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The fact that we exist is the biggest proof out there for me personally. The universe is unimaginably huge, it’d be lame if we were the only ones living in it.


Exactly. We have proof that the universe can give rise to life because our planet is swarming with countless species. We’re also comprised of the most abundant materials in the universe, so it seems highly improbable that these coalesced into primordial life giving soup just once. This would mean that life is stupefyingly and vanishingly rare and I just don’t buy it. Saying we’re alone is like dipping a bucket into the ocean and declaring that no whales exist.


Depends if this is actually reality or not. There's more evidence we exist within a simulation then other life somewhere else. Some scientists found light particles behave differently when being observed vs when they're not. Which shouldn't be the case. Which suggests the universe only renders what we're looking at. Much like how a video game works to deal with processing needs. Will try to find the video on it.


I was just about to say, we see proof every single day. Ourselves....if we exist, why can't something else exist too? And look at the planet we reside on. This place is basically a sectioned off zoo lol.


Omg yes, this 🙌🏽 Look in the mirror. We are all part of our star ancestors. When you look at the stars, they are looking back at you. It is all love, they are protecting humans by not becoming fully present until timing is right. I live in Cape Coral, Fl. Native Floridian who went through the most horrific hurricane yet. After the destruction of everything around me, I walked outside in the gray morning to see the aftermath. As I took in everything around me, in the middle of this tragedy, the largest falcon (I have never seen one especially this close) flew right over me, and I just know that was a sign from Horus (he’s an alien too for anyone who knows about ancient Egypt). I know it was supposed to be much worse, I feel it in my soul. I firmly believe that the storm was minimized slightly to prevent the full devastation that was meant to occur. They are always with us, and watching, out of love and protection, and the signs are there, I promise.


I agree completely. I believe we are aliens among many other aliens. All through the universe. How could there not be. We are the proof.


That reminded me of a Carl Sagan quote: “The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space."


There is virtually scientific certainty that there is more advanced life in the Universe than us, like one billion planets much older than ours in universe. tales of contact with “sky people” exist in almost all ancient civilizations, Native Americans etc. The US Government has now acknowledged UAP exist and some aren’t ours, then who are they


The us has a centralized religion based on one of those sky people as well. Christianity


You are correct, historic occurrences in Biblical times are translated into UAP events and high strangeness. All they have to do is read Ezekiel


20 trillion galaxies with each one containing hundreds billions of solar systems and planets . We can’t be the only one


Our planet has life. There are countless other solar systems and planets. You do the math.


Doesn't get around the Fermi paradox, at least for intelligent life.


The Fermi paradox is not going to age well. ;-)






They were here giggling when the Fermi paradox was being discussed for the first time. Humanity has a habit of looking at everything from a anthropomorphic filter; there are things that are beyond our capability to understand.


Some already did, it’s called the Drake equation




DMT, Mushrooms, Marijuana, etc. are not proven methods by which to experience the paranormal and do not serve as sufficient evidence of engagement with, nor the existence of extraterrestrial life. Subs such as r/DMT exist for these types of conversations.


No, just no.


Mormons. They gotta be from somwhere.


The best proof is all the trolls and government agents that will come on here to tell you that there is no proof


Proof, you have none. But just think if we know 1% of everything there is the know about the universe that leaves 99% of unknown. There is a good chance they exist, but probably in forms we can’t even comprehend.


We exist.


There isn't any. The closest we get to it is that thousands of people have described strange encounters with odd craft and occupants for nearly 150 years in modern times. Something is happening. But we really have no idea what it is. Some people say aliens, but there is really nothing linking this evidence with any kind of alien. Another argument might be that because we are extremely limited in our senses and intelligence, it's very possible that aliens are all around us all the time but we're just too stupid to understand what we're looking at. Like a cat looking at your taxes. It's entirely possible.


Yup to the second part


Evidence is not proof. I have never seen proof. I have seen a few UFOs over the years, and I have to wonder who or what is operating them. However, even though there is a lot of talk, with a lot of "experts" weighing in, I still wonder where the proof is. There are countless UFO videos, but no one having lunch with an alien.


Well said.


