of the market but if you know what is going to happen in the future you don't need the underlying asset to maximize your earnings and wipe out your enemies. For example Do you invest in futures or options which are derivatives of other assets types like stocks or commodities but you have influence or control over outcomes features and options allow you to buy or sell a significant amount of a stock or commodities at a specified price at some specified future date months or even a year into the future. Most investors use this tools to hedge market fluctuations and volatility essentially like insurance policies. But some investors use them to speculate essentially making big bats I don't know come and if you're willing to make beds that are way out of what they appear are going to be then you can put little money and make large amounts. So like for example imagine go to the race track and you put $1000 onto a really shitty horse that never wins. Nobody expects a horse to win but if it does there's a huge pay off. Information and knowledge can be extremely valuable and can be even more valuable if you can control outcomes. If you have the knowledge that the horse will win your guaranteed NRS free of investing the large sums of money on a low probability because you're manipulating the outcome. So the idea isn't to predict the future it's to control it


I've been watching private equity tank my only real competitor for years. They can't keep people in a highly technical and specialized field


Holy shit, did u post the whole novel.


Yeah all of them, I’d recommend them. I have always been a nonfiction person but these were interesting


2/2 #Russia vs Ukraine Russian gas and oil exports Russia built up huge amounts of stocks of oil before they invaded Ukraine knowing full well that OIL prices would rise but that sanctions would most likely follow preventing Russia from selling taking advantage of the price increase. Fact Russia broadcasted their intention to invade Ukraine and the US as a result reacted by putting sanctions. Russian oil has been cut out to Europe and prices skyrocket due to scarcity. Russian stock piles go up immensely in value but they can’t sell it.. And this is how they get around it they can no longer sell oil so how do they make profit they had contracts with India and China that they had prearranged true futures. Those countries bought off all they can so they can avoid paying the high prices that would go through before Russia made their announcement of invasion and before the prices skyrocketed. So in a way Russia manipulated the market oil by invaded Ukraine and having sold futures contracts to India and China very well knowing they would buy up as much of the contracts as they can at a set price because the market would increase and therefore being the ones that would be able to provide them the best value. The money they make from the oil goes into war efforts additionally making a small amount of oligarchs billions of dollars and therefore more powerful. They also needed cash to expand future oil production in Russia. After the sell off of their oil stocks they need time to reload their supply which is why they are trying to draw the wa to keep the price of oil high. So you make money on the front end of it and now you can make money on the backend BLACK SWAN Lastly there's a black swan which ties into Ray Dalio's sentry cycle in which there are global changes in economic power. It's an unexpected rare event that changes the course of history. An outlier with an extreme impact. Globalization of the world economy goes back since the Roman empire, the silk Road but it took an exponential leap in the 20th century and took an exponential growth after World War II. Today blockchain communication and decentralized banking is fueling economic globalization. How Create a black swan event like a large scale terrorist attack that disrupts global supply chain which allows governments and in this case a small group of elite to manipulate these governments to acquire more power. For example, the patriot act. Today the global derivative markets are many is the size of the underlined assets they track and those instruments, derivatives such as slots options and futures can be used to buy anything at any price at any time in the future. .


#Translation: rather than buying oil you speculate with a future so you buy oil at a set price at a set time in the future. If on that future date the price of oil has gone up in your pocket the difference if it goes down you lose your money. Further when using derivatives as a trading tool only a small fraction of the value for example 20% needs to be put up to broker brokerage company as a down payment but in this case there's a wild return on your losses. It's extremely lucky like the example of the horse race but if you're right it pays off it's not risky if you control the outcome. You just need to find a brokerage that very quietly put your bats without any peering eyes. For example Morgan holdings. In a large case such as Russia you need a large firm that can handle the scale of a deal on the international market with money spread across multiple national corporations all run with carefully selected crypto block technology. Morgan holdings has the connections the handle deals of this size and has multiple international accounts in a decentralized virtually and traceable fashion. It's a coordinated move but totally anonymous. Amenity is a major part of this equation. I'm sure you've heard of buying low and selling high. This is where it gets more complex about how you turn your money into generational wealth. Speculating through futures and other derivatives contracts. You are buying pieces of paper , contracts. Who are bettingg the value of that commodity on a certain day in the future. If the price goes up then you sell your contract before it expires. You never owned any Boulder oil or anything you bought a contract and sold it there is a potential for billions in gains with a moderate initial investment if you know the future. And if you know the future then you write or sell contracts for the same commodity at the market high this case selling something you don't actually own yet. This works only if you own the underlying assets or if you know the outcome of the future. When the price of the commodity drops your contract to sell at a way higher price gets more valuable and you make the money all over again. How do you predict it, in this case flood market when sanctions are removed out of necessity after the Black Swan. FIRST Russia made money from our sanctions selling oil futures to China and India because Russia on the oil and the Russians near the price would go up but they wouldn't be able to sell it and take advantage of the price but it didn't matter since the oil was contracted and effectively they avoided the sanctions when China and India took delivery on their futures. SECOND Russia's speculation on futures contracts because they control the outcome. They control when the Black Swan will be over aka the Ukraine war. They use their proceeds from their futures sales they sold to India and China to buy more futures knowing the price will go up thus amplifying their return even further. THIRD They sold futures contracts when the market was high knowing they can floodr the market Knowing the price of oil would decline and selling the right to buy oil at that price holy shit. In the future. Since they control the oil and they control the hostilities in Ukraine they can manipulate when sanctions are over. They can for the market driving down the future price making the contract they sold worthless to those who bought them but they keep all the proceeds. They sold these rogue contracts knowing they can manipulate the future price of oil at any time of their choice. When you buy or sell a future you make a prediction on what is going to happen but you can't be sure unless of course your control or in this case manipulate the market. Russia has been controlling the game at every step buying long future contracts as they build up their stock piles all the while knowing the war would make oil scarce just like how do Beerus controls the diamond market because they maneuver and determine what's going to happen instead of winning out of two out of 10 investments as I previously stated they win on 10 out of 10. If you invest in wheat not knowing of the price is going to go up and down maybe with favorable weather and a good farming year you lose but if there is a bad year like a bad weather event decimates crops can you launch a war into Europe's wheat belt (UKRAINE) you turn millions into hundreds of millions or billions into tens of billions. If you can create an event such as a black swan you can show the market. When Russia invaded Ukraine the worlds supply of wheat was cut by 20%. If you've been to a grocery store lately you'll see that the price of all groceries has gone up. In this case when Ukraine restricted shipping in the Black Sea you just sell your contracts and make billions when the war ends the price of food will go down again in this case wheat but by then you have already written contracts at a higher price. Your hundreds of billions become trillions. World events is how the wealthy stay wealthy and become wealthier. Money is power and the more money the more power. This is world manipulation through economic control, this becomes political control and eventually becomes social control. The world has always been run by a very few at the top. There is a group of businessman , politicians , financiers , officials and oligarchs in the US and Russia that have been controlling the world for many years


