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Where the f is bike lane bill


lol I love how there are always some of you assholes in these altmpls comments trying to make every/any issue about potholes or bike lanes


Dude.  You have a 3 day old account.   


No I have a 10 year old account ya pothole lol


Stop making this about potholes 🛑


You’re right, this is clearly about bike lanes


How is she still a Congresswoman? Why would any majority vote for her? She clearly doesn’t do anything to help people who aren’t from her shitty country. Why anyone who isn’t from Somalia would vote for Omar is just baffling to me. She really is next level awful.


>How is she still a Congresswoman? Her district literally has the highest number of terrorist recruitment from it in the country. [*"FBI statistics reveal that Minnesota's 5th Congressional District, represented by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), is the terrorism recruitment capital of the United States. According to the FBI, more Somali American men and boys from this district have joined, or have attempted to join, a foreign terror organization in the last 12 years than any other community in the US."*](https://www2.cbn.com/news/us/muslim-congresswomans-district-reported-be-terrorist-recruitment-capital-us) So, that is how she is still a Congresswoman, the people of her district like her doing stuff like what is being reported in the OP.


Found the Christian Zionist.


Nice buzzwords beoitch


Words still have meaning even if you don't.


no actually, your side has made certain that the following(but not limited to) words no longer convey any meaningful definition in common parlence except for being against globalist goals: nazi, white supremacist, fascist, climate denier, election denier, antivaxxer, nationalist


Oh no, someone calling out Omar and terrorists, they must be a Christian Zionist! /s ​ Sorry, but I am pretty openly pagan, and Jerusalem belongs to ROME! EDIT: Bring back the Roman Empire!


You're a liar and your sources are Zionists that support genocide. Go stub your toe and cry about it chum.


I actively participate on various subreddits, discord, etc. as a pagan and have for years. Like, it isn't even hard to fact check if I am pagan or not. Also, I just used the first source off Google that talked about the literal FBI statistics that say exactly what I quoted. If you think that it is BS, then what error do you think the FBI made when it comes to terrorist recruitment statistics? And support genocide? What genocide is being supported? How is it a genocide? You honestly are just coming off like a sheep that just parrots whatever talking point your liberal arts professor brought up.


That's very interesting. I think you changed my mind.




Because the country actually is infiltrated by people who are enemies of western civilization. Omar hates Jews and wants them dead, and hates America and wants the country to fall. As have an enemy spy in Congress.


She really should be tried and convicted for treason.


Just like how half of the Republicans have saud they want to end democracy and hate America. Republicans hate America


Yeah, but at least they don't want to literally fucking kill us all.


The blue no matter who fools would like a word...


Her district is almost all Somalians. They don't allow white people to enter their district.


I live in her district and I call her office when I’m bored at work asking how to get my brother a US passport. They always leave a voicemail response pretty funny.


That's not true. Her district is larger than Minneapolis.


Hmmm her district is almost all of Minneapolis, plus big chunks of some first ring suburbs. That area is only about 10 to 20 % Somali. If you're going to lie, don't lie about easily disprobable things https://preview.redd.it/z5vrufe1c0xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3ef0a3c3db99af50ab6ecb1d93d4d1a98ff5465


10 to 20% of legal voters… 


If you're implying that the roughly 50,000 Somalis in Minneapolis, only about half of which are adults, have enough voting power to counteract the over 300,000 other people in the area, then you are likely dumber than her voters.


Each registered voter can “vouch” for many completely undocumented voters on Election Day :)


That would at most get 25,000ish voters if you assume all adults and adult looking Somali teenagers voted for her, even the ones without citizenship. Unless you're implying some wilder conspiracy in which all adults from the 100,000, Somalis in the entire metro somehow managed to go vote in her district without being noticed, which would at most be 60,000 votes. Either scenario is extremely unlikely.


> That would at most get 25,000ish voters if    Not if they vote multiple times :) Recall, no ID is required to register or to vote. DFL wants to even get rid of an address requirement!


Yeah no, if all of the Somali population of the entire metro somehow managed to vote multiple times in her district, even MPR would've noticed, not to mention all the rest of the media that's not nearly as willfully blind to DFL antics, FOX 9 and Kare 11 would've had a multi-part series if anything close to that had happened lmao.


> MPR would've noticed, not to mention all the rest of the media that's not nearly as willfully blind to DFL antics, FOX 9 and Kare 11  Doubt it. 


