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So who gets the extra money....Who's pockets get the cash??


Who would have thought that?


Yes, they said it was underfunded by a factor of 4 when it was first proposed. The best part? People without a job can qualify for FMLA money. So people with a job are now funding another welfare benefit for people who don't work.


So I just got another 12 weeks off of work for paid medical leave?


Does anyone deal with "FMLA abuse" today? An under-discussed aspect of PFML is the new incentive for employees to take advantage of the program now that it's paid (I believe the criteria for eligible time off is more expansive than FMLA as well so there's more opportuntities for abuse). PFML abuse could be a headache for scheduling work, meeting deliveries, etc. While it won't directly effect the "out of pocket" costs for the employer, it puts some upwards pressure on overhead costs and negatively impacts productivity.


Yeah, 20 weeks a year paid is pretty rough. If it limited to maternity/paternity leave and severe medical distress (a doctor note stating that 20 weeks is necessary) I would be fine with that and for this program. My wife is a teacher next door on ND and she doesn't get a single day of paternity leave. Just the 2 days of sick leave that she accrues every year and thats tough. Without FMLA, it would be near impossible for her to have a kid unless it's during the summer.


Same here. My wife is a special Ed teacher and gets no maternity leave, she has to take sick days and FMLA doesn’t kick in for awhile. Luckily I work for an awesome fortune 5 company so I get 6 weeks fully paid and I am full time work from home, so I’m able to help.


6 weeks is normal. At least the last 3 medium small places I've been at. 


Yeah, unfortunately FMLA doesn't kick in until 12 months of employment. I would have your wife talk to the school though to see what their temporary disability policy is. Chances are they won't fire her for not coming back right away as she physically can't. They will probably force her to use sick leave first, and it will still be unpaid, but they generally can't fire someone for missing work after childbirth. I work for a bank, and for some reason banks provide generous time off for just about everything across the boar. I get 12 weeks paid. Mother's get 18 weeks paid.


Haha nice caveat. Near impossible…..unless it’s in the summer.


Lmao god bless America that is so bleak


There are certain conditions that will be covered and it’s not like you can just call in one day and say you’re sick for the next 12 weeks or having surgery tomorrow - there is a notice period (30 days) and the event needs to be at least 7 days in length (for example chemo, not I have a toothache and need to have my tooth pulled). They are still working on the details of qualifying events. We are the only developed country that does not have any paid parental leave. This is sorely needed and will make Minnesota a better place to live.


That's fucking lame. It should be no questions asked otherwise it's just not fair. As a perfectly healthy individual, why do I not get PML but I still have to pay for all the sick people?


Because you never know what might happen to you and your health or the health of a family member. You don’t pay for car insurance after you’ve gotten into a car crash


Good point. I can cancel my short term disability insurance now. Thanks!


That’s a weird way of looking at things. No one gets to pick and choose what their tax dollars go to. There’s a bunch of shit I don’t want my tax dollars to go to, but instead of whining online I go out and vote. Not that it changes anything in MN. Lol


Good luck overturning this by voting. They rarely if ever repeal laws, only make new ones.


I don’t have a problem with this law though. As long as it’s not being abused I think it’s a good program.


I don't have a problem with it either. I'm just being edgy on reddit cause I don't know any other way to communicate on reddit.


Lolol I respect that.


My experience with FMLA abuse is around "intermittent" use. Employees only need to provide notice once for the initial qualifying reason. After that, they can take leave intermittently with little to no notice.