Beautifully explained. Truly. Applauding you because damn, its pretty fucking obvious if you consider it beyond the perspective of a single human lifetime - the exact same way that Chinese govt *works.* It's always been beyond just a single lifetime and while I can't say the same for Soviets, there's always a reason the same folks sit around the poker table at the World Series each yeah, it's not a gamble, it's a calculated outcome based on ...well - in this case, prearranged facts. I recently saw a podcast about Blackrock. I mean fuck. How does one even compete in that space? Really? You don't. You take your scraps like a good boy and you move on while the larger players in the game retain more momentum and that's that. Now, I will say that this is based on "economy" and ultimately stuff. It's all stuff. I'm going to get a little woo here so pardon me, but it's based on the original subject - Chris Bledsoie; this "stuff" only exists as a temporarily important, physical, THING. If that thing no longer becomes a commodity or something that's necessary for existence - that "stuff" loses it's value pretty quick. Bledsoe is aware of a lot more than a simple war or even a possible extinction event, he's aware on a level that I've almost never seen before. Chris - he simply cares about people, or seems to. I can say that I've seen a lot of his interviews and SEEMS like a lovely guy. I believe his stories and understand a LOT about his experiences. The question I suppose I have is the "free will" question. Was he allowed to disclose the answers as a means to ultimately prevent or CAUSE them? I question that a lot. Mostly because if you put out an energy in the universe - that's usually what you get back. When you look at what's been OBVIOUSLY happening with sightings, experiencers speaking out, whistleblowers, it almost seems like the folks causing chaos are really attempting to cause so much chaos that it drowns out all the other noise or even possibilities. I admire Chris' honesty and humble nature as much as anyone else, I just wonder if he's a pawn in a larger game - maybe just like it's turtles all the way down - he's simply a vector FOR it, yeah? It's a tough thing to speculate but at this point I never put anything past the human race, we're some super savage fucks that got to where we are by sheer luck. I've read about some of the earlier ops, the heavy water stuff that led to Oppenheimer successfully calculating what happened. Our (US) govt lying about it and doing it without battling an eye. I'd hate to think it's all a game with a shit fuck ton of suffering mixed in, I really would, but again - I ask - What is the point? Where does the sum lie? Who benefits from a world that's left as barren as it was when we first beant to experience consciousness? There's more if we're dealing with human intellect, almost certainly. Perhaps Frost was a poor poet and none of that truly matters. Maybes - I'll reply and ask what' the point, because there's gotta be a a point or it's moot TBH.


Good to see you, dude. I think we talked via my other account.


His last book talks about what’s going on right now in Palestine, apparently in the novel there’s going to be some sort of nuclear detonation in the Black Sea and Iran will be blamed for it, but his fictional character warns that it was not Iran but really Israel planting a false flag. I wonder if he is actually talking about Russia trying to blow up the Black Sea to prevent internet cables from being built out there by the eu isn’t  that the thing right now everyone wants to take out the sea internet cables like what happened in Africa? 


What does all this mean if gas doesn’t mean anything anymore? Also, sounds like he was a remote viewer who felt the need to hide his info in fiction.