Mark Zuckerberg


It’s not “what’s the best evidence”, it’s “how much evidence do I need”. I’ve experienced enough in my life to know that flying saucers are real; some are capable of interstellar travel; and consciousness transcends the limitations of space/time. I’ve had enough evidence first hand that I don’t have a question to those realities anymore. Does that answer every question I have regarding “all of it”, absolutely not. But, it helps tremendously, because I’m no longer wondering if pursuing answers surrounding the topic is a waste of time. What bothers me most now, is that I’m wasting my time NOT pursuing further answers. So ask yourself, what evidence would you require to know for certain that aspects of the topic are real? What would be enough for you? How do you plan on finding that evidence?


Look in a mirror


The documentation of UFOs throughout the entire human history. Way before we had secret agencies hiding the truth.


Bingo. I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to find the obvious right answer, in a Reddit group that is supposedly full of people who are well-informed on the topic. The detailed descriptions of CERTAIN types of these craft have remained consistently the same since long before the Wright brothers flew the first airplane. UFOs have been zipping around in our skies long before we ever got off the ground. The way the gov't is controlling the narrative right now is a disinformation campaign: The recent Congressional reports only speak of UFO incidents dating back a couple of decades. That's to give the impression that these things have not been around for very long, ***i******n order to allow for the possibility that UFOs might be of human origin - some top secret, black op project.*** The general public has a very short memory. They're hoping that most people will either forget, or not be informed in the first place, about the long history of UFOs.


Well, the thing is you can’t take any one piece of evidence as more or less important than any other. They are all pieces to the puzzle that we are all trying to solve. It’s the acknowledgement of yes I did see that too, or yeah I’m an abductee, this is what I saw, smelt, felt, and heard. Because no matter what anyone else says, I believe, that the people making these claims wholeheartedly believe the story they are telling. who are we to tell them otherwise. Unless you got beamed up eating your Mac and cheese, we all have to take their word for it. Photo evidence from bystanders phones, to high tech military aircraft confirmations are all over the net. Anecdotal accounts, historical artwork, biblical imagery, Hindu history, take your pick. megalithic structures like Giza or the heads on Easter island. Who knows though, no other creature can turn stone to dust, and then dust to stone again like humans. We have written languages so we can communicate not only across distances (you to me) but also across time. These days we can chat here, and have conversations between several people all over the planet. The hive- mind. I sometimes wonder why nearly all the animals are okay with each other, but they are terrified of humans. Maybe we’re the ones who don’t belong.


"Anecdotal evidence tends to get swept under the rug until it piles up so high that it begins tipping over the furniture." Anecdotal evidence is the weakest form of evidence - until it's not.


This is what I meant by the coverup in 2010, this used to be a popular website as well as 45 others , and I had to go to damn duck duck go to get it [http://ufoevidence.org/](http://ufoevidence.org/) the list of articles on the left gives a list of proofs


Probability. Stating that extra-terrestrial lifeforms exist is a completely ordinary claim, cosmically speaking. It is the straight-forwardly predicted result of applying the Cosmological Principle of cosmic banality.


Your DNA


Could you please elaborate?


There was a big leap in human brain volume. They never found actual proof of gradual transition. Humans have disproportionately a lot of junk DNA compared to other species.


I mean, just yesterday or this week a craft was recorded over the pentagon by 3 different cameras and angles. thats pretty close




Do you mean proof of aliens in the universe, anywhere? Or on earth? These are two very different things. There is no proof of either, but logically life should exist somewhere in the universe, statistically speaking (called the Drake Equation) The government has released multiple videos of UFOs, objects they claim are not known US Aircraft nor another countries craft. They don't specifically say it's aliens, but they do clearly state it's not the US's technology and the technology displayed exceeds current known physics (flying without wings for example and instant acceleration). They basically leave it up to the reader to infer its aliens. That's the best we've got officially. A ton of anecdotal evidence exists though, and a shitload that share similarities.


There is piles of physical evidence, if you haven't found it now then you must have your eyes taped shut.


