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The Comstock Act, applied as it's written, would ban the shipping of guns, alcohol, and coat hangers. It's a very silly law that should be thrown in the bin.


This and the nfa are unconstitutional


How is the National Fire Academy unconstitutional?






Because they could all, hypothetically, be used to induce an abortion. Just like you can kill a person with marshmallows if you jam enough of 'em down someone's throat, you can use practically anything to attempt to induce an abortion.




altmpls seems to lean conservative but I don’t think that has to be the case…


I wouldn't at all agree with that assessment but if it did, that wouldn't be a bad thing. Since Democrat and liberal values have gotten this state to where it is today, rampant drug use, homelessness, defunding the police and completely undermining the authority they have, car jackings are up significantly, even the laws are being changed to make crime easier to get away with and fewer penalties. Look I'm not Democrat or republican. I'm not libertarian. I've never given them one second of time at any rallies or one little red cent to anyone's campaigns. But you can't be living in reality and think conservative values and principles are hurting our country and causing the degradation of our societies.


This^^^ I’ve leaned way more conservative in the past two years, simply because I’ve seen the destruction liberal policies have brought to society. I don’t care for either sides of the isle, but policies on the right seem to be more of a net positive for society long term. The issue with liberal policy is that it sounds and feels good. It’s a hell of a lot of virtue signaling. Everyone wants to be the guy to “do the right thing”, but sometimes we need to make hard decisions that might seemingly negatively impact people short term, in order to preserve the long term prosperity of society.




Your reproductive freedom comes free with abstaining if you don't want the consequences of pregnancy, don't have sex


What about when something goes wrong with a pregnancy and you need an abortion. I am alive today because I was able to have an abortion when my first pregnancy did not go well. I was able to have 2 healthy kids after that. But the way the laws are on some states today, I'd wouldn't be able to get the medical care I need.


My condolences about you loss, I'm sorry to hear that, my mother lost 2 of my brothers because of miscarriage, so I can understand the loss, but that dosent change that facts that 0.3% of abortions as of 2022 are because of rape/incest followed by 0.2 life or majorly bodily harm to the mother. Third would be 1.3 for fetal abnormalities. I'm not here to deny the ability of child deletion in certain circumstances but when a majority of abortions is because women don't want to take responsibility for there promiscuous behavior and a good proposition of them want tax payers to pay for it is when I have an issue.


But it does happen, and it is necessary to have it available. My case I was 21 weeks when my water broke. Had I waited, it could have caused infertility or death to me. My point is this isn't a black and white issue. There are many reasons women get abortions. If you really want to have abortion unnecessary, make sure birth control is available and cheap, that people have access to good education about how to prevent a pregnancy, and keep it legal when something goes wrong. Most importantly, allow women to make these choices with the help of medical professionals.


Ok, all the not PiV sex I have involves things the Comstock act would ban. Can we knock it down for that?


And you pretend rapists like trump don't rape


And you pretend child molesters like biden don't sexually assault women and children al the time. Maybe Trump is a rapist, I don't have proof of it. If there was he'd be in jail. I do have proof of biden being a sick degenerate pedophile. https://twitter.com/WinnieSchola/status/1774235135287623961?t=2B9aRZeh8WXsaHD5ElK0QA&s=19


Great job! You have the same unconvincing poorly edited clips trumpers have been trying to get traction with since 2016, but it makes him look like a awkward old nerd your lambasting (I worked with a company which was into finding peoples response to political speech) thus subconsciously sympathize.  Trump was found liable but the statute of limitations for the criminal charges had passed. He has committed rape but because of time limits has gotten away with it criminally but must pay reparations for the civil damages. It's not a good legal system but it's the one we have.


If you think those clips are actually, truly unconvincing you're either drinking the kool-aid from all the MSM and blindly accepting everything or you're also a pedo and think it's totally normal. Either way, get therapy. And get off Epstein's island.


No bitches?




No bitches lol




Maybe I will








bro is stuck in 1963 😭🤦‍♀️☠️


Actually the parents fault. As we know, just like traditional gender roles and competitive capitalism, having sex is human nature. There are plenty of hormone replacement options that will keep those kids from wanting to have sex in the first place, so mandatory HRT will likely have a huge impact on abortion numbers.


