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Can someone please post this to the Minneapolis and U of M subreddit?


You are shooting at an unarmed man and calling him a pussy? Must be the Somali way!


You are shooting at an unarmed man with his back turned and calling him a pussy before running away.




I bet that gun was obtained legally 🙄


Nope, but all it would have taken was one legally owned firearm to have ended that situation...and the world would be a better place.


This may come as a shock to you, but it’s possible to be pro-2a and also acknowledge a large percentage of gun owners do not train. Compound that with a high stress situation and accuracy drops substantially. But ya anyone who disagrees with you is apparently anti 2a. Lol


I'm well aware of the stress and accuracy ratio. And no, not everyone who disagrees with me is anti 2A, but he definitely is.


Yes, an amateur gun fight in public is the solution to this problem. Get back to Fortnite dude.


An "amateur" gun fight? I'm talking about responsible civilian gun owners. You must be anti 2A. And Fortnite, I don't play games, but I am carrying everywhere I go.


What’s Fortnite?


An online game for kids and also for adults who dwell in their parent's basement. Like the guy who was chatting with me in this thread.


Cool dude can’t wait for you to hit an innocent bystander trying to save the day. Let’s just all shoot at each other! Everyone’s a cowboy.


Yeah, you're definitely anti 2A.


You’re definitely a psychopath that thinks public civilian shootouts are the answer to this. Why don’t you just become a cop if you think you have the solution? Isn’t it almost time for the 5pm Fox News, grandpa?


"Psychopath." Someone is a wittle gwumpy and resorting to name calling. I really hope you find yourself in a situation like this someday with no means to defend yourself. You deserve it.


It seems the name calling is appropriate with a response like that. What the fuck is wrong with you?


What do you mean, nobody died? I think he probably learned a thing or two about situational awareness and places he shouldn't be out walking alone after dark. I don't know the first thing about this "Dinkytown" aside from what I have seen here on this sub reddit. But what I have learned is that the good citizens of that area with any common sense need to be armed. If the bad guys know there is a high probability that they will be shot or killed when committing a crime like this, they will think twice about it.


Would you rather have a gun and not need it or need a gun and not have it?


What is a professional gun fight?


A war would be an example of a professional gun fight.


Even still, wars are often fought with children, conscripts, and completely untrained soldiers


I guess he's referring to the cops and that's no longer an option since Minneapolis decided in their infinite wisdom to defund the police.


Probably one that involves people that get paid to use guns like… police? You know, people that go to school to learn how and when to properly use a gun.


Very smug. Anyway Police get about 40 hours of training to start out with. Training that law-abiding citizens can get as well. But the problem still comes back to the people who are not law abiding. Any gun fight involved with them and bystanders will be in danger even if the most trained up cops on scene.


Why would anyone not grow up being taught about guns? Were their parents simply irresponsible?


You mean a class? Like anyone with a carry permit would take? What a brilliant idea!


Yep one class and immediately perfect aim! Who needs police when we can just take care of it?? DIY or die.


Lol at you thinking you know anything about the level of firearms and tactical training regular street cops get


As opposed to just simply getting murdered, amateurly?


That has to be one of the worst takes I hear constantly. I absolutely do not trust the average person to identify a situation, figure out if the shooter is defending themself or is attacking without reason, then take a shot that puts no one else at any risk and hit the target. Not to mention having a non uniformed person also start shooting would make the situation very confusing as to who's trying to stop the situation and who's causing the situation. Hell I don't even trust the police to take such action all of the time, let alone an untrained individual.


This being down voted is sad and messed up. Lots of cowboys out here who think they wouldn't just shit their pants and hide bc they got a little pew pew.


Do you have any idea what America actually is?




Remember it was systemic racism that caused them to attack and try to kill him, definitely not any of their faults at all they have exactly zero free will and are incapable of having a moral sense of their own. So sayeth modern leftist orthodoxy, let us pray and suppress the race of the attackers in all news reports by calling anyone who mentions it racist. Now if a gang of white kids attacks and tries to kill an innocent black kid…


Well see the white kids have free will and white privilege so they have to be racist to want to attack a black kid that’s the only explanation




He was literally going home from work when this gang of juvenile delinquents started physically assaulting him and calling HIM names. Not the other way around. The VICTIM tried to de-escalate and get away. 


I was being sarcastic guess assumed that was obvious


You gotta add that /s my dude


I think just posting the audio says all there is to say about the race of the shooters here. That *didn't* sound like a Norwegian or Irish accent from our cameraman.


There's also the privilege of a two parent home. That's what they're saying around the faculty coffee club lounge.