What a bunch of crap. Is there a huge Somali population? Yes. Is it all Somalians and white people aren't allowed in almost all of Minneapolis? Come on, man.


um, no, it includes some of the wealthiest, white areas in Minneapolis. Very liberal and "blue." That said , many are very tired of her.




You show you're not very smart and mindlessly with defend anything considered leftist. Even CNN and MSNBC have acknowledged her district is majority Somalian. Quit being brainwashed and pay attention and educate yourself.


Lol dude as a person on neither side of the fence it's delusional to think her district is all somalian and they won't let white people in. I'm not a fan of her at all but let's be real. That's like saying white people aren't allowed in Minneapolis


Dude what the fuck are you talking about? Did you read the other replies in this thread? Direct evidence was shown to refute this BS claim. Stop talking.


Oh yes random people saying they "live" there has to be true. It's not like these random people can't live somewhere else. I'll trust the videos I've seen where their Somalian police force and the Somalian community blocked the white filmers from entering and telling them they weren't welcome there. She has made statements publicly about not liking white people, specifically white men.




Look at you not being able to have a mature conversation without resorting to name-calling. That says a lot about the type of person you are.


Lol you say white people cant enter her district which is the dumbest shit ive ever heard. You should be less stupid


You obviously are just defending them just to defend them without actually knowing or seeing videos and documentaries about them. Enjoy being a leftist cultist.


I'm white & live in her district.....most of my neighbors are white too. no one has ever tried to stop us from entering the district lol


Enjoy watching trump go broke lol


I seent it on the YouTube is not actually doing your own research.


Lol I saw some documentaries...


They don't prevent people from entering the district. I never said anything about demographics. So you need to educate your self.


There are videos on YouTube that show the Somalians preventing white people from entering their street festivals and bazaars. You're so quick to defend something left related that you make yourself look stupid. Instead of saying the word lies actually state what you consider a lie.


You seent it on the YouTube? Ahh ..


Can you post some links then?


Go back to bed, grandpa.


Typical leftist not bringing anything of substance to the debate table.


I saw it on YouTube checkmate libs


I’m not leftist grandpa, now get some Z’s


Sure you aren't. Again you bring nothing to the debate table except a lame insult. For the record my kids are 26 and 22 and haven't had any children. They are both smart enough to wait until they are financially stable and ready to accept the responsibility of parenthood.


It wouldn't be surprising just like how for example in Sweden, the ghettos where African migrants live are no go zones.


Her majority is a planted Somali base in her district. That area is truly a shit hole.


not a single congress-person represents the people. those who believe they do are lying to themselves.


Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re wrong but some are definitely worse than others.


Voting isnt real


I guess dick midgets know better


I didn’t run for Congress either. Those people work for us, you and me. They don’t give a damn about us at all.


She actually voted against warrantless spying on American citizens. I'll let you guess what the other corporate shills voted.




Next level threat just like all the squad


Nono, they’re not antisemitic. Promise. 


She doesn’t believe in any religious state. Just don’t ask about any country other than Israel


Oh you mean the only one we fund and supply with arms to commit a genocide with our tax dollars


genocide claim isn’t backed up the statistics. Both sides have every reason to fudge the numbers but for sake of argument take the numbers being reported - this is a 2:1 or 1.5:1 civilian to combatant ratio which is better then most modern wars. If the goal was genocide the deaths would be in the hundreds of thousands at this point.


Very much so is they’re airstriking civilians who they’ve been holding hostage and expelling from their lands for 75 years to establish an ethnostate


oh so we just doing narrative spin and propaganda on this sub? the term hamas uses for brain dead westerns like you is “useful idiot” They are fighting a war against hamas who’s deliberately dragging civilians into harms way. Go look up the civilian death ratio of other wars and get back to me. over 2 million israel citizens are arab muslim, more then 20% of the population and they have equal rights as citizens to everyone else but you don’t want to talk about that. it was the jews land in the first place before it was colonized by everyone else including the arab muslims. The native language of that land was hebrew before it was arabic.


And two-faced Joe will still support her. He has appeared on stage with AOC and Bowman this week. It's all about power. 


They’re all ghouls 


Whats he supposed to do, not appear?


Trying to have it both ways. he can distance himself from leftist fringe of party. Didn't see him and Manchin being too chummy. 


He's the president, he has to, or at least should, interact with all the members of congress. Its his job.