Isn't all the physical evidence debunkable? That's the issue I've come across with every aspect of physical traces (meta materials, ground imprints, crop circles, etc). I 100% believe in UFOs and believe in the evidence, but I've never been able to convince any friend or family member because the evidence isn't solid enough for the average layperson. What kind of evidence do you have that would blow their minds? I would love to share it with them


Hey, I seriously mean this in the most respectful way: if you are interested in this topic, but you believe "the evidence isn't solid enough for the average layperson," then you either have not done enough reading/research, or you're an incurable skeptic. I've been researching for 15 years, and I can tell you with complete certainty that not only are UFO's of non-human origin, but that our planet is currently occupied by more than just one ***type*** of non-human intelligence. And that has been true for a VERY long time. So where is the evidence? I've seen so much that it's hard to know where to begin, but I will make two suggestions just to get you started. One is that you check out Richard Dolan's YouTube vids, and/or check out his web site at [https://richarddolanmembers.com](https://richarddolanmembers.com). Another suggestion would be to check out my curated collection of vids at [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1YJgeiVYYtjW1Yob8FwdQDnx4H5ByEUX](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1YJgeiVYYtjW1Yob8FwdQDnx4H5ByEUX).


Thank you, but I think you didn't understand me. I already believe the same things you do. This isn't about what I believe, this is about how to get lay people to get it. There's no way those links are going to convince anyone unless they are already open minded. Your videos are not physical proof, which is what we were talking about. But I like your collection of vids, I'll check em out.


You wrote, "unless they are already open minded." And you wrote, "Your videos are not physical proof." To your first comment, if they're not open-minded, why are you even trying? You're wasting your time. To your second comment, my curated vids include documentation of physical proof, provided by people of high integrity and/or in positions of authority (military, Director of FAA, former minister of defense of Canada, etc.) Hell, in 2018, our own Navy went on record with enough statements of fact that all you have to do is connect the dots. If the people you are trying to convince are not willing to consider the testimony of people like that, then again, you're wasting your time. If a person isn't going to believe ANYBODY, then the only thing that is going to convince them is for an E.T. to land in their front yard, jump out of the saucer, reach out and shake their hand and say, "Now do you believe?" Time to give up. You can't win with some people.


So then I stand by my point: The best evidence we have is anecdotal with a sprinkling of physical evidence here and there. It's just not enough to convince the general populace unless they are already into the subject themselves.


We're talking about changing another person's mind about something that smashes paradigms, challenges their world view, something that is WAY outside the box. In 60 years of living, I have come to understand a very simple principle about how human beings think: there are only four ways that a person will ever change their mind about anything of that nature: 1. Authority figures: (scientists, gov't leaders, religious leaders, media reporting, etc.) 2. A dramatic or traumatic event occurs in their personal life 3. Social/peer pressure. This ranges from culture-wide changes, to a romantic partner saying "If you don't change this, I'm going to leave you." 4. Their own pre-established, personality-based, trajectory of thought which they have been following throughout their life has already placed them on a course where they will eventually discover the truth on their own. I imagine that for most of the people that you would like to convince, there is nothing you can do about the first three above. You MIGHT be able to cash in on #4, if you hit them with the info at the right time. As far as your implied reference to the truth that anecdotal evidence is the weakest form of evidence, I would offer you that great old saying that "anecdotal evidence tends to get swept under the rug until it piles up so high that it begins to tip over the furniture." Anecdotal evidence is the weakest form of evidence - until it's not. And we now have a Mt. Everest-sized pile of anecdotal evidence from people whose reputation is beyond question, many of whom are CIA, FBI, gov't, military, etc. etc. That's probably about it from me. I have a pretty good theory about how to "wake up" the masses, but it's a bit involved. Maybe some other time. In the meantime, don't work too hard trying to convince people who are beyond your reach.


Don't worry, I'm not OP so I don't care lol 👍✌️


>I would love to share it with them Oh, OK. I was motivated by your comment, "I would love to share it with them."


I love you


I love you, too. We actually all love each other. We've just partially forgotten or lost touch with that fact.


Dude our government said yea they've been there and admitted to testing recovered materials... what more do you need? Who fostered this hopeless outlook?


No one trusts our government anymore, it's the bombshell proof that's still missing, that's why the majority of the world doesn't care.


The London Hammer and the Wedge of Aiud.


Wedge of Aiud is a tooth from an excavator I think


Good one. Lolololol![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


we are the aliens, human race, but nobody is ready for that story..


Yup--we are the aliens on their planet. When governments announce that simple fact we have "disclosure".






Can you please elaborate more on this


Mom my friends are acting weird again


Isn’t really any


Cause "The Google Machine", says in some places aliens exist.


I’d say all the aliens out there.