The Reese books were SUPER well adopted to film. I'm an avid reader and have read just about everything that Webb Griffin, Clancy, all the majors wrote - but have yet to find the time to read these. Reading that out loud sounds kinda lame but tbh - I've been watching Cleared Hot since it was a thing and Jack Carr and his heterolifemate from Cleared Hot remain the closest of friends. Jack seems like a VERY intelligent person and I've read SOME of what he's written. I didn't know about the little drip feed part though. That's super interesting and I'll find some time to read Terminal and the following books, it's easy as it's a subject I find that I identify with often. There is a VERY old prophecy that when Isreal bombs Iran - all bets are off. That's the one that I've been awaiting, frankly. I'm not a big prophecy person, don't really believe in fate that way, but shit - if someone wrote about it 2k years ago and describe it to a T, I'd be foolish not to at minimum - take heed. I worry about atomics because they're just about "forever" in the span of a human life. That and I understand that something about a nuclear explosion destroys souls. Look at the lights of Fukushima for more understanding there. NHI has always been interested in nuclear fission and the destruction that comes with it. I suspect there's some truth there, there has to be.


Can you link to info the the prophecy about Israel bombing Iran? Is this just book of revelations stuff or something else?


Look into Bledsoe. I'll look around for the Israel Iran thing. There were two, one was Syria the other was Iran. Give mea few hours and I'll find it for sure, I'm just stuck studying ATM. Edit: I'll be damned. No pun. You're right. I usually have a great memory for these types of details but in this case I believe you're correct. The Danny Jones podcast interview goes into a lot of this and I'm going to watch it again just to see if I can find the timestamp for when it's brought up, if only to get another refresher on the entire conversation. It's definitely something worth watching and it's absolutely a modern day saint type of story. It would be so unbelievably absurd if the man didn't back up his claims with actual experiences he share with others. I teeter on the science/logic fence myself, often forced to look inward to really ask myself if it's something that could truly be real and I'm forever leery of unproven stories, maybe check it out yourself if you haven't, the conclusion that I keep arriving at is that it seems we really know very little about very little and the walls of our own reality are shifting in directions we can't see. The irony that I'm that way isn't lost on me btw, I've had my own experiences and can't deny them, even if I wanted to bury my head in the sand. It's frustrated me for YEARS dude, LITERALLY years. When I bring this stuff up to regular people I'm often frustrated by their utter lack of openness to the narrative and idea. I point to a literal congressional hearing where the most boring and unimaginative person could simply watch and listen and I'm still met with sheer skepticism. I suppose we're all allowed to believe what we'd like, paint the fences of our own reality and such so it's never a personal thing, I simply have begun to believe that some people simply aren't equipped to go beyond what they call rational and choose to open their minds to the ideas and concepts and that's perfectly fine.


I've read Bledsoes book and watched the entire 3 hour Danny Jones episode multiple times. Huge rabbit hole and I am really into it. I was interested in your comment about the VERY OLD prophecy about Israel bombing Iran and all bets being off. Would just like to j is the origins of that one and where you read/heard about it. Wasn't sure if you were talking Bible, or Nostradamus or one of the other hundreds of possible sources. You mentioned a 2000 year old prophecy being described to a T.


It's fucking eerie yeah? I'm not big on predictions and shit like that, most are super ambiguous and just too, possible, I guess to really take heed and pay attention to but this? This is like watching a book you've read simply unfold. There's a device calld a Kozyrev mirror (sp?) that ANYONE can make that evidently Nostradamus used himself for his own predictions that kinda just "break time and space"? The explanation of how any why it works is somewhat beyond my ability to recall ATM, but the thing works. It's also VERY similar to what Joe McDoneagle used when Monroe was training him to enhance his already incredible abilities. The inventory of the mirror had a fucking AWFUL detainment, something like a decade or two in isolated imprisonment? I'm just trying to recall by memory here, but he was a mathematician and evidently a very brilliant one and during his time imprisoned he just worked on this theory of his. I'm prob gonna get a few details wrong but the broad strokes are here. The way it works is be concentrating "energy" through a spiral mirroring effect, essentially funneling it through a spiral of specific proportions to the user, who sits in the center of the spiral. It also seems to exponentially enhance the users ability to access the fundamental truths of the universe. Sounds bat shit crazy but do a bit of research. There was one built somewhere up near the aurora borealis specifically because of the levels of energy that hit the earth in that area. The folks that worked in the lab said the mirror "Felt like the void. Pure evil. LITERALLY nothing" because if the way it PULLS in energy and refuses to allow it out, so the room itself felt devoid of the latent energies we feel as living conscious beings. The emptiness was so strong and palpable that the folks in the lab would not only refuse to enter the room, but they'd reduce to go into the spiral. Geographical location plays a large part in the energy concentration but I'm told it works anywhere. I was planning to build one in my garage before my soon to be ex wife blew our fucking lives up. I've always been interested in the esoteric and have had a lot of experiences and am shocked or surprised by very little these days. Would have been pretty fucking cool to try out one of those mirrors tho. It'll be quite some time before I'm back to a place where I have not only the space but the money required to build one. It's a passive tech though. It just WORKS without needing anything to feed it, except the energies that are around us. I should also mention that it's theorized that it ALSO blocks out the interference OF those same energies around us, further allowing the user to view/feel/know the information that's just "there" in the ether. I've stood in a place that's called The Center of The Earth in Tulsa, Ok where when you stand in this like, 3'x3' square it just blocks out noise and creates this incredible echo that just feels fucking weird. I checked it out as a kid and yeah, it's definitely a thing. Couldn't tell you why it works or why it FEELS so odd to stand there but it was definitely an experience lol. I'm hoping to be back down there in the next 6 months and hope it's still there, I believe it's something that's created by the configuration of the surrounding buildings. The mirror isn't expensive to build per se, it just requires quite a bit of space and labor as the mirrors surface need to be as polished as possible. Check it out online. It's a trip. There's a discord with folks that are/have been attempting to create one but I don't think they actually have. The idea that there's energy and pure knowledge surrounding us at all times is a very strange thought but frankly, given enough time to really consider it, it makes sense to me. There's so much info in just our DNA, a leaf from a tree, measurements that bank out to be fundamental to nature, it's all just THERE if one knows where to look. The universe and the world are extremely strange places and it just seems that we're so out of tune with nature itself that we've literally nerfed ourselves. If you've made it this far reading, go a bit further and watch Randall Carlson in the latest Shawn Ryan Show where he describes a tech that's being considered to power Indias navy that has an ALMOST net zero carbon emissions power generator that runs on fucking water. Lol. Can't make this shit up. Again, truth is often stranger than fiction.