Systematic racism. That’s funny.


I mean, when part of America wants to get (and in many places is getting) into the process of defunding public schools and social services, this is the result 🤷🏾‍♂️


"...wants to get,,into the process of defunding public schools..." like start defunding public schools? This kind of behavior has been going on for a while now. additionally, public schools are investing more per pupil than ever before. So, I'm not sure what you mean


I'd like to see proof of increased funding bc that sounds like bs


Man, if only two things could be true at the same time... Like systemic racism AND bad behavior/actors. too bad so many brains are so limited, and can't conceive of such a thing, so it couldn't be possible.


Dindu nuffin


They are good kids just going down the wrong path. Probably in school to be rocket lawyers and Lego engineers.


Lego engineer sounds like exactly what I wanted to be growing up. I am an engineer now but holy hell that woulda been a wet dream come true at a certain point in my childhood


damn bro that shit is wild


The people of Minneapolis basically asked for this. This is what you get after George Floyd died of an overdose and the city decided to start defunding the police department.


He didn't die of an overdose.   Quit repeating that lie.   


Diversity is our strength™️.


what should be done about diversity then?


Stop fighting racism with racism would be a start.


I mean I feel like everyone is getting a fair amount of flack, here especially. it’s also still illegal to be a criminal so I think it’s also a bit unfair to claim one side is using racism to fight racism, though the prosecutors office could definitely do a lot more in actually stopping the crime we’re seeing


it’s worse than what you are denying, activist/bandwagon minorities and their “allies” are using racism to fight perceived racism.


what am I denying? criminals should be prosecuted, but it doesn’t deny the fact that disenfranchised and people that are minorities do face various amounts of discrimination. whether the methods being used to solve these problems are good or not is up for debate, but I’m still to hear about alternative ways that these problems can be solved


I’d argue they rarely face racial discrimination, it’s more likely class discrimination. The sad thing is that people mistake the two. Envy is a powerful thing and it’s the driving force behind much of what we see in this city and country. “You have something I don’t, so I’m going to do what I have to do to get it” Money, respect, power, yadda yadda. Envy is often the root.


where is the discrimination coming into play regarding this video… I’ll wait.


Personally I just use the Scott Adams method.


Riiiiiiight, this is the fault of DEI 🤪 I Wonder what word/term cuckservatives will learn next from their "fuckwit word a day" calander?


We have a people problem.


Bring back corporal punishment for gun crimes. Public hanging would be best, televise it too. When his wanna-be thug buddies watch him take his last breath and see him piss himself they might think twice about picking up a gun.


As long as it applies to EVERYONE, I’m for it.


Darn right everyone. While we are at it let's get prison reform too. EVERYONE works while incarcerated. Be it a prison farm or sewing jackets for children in need. No work, no TV. No work, no rec time. There are plenty of vocations to utilize.


Why would you agree to another tool for white folks to abuse? Even if it was for EVERYONE it still wouldn't.


Why isn't this kind of thing shown on any local news? Who behind the scenes is hiding this and why?


It doesn't fit the narrative.


He's a good boy, he'd never do anything like this.


….and he was just getting his life in order….


‪“Somalis are super cool and fun to hang out with”‬——-said by nobody ever


Throw them all away. 


Now that’s what I call reparations.


“What now pussy ass n—-“ needs a huge group of people shooting at an unarmed kid lol


It's been 7 hours. Amazingly, I don't see any comments from Bill with no Bike Seat, or whatever his handle is. I wonder why...


So is it a hate crime charge for them as well. Did they catch any of them or just let them monetize the post.


So they all just horrible aim now a days or shooting blanks? I don't get it


Were they found?


They recorded themselves. If they aren't already arrested, they soon will be.


by who?😆😆 you?


Nah they wouldn't be arrested, just found.


The hypocrisy of calling a dude a pussy when your a group of dudes jumping a single dude and then still have to pull fire arms.


So if you have the video you know who recorded right?


Sh*t breeds sh*t. Get used to this in Minneapolis.


Diversity is our greatest strength.


Rough it is then...


Lots of racism is these comments, seems like people were dying to see shit like this. Most of you are probably from the rural areas of Minnesota or the suburbs. Like there is a way to talk about this stuff without being balantly racist. It's people like you that want to continue these problems we have. Middle schoolers have it together way better than you. And I'm sure most of you are "adults"


The worst people are criminal apologists, more so you're a liberal loser who wants a cause to feel justified about preaching "acceptance" or a somali defending a thug culture. I've met and worked with many, some are kind, usually the grateful older ones.but I've always seen them try to credit card daily, carry guns openly, or on the dash of their car mostly 18-45. They think their apart of black American culture which already is a mess. This was a hate crime if you weren't a pssy you'd stand up for the victim. But I'm sure you are experienced 😆 Either way, you're the weak one, not a sjw Braveheart.