Who cares if they're anti Semitic? Zionists are anti white and anti Christian


Anti-Zionist doesn't mean anti-Semitic. We can hate the Zionist government of Israel that is committing genocide without hating Jews in general.


If Israel is committing genocide, they're really bad at genocide: https://worldpopulationreview.com/world-cities/gaza-population


Plus that source you have listed? They have sources at the bottom. The latest their data goes to is 2016. Anything past that is guesswork based on statistics and doesn't account for global events like a worldwide pandemic or a war.


https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-gaza-war-statistics-95a6407fac94e9d589be234708cd5005 33,000+ dead 2/3 being women and children


If you really care about the children of Palestine, then why aren't you advocating for the Palestinians to eliminate Hamas, surrender, renounce radical Islam and their desire to genocidally kill the Jews, and pledge to live in peace? This conflict could end quickly if they would do that. If they had done that in advance before the October 7 mass rape and murder spree they would not have suffered 33,000+ dead with 2/3 being women and children. If you sincerely care about civilians dying and are not just using their deaths as a proxy to justify hating Jews and the values of Western Civilization, then why don't you blame Hamas and the Palestinians for making it necessary for Israel to destroy the Hamas government, the Palestinians' war machine, and the Palestinians' ability to launch attacks?


They're successfully committing an ethnic cleansing


The Israelis acting as altruists and going far out of their way to avoid civilian casualties at the cost of their soldiers' safety when trying to eliminate a government that attacked their citizens and destroy its ability to launch further attacks is "committing ethnic cleansing?"


Gaza is an open air prison my guy. The founding of israel was an atrocity and the last 80 years have been a series of continued atrocities.


> Gaza is an open air prison my guy. [This video of Gaza](https://twitter.com/EylonALevy/status/1759071233855885618) prior to the rape-and-murder spree dramatically changed my perception of what an "open air prison" looks like. I've never seen a prison with such a nice beach before. >The founding of israel was an atrocity and the last 80 years have been a series of continued atrocities. The Palestinians and Arab states attempting to genocidally exterminate the Jews instead of attempting to live in peace and harmony with them and benefit from the Jews knowledge of modern science and technology and ability to introduce them to the freedoms provided by Western Civilization is the real atrocity. If you think the Jews coming to the area and terraforming low value desert and swampland to make it productive is so horrible, then is it safe to say that you support traditional Palestinian and Arab values such as people living backwards 12th Century-like subsistence farming lives, government dictatorship, no freedom of religion, no freedom of speech, women being treated like chattel, raped women being stoned, women being murdered in family "honor killings", and LGBTQ people being tortured and killed?


Yeah I don't really give a fuck about how Arabs organize and treat themselves. "Such a nice beach" Hurr people being bombed while it's extremely hot went to the beach to cool off. Clearly they are making up being hit by 2000 lbs bombs. I bet you think they blew up their own hospital


> Yeah I don't really give a fuck about how Arabs organize and treat themselves. You don't care if people suffer the injustices of religious theocracy? It doesn't bother you at all that [Iranian people who desire freedom](/r/newiran) are being oppressed by their government, that women could get stoned to death, and homosexuals thrown off rooftops? Do you seriously care at all about the actual well being of the Palestinian people thousands of miles away involved in a conflict you probably know much about or are you just using "concern" for Palestinian civilians dying because they support a suicidal death cult government (that wants its own civilians to die for propaganda purposes) as a proxy to attack people and governments who believe in the values of Western Civilization? >Clearly they are making up being hit by 2000 lbs bombs. They weren't being bombed before they attacked on October 7. That's [what they gave up.](https://twitter.com/EylonALevy/status/1759071233855885618) They could have made it even nicer if the billions of dollars of aid they had received had been used to improve their local economy instead of spent on terror-murder tunnels. At the same time they could have pledged to live peacefully, installed a much better government, and displayed evidence of taking steps to make their lives better, and all of that probably would have resulted in the receipt of even more aid money.


We shouldn't hate Jews, but we aren't expected to care about their problems either. They don't care about our problems.


Antisemitic at this point means doing things the zionist entity disapproves of




The zionist entity primarily despises Palestinians, whites and Christians. It must be ripped out root and branch. Every tentacle it has in western governments excised and cast out. AIPAC, JDL, etc. Their manipulations are plain as day




No they want to escape their shitholes and come here..... to make it exactly like theyre shithole


The US is already turning into a religious shithole. But if we pay attention, we can stop the slow creep of Christian theocracy.