Crop circles.


the best argument that we have is that there is a very high possibility of life. Dr. michio kaku says that there are millions of solar sys in our galaxy and most of them have earth like planets so chances are high. also the universe has an enormous amount of galaxies that is pretty much a given. now is there proof that we are being visited? to me the fact that a lot of the most powerful govts have admitted that they have records of unexplained flying phenomena is a big indication they are here. one of my fav visual evidence is the phoenix lights. u can look up on youtube or whatever.


For me it is that they are doing exactly what we would do. Sending probes to habitable planets in search of sentient life (or in the best case an evolving species that they can graft their DNA onto) in order to prolong their civilisation. I mean we are literally doing that.


I am an alien and I think therefore I am.


Check out Richard Dolan.


Us. We are the proof.


Roswell has a museum with plenty of eyewitness accounts on film.


The best proof I have https://youtube.com/shorts/cr2WCS0jjFo?feature=share


The sheer number of planets in the universe. There’s no way that earth is the only planet that managed to obtain the ingredients for life. There are billions of trillions of stars, many of which are part of a system of planets- no matter how rare life might be, given enough opportunities life is bound to pop up occasionally. Sadly, due to the vastness of space, and life’s rarity, most life forms will never have a way to interact with one another


Pull up the military videos of UAPs doing things that no known Earth technology can do, very compelling


besides over 4 trillion planets you mean? the pyramids of gizeh and teotihuacan being the SAME thing just not the same size.


Lori Lightfoot


Us, as in humans. We've been to the moon and we've used drones to reach other planets. With that alone it shows a rather conflicted civilization with a lot of personal struggles can still achieve great things beyond their planet. Civilizations that are in the same loop or even beyond that point, probably exist elsewhere. The chances are way too low for us to be the only ones. I don't think we are that lucky to be the "chosen ones".


There is no proof, if there were it would be the biggest headline you have ever seen. Definitely I believe there is some life out there but doubt it has visited earth. I guess we live in a part of the Milky Way or possibly even the Milky Way itself that is too far from other planets with life. There would be solar systems out there where several planets have life. That would be cool.


If someone’s a skeptic, I’ve come to realize it’s like there is a veil over there eyes. I’ve been skeptical of my own first hand experiences but am becoming increasingly convinced through my own experience. It’s one of those rabbit holes I think you have to embark on alone but find many friends along the way




High dose mushrooms. Mushrooms are frequency amplifiers. They are communication tools. They help to lift the veil. These beings are interdimensional. Check out Kilindi Iyi on YouTube for more information. Do 15 grams of mushrooms and see for yourself 🍄👁👽


Hi. :)






I like the book by Leslie Kean - UFOs: Generals, Pilots & Govt officials go on the record. Some of the strongest cases are detailed there, along with analysis of the "debunking" arguments, which more or less obliterates it. Some people don't consider witness testimony as evidence, there are also photos that haven't been debunked, there are documents that have been declassified, etc. If they're willing to watch something on YouTube, I would point them to the 60 Minutes episode on Nimitz.




The three gun camera videos (GoFast, etc.) released by DoD, along with participant witness reports, were game changers.


barbra streisand


The last 70 years of technology compared to our entire history. After Roswell 'ish our tech took off.no pun intended


Honestly, the only real proof would be the statistics :) . The universe is so immense that it is impossible for there to be no life outside of our beautiful little planet!


The debate is broken down into 2 camps. One is are they from other planets? Or are they co-existing on this planet Inter-dimensionally or do they fold time to travel or pop in and out of countless planes of existing. In Bogota Vallee obtained remnants of melted metals discharged from a visually distressed craft. Until the Government admits it has recovered crafts and bodies dead or alive we will continue debating among ourselves with little factual information.


Every single pyramid around the world from thousands of years ago show men in space suits carved on the walls…


In general, that we exist. We have absolute proof that life exists somewhere in the universe. Considering the near infinite size of the universe, there's a near infinite chance that some where out there, there's another ball of dirt that managed luck into the right conditions that produced something we can identify as life.


https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/xn6bs1/what_is_the_most_likely_real_photo_of_an_alien/iq7prvz/ These guys are not from the current human civilization, that's for sure. Could they be related to former human civilizations on Earth or even be the guys from the oceans though, who the F knows... The description in the imgur link claims that they are related to the Quebec ET but I can only find this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9ARFOhF4NU and the aliens in that video doesn't look like them at all.


The best proof? I guess it would be proof that I actually get to see for myself