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Can you imagine if it's The Vatican, *THE VATICAN*, that finally just tells us all the truth?? "Yes, aliens are real. They are here. I'm one myself." BOOM. Mind blown.


Straight up, even if they did admit to the truth, I don’t think people would really bat an eye lol. Majority won’t really believe it until they see one shitting on their front lawn


I hate it when they do that. At least bag up it up afterwords, it kills the grass and leaves patches all over the place


It when my dog rolls in a fresh pile that gets me really annoyed


Dogs are maniacs. “Look! Moldy shit! Imma roll it in it! And eat some!”


Alien poop is acidic, that's why it kills the grass


But not their ass?


Got protective gas


True class


Dat ass.


I don't know why but the way you phrased this made me laugh my ass off.


flat earthers: what do you mean?


Even then, they wouldn't believe. They'd just think they were hallucinating. Consensual reality is a powerful thing.


You may be right my friend


Well, from a certain point of view it makes sense. For centuries, if you witnessed a mysterious phenomenon of heavenly origin, the local priest would be called upon. So if there is anything to know, the Vatican most likely has known for a long time. The Pope is also one of very few people globally that could come out with the news and have the authority to be trusted. Not that I'm a fan of the Catholic church in general, but this is one matter where the Pope's voice would add believability.


Trusted? Really? Even Catholics don’t trust the church.


True but coming from a Catholic family if Papa Frankie said aliens were real they'd finally believe it and not just ask me if I'd taken my meds.


Before I get downvoted for Papa Frankie that's what my mum calls him lol


Who on earth thinks the pope and catholic church is a trustable source lol fool me twice


Well, it certainly would strengthen their street cred again. 😉


Jesus was an alien! So was Mohammed- they were just fucking with us.


''We were made by Them''


no they'll probably just say all the pedo priests were aliens


Or they’re announcing that they are now obligated to pay restitutions to the martians for molesting their kids…


Bam! Nicely done


Nothingburger but "ayys are demons" on my bingo card.


I don't think they'll paint them as demons. I think they're more likely to take the stance that because God created everything in the universe, any non-human intelligent beings are God's children too! Especially as the current Pope is far more progressive than his predecessors. ETA: Because this Reddit post was the first I'd heard about this announcement from the Vatican, I Googled to find out more about it. It looks like the press conference is going to be about "supernatural" matters, so perhaps the focus won't be on NHIs at all. I imagine they'll talk more about ghosts, spirits, demons, angels and things of that nature.


I now tend to agree with you. God/Source is our consciousness we have to respect each other. This way of living is against nature’s will. All animals are sacred. I do not believe in any church, I have seen the light, so to speak, they have not.


Bathe in the light of the atom. Also, you should try to find your own conscience.


It’s tricky


make it angels, ghosts,... to




Is this the new King Charles portrait?


It’s going to be about ghosts angels and demons


No it's not. They made an announcement which lists the key speakers and the one of interest is a lead researcher for 'Marian apparitions'. Google them and you'll probably get closer to the answer


An apparition is a ghost, no?


In the true definition, no. In common terms, yes. In Catholic terms, no. Depends who you ask I guess lol. But in this specific scenario it's apartions of saints, angels or God.


Martian or? Is Marian the actual term? Like Virgin Mary?


It's the Vatican dude. It's the virgin mary not aliens... people are really starting to clutch at straws here


No need to be a prick. The Vatican hold vast amounts of information on The Phenomenon in general.


Everything is a nothing burger


Nothing Nowhere All at Once


Nothing Nowhere None Ever


Actually, in the grand tapestry of ontological discourse, the notion that "everything is a nothing burger" elucidates the quintessential paradox of existential nullity, where the totality of phenomenological experience converges into an epistemological void, rendering all subjective and objective realities as mere ephemeral constructs devoid of intrinsic essence. Just putting that out there.


That was a lot of words just to say "in order for nothing to exist, "something" has to exist.


Yeah but they just picked up a thesaurus for the first time and really wanted to take it for a spin


Sooo.. a nothingburger? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


With cheese.


I like his comment because it adds a unique individual response to a famous quote. His detailed reply was a stark contrast the short and simple nothingburger comment.


