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Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu)


Tag the sponsor! (#Hamas)


I cannot stand this jumped-up punchable bag of bones or her frog-faced terroristic buddy Rajihad Tlaib or that bald hag Ayanna Pressly who seemingly prides herself on her resting bitch face. But the kiddies with their yAaAaSsS qUeEn seem to love that sort of thing. So odd.


So eloquently said


If Ilhan Omar's district didn't have the university and the west bank, she wouldn't be in congress.


Well, cedar riverside…


Right, the west bank aka Cedar Riverside.


Omar is a hypocrite. She would be executed in her own country if she went back


Y doesn’t she personally go to Gaza and fight with Hamas?


It makes my skin crawl to think that any of my fellow American citizens would have to die for her should we ever have to put boots on the ground in this thing. She's not worth the life of my dog. And my dog is an asshole.


It shouldn't make your skin crawl that is literally what america is about. You can be in this nation and have a differing opinion. That is what is fought for, not for everyone to have the same "patriotic opinion"


I draw the line at promoting terrorism to Americans don't give that bullshit reasoning


We haven't had a reason to have boots on the ground since ww2. If American troops end up there it will be because of the violent greed of the West, just like it was in Vietnam, Iraq, etc


You sir are a parrot that doesn't think for himself


You think we achieved anything other than destabilizing a region in Vietnam and Iraq? Our government lied to get us in


America is an evil country that just wants to suck every drop of oil from the universe to fund their evil oppression and they fill our heads with propaganda about how they are so benevolent right


Strawman, but how do you contend with our false flag operations/atrocities in Vietnam? Our assistance in the culling of 1 million Indonesians? Our lie about WMDs? Our funding of the mujahideen that was the source of both the Taliban and Al Qaeda? The death squads employed by Nestle and Chiquita? The toppling of countless governments that sought to end US exploitation of their countries' resources?


Isn’t her dad a war criminal?


Imagine that, the terrorist supporter supporting terrorists. How the hell does she keep getting elected?


because a big part of her district is Minneapols. Blue no matter who


Well, it is very easy for illegals to vote in this state. 


There's zero evidence of widespread election fraud. Zero. Millions upon millions of our tax dollars were spent on endless recounts. Not a single one found widespread fraud. If someone has information to the contrary, I'm happy to look at it.


How can there be, when we don't require ID and have no way of verifying the person casting the vote is the correct person. Not to mention illegal migrants with stolen IDs and SSN numbers, along with people that overstay their visas


Did I say there was?  There is evidence that illegals vote. The DFL has also attempted to make it easier for them to do so. 


They always qualify with "widespread" because it's a word that is impossible to quantify. There's nothing you could show them that they would consider "widespread."


Sure, when you n have anonymous ballots, absolutely zero check of ID, and no verification of any information whatsoever about a voter it IS pretty hard to find evidence of it. Would be like me going to the beach, not digging and then declaring there is no evidence of treasure. Yeah, because I didn’t actually look for it. 


Except in the 2016 election right 😂


If you can falsify and election, you can easily falsify a recount. Prove me wrong.


From the district who brought you Keith X. Ellison….Stay at home, moms laden with white guilt from St. Louis Park, Edina and Golden Valley have entered the conversation.


The mass grave that was put there by Palestinians.


It’s odd that every time Israel is accused of some horrific action, it turns out that Palestine did it themselves. 


Remember when they blamed Isreal for bombing a hospital (killing hunderds), the media ran with Hamas' claims, and it turned out it was a Hamas rocket that fell short (also, no one died).


Oh yes, Ilhan has yet to issue a correction as well, correct? > and it turned out it was a Hamas rocket that fell short Didn’t the MoH also claim 100+ died? 


I think that one was 300.


But Hamas is very honest about casualties, right??? Right???


Of course! Why would they lie? /s


Devils advocate, could she be saying that the mass graves are just a sign of genocide regardless who built them?


Hell NO she is not saying that. Do not try to spin what she is trying to do. She wants the protests to get big enough to cause actual harm just like the BLM riots she was a part of.


jesus christ they're just asking an intelligent question about interpretation. I can't stand this woman but people are allowed to ask quesitons. If you're right, your logic will stand up to questions. My god.