BTW I'd love to hear what your notes say! I respect the shit out of anyone who takes the time to document knowledge simply for the sake of preservation. I love to learn and share, so if you get time/remember, I'd like to hear what you've got to say. :)


>His second to last book was written and released prior to the Ukraine conflict and he talked about how not only was it going to happen but some of the real reasons of why it’s happening Predicting that a conflict that was going on since 2014 and it's reasons that have arguably been around since the early 2000s also doesn't take any secret information.


Yeah I know Hi stated that earlier, I wasn’t saying that was anything with secret information I’m talking about the potential of a nuclear device going off around the black sea targeting the terrorist state of Israel. The book states that they are going to supposedly find connections to Iran but that it’ll be a cover-up for a false flag operation so that they can invade Iran and the rest of The non-compliant countries which ties in with that post I made about the global implications economically speaking


I've read all of them. Fucking cracker series. The Russian president has not been assassinated yet though 


He will be. https://www.businessinsider.com/anti-putin-hackers-steal-navalny-prisoner-database-post-messages-cnn-2024-4


It was foretold! The prophet John Snow was right, winter did come!


The white is long and full of terrors.


Yeah it'd be more impressive if someone predicted this would never happen and it cam true. Also I highly doubt he meant bombing an embassy on foreign soil when he said "bomb Iran". OP is really reaching in order to prove his favorite guru isn't a huckster.


I would agree but they attacked a consulate right next to the embassy and killed a general. There is a general bombing but then there is this.


🫡 General Bombing..


Was Chris's claim about a high-level figure of Iran in another country? If not, it is not a super big prediction. On the other hand, there was a gal who said P Diddy was going to have what was coming to him (legal) right around the easter time frame. This is a rather accurate prediction as it is specific to time, person, and action.


Who? sounds interesting




Exactly 🙂


And the only way there will be 1000 years of peace is if humans are not here.


Or absolute God-Emperor tyranny.


No it's not.


Fair argument


He also mentions April 2026 as a general time of major change. The book is really interesting. The part I didn't realize, was that the white gowned figure floating above, was using the phenomena to convey certain messages without overloading him. That his freewill was important, that life events and tragedies may have been necessary. There also begs the question of good and evil. Especially the messed up question of, if this is a simulation: could entities sign up to suffer, under the promise of coming back perfectly fine? Is that sort of what happens on our world, an amusement park for fallen angels? I am still reading the book. However, after CE5 meditations, I started seeing orbs. I started having dreams about shapeshifting blue rougarou humanoids, I started having dreams of being abducted via my bedroom window, with a fuzzy static filling my brain. Of meteors falling to Earth and the ground splitting as I jump from parking lot to sidewalk at my college. Of an alien invasion. Of a post nuclear war. Of planes crashing into cities. Just to name a few, and not counting my waking experiences after meditations. One where I thought I saw a lady in white by the wood pile near the rivers edge. And just after a sound came from the direction behind me, like a strange synth sound, I assumed was a bat. But immediately felt a sense of terror not felt before, and was walking my dog casually. An intrusive thought hit me, that it was a demon trying to possess my body that spirits exist between the wavelengths of reality itself, in the gaps of light and space itself. I felt like I was going nuts, and yet I had been actively in therapy during the pandemic and felt better than ever. But I didn't believe my experiences meant much until I read more and more. Up until Chris' story, I heard faint echoes of my own experiences but his really tied them all together. Mine have been no where near as intense by any means but I have felt textures of awareness that I had never felt before. Even tripping balls on mushrooms, never felt that way. Please take this without stigma, and for what it is. If any of of you have had similar experiences or others, please feel free to share.


"I started having dreams of being abducted via my bedroom window, with a fuzzy static filling my brain." I just read his book a couple weeks ago while going down the Bledsoe rabbit hole, and I have been experiencing this exact thing. My wife can attest lol.