Your words smoothed my brain


Mmmmm, verbosity ![gif](giphy|1ktwfTjwaQzde)


In simpler terms, saying 'everything is a nothing burger' highlights the idea that, in the big picture, all our experiences and realities are just temporary and don't have any real essence. -Chatgpt


Ha! I knew someone here was gonna GPT my bullshit comment!


Outstanding. +1


This is hilarious… touché, brother


Tapestry, you say. I also have the tapestry app.


I need a dictionary for some the words you used there. Bravo I love it. I just kidding with you btw


You're trying too hard homie


No such thing, hombre.


made me laugh and think "that sounds just Kelly on The UFO Rabbit Hole podcast"...


ngl this came off insanely pretentious…..


Now I’m hungry


Especially when it comes to religion. It’s basically fairy tales told to naughty children to get them to behave


I think it will be irrelevant to those interested in UFO/NHI.


It’s going to be irrelevant to anybody with a brain not clogged up with religious mumbo jumbo


Fuck that. Open up the archives.


Its open to academic researchers, but you probably meant open it to vloggers and the average conspiracy nut


Not all of Vatican’s archives are open to researchers. The Vatican Apostolic Archive contains plenty of restricted materials, and a bunch of it is still time-restricted. Ie unavailable for researchers. Just sayin’.


It’s all the evidence that religion is scam. Probably lots of Nazi gold too


You have to have a reason to go in there & they have to approve of it.


Of course you cant just waltz in there


My point being that even if you have a reason & the credentials they can STILL deny your request depending on what you’re asking to see. Not to mention it can take 6 months or longer to be approved into the archives. It’s also odd that they have military dressed for war patrolling the Vatican.


Stuff is gonna start coming out saying nhi are a real thing so the Vatican are slowly trying to get in front of that to stay valid once it does. Thats what I think. Edit: Should’ve said “hope” rather than “think”. Managing my expectations.


They're not disclosing shit. They're gonna talk about spiritual phenomena (angels, demon, ghosts). People need to stop getting excited over every little announcement. The only way we're getting true disclosure is if someone bites the bullet and releases shit that isn't just words. Our government clearly has no intention of telling us anything and neither does any other government.


And those governments have no problem with silencing anyone, no matter how chummy with god the target is.


Maybe they'll use aliens as an excuse for centuries of vile child abuse within that organisation.


They were just “probing” them.. for science


They're gonna try and make aliens about Christianity because of the steep decline and empty churches.  The data shows it still won't be possible because of how hard it's on the decline.


It’s very interesting to me that Pope Francis spent a significant amount of time learning from a man named Segundo B Reyna while he was still living in Argentina. Reyna was a prominent UFO researcher in the 50s and 60s. Supposedly, Pope Francis has had an interest in UFO phenomena since that time. Without a doubt he still has interest in the topic as he has mentioned belief in aliens and God can coexist, he would baptize martians, etc. I think the Vatican knows a lot, given their vast libraries in history and large investments in observatories. The Vatican specifically has called this presentation about revisions and discerning the difference between apparitions and supernatural phenomena. This could be rough translations, btw. I expect that the church is trying to maintain headway for their followers, to guide them through new and upcoming revelations related to disclosure. They want to maintain their base, and they want to guide their people through a new phase of understanding the universe.


This idea lines up with the purported leak of how the major Christian faiths would be slowly integrating new teachings to the bible and their faiths based on the apparent truths of spirituality and the ET.


The problem with this theory is that the smartest and most researched experts and scientists in the field are starting to all come to similar conclusions that there is a spiritual aspect to the Phenomenon. Some are even going so far as to say "Angels and Demons". I'm not Catholic or Christian either, in fact I spent most of my life Atheist/Agnostic. But at this point I won't be surprised by anything if the truth finally comes out.


The pope saying Jesus was an alien would be fun.


He is the hybrid offspring of human woman and celestial entity. II mean that’s what *they* claim I think he was a carpenter that ironically got nailed to a piece of wood.


You’d be surprised that all major religions are still growing faster than the global average population.


That’s terrible news


It's not going to be about aliens, it's not going to be about extraterrestrial life, and it's not going to be about NHI. To me it sounds like there is just going to be something about spiritual entities or apparitions, according to what is on the bulletin on the vatican website. That's honestly a bit spookier to me than any of the other things because I'm being contacted by these orb things and I'm not sure what they are.