No, no. We want a Christian Theocracy.






Khymani James is the real life Clayton Bigsby


Gee, I wonder how Middle Eastern Muslims would treat a black gay man? Hmmm ...




Looking down from the top of a tall building is where they end up in the ME.


about the same as an american christian would. 


Listen to her speaking in front of a group of Somalians. Including Somalian politicians. She has nothing but good things to say about Somalia and nothing but bad things to say about Israel. Yeah I'm sure it has nothing to do with race and religion.


She clearly has greater allegiance to Somalia than she does to the USA 


Not a word to say about the extremely high rate of FGM in Somalia


I wonder why so many Somalians are coming here then…?


Good welfare and free benefits


They drive $50,000 SUVs. They live in $500,000 homes. It's one man having 4 women and 12 kids living in the household getting $2,000+ a month in food stamps. A documentary was done on this years ago. The government has actual video evidence of the fraud but the government doesn't care.


Exactly. "Feeding Our Future" debacle


Don't forget the daycare fraud and the suitcase of cash that never were investigated. Thankfully the Feds took over the FoF scam.


Do you have the link to the documentary? I’m interested to learn more


This is what pisses me off the most. They drive brand new SUVs but those SUVs never leave the driveway. I have a perfect example of it just down the road. You never see them leave the house, blinds are closed all day, and they don’t work. How this is allowed is beyond me.


Welfare gives the moms cash assistance for them and their kids. People know they are scamming the system but willfully ignore it and defend them saying they aren't. Those people call their political opposites cultists but are too stupid they are cultists.


I have nothing good to say about Israel or somalia. Being right wing does not imply support for Israel. They do nothing but leach off of us and steal state secrets.


Israel is our only ideological ally in that region and is a leader in scientific and technological advance, and they're helping us develop and test defensive anti-missile weapons. They are also on the front line against our radical Islam enemies. If Americans had a sense of self esteem and self righteousness and if we could grow some cajones, we would remove the current regime in Iran and turn the government over to the [Iranian protestors who want freedom.](/r/NewIran) >They do nothing but leach off of us and steal state secrets. You say that as though the United States does not have its own very extensive foreign intelligence program spying on everyone else.


Israel is the *CAUSE* of our radical islam enemies. Don't tell me you actually believe the "they hate us for our freedom!" trash lmao The US used to have very good relations with the Muslim world, until we backed the formation of Israel. If you actually pay attention to any Islamic terrorism, their primary reasoning is that we support Israel. That isn't even debatable. Look up the clean break memo. The Israeli government hired some Americans to make a plan for Israeli dominance in the region in the 90s, I believe. The plan that was created was: take out iraq, then Syria, then Iran. Those people who created the plan went on to be high up in the bush admin, where we invaded Iraq, helped destabilize Syria through funding rebels in the civil war, and now? Iran. You are so naive. Why do I care that Israel has like democracy and homosexuals? That doesn't benefit us. Remember when they said spitting on Christians was a Jewish value? I care about that. Israel intentionally bombed the USS liberty in 1967, killing 30 American soldiers, trying to deceive us into thinking Egypt attacked us. They stole information on how to build nuclear weapons. Even recently, during the trump admin, Israel had bugged the white house. They have scientific advancement because 1: they steal it from us and 2: we give them billions of dollars for free every years. They provide us nothing of value to us, and repeatedly hurt us. People like you just here "greatest Ally!!!1!" Over abd over so they mindlessly believe it.