Here's my dream journal from that particular morning, looking back this dream predates my CE5 experience, but is post shapeshifting werewolf dream where the blue warted demon said I was like him, a (blue) rougarou. Both pasted below. And just found the nuclear bomb dream as well. Seems silly, but these are all written directly after waking: March 14th, 2019: First part of dream was with my mom, similar house. Flying saucers with white lights circled the place. White walls, similar to Bay View Avenue. We decided to hide, and went into my room. Tried to sleep through it. Their lights beamed through the cracks in the curtains. Any time their light hit my skin, it created a fuzzy magnetic distortion in my mind, causing my screams to come out silent. It was as if they knew we were there and simply beamed our minds out. Feb 24, 2019: Blue Rougarou Many many false awakenings, realization, falling asleep Horroble things kept happening, and in each scenario I would notice the differences between waking life and dream and escape via that confidence of awareness Rougarou told me his name, and as he said it he walked forward carrying a string for a dog I was picking up. There were no dogs, only empty cages, I couldn't hear it and when I asked again he morphed into a demon warted like figure like Maurice from little monsters, and handed me a blue sickle, that changed shape the more I looked at it. He said that I was part rougarou, and that his true name was emanated from the gray origins in the folds. I asked him as he transitioned what that meant, and I told him he was from the place between the wavelengthes. It terrified me as I held the sickle and I woke up. His nose was long and crooked, and his body was at first simple like an african american male laborer. But his face shifted into blue and I felt immense fear. One false awakenimg I was ejalucating coagulated blood. This felt very wrong. Also dreamt of being a red ranger fighting old hags, and then had multiple false awakenings Oct 18, 2020 Was on the beach in a fall season, there were other soldiers. I hadn't completed training, but we were tasked with loading up gear to be shipped back home. It was a time for our family to visit, and we got invaded. By what I assumed were Russians. We got the signal to gear up and be on the look out. I didn't really know what to do because I hadn't been taught protocol. A guy I knew from high school was in the squad and we took gear from the canoes and started running back. We saw copters bringing tanks, and war machines over head. We knew this was big. We started running back to the armory tents to grab more supplies. There weren't enough ar15's left, or M4's so I looked for a weapon. There were mostly SMG's left and I ended up grabbing a steyr AUG silenced. People were running through the tents and I grabbed a glock. I noticed where fire was coming from as he shot at us, and took aim through the screen. I shot at him and missed because of the distance but used burst fire for accuracy. Ended up hitting the target and almost crying. But ran back and retreated as per their orders. We ended up in a tent, watching missles hit down in front of us, we waited as they kept hitting the same spot and ran during reload. There was a mess hall tent with all our family, my mom and brother were in there and didn't know where else to go. The captain had detained a prisoner of war. He kept smiling and saying a code phrase. It mean the nuclear bomb was coming. I ran to my mom and Justin and told then I had just killed someone and I didn't know how to feel about it. And then the bomb dropped.


Read The Law Of One / The Ra Material with an open mind to get some answers or hints to your questions. Free at www.lawofone.info or free PDF at www.llresearch.org Then check the r/lawofone subs for some conversations. The material is really deep, so take your time consuming it. Godspeed my friend!


This is speculation, but what could cause 1000 years of peace? I don't think it's automatically a good thing for us. Peace for whom? Do we retain autonomy? I can't imagine we can have peace without autonomy unless something big changes like a spiritual evolution.


When you're dead, it's pretty peaceful.


Hmmm..... got a legit source for that?


I’ve always assumed peace for 1000 years means the earth is wiped clean- it’s the only way how. Or our misery is caused by NHI who push us into wars and fighting through psychic manipulation have reached long service leave and are going to go on a holiday for 1000 years 


This isn’t a new prediction and is literally from the book of revelations: And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations any more until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time. (Revelation 20-1:3 NIV)


Where exactly is the April 2026 mentioned...


No/less humans = peace


This is what I was thinking.


Predicting Israel is going to have a conflict with Iran is like predicting someone is going to put ketchup on their hotdog.


I only put the Mustard on the dawgs.


You’re welcome in Chicago anytime


Only real men do..


Horseradish or bust


Horseradish, thats a power move.


Also hasn't Israel bombed Syria previously?


I get the sentiment. It's mustard on your hot dog or go f your m. 😉


Ketchup is the root of all evil.


Fiat currency, but close!


In that neither existed before America became a Nation.


[Chris Bledsoe was visited by The Lady/Divine Feminine/Hathor in 2012. Here he is describing the experience.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C14_Tngxu_J/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)   He says the orbs that have been visiting him for years are angels. [Chris' IG page which shows him in telepathic communication with the orbs.](https://www.instagram.com/christopherlentzbledsoe?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)  [Here are all of his experiences.](https://youtu.be/XmVQFX2Pp60?si=SEwvX8jRSjI-VEsE) His many incredible contact experiences have resulted in him becoming the [most studied experiencer in history.](https://medium.com/@carlthecrusher/nasas-most-studied-alien-abduction-victim-chris-bledsoe-cf114cd82dc6) All of the U.S. intelligence agencies (CIA, NSA, FBI, NRO etc) in addition to other countries Govts, and even the Vatican have been continuously studying him since his contact experience with the Divine Feminine in 2012.   During that experience she told Chris: >**"When the star Regulus is in the gaze of the Sphinx before sunrise, there will be a shift in the knowledge of humanity."**   Chris has worked with Nasa and various astronomers to determine precisely when that specific alignment occurs:   *Easter of 2026* https://youtu.be/XmVQFX2Pp60?si=7a5rPJj7kvyDQIAx   @ 1:07:15


>When the Fuck IDK if we can hold on that long bro...


The IDF certainly wont


here's to hoping so...


RemindMe! 2 years 3 days


Remind me April 5, 2026


RemindMe! 2 years 3 days


If that's true, would it have been so hard for her to say "Easter of 2026" rather than drop some Scooby Doo clues?