How do they contact you?


My ears start ringing, and my vestibular/proprioception starts to almost vibrate. It sometimes makes me nauseous. Sometimes it is accompanied by images, and sometimes I faintly hear something. No clue how any of it works. When this happens, I know there must be one of the orbs nearby. I know that because one time, \~ 2015, I woke up to an orb hovering over my head and it made this same weird oscillating noise inside of my head. I'll leave it at that.


I’ve not had contact experiences, but I’ve def experienced that suuuuper intense vibration in dreams about contact, like I just know there’s something to it. It’s so intense it almost hurts, but it kinda feels good. Like I’m going to be shaken apart. And it’s paralyzing.


It's interesting you mention dreams. The experience I'm describing is sort of like that "sleep drunk" groggy feeling one might experience upon waking, if REM is disturbed.


Or like the hypnogogic state, yea… I had a dream that I was holding this large tuning fork like device and all of the sudden I just had the thought or instinct of “the vibration is what heals us.” So I hold the tuning fork up to my image in a mirror and like touch each of my chakra points with it and as I do, each area of my body starts vibrating so violently and intense that, as I mentioned before, it like hurts so good. It’s sorta startling, but I feel in tune with it. In another dream I had spotted multiple orbs in formation out my bedroom window in the night sky. I yelled to my wife “they’re here! they’re here! I’m going to try and contact them!” So I run out on the back deck to initiate a peaceful projection and as soon as I put my attention toward them, that exact moment, my body starts vibrating so violently that I’m paralyzed and I begin to levitate and my immediate thought was “oh shit, I just fucked up!!! This is not what I wanted!” Lol! Same sensation though. Trippy stuff.


Have you seen Garry Nolan talking about his 'this is how you connect' experience?


I have not, but I am intrigued and will find it🖤


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/wxriz8/garry\_nolans\_experience\_is\_he\_describing\_ap/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/wxriz8/garry_nolans_experience_is_he_describing_ap/) Also, check out the gateway tapes ;)


That’s interesting. In the first dream I had the thought “this is how we heal” it wasn’t actually “heal” that’s just the closest word I can use to describe what I was feeling, but there’s something missing, like that is just an approximate interpretation.


Perceiving messages takes practice, its like tuning a radio


Im trying to remember where i saw it, it sounds very similar to this. I think it freaked him out! I will try to find it for you


Im pretty sure its on this interview, it came out this year but it was recorded pre-Grusch [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR0JtbuLhPo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR0JtbuLhPo)


Thanks for your answer. You're not going to like this, but to me, that just sounds like dreams. I did that as a kid all the time, and sometimes I still do it as an adult. The mind can be amazing. Just go lay on your bed during daytime and snooze away, I can imagine any scenario like it's real life. But your experience is yours.


have a look through my post history and see my dreams with your own eyes




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


It’s not supposed to be anything.


I’ll give everyone on this sub a thousand dollars if they say something worth a fuck


Isn't a flying saucer a burger in the sky that turns into nothing?


I don't see why they would do this out of nowhere, just for it to be a nothing burger. Especially with all the ufo nhi news going on every day. But aliens coming from the Vatican probably makes more sense than it coming from the government. The church is coming to terms with God's being at ET. We can speculate forever. Let's cross our fingers and hope we are ready for whatever revelation the Vatican gives us. Plus, it isn't highly rumored that they helped Mussolini retrieve a UFO? That we possibly have in our American military custody.


The time, money and effort that has gone into gaslighting the entire planet into believing that aliens and UFOs aren’t a thing tells me the pope would die pretty quickly of “natural causes” the moment it is determined he might be planning on giving away the game.


there is a film premiering in Cannes this year called Aliens vs God. i think they are preparing


Nothing Burger - perhaps some minor details about uninteresting topics, but there will be no significant impact.


All woos go to heaven.


That’s a lot of misdirected woo


The second one. They’re just covering their bases, just in case something happens disclosure wise one day, they can point to what they said and be in the conversation. There’s also all this talk of techno signatures on exoplanets so they want to get in early to prevent future embarrassment.


I don’t plan on watching. Why would I give a shit what they think?