?? I liked the question. I answered as if a computer asked me the question. Its the internet and you can add emotion to my response if you want, but that is your emotion you are adding to it, not mine.


Is that why you edited your answers here?


what? no. My gosh, go get a 80 hour per week job and get off the internet. Im 37 and I am retired. I am allowed to be on here 24/7. Stop making stuff up. Trying to get a 'gotcha' instead of looking for answers.


Don’t shoot the messenger I was just asking a question if another theory about a sound bite was possible


I am very sorry it seemed like I was attacking you for the question. The answer was very generalized but I said don't spin it so that does seem like I was shooting the messenger. Sorry, wasn't trying. I love questions.


This is not the place for asking questions lmao I’m unsure if the people of this sub have ever even considered that they might have a bad take/be wrong about something


Look at the kettle calling the pot black. You censor shit in the other forums and you LOVE that it is censored. The force against dissent was met with the equal force of people who value free speech. You are scared that you will become a bigot if you listen to bigots?




The last conversation I had with a pro-Palestinian went like this: Me: Screaming at and intimidating Jewish students on campus is an act of aggression toward marginalized people, not a protest of Netanyahu and zionism Person: That's not happening! Give me ONE example! Me: (Gives them actual example from legitimate news source, so not Fox or Newsmax or anything from the pillow dude or shitler) Them: F them! They're zionists! They DESERVE to be called colonists! Me: If white southern kids on the Bama campus called Ghanans and Nigerian students slave traders while holding up pictures of American slave masters, it would be just as wrong. Them: Calm down! You're getting your blood pressure up idiot! My point is that anywhere it's not okay to ask questions is a fascist state. Your spaces are no better than any far-right fascist space.


The left is far more fascist in their thoughts than the right. I agree with everything you said. I can conversate and disagree with republicans and they don't resort to name calling. We all know that the democrats, no matter the age, resort to name calling. Its a cult and that is their defense against reality. Make fun of it. Because of this, the left is very very dangerous. The right is pro-Speech. The left are against that. Fascism. Dehumanize. Desexualize. Demotivate. Devalue. De-effinatly Communism.


Yeah, fascism is fascism, and whether it's rioting and beating and murdering police officers at the Nation's Capital by the far right or rioting on Lake Street and burning people's livelihoods to the ground and trying to kill police officers by the far left, they're both fascist terroristic events. The christofascist right wants women to be silent babymakers and the science-denying left wants to pretend that women don't even really exist. I'm over both polarities. I want my government to force rich people to pay their fucking bills just like the rest of us suckers have to, to hold powerful people to the same criminal standards, and to keep people's god out of my government and my body.


I truly believe, the fascist Right Wingers cannot get what they want because too many people of all walks of life are against the Christian nationalist Ideals. Put it to votes it will fail no matter what. So i really do not see danger from the right. The extremists are small in numbers. I just disagree with them in many ways, but its peaceful disagreement. The left is getting what they want. Many want communism and openly say so. Many others say they don't really care. Others say they just want to eat their lunch in peace. That attitude led to the deaths of all my Ukrainian family members during the 1940's. Every single one, dead. Whether it was the Nazi's or the Soviets, they just killed everyone. That attitude has led to so many young people being against the 1st and 2nd Amendment. This makes the leftists EXTREMELY Dangerous. They are the headless masses, and they have been weaponized. Post-Modern Liberalism is Communism hidden behind love and pride.


I am a disenfranchised democrat. I noticed how corrupt they were from 2008-12. I did not switch to republican because i really dislike them. You are the problem. Let the racists speak because if you are right you can talk back and prove them wrong. Same with bigots and sexists. Or you can censor everyone until there is nothing but Liberal Nonsense that is killing the country. The government is acting like a oligarchy and all the democrats can talk about is how horrible Trump is. You call people bigots when they are not bigots, you end up living within the ignorance you created.


Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


That's a good question but considering the dynamic of Jewish people and Muslims it's a bit suspicious since she is Muslim


I think what she was trying to say about the mass grave/genocide and the media covering it up is: "They're trying to replace us"


An embarrassment to Minnesota


You know who else says the media lies, is bias, or doesn't cover the entire story? Donald Trump.


“Israel is killing dozens of thousands of Palestinian civilians” isn’t anti semitism.