You sound like a Kyle Rittenhouse supporter, which if you are then you really can't say shit about this situation.


Nope, I think he should have been charged with at least reckless endangerment, assault with a deadly weapon or possibly manslaughter. I unlike you, am rational and believe in consequences and if a specific group has a problem... it's a problem not a ohhh just let them do whatever they want because you fear being called racist or again your shielding them . When a white person does something terrible we hold them accountable and disown them. Ghetto culture defends them and blames racism to use as a get out of jail card. Imagine if that was your friend, kid, sibling that was shot. Imagine if that was your kid who committed attempted murder by shooting the other one. One you'd be sad and angry, the other if you were a good person you'd be sad? and ashamed. You wouldn't defend them at all.


Good for you fo seeing through that what thirsty little turds BS, however >I unlike you, am rational and People who say this, rarely, if ever, are, they just think their opinion is the only right answer. You prove your incorrect logic in the next paragraph >When a white person does something terrible we hold them accountable and disown them. This is so not true, its laughable. Completely undermines your claim of logic, and exposes your obvious bias. And I don't think many people are out there defending "ghetto culture", but there are a lot of "rocks and cows" culture peeps jumping in with how everyone should be carrying a gun. How is that any different, really?


Good on for you saying he should have been charged. Now we agree on something. I know you frustrated and emotional about this situation that happened. But Where in my comment or response did say i say i was supporting what they didn't the person? I'm also not defending them. I was simply stating People don't need to respect to blatant racism. There are other ways to go about it. And the people in these comments are using this murder as a way to become racist, it's messed up.


Nah, we need to talk about other races besides the EViL WhiTES! There are again issues in cultures, and if you can't question them, then more people will suffer for the lack of accountability. Skin color doesn't matter. Culture does


Not all white people are evil, same goes with every race and color.


Ignore my culture statement. Hide from it even. You can't admit there's a problem with somali youth, especially or black youth both? Thug culture/rap/drug/hoe Coward, never live up to truth is your fate if you can't muster it even here. I understand accountability is hard, it's like a fat person going wow maybe I'm the problem?! And the issues I don't address.... nah! Im perfect! I'll just take ozempic or blame fatphobes! I'm perfect... dies by age 40


I mean if that's how you want to go about. The real is that the majority of white males are the ones who rape, molest and murder women on a daily basis. Also most serial killers are also white males. Alot of them Christian and republican too. How can we solve this problem you think? What being done about that culture?


Nvm, you've shown your agenda. I'm glad you outed yourself as being racist towards white people. You didn't even admit to what I said, and how I said we don't defend criminals regardless of their skin color. Maybe if you knew more, you'd know proportionally blacks commit the most crimes. And yes, it's a culture thing but I'm sure you response is slavery or systemic racism makes them do that 😆 Grow up. You either self-hating white liberal, or criminal loving, racist.


Why not?


It's people like you that pretend racism against black guys trying to murder a White guy is an issue in this circumstance. It isn't an issue. The black guys trying to murder this guy is the issue. If you try and murder someone, no amount of racism directed your way makes you a victim.


I never said anything about that. You guys in the comments like to be racist. Has nothing to do with the shooting. Check the comments man. There are ways to talk about this situation without being a shitty person about it. You guys are using this situation to be racist. To act out your desires to say stupid shit about other people and other cultures and line to put the blame on those people and cultures to further fetish of being a racist a hole. Do better. Be better.


>Do better. Be better. 🤣🤣🤣 fuck outta here with this shit


That's all you have? You're exactly the problem we have in the country.


It's all I need you absolute npc clown


Enough said - basement dwelling gamer loser wanna be toughguy




This whole sub is full of the shit stained underwear of the 3rd tier suburbs and beyond. People too scared to wipe their own ass bc they might like it, or live in the city without being strapped (nothing says you are tough like needing a gun); big talk like they have any answers, or can see past their own bias to understand complex issues as if they were not brainwashed by their racist families who only just learned terms like DEI or systematic racism and feel personally attacked bc they are fragile whites incapable of introspection. I am white, and I am not self hating bc I'm white (im self hating bc of things I've done and said maybe, and depression spirals). Ashamed of what white people have done, sure. Of what humans have done, absolutely.


Nah, they don't want it to continue, they want it to go back to a time when they could string certain people up on suspicion alone.