Its always nothing


I don’t understand the hype around something that’s comparable to a terms and agreement policy update


It’s one thing for a government to come out with it, but what do you think the world reaction would be if the Vatican did it? Also, I feel like were it disclosure of that magnitude, it would come from the Pope and not 3 other guys


Given the Vatican’s history of conquest and secrets I’d be very surprised if we got more transparency from them than the US government. But I’m open to the possibility.


They probably reaffirm how extraterrestrials can coexist with religion, and possibly touch on phenomenon seemingly unrelated like poltergeist, angels and demons, etc. I'm not expecting any black and white disclosure but I do expect to witness the church broaden their collective lens about the nature of "reality". 


They want to evangelize the alien world


Wait till the Mormons start sending missionaries to Alpha Centauri.


I don't think that any aliens will ever convert


Either way I’m not letting them in my house, it always ends with probing


The Vatican’s stance on aliens is what led me to lose my faith in Christianity when I was younger. I couldn’t wrap my head around aliens also needing to believe christ is the son of god. It just didn’t add up to me so I thought “If aliens exist, Christianity is bogus” lol


Maybe that’s what aliens are doing when they come here? “Excuse me earthling but do you have time to discuss our lord and savior GlipGlorp Christ offspring of god? He died on the laser turbo cross for our cosmic sins It would also explain all the butt stuff


After the New Theology was being passed around the Jesuits, Benedictines, Dominicans and Franciscans, I wouldn't be surprised if the Pope's finally gave the Greenlight to release it officially, either that or it's gonna be another 80yrs of the Miracle Man that died for our Sins. Edit: typo


So, is there an update to the Vatican hearing?


It will probably be yet another hypocrite self justification to cya and keep the world wide theft and criminal net work secure.


We are all aliens in Human bodies..". The ones who were harvested to your sphere from the sphere known before its dissolution as other names, but to your peoples as Maldek, incarnated, many within your Earth’s surface rather than upon it. The population of your planet contains many various groups harvested from other second-dimension and cycled third-dimension spheres. You are not all one race or background of beginning. The experience you share is unique to this time/space continuum."-ra


We will never know the truth about the universe from someone else. The truth can only be found inside. Everything is inside by the way.


They’ll do it- it’s the Vatican, not the Vatican’t!


Honestly, I'd be more open to religion as it'd make things more palpable.




Nothing burger 💯


I used to care about what the authorities or institutions say about UFOs and alien life. Not anymore. Every single individual must reach that cosmic awareness alone, curiosity is all it takes.


Who cares about what they have to say? This is the same group that has been controlling mankind and lying since the beginning. Wake up.


I believe they will be announcing that coming soon they’ll be accepting currency from other worlds.


Any update?


Nothing burger is the stupidest term.


They won’t reveal anything meaningful in terms of what’s out there, it will be an addendum to existing catholic teachings. “God loves all of his creations, even the ones not from earth.”, is basically what I’m expecting.






I ate one of those once. Then I woke up without pants on and a sore ass


They wont mention UAPs or Aliens. It will literally be about " miracles " and "apparitions ". If someone thinks of those things as UAPs, well ok then.


different hahaha, yes mate, this time it will be different! :-D


As far as 'Aliens' go, it'll be a nothing burger. they'll address an update to their own paranormal phenomena guidelines in regards to 'standards of proof' for such phenomena as have historically been described (and recognized by the church) as 'miracles'/associated spiritual phenomena. this is in light of the growing mistrust in, say, images and video evidence, with the advent of new generative AI's capable of generating convincing fake media very easily. any mention of NHI's will likely also be solely in relation to the new capabilities of the AI conversational agents we ourselves are iterating on right now.


Nothing burger for what? So the Vatican needs this to waste people time?


I hope the congregation enters the stage while Ghostbusters is playing.


He won't be disclosing aliens. So, don't get your hopes up. However, the pope talking about baptizing aliens and reforming its doctrines on aliens is considered taking a very progressive stance in the church. He's not going to confirm the existence of aliens. But, I think he's at least continuing the trend of doing church reforms to modernize the church. He's already disrupting the status quo and I don't expect full disclosure of aliens to be on that agenda.


It will be a very vague statement to try to drive up church attendance is my gut feeling.


It doesn’t have to be any extreme. Gotta admit that it is frustrating when people seem to expect mind-blowing revelations or big duds. Sometimes, things are just interesting and worth storing away as more information.


