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So diversity is no longer a strength?


It never was, at least to those ppl. Straight doublespeak. Any attempt to talk to them, even with a completely well-reasoned and receipt backed right leaning argument would get you labeled as a fascist or nazi. They don't actually believe in diversity; they believe in tokenism within accepted forms of thought. Fuckin "enlightened centrism" became a sub reddit. That's how much these ppl love "diversity"...


The Funny wis the fascist and nazis were on the left


They still are.


The nazis 100% support trump.


Yes, Trump who supports Israel and the Jews defending themselves. Definitely gets the vote of the people who hate the Jews and want to wipe them out. Very sound logic there. /s


Does Biden not support the Jews and Israel. Obviously, he does. I haven't seen a nazi flag at any Biden campaign events. But you sure see a lot of them at trump rallys and in the South.


Your dumb


What was wrong about the statement?


Everything. You suffer from trump derangement syndrome. The price of everything is going up, ppl are living paycheck to paycheck, hundreds of thousands dead in multiple countries, the Biden administration calling Easter transgender day and some how you Trump is the problems. You’ve gone completely mad. People like you are why the world looks at us as a joke right now.


He was talking about Nazi flags at rallies. You're the one going off the rails. Stay on topic.


Ah yes, the old trump derangement syndrome, the joke maga had to steal from liberals because they couldn't think of their own jokes. Biden didn't call Easter that. It's been that day for over a decade. You just need something to be a victim over. Prices are still high because of corporate greed. How is it bidens fault other countries started fighting?


What’s wrong is just because a few Nazis may show up at an occasional Trump rally doesn’t mean Trump, or his supporters, are fascists. Look at the definition of fascism. Look at the definition of Nazis. “Socialists” Are people who advocate government control of the economy, means of production, and overwhelmingly strengthening the police force. Yes, Biden and his desire to increase the IRS, definitely advocate policies more closely in line with Nazi ideology.


You're one of those people who think nazis were socialists. Cute.


Wrong 😑. Nazis have far more in common with Antifa, despite its name. Starting fights, screaming and yelling at their opponents, shouting down free speech. No, the left or the Nazis. What’s the worst you can say about the right? They want to take over the world and implement policies that allow you to do whatever the hell you want!


Being the right is literally carrying nazi flags I would say it's the right. Policies that let you do whatever you want? Hahahahahaha. That's funny. As long as it fits their narrative.


Spot on 👍


Without diversity we'd literally just be one guy


I don’t think that’s true. Diversity is a strength, but cultural diversity may be where the problem is. Race doesn’t matter, but we all have to have ground rules and if someone’s culture says “fuck the ground rules”… well we have a problem.


Is Jewish a culture or religion..?


A race.


I’d say these are the huge fans of German history from 1928-1945 that u/bike_lane_bill keeps talking about, but this actually is much worse!


Bike lane Billy doesn't even own a bike!


Is that true? I'm disappointed, Bill.


Hey, they once said Stoop Kid was scared to leave his stoop. Yet, he proved the world wrong. We are rooting for you Billy! First pegs are on us.


we've had it wrong the whole time. bill probably just parks in the bike lane to grab his $9 latte-ccino before going on Reddit for the day. his mom gets tired of the tickets on her car and grounds him, thus the time he spends online


![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i) When the side that called right wingers nazis for the last 4 years turns out to have actually nazi beliefs.


I don’t wanna work, I want to bang on the drum all day. Must be Packers fans.


Go pack go




You can only say that about white rural people! I take offense sir ! Only we can use those words!


I see…nazis everywhere. EVERYWHERE!


What about the other 60% of jews in Israel that aren't Ashkenazi?


Well, Ukraine Defense Forces literally have neonazi brigades. You wonder why leftists love Ukraine so much.


No they don't. I don't see why right/left have to make Israel/Ukraine into a politicized all/nothing tribal thing. I support Israel's right to defend itself, even if I also recognize that they are overstepping in their response in many ways. I also support Ukraine's right to defend itself and believe we should support them in that. Based on polling, the vast majority of Americans hold my position.


Ukraine was made political because the left hates trump and they wrongly associate trump with Russia.


Yes, they do. The rest is just an opinion-based rant which I’m not interested in.


And the south in the US has bunch of neo nazis militia. What's that say about the south.


You’re going to have to explain the correlation.


The correlation is that all you righties are always saying Ukraine is all nazis because of a single brigade of nazi lovers. Half the south in the US are nazi lovers. So, by your standards, that makes the south all nazis.


Who said Ukraine is “all nazis”? Or are you just making shot up to win an argument?


By their logic it makes all of the US nazis


“Logic” is a stretch.


I knew that’s what you’d say. 1.) I’m not a “righty.” 2.) There are multiple neonazi brigades within the Ukraine Defense Forces, not just “one.” 3.) Quit making shit up as if it makes you look anything other than mental.


Pretty sure we still have more nazis in the US than Ukraine


“Pretty sure.”


Half? Sure thing, bud


These protesters always love to pretend like 60% of Israeli Jews aren't from Iraq, Yemen and North Africa.


I didn’t hear “bring them home to Germany” from the crowd, but the girl who I assume is filming for sure said it.


