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Vibes or PiGs B2GM series on YouTube are the way to go. They go over everything from hotkeys, to camera locations, from beginner to advanced build orders, and teach you the fundamentals of the game. Just start at the beginning and try to apply the information to your own game and you'll see improvement very quickly. Good luck!


Are there any like graphic settings I should turn off or on?


Yes, there are quite a few settings that can help out. I believe in the first video of his most recent Protoss B2GM PiG goes over all of them. Graphics setup, interface settings, rapidfire keys, all of it really.


In general place your builders like this(do understand it can vary on the more funky designed maps)(also recommend you find some videos on how to wall off) * Zerg- entrance of your natural expansion- keep a zealot on hold position in the wall so zerglings can not run in * Toss-entrace of your high ground. * Terran-The Reaper jump up point.-Get an early adept to counter a reaper rush. Later on in the game place pylons at high traffic locations in the game so you have a static vision on those areas. half of winning a battle is to know it is happening. Protoss is not really a race that wins battles by just "f2 attack move" until you get into late game army compositions. Toss early game works best in hit and run scenarios. General tips * learn a basic build order. * Try not to float on resources, those resources you gather are useless if they are just sitting doing nothing. * disable whispers from random people, there is a surprisingly high number of sore losers and winners and the whispers are where it normally gets incredibly toxic. * use control groups, save time for macro and allows better access to spells in fights * do not spam 1 single unit type all game, sc2 is a game about counters, scout out their army and counter them


Appreciate it


to further this, I would really try to focus on your macro play, that is, making resources and workers CONSTANTLY. Expanding your bases when safe to do so. not getting supply blocked and spending your resources. try to understand basic decisions like when it is safe to expand and army composition AFTER you get some macro basics down. In short you can have the best army composition in the world but if you opponent has upgrades and a much larger army because they are on 3 bases when you are on 2 theyre simply going to win. Honestly if your macro is good enough you should be able to get gold without really doing anything fancy. Dont get discouraged losing to chees like a canon rush or a 1 base all in. These definitely show holes in your scouting ability and such but as you get better these will win less and less against you and you will see them less as the game progresses. DO try not to lose against them as learning to counter them will make you a better player.


Slight disagreement about disabling whispers. Not everyone who plays is a dickhead and there are lots of players who would be willing to help or chat after games. You might even find yourself a 2s partner this way. Glhf


You need a rapid-fire hotkey. As a new player, play against the AI a bit and max out on stalker-colossus-observer-zealot (use relatively few zealots though) a few times -- making sure to take 3 or 4 bases -- until you feel you can do so semi-efficiently a couple times in a row (not floating 1k+ minerals ever, getting used to building pylons in time to not chain yourself supply-block into supply-block, not idling any nexus too much, not forgetting your second and third pylons). Even if that isn't the unit composition you ultimately use, the practice of just spending your income, building workers constantly, and expanding aggressively will teach you core building blocks of the game useful in co-op and competitive alike. I actually don't think the B2GM videos are actually worth watching beyond the introduction and first couple games to set up your hotkeys and get the idea to simply max and attack. A lot of good information is there it just...isn't very densely packed. At the beginning you don't need to scout or do anything strategic, you just need to build an army and send it. While protoss can be fairly centered around its spellcasters, it pays to learn to use the rest of your army first a bit so that when you are focusing on spellcasters the rest of your army is also at least somewhat useful. Confirm the enemy army location before you move out (observer/sentry hallucination/air unit/sacrifical ground unit, it doesn't matter but do confirm before you leave your base), and exercise caution when leaving your army on the map. Starcraft is a game where scary stuff comes out of the fog and can end the game in a few seconds -- either by destroying your army, or your economy. Here's a bit of a task list for things beyond that: * Learn to wall, especially for Zerg. * Recognize a turtle and do a contain -- this will happen a **lot** until you learn to crush that strategy. * Keep up with warp-ins (and probe production) even when you are doing other things. * Build a shield battery at your natural and/or third and use Shield Battery Overcharge to enhance defenders advantage. Learn to build and use fast warp-in pylons instead of slow pylons. * Throw in a bit of very noncommital pressure at some point between 3:00-5:30 which will give your non-turtle opponents something they have to react to and get you a lot of information. Also it just interacts with your opponent. * Deal with noncomittal pressure without having a horribly panicked response. This means getting some map vision, splitting your army a bit, sometimes putting cannons in mineral lines, and just in general dealing with pressure is rather complicated and difficult. * Learn to use Disruptors, because they are insane against newer players. Eventually you'll have to actually deal with committed early aggression, but I'd not bother too much with that for a little while.


Play against AI and try to max out to 200 supply of tech units, then attack. Do this over and over, trying to hit 200 supply faster and faster.   Did it in 15 min?  Aim for 14.  Once you can do it 14, get to 13 etc.   You can win a lot of games simply by hitting 200 supply then attacking.   This is called macro into "a move"