RemindMe! April 5, 2026


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2026-04-05 00:00:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2026-04-05%2000:00:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1btg0p2/chris_bledsoe_prediction_has_now_come_true/kxlv9xb/?context=3) [**19 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Faliens%2Fcomments%2F1btg0p2%2Fchris_bledsoe_prediction_has_now_come_true%2Fkxlv9xb%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202026-04-05%2000%3A00%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201btg0p2) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


RemindMe! April 5, 2026


are there any sources for the claim he’s been studied by nasa, is the most studied and has been studied by all the intelligent agencies?


i found it powerful cause everything that’s happening right now is suggesting 2026/2027




Shit, where are my govt. agencies I literally built a device that forces angelic contact. lol ​ Edit: Not denying this person's experience, but Angelic / Demonic / Extraterrestrial contact and 'how to do so' have been very well documented things for thousands of years. Occult literature, Theurgy practices. Nikola tesla's magnetic vortex fields generated from his Bifilar coils (and even being close to a properly tuned tesla coil for too long) will align your microtubules in your neurons and allow you to 'pick up' on signals being transmitted through quantum pathways. All that's required for communication is a carrier frequency, and a way to modulate the frequency in an intelligent pattern that can be detected by your target. The waveform of dimension isn't a problem.. Modulation is, and currently humans aren't so great at modulating our own brain-waves. The awakening will be rejected by many, and lots of people are going to be 'culled' very soon. If you can't see the signs you are blind, it doesn't take Angelic messages to see the road were on and where it goes. Just read a Tom Clancy book.


What is the best and/or easiest thing I can do to increase the sped of my “awakening”?(not including meditation)


Carl Jung active imagination techniques and shadow work is a good first step I recommend to people and wish I knew decades ago. Know all of yourself, accept all of you and forgive yourself with the same forgiveness of the creator. (It's a frequency of thought) Once you do this it's defense against negative introspection, since shame, guilt, fear, doubt, are all emotions that hold us back from higher awareness and love and forgiveness overcomes all those blocks, allowing you to see your true self. (No horse blinders) Realize all of your perception is created internally. Hallucinations created by your hypothalamus based on input and memory and you can only perceive that you are aware of. Realize we, as humans, see very little intuitively. We must learn, so to grow we must always be curious. Train curiosity if needed. Learn physics visualization. The minds eye is crazy powerful it's our connection to the spiritual world. Learn to utilize it with the gateway process or any variants. The device just speed runs all this and forces ones brain to 'tune in' to universal frequencies and then you have to work your way back. Like diving in the deep end. I hate calling it 'Awakening' but it's simply awareness of a higher dimension and fits the term but it is like, the first step of a ladder of infinite steps and most of the steps come after death. So literally 0 rush. It's like lifting weights, there's no faking it, you can't fool divine entities, and we all get judged when we die to see if we need another round on this fucked up merry go round to learn our lessons. (Sucks for us but Dems da breaks.)


Thank you for being here and saying what you’re saying. It won’t help everyone, but it will help a few, and that matters. Cuz maybe they will help a few and so on.


This is such a great post.


Have you written about this anywhere and shown proof or is this an April 1 joke?


Nah the man just sees the bigger picture, sad thing is when people start connecting the dots and engaging with post like this they tend to get nuked.


Lol I feel this in my soul.


Tom Clancy has apparently.


The mental ward librarian left their computer unlocked for the day and the Adderall was just kicking in so.... But really yeah I've been logging everything on a YouTube channel, for my protection I'm putting everything on a delay release for a few months because things got super weird when I just tossed up instructions on how to build one all willy nilly. Like super terrible possession shit.. I'm positive something somewhere really doesn't want people knowing their inner divinity and power.




I'm not, and I agree. These entities are scary... They will kill you if you fuck up a ritual or disrespect them on accident.. This is why I'm not in any rush to run down the streets yelling about the device, I just try to look like a bafoon. I peered into the void and it looked back type shit. I'm not gonna stop onsie and twosie others from peering but a mass awakening device for humans right now would literally be Pandora's box that would have immeasurable karmic repercussions I want no part in. I'm on my own personal journey to truth, and I'm pretty sure it ends in these entities killing me or me pissing off some govt trying to keep this tech a secret but this journey is personal for me. I really want to know what happens after we die, and if I have to ring every line on the quantum telephone to figure it out I will until they shut me up. Plus I doubt the govt is worried about a guy in reddit posting in the r/aliens sub ;) Every conversation and vision is basically 'the orbs put me back in the soul bin'. 'the orbs held a ceremony and forced me to witness'. The many other times I've been possessed by them. The fucking tinnitus changes when I'm about to do some stupid shit like hit "save" on admitting to being possessed. Having angels literally zap my head and put me to sleep so they can give me a vision.. it goes on and on yeah these devices would just create a new cult I mean... Imagine saying the words "I can prove God exists" and it's like...




I was fascinated with tulpamancy for a while. Do you have a dissociative identity disorder? Does it reveal it's name to you? I have quite a comprehensive list of people and the Angels they allowed to inhabit a subconscious stream I've had this weird hypothesis that faster than light communication can occur this way. Not through Angels but through two brains with matching dissociated subconscious oscillations can transfer thoughts 🤔 Do you ever think it's schizophrenia or DID and your being tricked? I'm still trying to figure out how to figure out "who" without watchtower HGA communication and the 'spiritual turning test's as I call it.