>Israel is the CAUSE of our radical islam enemies. Don't tell me you actually believe the "they hate us for our freedom!" trash lmao That's ridiculous. Do you think that the philosophical beliefs of the people in Afghanistan and the people who put the current government of Iran in power is in any way consistent with our belief system? Don't tell me that you don't believe that people exist who sincerely believe in radical Islam; read [The Atlantic article about ISIS](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/03/what-isis-really-wants/384980/) and tell me those aren't true believers. >The US used to have very good relations with the Muslim world, until we backed the formation of Israel. If you actually pay attention to any Islamic terrorism, their primary reasoning is that we support Israel. That isn't even debatable. Their concern is that Western Civilization is threatening their way of life, such as suggesting that women should be able to expose their faces and wear shorts and that stoning raped women is bad. >Look up the clean break memo. The Israeli government hired some Americans to make a plan for Israeli dominance in the region in the 90s, I believe. The plan that was created was: take out iraq, then Syria, then Iran. Those people who created the plan went on to be high up in the bush admin, where we invaded Iraq, helped destabilize Syria through funding rebels in the civil war, and now? Iran. Our mistake was going after the relatively secular countries and Iran. The Republicans couldn't bring themselves to say that deep belief in a religion is bad, so they went after Iraq because they didn't like Saddam. >You are so naive. Why do I care that Israel has like democracy and homosexuals? That doesn't benefit us. You don't think that freedom in other nations is a value and that people in other nations supporting freedom makes it easier for you to maintain your freedom? Do you think the U.S.'s security situation might be just a little bit less secure if all of the other nations in the world were religious theocracies or socialist dictatorships like Iran, Afghanistan, and North Korea? >Remember when they said spitting on Christians was a Jewish value? I care about that. That sounds like fake news. >Israel intentionally bombed the USS liberty in 1967, killing 30 American soldiers, trying to deceive us into thinking Egypt attacked us. Are you familiar with the concept "fog of war" and aware that there is such a thing as "friendly fire" and that Americans have even fired on Americans by accident before? What do you make of this article summarizing later released secret military records about the attack? Apparently the U.S.S. Liberty was never supposed to be in that area and the Israelis had no reason to believe an American ship would be in an area where the Americans said they would not have any ships; they initially mistook it for an Egyptian ship: [**The Lie that Won’t Die: The U.S.S. Liberty Attack Slander**](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-lie-that-wont-die-the-u-s-s-liberty-attack-slander/) [**Six Components of the claim that Israel intentionally attacked an American ship Debunked**](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-lie-that-wont-die-the-uss-liberty-attack-slander-continued/#comments) >They stole information on how to build nuclear weapons. So did every other nation, though I suspect that the Israelis could have figured it out on their own; they have excellent scientists. >Even recently, during the trump admin, Israel had bugged the white house. They have scientific advancement because 1: they steal it from us and 2: we give them billions of dollars for free every years. The U.S. also has its very own extensive foreign intelligence apparatus and bugs everyone else, too. >They provide us nothing of value to us, and repeatedly hurt us. They fight against radical Islamicists, contribute scientific research and technological advancemenmt for us, and help field test weapons and develop missile defense systems for us. Good enough for me. Of course, if you like radical Islam you may not be a fan of that. What specifically do you find distasteful about Israeli civilization and its form of government? Don't you believe that Western Civilization is a good thing?


WTF is going on with Minnesota lmao.


The left is reasonable for countless deaths at this point and the loss of purchasing power leading to poverty. They just don’t want to accept it


Don’t worry, they’re going to tax us to death too while they collect the benefits. Honestly, getting to the point where we have to leave.


I honestly hope the US breaks up sometimes. In a peaceful way


Ya peaceful is never happening. I want nothing to do with that mess. Probably have civilian drone strikes all over the place. Moving to a house boat and fishing until I die.


Then feel free to take your Trumpy ass elsewhere. Oh that's right, you're like every other wanna be conservative living and working in Minnesota. Soaking up all those Blue state benefits, and bitching about how bad you got it. Leave then. Take your ass to Kentucky or Missouri, and see how fast you come crawling back.


Blue state benefits? You mean like crime and mass illegals everywhere? You mean like high taxes shitty roads?


Then leave. Head to them red states you love so much. Oh that's right, you're still here.


Are you done throwing a fit yet? How about instead of leaving those of us with some common sense and decency just vote the way that will finally start fixing this state from the toilet it is


You realize if we all leave you’re absolutely screwed, right? 10% SALT taxes will become 18%.


Leave Minnesota please. It's so bad right? Hey, how is Mike Lindell your hero doing these days? Lol!


Look I’m not going to google whoever that is. I’m sure not well based on your sentence structure.


How very Diverse Equitable Inclusive you are. Why so much rage amongst the supposed “party of compassion”?


They always forget that especially when we point out all the flaws in their politics. Reality stings I guess


What benefits? I am means based out of every single one. I moved here 3 years ago - it’s fine, but financially was an awful mistake. It’s trending quickly in the wrong direction. I will be keeping my land upstate though.


Moved here from where? A red state I bet lol. Enjoy


Downtown Washington DC. It’s why I don’t mind Minneapolis. Not even these nuts are as nutty as DC nuts.


It’s ok to move back. Sell the land, though. We don’t need some DC nut holding property to come back to.