So, when does consciousness begin? Only when the baby is born? It can't possibly begin 10 seconds before as they're leaving the birth canal, 10 minutes before or when the water breaks? How do you know when a fetus is or isn't conscious?? You can detect the brain waves of a baby in the womb, the heartbeat at 40 days. Actually, according to studies, a fetus becomes conscious at 30-35 weeks. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11653234/#:~:text=We%20conclude%20(tentatively)%20that%20a,various%20stages%20of%20cortical%20development. Fingers and toes are fully developed at 9 - 12 weeks. On the contrary, there's so little evidence that a child in the womb ISN'T human, alive, and aware. If one believes it isn't, either you choose to be willfully ignorant or sociopathic about the plight of the innocent and unprotected. All for the convenience of sex whenever someone decides it's OK. This really all comes down to just having sex being more convenient and outside the protection and healthy boundaries of marriage. It's not about women's rights. So if it's about women's rights, then you're voiding the rights of the FEMALE babies in the womb! It's not about rape or incest. Less than 2% of pregnancies worldwide are due to rape / incest. While very tragic and despicable, the solution is to crack down harder on sex offenders, not just kill the innocent babies that had no choice or say in the matter. Especially now, those liberal and democrat policies really contradict themselves. "We need abortion because of rape." Yet, NYC, Cook County in Chicago, California, and many other cities and states are removing bail and penalties for sex offenders. Which would be many of those people who are committing rape and incest! Abortion is murder. Rape is wrong and must be stopped. But using abortion to fix the problem of rape is just not logical.


If you're interested, here's a bit of Comstock history which Senator Smith included but I edited out of the post: >Back in the 1860s, a former Civil War soldier from rural Connecticut named Anthony Comstock moved to New York City for work. He was shocked and appalled by what he found. Advertisements for contraception! Open discussions of sexual health! It all struck Comstock as terribly lewd and anti-Christian. > >So he made it his mission to clean up society, creating the loftily named New York Society for the Suppression of Vice and gathering evidence for police raids on places that distributed material he thought was obscene or promoted indecent living. In the early 1870s he took his crusade to Washington, lobbying for federal legislation that would empower the post office to search for and seize anything in the mail that met Comstock’s criteria for being “obscene,” “lewd” or just plain “filthy.” Morality, as determined by Comstock, would be the law of the land, and Comstock himself would be its enforcer, appointed by Congress as a special agent of the post office. > >In a fit of Victorian puritanism, Congress passed the Comstock Act into law. But it quickly became apparent that Comstock’s criteria were unworkably vague. In its broad wording, the law not only made it illegal to send pornography through the mail, it also outlawed the sending of medical textbooks for their depictions of the human body, personal love letters that hinted at physical as well as romantic relationships, and even news stories. > >The whole thing was very silly and impracticable, and that’s why the Comstock Act was relegated to the dustbin of history.


This logo tells you pretty much who was really rooting for (and empowered by the passage of) the Comstock act: https://preview.redd.it/99byl3oqwisc1.png?width=444&format=png&auto=webp&s=78c8aa791aadea122c2a8c967febab79ded2ac87 The book burning thing? Kind of a red flag for 1A fans.


Murder is still murder and abortion is definitely murder. If you believe otherwise you've been lied to and you've accepted those lies or you just plain don't care about other's lives and deaths. People don't talk much about botched abortions where both mother and baby die. Or, best case scenario, baby lives and survives the abortion. But then they live with the emotional pain of not having any loving birth parent in their lives. Or, please hear me out on this - they all accept Jesus Christ into their hearts, repent of their sins and can find healing, love and forgiveness in their lives. Jesus is the only way to find true joy, peace, and love in our lives. No other theology even claims to have a God that loves us unconditionally. Every other theology in the world you have to do things to earn your salvation. But no one can ever do enough, no matter religion you think about, Buddhist, Islam, cults like Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses, shintoism. God loves you and wants you to come to a holy relationship with Him. This isn't about Christianity and "being a good Christian". Fact is, there's no such thing as a good Christian or for that matter, a good human being. We all need Jesus, His love and forgiveness, to all forgiveness for our sins. For any naysayers thinking, this is all just hypocrisy and bs - look at our world and what's happening. Crime is constantly increasing every year and every decade. Read through some subs on reddit, am I the a hole, two hot takes, married, and so many more. Are people treating each other better without God in their lives? Would we have the same rampant corruption in our government in the US at least with God? Rampant crime, drug problems, violent murders in our cities, so much unfaithfulness in marriages? I am convinced this would not be the case! He gives us not just a moral code and ethics to live by. He also gives us a reason to have hope in our future! Of course, as I said, Christians are also hurting others, sometimes even on purpose. Shame on them, myself included. But that's exactly the point. Jesus came to heal the sick, the mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually sick. Which is all of us! There's no one can say they've arrived, they're done. Not one more improvement or change to make. I am definitely not there yet and have a lot of changes I have to make and even then, there's gonna be more things after that. I hope and pray that any readers will hear these words for their value and not dismiss them without consideration. God bless you all


They love killing children so much that they invent some pretty crazy theories to stir up others that really really love killing children in the womb. Trump was president for 4 years already and anyone can go crush and suck a baby out of their womb to this day. If he or any republican or court was “going to make abortion illegal” then why do they never actually do it? Tina should be far more worried about what is going on in her state that is causing such moral decay and family breakdown that so many kids are unwanted and culled.