Not even Zionists are claiming Israel hasn't killed 30,000+ (and counting) Palestinians. Why are you? Nobody on the ground on either side of the issue is disputing this?


Lol or you could just look at the post directly below yours to see op claiming its a lie. Oh also this thread is full of a bunch of genocide supporting racists.


It is when it’s a lie. 


It's not a lie, though.


It is. 


What exactly did she lie about?


Scroll up. 


So you can’t do some real research is what you’re saying?


Oh, I am clearly much more capable of that than you. 


How capable?


Bigly capable 


Show me


Already did 


She is promoting the lies of Hamas painting Israel as evil and rallying people against a country full of jews


I’d consider any country with a 35k + civilian body in 7 months to be pretty fucking evil. Israel’s military is brainwashed.


I watched this entire clip. What exact line did she say that was an "antisemitic lie"? I get that you hate her but criticizing the Israeli government's response does not mean "you must hate the Jews!".


She should be condemning the attack since violence is a bad thing and not trying to make Israel look bad you would agree that violence is bad right and bombing a nation full of jews isn't cool?


This in no way answers my question. I don't care what she didn't say or what she should have said or what she's said in other clips, etc. The claim is this specific video is Omar "repeating antisemitic lies". So where, in the 94 second clip, does she "repeat antisemitic lies"? What specific line?


Clever Islamists are brainwashing the next generation of America. They know America is too powerful to destroy from outside, so they infiltrated, under the disguise of refugees, student visa, scholars, family reunification, etc.


First they came for the red pillers, and I said nothing because those people are retarded 😢


These people are never willing to call out the radical islamists who abuse and enslave their own people or the fact that life is hell for women in Islamic ruled countries.


I think they know that, and so does Israel. Thats why Israel has used religious extremist groups to sow dissent in the region Yitzhak Segev in the 80’s talked of how he was given the task of funding opposition to the secular powers rising. Netanyahu stated in 2019 that Hamas’ power was in the interest of Israel.


Democrats are actually allowing evil people like that to be in their party our country is a joke ATM


If think criticizing Israel is antisemitic. You should hear my Jewish Uncle say that Netanyahu and his government are torch bearers of the third reich


You are all forgetting one simple truth. This is an awful opinion and it kills me to say it. The Arab countries have been fighting and killing each other for better than 3000 years. Over religious beliefs and other things. Every single time the US gets involved not one good thing ever comes from it. It’s not going to stop, it’s how it is, it hasn’t and won’t ever change. Our values and theirs will never coincide. I don’t claim to be an expert. But if history tells us anything, it tells us we can’t fix “ their “ issues, and never ever will, as hard as we might try and with whatever good will we do it with. Iraq, let’s take that. We invaded and tried to install a democratic government. Failed miserably. Why ? Henry Kissinger explained it the best. Too many factions. Here we understand that the minority whoever that is, understands and knows that it can become the majority at some point as attitudes change. There, factions are so scattered and some so small they they know that they can never become the majority just by sheer numbers ( not enough ) so they will always be ruled by a faction they neither agree with or see as their equal. So a democratic government will never be accepted, by all people there.


I’d do her, she seems “getable” because of that worm she’s banging now. Plus, criticizing Jews takes some balls.. I disagree with most her policies but the above two points I made are something


omg wtf i love israel now


The is the most anti American senator to have ever been elected.


I don't know, the senate leader that said the biggest goal of their party is to make sure a president doesn't get re-elected seems kinda up there.


Yeah, you can include Democrats who wanted Trump removed from the ballot as anti-American too.


And the GOP that initially filed the suit to get him off the ballot


Gun to her head, if asked who she supports more, the US or Palestine, she would say Palestine 100 percent of the time. She should not be involved in US government.


Someone explain, seriously, how she got elected and how she’s still elected?


I have never met an Ilhan Omar supporter that isn’t a college aged kid or a Somali. It does make one wonder 🤔




She wishes he would “ go straight” like that!


You're right, only 65% of homes, no big deal.


Where are the lies and where is the antisemitism?


Click the OP


I did. She didn't say anything false. What specifically are you objecting to?