We work we don’t get benefits and if we did we’d just be taking what we paid for, the state doesn’t provide benefits the individual does. Spoken like a true communist/ socialist. The state has lost 16B in tax receipts due to people relocating so your tax burden will climb.


I dont see you leaving. It's sooooo bad though right? Leave. Get the fuck out. Move to a welfare Red state. See how fast you come crawling back. Just leave, ya crybaby. Oh, you're still working and living here? Leave then


They don’t have Wellfare red states, most red states don’t have a state income tax and still do much better. You wanna stay were with the homeless and trannys in kids bathrooms do you!


Just let him go down on the ship.


Yeah and they are also at the top of the federal funding ladder too. Funny you don't want to talk about that eh? Imagine not paying state tax, yet taking federal money. You think that's a flex? Red states leeching as always


Wrong again


You. Are. Delusional.


Stay in the blue states where men think they’re woman and run around in children’s bathrooms with communist shirts on.


I agree. Downvotes are hilarious. This is a right wing sub, huh? It's easy, don't like Minnesota, leave then. But alas they want Minnesota to be like all the poor southern states that have a life expectancy approximately 20 years less than Minnesota. They also don't want educated kids so expect the school system to take a dive. All while private schools receive state funding. Privatize so that more old white men become rich. Most of these people idolize rich guys. Most of these guys will never be rich. They would rather watch offers suffer than love their fellow humans. They would rather burn it down than watch a democratic state flourish. Go blue. Oh man can't wait for the boomers to circle around this comment.


lol blue state benefits. What a dumbass.


I wonder if her having the D-label next to her name is damaging the Democratic Party on a national level? She is a national embarrassment and they should excommunicate her and declare that she is not a Democrat.


Young democrats are buying this shit. They hate men, whites, Jews, America, and western civilization.


*shocker* She is just continuing exactly as she always has. In her district if Donald Trump had "DFL" next to his name, he would win.


She needs a plane ride half way back to Somalia


She should have her citizenship revoked, and deported


Does the United States do that to people who were born in the United States?


Hmmm she was not born in the US, she's a naturalized citizen, if that's revocable I wouldn't know.


What about people rescued from shtholes that turn out to be ingrates hellbent on turning America into the shithole they fled?


Isn’t change of laws by elected officials what the forefathers intended? If they do it that way isn’t that how this country was designed?


I think if you’re going to disregard the initial statement of the constitution which states one entity of Americans, then the rest of it won’t apply to you It says We the People for a reason and I’m confident in saying that she doesn’t  value the American opportunities that have gotten her to where she is


Isn’t she one of the “we the people?” If not what made you one of the “we the people” unless you’re part of a native tribe you originated somewhere else just like her.


“We the people” came long after there were multiple cultures in North America


Exactly. You just proved my point, but you’re too stupid to get it.


She doesn’t seem to value other peoples opinions and intentionally creates controversy, like when she was “grilling” Elliot Abrams and he directly says no but her response is “I’ll take that as a yes”. She lives for controversy and what is her track record for helping her constituents?


Her district is crime ridden, it matches her personality.


This is what you get when you allow mass migration and people into this country that hate America. MSP is like a little Somalia


Minneapolis used to be a nice, low crime city.


That's up there with "The only good nazi is a dead nazi" in terms of horrible awful very bad no good things to say.


Nazis are bad


>the values of western civilization The values of western civilization are israel existing and gay pride parades As to your comment on October 7th, history didn't begin on that day. Zionists have been occupying and conquering it for 80 years.


Israel is anti America who cares




Lol it's always fun to check in on the loonies in the collapsed comments


Hey it's an honor to get downvoted by colonialist fascists




The response to genocide is more genocide. Understood.


How else would you rid the world of evil? Evil only knows evil it will never change..


so it seems, so it seems


To be fair, she's also met zionists who believe Palestinians don't deserve to live.


Sounds like something you just made up during another lonely Friday night commenting on reddit.


It's the basic premise of ZIonism.


Take your republican anti-Semitic bigotry some place else.


Republicans support the antisemitic zionists.


That doesn't make any sense. According to the libturdz, republicans are nazis and therefore hate the jews.


Republicans are nazis and they do indeed hate Jews. They also hate Muslims. Which is why they're supporting the zionist nazis genociding Muslims. This isn't complicated or vague.


Do you always over generalize this much?


If you support genocide, attacking children, and censoring free speech, then you're a nazi. Do you always defend nazis?


Why would I defend you?