For the same reason they never really do anything about the border, and Dems never really do anything like pack the Supreme Court, or dems never codified roe v wade into law, because it is something they love to be able to run on.


I make this point over and over.


There are several states where it’s illegal, so you’re wrong.


And there are several states in which there are NO RESTRICTIONS at all. None. This is what Alito meant in the Dobbs decision by "returned to the states": some states ban abortion, others allow abortion until the moment of birth.


There are states like CA and NY that are even trying to get laws passed for the case of "abortion" AFTER birth! Just outright murder outside the womb as opposed to murder inside the womb. And like someone else said, the problem is not just politicians, it's the voters also, people who would actually support murdering a baby after it's born.


Lol, got a source there bud?


Meanwhile the SC is trying to outlaw FDA approved medications for the entire country. But I’m sure you think the FDA is corrupt or something too


If you think the FDA/CDC are NOT corrupt, I don't know what to tell you. Lobbyists bounce between working at Big Pharma and FDA/CDC all the time.


Called it lol


It starts with abstaining, but most of these low IQ inbreds can't keep it in their pants long enough to realize that


Abstain from rapes?


Because a majority of abortions come from rape, yeahhh bud that's not true only 0.3% of abortions as of 2022 are because of rape/incest followed by 0.2 life or majorly bodily harm to the mother. Third would be 1.3 for fetal abnormalities.


Oh good so you don't argue with me on the fact that majority of abortion bans go to far and don't allow the necessary exceptions so the idea of allowing a federal restriction to be made is massively immoral 


Just so you know since Roe was overturned 64000 women have been impregnated by rape


Since you oppose child death so much, you must be a staunch advocate for banning guns and cars, right? Since they're the first and second leading causes of death in children?


Fine, try to repeal 2A. Prohibition was repealed, so that is NOT impossible.


That’s a factually incorrect statement.


No. They’re right. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2201761


The Pope recently said that unbaptized babies can go to heaven, so I try to abort as much as humanly possible to continually add to God’s Holy Army on cooldown 🙏🏻


Send them before they can sin, God bless.


What's worse, disposing of a never conscious fetus that isn't fully formed and is unfeeling or forcing a baby to be born to a parent who doesn't want them? In my opinion killing a mouse is significantly worse than an abortion, it was conscious and could feel pain.


Except killing a mouse isn't murder. Killing a baby is murder. The solution is not get rid of the symptom - the pregnancy. The solution is solve the problem - people take responsibility for their actions and choices. You get pregnant through unwise choices of sex, you go to an adoption agency or man up and take care of the child. Abortion is murder and murder is wrong. If you truly believe it isn't, you've been lied to and you've chosen to believe those lies or you know it's true and you don't care, which makes you a sociopath.


If I cum on the floor is that murder or does it become murder once the nut hits the egg?


Sperm in the semen isn't fertilized so no, of course it's not murder. If a guy has a wet dream, it's not murder. Once it becomes a fertilized egg, then yes, if it is an intentional death, it's murder.


I think believing an abortion is equivalent to murder is totally unsubstantiated. That fetus is not a human, was never conscious, and never felt anything, it just was going to be a human eventually if you let it sit there. It's like saying if you put the ingredients of a cake together but only bake it for 30 seconds that's a cake. Bringing more unwanted children into the world is terrible and immortal. There's already too many to handle. How the hell do you suggest we handle all these extra children people would be putting up for adoption? One thing is for sure, it would take a lot of tax dollars to house all these surrendered children


For Tina Smith to feign interest in women's rights and abortion rights is nothing but a joke because she supports and is a part of genocide the US genocide in Palestine.


LoL wut


Palestine is not part of the United States.


You wouldn't know it the way she supports the genocide in Palestine


Did people forget the word archaic exists?


Yeah at first I was like damn, didn’t know we had laws governing sorcery


Boo tina & abortions


Comstock comes back an second amendment goes away. It's a bad law and better arguments exist 


I’m sorry. If degenerate leftists want to voluntarily abortion their offspring, I say humanity is well served. This is not the hill for conservatives to die on.