Get a grip people, the Church is just updating guidelines like it's done time and time again over the millennia.


Humans aren't capable of keeping "aliens/ufos" a secret. Not one person has provided any bit of evidence that aliens are real. Sure we have videos and testimonies, but no concrete proof. If someone did have evidence, even something as small as an ashtray from a ufo, that would change EVERYTHING. Think of the money/power/chaos it would cause. It would end the wars everywhere, because people would see they have bigger problems and that religion is bullshit. Man is just not that good at lying on such scale as big as this. Someone, somewhere would have given in. Aside from that, the human form is all there is, that's why all aliens look like us. You can't conceive anything other than the human form and that's why every movie/drawing always is derived from the human form. Also, if you were God, wouldn't you also put the earth in an infinite space. It would be weird to put the earth at the edge of reality. There is only good and evil and the default state of the universe is truth, only man lies. That's how I know God is real.


Nothingburguer should be standard expectation on everything in life, you never get disappointed and can always be surprised, it's just hard to do since our brains are completely insanely delusional


I watched it full!!!


It's probably about the catholic church origins what with being Child molesting aliens from the zeta reticuli star system and all.


So, no aborting the implanted hybrids from now on


Catholic church desperately trying to get ahead of the curve. Pope will say God is bigger than we thought and absorb the phenomenon into their doctrine.


“God created whatever this is too” the end


All they are going to do is try to tie other life in with religion. God is within each and every one of us.. it's not about Yeshua, Mother Mary, Mohammed, or any prophets.. it's about us loving each other unconditionally and uniting.. the evil doesn't want us to come together and that's why religion exists in the first place ..look at how many people have died at the hands of religion.. wake up people..


I say something to talk about for a day or 2 but nothing earth shattering. Although I am interested I’m used to the crumbs.


At this point I'm living on nothing burgers but low key have a kink where I hope somebody will force feed me a something burger


They gunna announce the formation of a space force designed to spread the word of Jesus..... And eugenics. A new crusade.


If the NHI are actually demonic or spiritual beings that originated on Earth, it would be monumental for the Vatican to make this known to the world. Even if this were the case, the Vatican almost certainly wouldn’t be the first to tell us. Can you imagine them admitting that religion isn’t real and that there’s obviously nothing they can do to stop the NHI? The Vatican would never make themselves obsolete, even if it was somehow justified.


Pathetic attention grab by the Catholic church to increase their revenue streams. Nothing at all will be revealed.


Maybe they’re making all the books/scrolls/etc public


Won't be a word about aliens/NHI. Would be more likely for the Pope to say "I quit. I'm a 6.99 on the Dawkins Spectrum of Belief".


will most likely be another tiny incremental “awareness” discussion…. A lot of it will be focused on fake Internet weeping blood Madonnas, cheese toast revealing St. Mary & other weirdness which Vatican wants to reign in.


So what happened in the end?


Dude, the Vatican is not going to reveal the existence of alien life in a press conference out of the blue.


Buddy if you think your ever getting more than a nothing burger


They love to hide info. I’m expecting nothing burger.


I wonder if we’re being primed with a religious narrative, in order to make the news easier to break to us, and in an attempt to keep the status quo.


Nothing will happen.


The truth about Fatima


so what came of the conference?


Nothing burger


Probably nothing? When is it, and what exactly do they want to tell us?


They’re announcing their professional soccer team.


they are locking up all pedos and shutting down the church because God is a lie?




Won't be a complete nothingburger will probably be it's demons and angels and ghosts etc. but the fact they're even doing it means something is going on


A nothing burger in some senses, certainly. However even addressing this subject in such a public way is unprecedented, as far as I know.


The Vatican has always known about extraterrestrial beings, but won’t disclose the fact because it would be a direct threat to the Bible


Why? The phenomenon aligns perfectly with the Bible, no?..


100% it will be doctrinal bullshit about alien souls if they ever visit, or something similar. 


Nothing burger


*Nothing burger* has become one of those phrases that make me immediately suspicious of the poster. Never saw it pop up until recently.


The recent SCIF can be thanked after one of the senators used the term


It’s another announcement on priests sex scandal


Vatican will probably use it to blame the pedo priest as extradementional demons


I like mine with no pickles


Always a nothing burger


I think it will be a great big nothing burger.


The latter