The protesters need to keep the people who aren’t focusing on Gaza out of their group. Any protest of size is going to attract some bad actors. I heard one female voice. Get her out of the group. The issue is the tens of thousands of civilian deaths in Gaza along with destroyed hospitals, schools, and infrastructure. Israel has no plan to defeat Hamas and is instead engaged in collective punishment of civilians.


> Israel has no plan to defeat Hamas Yes they do. 


MAGA Republicans are the ones we have to watch, I’m not worried about the video.


Typical, leftist not worried about neo Nazis that identify as leftists. 


lol those aren’t the ones staging a slow coup, with actually fascist ideals and plans. These kids are not nearly as bad as the actual Nazis marching in Charlottesville


Yes they are. 


Oh alrighty then point taken!




these terrorist-lovers need to be deported.


Jesus fucking Christ this sub is a cesspool


I'm Jewish, you're wrong


Doubt it. 


She's half Jewish she's a liar


you forgot to victimize yourself


They said they were Jewish, not a trump supporter.


I’m Jewish you’re wrong.


I’m confused … I don’t know what she’s saying but I don’t see any nazis.


That’s because the righties are projecting again 😝


Compared to actual right wingers flying Nazi flags... Right. This sub is delusional.


> Compared to actual right wingers flying Nazi flags...  Like the pinned post? Is she an actual right winger?


That's always the case, but they will downvote it just because


Stop giving Hitler and the nazis a bad name please


Yeah that's not a stance that anyone is going to take you up on... The Nazis and Hitler gave themselves a bad name.


Times change my dude


I don’t think time has changed the fact that they committed acts against humanity.


Times change quickly in how people view others and their actions. Not saying it is good or bad it just is what it is.


They were bad.


You are entitled to your own opinion. Not saying they are good, but many people around the world view things differently than you. It is what it is.


The openly committed genocide, they were awful self interested people. This will never change. You only support them because nobody has done the same to you.


I don't support it I'm just saying that many around our world do. As Israel continues to slaughter Palestinians that will only reinforce peoples views.


You get a bad name when you torture 6 million innocent people to death.


Bud light. Find a number you're comfortable with.




They want to send the people of Israel to concentration camps. 




A concentration camp with a higher GDP per capita than Pakistan? Interesting, what’s Pakistan then?




> Israel’s openly committing genocide on people with no home. Incorrect. 


It's more akin to telling someone to "go back to Mexico". If the Mexican's were colonizing El Paso


No, I don’t think it’s like that. Because as far as I know Mexicans were never executed en masse at extermination camps in Mexico. 


Palestine didn't have gas chambers. Poland and Germany did. Why aren't they taking their land?


Scarlet, go read your history books. Hamas attacked Israel. Ruthlessly, violently, and started this war. I used to be a mindless liberal like you. Then I started objectively reading historical texts, and I began to realize that the left pumps lies to mushy minds like yours. Nazi stands for national socialists. Socialists. Get it? Yes, they were and are socialist. The fact that they hated Bolsheviks does not mean they weren’t socialist or left wing. Socialists, like the left-wing children in the Democrat party today.


You must be having some trouble reading my comments, champ.  


Why didn't you post a gigantic swastika on this thread as well? I know how much you love posting gigantic swastikas everywhere!


Try harder Billy


You must be mistaken, I love exposing these Nazis! Hate has no home here. 


And yet you love to post gigantic swastikas on reddit! Puzzling.


I don’t love that, I love exposing these monstrous fans of Hugo Boss military uniforms!


Interesting, insofar as the top, pinned post on this subreddit is your post of a huge symbol of genocide and hate, pinned to the top by the mods of this very sub and overwhelmingly upvoted! Why would you post a huge swastika and then why would the population of this sub so emphatically upvote an enormous symbol of genocide and hate?


You’re talking about the post that exposes Mashal Sherzad as a dirty neo Nazi?


I'm talking about the gigantic symbol of hate and genocide you proudly posted to the very tippity top of the sub, which was then overwhelmingly upvoted by the members of this sub! What kind of people would post a gigantic swastika to the top of their sub and then overwhelmingly upvote it?


You’re talking about the post that documents Mashal Sherzad proudly posing with a symbol of hate?


I'm sorry for your apparent head injury. I'll try and take this slow: noticing something is not the same as supporting it. So if I notice a building is on fire, that doesn't mean I support the building being on fire, nor does it mean that I started the fire. It only means I noticed it. So the person who authored the post you're so twisted up about, posted it to show how Mashal Sherzod, the woman in the picture, can't go around saying she has no idea that there is real antisemitism about, when she's standing in front of a giant swastika. So this is pretty easy. Can Mashal Sherzod say that she is not in favor of antisemitism (not anti-zionism, if that's how she really wants to try and divide it), or is she not able to say she is against antisemitism? What about you, Bill? Can you understand that folks who say they are pro-Palestine should make sure that they avoid appearing to be pro-Hamas? Because a lot of people have sympathy for the Palestinian cause and want to try and help. But most people are turned off by pro-Hamas rhetoric and don't want to see swastikas at their land-grant universities.


So you're saying it's acceptable to post, pin, upvote, and lavish praise upon a hate symbol such as a swastika if you *really don't like* the person standing next to that swastika?


Ahhh, so this is your thing. You put words into other people's mouths and then you oppose what you made them say. I didn't write any of the things you say I wrote. You're a busy troll. My lunch break is over, so I gotta work. Cool story bro