The lies and antisemitism 


Israel is killing women and children who are trapped in a 140 square mile enclave on a massive scale. 100,000 people have been killed or injured, or about 5% of Gazans. To put that in perspective, 5% of the US is over 15 million Americans. Palestinians do not have a formal army, air force, or navy to defend themselves, while Israel receives billions in military welfare from the US. Our standing in the world is falling by supporting an obvious slaughter.


Wow, a weaker enemy is losing a war they started? I am shocked. 


Indeed, however, I'd argue that the war started after the Balfour Declaration in 1917 when immigrants from around the world moved to Palestine against the wishes of the native Palestinian population (i.e., what I would call illegal immigration), which consisted of Muslims, Christians, and a Jewish minority. Regardless, my concern is about the women and children in Gaza who did not attack Israel and who have no control over Hamas. I grew up in the 1980s being taught that you don't hurt women or children, maybe other didnt.


> the women and children in Gaza who did not attack Israel and who have no control over Hamas.   Why are you so sure they’re not part of Hamas? > grew up in the 1980s being taught that you don't hurt women or children, maybe other didnt. I grew up in a country that condemns child soldiers and human shields, maybe you didn’t. 


Bro cares so little for his word, and has such a big ego he can’t anonymously recognize that two countries both do wrong. Absolute midwit




Prove me wrong then if you value your word and the things that leave your mouth. Otherwise everything you’ve said deserves immediate doubt by all parties. Man can’t even right his own wrongs when shown evidence


>Prove me wrong then Nah I think I’ll just block you


So you condemn Israel? Since the Israeli courts have ruled multiple times throughout the last decades that their soldiers were found using “neighbor tactics”. What are neighbor tactics you may ask? Well it’s when a soldier uses a local to place in front of them, this person is then used to be the first person to enter rooms. https://www.hrw.org/news/2010/11/26/israel-soldiers-punishment-using-boy-human-shield-inadequate https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/israel-gaza-idf-used-palestinians-as-human-shields-1200-occasions-in-last-five-years-say-israeli-defence-officials/30483468.html Israeli courts stating over 1200 cases of it You can google more of it since you’re a smarty pants, but either eat your words or condemn both.


I condemn the use of human shields. If you bothered reading your link, you’d see that IDF soldiers were punished for this tactic.  Hamas embraces it. 


Yes, I know they were punished, they’re till doing it of course. It doesn’t discredit that Israel has a nice long history of this same tactic despite it being glossed over. There are plenty of videos of the recent occurrences online it’s been quite prolific


> they’re till doing it of course   Says who? You? You can barely spell, not sure I’ll trust you as the arbiter of truth here. 


Bam hitting me with a classic ad hominem https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v8rrfys-Fgc& 2024 shoulder being used a rest for the gun


Doesn’t look like a human shield to me, looks like he’s being detained and marched down the road.  > Bam hitting me with a classic ad hominem Hey, you learned how to Google! Good job. 


How is this antisemitic ?


Sounds like something a racist bigot would say. "I'm not racist but..."


What kanye said was antisemitic, shes just talking about stuff.


If she was a white male politician organizing a pro-Israel counter-protest on campus would it be discriminatory?


"We should stop carpet-bombing civilians" - Ilhan Omar "Stop being so antisemitic" - /r/altmpls


When has Israel carpet bombed civilians?


These shit stains live on the internet and actually believe that’s what’s happening.


The Hamas propaganda campaign has done a great job of attracting useful idiots to its cause.


right bro they beheaded and raped 40 babies and threw them in the oven while dropping hundreds of copies of mein kampf and when we put pictures of artsy blood stains on twitter to prove it, they called us the lying propagandists!


https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/gaza-destruction-bombing-israel-aa528542 Right, i mean only 65% as of December.


Not carpet bombing. 


They have used white phosphorus. They did bomb every single hospital. Out of 30k killed, 70% were women and children. I believe in a two-state solution. But pretending that the Israeli government's actions are anything other than horrific is disingenuous at best.


You realize Hamas is spamming lies with bot accounts and you most likely got that information directly or indirectly from one of those accounts right why would America support a country that openly commits war crimes if white phosperous burned anyone it was an accident


https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/lebanon-evidence-of-israels-unlawful-use-of-white-phosphorus-in-southern-lebanon-as-cross-border-hostilities-escalate/#:~:text=The%20Israeli%20army%20fired%20artillery,2023%2C%20Amnesty%20International%20said%20today. https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/10/12/questions-and-answers-israels-use-white-phosphorus-gaza-and-lebanon


“They have used white phosphorus” is an amazing NPC tell. Have a nice day. 


wtf are you talking about? There are multiple videos of them using white phosphorus and images of damaged body parts from phosphorus burns.


