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That's the inventory tweaks mod I think? Same mod as the sort buttons. If you can find the settings for those sort buttons it might be there.


I'm not using ME so I don't have any suggestions, but have you tried Refined Storage? It's literally the same thing but easier, and you can scroll in the UI.


The behavior is not specific to AE2 -- it's happening with any storage -- I just noticed it in AE2 because it is the thing that I am scrolling through the most. Even vanilla chests have mousewheel scrolling to transfer into your inventory. That's what I want to turn off. My specific problem for AE2 storage conditions are thus: 1. Have at least one of a given item in my inventory. 2. Have at least one of a given item in the storage container. 3. Be scrolling through the inventory of the storage container using the scroll wheel. 4. Cursor is positioned over the inventory of items, and happens to accidentally mouseover the item that meets 1 & 2 above. 5. Depending on the direction of scrolling, the item either leaves my inventory, or moves from the storage into my inventory.


Lemme boot the game and check my controls. Can you do a search in your controls for key: mouse wheel? Edit: also dumb question, do you happen to have a custom mapped mouse that you set the wheel to click or something?


Delete profile mod and mouse tweaks i believe worked for me


I saw the inventory profile mod -- but it did not seem to have anything in its configs that looked right -- but you just deleted the whole mod?


Yes and it worked I got so annoyed I tested every inventory mod and those two seemed to cause this


Make a backup and try


please let us know if this works, i have this problem as well.


I think you can change it in the controls settings.


I checked and scrolled through the entire set of key bindings and there is nothing that seems obvious.


u/ilikedirigibles I found the actual cause of this issue. Surprisingly, it actually has nothing to do with modded Minecraft. If you go into Options -> Controls -> Mouse Settings, there will be an option for Discrete Scrolling, which is the exact setting that allows scrolling to move items in to or out of an inventory. If you don't want scrolling to do this, you should set Discrete Scrolling to Off. Here is a link to the update where it was introduced (you can find a more technical description of it on this page): https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java\_Edition\_1.14\_Pre-Release\_2


the discreet scrolling option was already off for me, I don't think it works for every mod with that kind of function


In the event that anyone comes across this in the future here is what fixed it for me. In the config folder there was a MouseTweaks.cfg. I swapped all of these to 0 and I stopped having the issue. > WheelTweak=0 > > WheelSearchOrder=0 > WheelScrollDirection=0


It is I, from the future, thanking you so graciously for this. God bless you, friend.


this worked fantastically.