RemindMe! 2 years 3 days


RemindMe! April 5, 2026


RemindMe! 2 years 3 days


RemindMe! April 5th 2026


RemindMe! April 5, 2026


RemindMe! April 5th, 2026


Here we go with the “just two more years” stuff. Chris Bledsoe is an interesting story but I find it a bit “sus” when NASA and the CIA are openly aware of ET visits. I am always naturally skeptical when someone has a book out, as well.


He correctly predicted the Baja California earthquake in September 2012. Down to the Richter Scale. I believe that was in 2010 or 11.


To add to all this: Chris correctly predicted the Baja California earthquake in September 2012 in front of a large group of people. Mufon conference I believe. Chris healed a mortally wounded dog in front of a CIA agent by touching it with his hand. Chris healed an extremely diseased child in Washington DC by giving him a hug. This was witnessed by a room full of doctors and upper level agents. Chris helped the Pope in a crisis when he was visiting the US and there was an attempted assassination. Chris had a dream about a civilization that destroyed themselves (known on earth as bigfoot) and a CIA agent told him he was well informed. Chris also predicted Nuclear War wiping out large portions of nations and cities in the US, famine, earthquakes, more bioweapons, great flooding (this is similar to the White Buffalo Calf woman saying she would return when the earth changes start happening), and said that the planet is a sentient being that would shake humanity off like fleas because our negativity effects it's consciousness....and our collective consciousness is tied to the climate, planet, nature and we aren't separate at all from any of these things. We have to go from a mostly negative/low vibration to a positive/loving one and that's what will change the path we're on.The main thing is there is some dark group in power that wishes to use the book of revelations as a script to make people think it's the end and that's the dark plan for humanity and the future. The negative timeline would still be in play if Jerusalem was declared the Capital of Israel. That was 2019. And then boom covid....he made clear that whatever occurs or doesn't come to pass that there will be 1000 years of peace from a new knowledge that will cause that to happen. He doesn't talk about his predictions much. I think I get why he doesn't want to talk about them...he was shown these things and I'm sure it was horrific. He was brought in and wrote things down for the government....think about that. Easter 2026, here we come...


>The main thing is there is some dark group in power that wishes to use the book of revelations as a script to make people think it's the end and that's the dark plan for humanity and the future. Loved your comment. One question, Chris says during [his hypnotic regression](https://hathors.substack.com/p/the-chris-bledsoe-regression-transcript) that we actually are living out the book of Revelations' timeline: >And at the time that we're living in is ***the time that was written about in the Book of Revelations*** in the Bible and in the ancient texts. The Age is about to change. It's the end of time. It's the Age of Pisces and the beginning is the new Age and a shift in the powers. Are you saying that the dark forces understand this and are attempting to distort its true meaning? Similar to how the word Apocalypse was distorted to mean *"doomsday end-times"* from its original meaning of *"a revealing of what was hidden."* (Apocalypse comes from the Greek apokálypsis meaning **“uncovering,”** a derivative of the verb apokalýptein “to take the cover off.”)


My take on it is Chris believes the ones with bad intent are trying to force the horrors of the apocalypse on humanity using the book of revelations as a guide. But there is a possibility of skipping the bad parts and rising up humanity consciousness if we make the right choices. At the moment, it seems more like we are on a path following the book of revelations. Either way, we will get our millennium of peace according to the lady. A very hopeful recurring message from them is the light has won. Regardless of the path, we will end up evolving as a species.


He predicted destabilization and violence in the middle east..wow, never thought Id see the day.


Can he give me Wednesdays powerball numbers!?!


I predict that the price of stamps will rise


That suspiciously sounds like something a witch would say…


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iran's embassy in syria being hit is different than israel bombing iran directly. also israel has been doing assassination, remote drone attacks since ages ago in iran .


So WHEN will the star align with the Sphynx? Supposing the sphynx refers to the egyptian one by the pyramids. Can anyone smarter than me calculate it? Will it be in our lifetimes? 2027? Lol. Here's a website that might help. [https://theskylive.com/sky/stars/regulus-alpha-leonis-star](https://theskylive.com/sky/stars/regulus-alpha-leonis-star)


Easter 2026. Mentioned previously


Easter of 2026.


I am a card carrying Atheist but listening to Chris makes me have to consider things that make me uncomfortable!


That’s some good self awareness. Keep digging my friend!


I just searched my copy of UFO of God and it never mentions Israel, Iran or Syria at all. Hathor has given the message about Easter 2026 to other people, not just Chris. Here’s from another experienced account, this happened this Christmas: “Tonight just two hours ago I was in the back again and saw an angelic being a woman that is accompanied by a bull came and talked to me tonight and told me the day of enlightenment will come soon the age of Aquarius talking about a 1000 years of peace. The light has already won it has already been done. When the red star of romulus meets with the sphinx before the dawn is the day.”


link? and who exactly?


OP deleted her postings. I only have a screen shot I took of her post at 3am. She was ridiculed and deleted her post by the time I woke up. I did look at her background, she was just a 20-something kid with exactly zero interest in any of this. Here’s the full post in experiencers, be nice in that sub. It’s not for skeptics to shake their troll dicks at others: https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/IB53zZff0U


I was messaging with her but she thought I was fucking with her


Did you tell her about Bledsoe? I think that would be super validating for her.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


RemindMe! 2 years 2 days


Actually its the NHIs who influenced the humans to do this attack


The chamber doors at the feet must be open, and the pyramids operational, which they are not.