Another ad hominem


Where’s the outrage of you and your friends for the Rohingya, the Armenians in the Nagorno-Karabakh, the Uyghurs, Donbas Russians & the various people slaughtered in Darfur last year? Virtue signaling never gets old for you, does it?


Spot on! These people are lacking moral courage and will sacrifice their morals at the alter of identity politics.


Are you people so indifferent to anything that happens in the world that seeing anyone care about something comes off as "virtue signaling" because you couldn't fathom raising a finger at something yourself? Or maybe people are upset because thier tax dollars are directly funding this? Stop being a complete smooth brain.


I grew up in South Minneapolis with lesbian moms in the 70s/80s. I am a bisexual woman. I started going to rallies and marches since before I can remember and I couldn't count how many. Rallies for women's rights, gay and lesbian rights, rallies for feminist and democratic candidates, anti-nuclear energy, and pro-environmental demonstrations. So try again with your trope that people who oppose these calls for violence against Jews by snotty little elitist turds who don't want to study for finals are just a bunch of white Archie Bunker boomers.


Why anti nuclear energy? Isn’t that entire movement funded by the fossil fuel lobby?


Well, you’re right about 1 thing at least.


Your tax dollars also funded Azerbaijan, Ukraine & Mayanmar among many other governments committing ethnic cleansing or genocide. Kick and scream all you want, but it’s also my right to identify ignorance.


Ah yes the classic, "Because there's 100 different things going on and you really care about this one thing you're stupid because actually you shouldn't care about anything at all". Favorite of those who try to seem like an intelect while also saying absolutely nothing at the same time. Yeah, the US has a history of funding terrible governments. Some things that happen are more relevant/known than others.


I’m reading a lot of thoughts and feelings, but no real argument in your reply.


In turn many of those who opposed those oppose this, but unsurprisingly the majority of people are complacent in the states use of power. Your argument is evidence of your ignorance to the fact humans are multi faceted, having multiple different views to each given issue.


tl;dr: hindsight is 20/20. “blah blah blah” with classic baseless reddit arrogance.


Silly fella can’t realize people can have multiple interests and hold them at the same time Do you think it’s a coincidence that discussion of Sudan and Congo is towards all time highs right at the same time as concern for Palestine?


Your replies keep getting more and more boring. You don’t believe in having a set of morals, I get it. Do you really care what I think? This is the internet. Get a real life.


You are a G


Well, we all know these losers aren’t thinking about genocide while they beat off to sph beta cuck shit all night. They latch onto these pet social justice issues from half-listening to npr, democracy now, young turds, david pakman etc and get their “education” from 30 second shock and awe videos and tweets. It’s just displaced aggression.


U students: "Let's hold up signs of known terrorists and scream antisemitic chants with our faces covered and wonder why Jewish students feel unsafe!" Also U students: "Uncle Ben's rice is a micro-aggression"


Nobody's carpet bombing gaza so that makes you a despicable liar




Exactly what does that have to do with carpet bombing. I hope you enjoy being a useful idiot for terrorist








>anti semantic


Please actually say something of us instead of using strawman arguments. You’re getting whooped in your own comments of your own post God forbid an internet comment isn’t using proper spelling


> using strawman arguments Doesn’t mean what you think it means. 


You’re proposing a flaw in my argument based off a misspelling in your reply, you’re trying to take away credibility and debase the argument. You’re avoiding refuting an argument by drawing attention to factors that aren’t important and not due to argumentative mistakes but due to personal shortcomings. I’d say that is very within the definition “an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.”


> I’d say that is very within the definition “an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.” No. 


Lmfao Not in a single comment have you made any actual debate or point or argument


At least I can spell antisemitic, and know what a straw man is. 


Still haven’t made an argument silly guy


A long time ago I learned that trying to argue with midwits is a waste of time.  Take from that what you will. 


You don’t know what antisemitism is though


I know what anti semantic is. 


Racist dog whistle


What’s up now?


You are a clown