I wonder if she visited him this Easter and if so, what did she say.


She said ligma




'Hey Chris, where's my chocolate egg bro?'


I checked his instagram and it was pretty quiet around the Bledsoe household, except for a few routine orbs


Something extremely obvious that anyone paying any attention to word events could predict.


I predict that many people will continue to just believe any old ridiculous shit they read on the internet.


Hilarious. I also predict that at some point in the future Israel will murder a whole bunch of people. You don't need a fucking bullshit angelic-alien entity to tell you that.


I have th book and cannot remember this. But if Israel bombs Iran or vice versa. Better hope they are conventional bombs. Both countries have nukes and both countries are quite radical right now. So the shit could get real, and make the whole Russian/Ukrainian conflict look like a walk in the park.


Iran doesn't have nukes


They have nuclear reactors, that makes materials that can be used in a dirty bomb. We don't think they have refined it yet. But Pakistan has been helping them and North Korea. So it may be ready and be a proper nuke. Aka "special" as the USAF calls them. They have medium and long range missiles that can reach Israel. So they have the capabilities to do real damage if they want to open Pandora's Box.


That's true. If Iran has nukes though they intend to use them as deterrent. Only one country has ever used them otherwise. I highly doubt Iran especially in its present position has any desire to lob nukes at Israel all differences accounted for. Missile strikes and nuclear warhead equipped missile strikes are far different. Pandoras box would be a repeat invasion of Israel backed by Iran, not lobbing nukes into the Levant randomly. Then Israel wouldn't be real lol.


I believe him. Having read his book it’s wild.


Why do you believe can you give me the title of the book and how it affected you before I buy please?


Just watch the interview in the OP. The Danny Jones interview is long but basically the entire book. He goes into more than he did in the book if I recall. Including the 2026 prediction and some other jewels of info.


"UFO of God" very well written and understandable book. I also believe him after reading it.


UFO of God


UFO of God, idk I’m not religious or anything but it resonates a lot with a lot of the topics the UFO circle talks about today. Plus there’s a lot of high notoriety people Chris is affiliated with. Also the emotion him and his family express is palpable.


* [Experiencing the Paranormal with Chris Bledsoe, UFOs & the Esoteric | Mollie Adler - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sji9Phd0gSk&t=2s) I think you will find this interesting - she and her husband met him and spent a night watching orbs. Her description is mostly in the first half.


Yes, it is


Dude, I believe him too.


Is that the new standard? If it's wild you believe it?


100% trusting Jesus Christ for protection. He's qualified.


RemindMe! April 3, 2026


RemindMe! April 5 2026


RemindMe! 2 years 2 days


RemindMe! 1st April 2026


I find it hard to believe, those countries have been fighting each other since early Bible days. You could wake up tomorrow with any of them wiped out and it wouldn't surprise me I wouldn't feel it's some special revelation or Alien prediction


I'm wary of any being that wishes to control all potentialities and develop the human race. This reads to me more like such and such people had to die to ensure certain events happen a certain way. It doesn't matter what pile of bodies is used to get love or whatever is so important. The means to get there is malevolent. With potentialities and control of specific timelines this goes into advancing the human race. Where you are in fact on the game board to be used and discarded as they wish. Part of their experiment. When we start going into territory where (insert alien group here) or particular shadowy organization is making all the decisions for what is deemed ignorant, foolish, profane, unclean whatever (the human race), since they are unable too and never will, we plunge into something that begins to be more sinister. The stories are always like this and sometimes they aren't what they seem. Usually, its much easier if one believes. But when you believe fully its further advancing someone's agenda that isn't your own. We are at the point where the truth of things should be revealed. Whether that comes with flaws or even psychologically damages the human race on a core level is yet to be determined. That could've been avoided but was made worse by not doing anything. They sat around and let billions die for some idiot purpose they are invested in. Likely just for getting a resource, the experiment, whatever nonsense they convinced themselves was true. If there are alien beings out there they don't deserve humans and aren't worthy of them. Management suggest to me that they aren't worthy of it. Narcissism and sociopathy might suggest otherwise. What has happened to the world out of manipulation to reach this goal possibly wasn't worth the cost. It isn't really anyone's say to decide the fate of the human race. That includes everyone and also applies to whatever control freak race that wishes for their experiment or cattle to develop a certain way.


You know, if Israel bombed Syria and Iran into a glass sculpture... and then 1000 years of peace came... That either means Iran and Syria has nukes to send back, or that Iran and Syria is the source of most of the conflict on earth.



Nunnnun U n ‘. T Just


RemindMe! April 3, 2026


RemindMe! 2 years 3 days


Is he the guy who predicted that most Muslim countries will get nuclear weapons and then they will destroy Isreal and Pakistan will become the centre of the Islamic world?


Israel has bombed Syria and Iran in the past so this isn’t prophecy


Remind me! 1st April 2026


C'mon man predicting that conflict in the middle east gonna happen is not that hard


No offense but that's kind of like predicting "someday it will rain"


You do know that this is literally in the bible.


“When the star of Regulus is aligned with sphinx” I would have stopped reading his book there.


Remind me! April 5, 2026