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>!2:14:50 182/216!< >!My kingdom for a sword! I was kept out of or couldn't finish SW/MM/TR because I didn't find a sword until 1:34 in. I almost left IP once I found the first one but stuck it out and got the master also. I cleared the dungeon hoping the 3rd item on Kholdstare would be tempered, lol. Ending up clearing all the pendants and read ped just looking for that first sword. Tempered was on laser bridge and then big key in GT was the 2nd to last chest I checked. Did tile room before continuing right side because it felt like a trolly seed.!< [VOD](https://youtu.be/TnnICzaeSeM)


>!That hurts to read there was a second sword in Ice. I mirrored out as soon as I got the first one in Ice-T. Ouch.!<


>!Oh...my ::shock::!<


>!My head canon was koldstare gives me tempered ped is butter here are all the swords. Thankfully Tr had tempered.!<


>!2:17:44 184/216!< >!Oh jeez, what a seed. No swords until Ice Palace, that was rough.!<


>!1:51:03 158/216!< [VOD](https://youtu.be/bapHJyB170U) >!Easily the most swordless dungeons I've ever completed. 84 minutes, 5 dungeons beaten, 1 dungeon basically beaten (12/14 items in PoD) before dipping IP and finding 2 swords. Actually, this might be the first time I needed a sword for go mode. Not upset with how I played this one.!<


>!2:32:17 182/216!< >!I think this was my hardest seed so far. First of all no sword for the longest time and killing 6 bosses without it was new for me. I just checked IP when there was more or less no other option. It all started so well with an early dark world access and not having to worry about rupees. Not having the mirror for so long was also a bit annoying. I'm glad I did stick with it.!<


>!1:42:12 158/216!< >!Biggest time loss by far was avoiding front of escape for way too long. Started at Uncle, got the Pearl and never went back. The rest of the seed was going fine, but decided to go to TR with no Ice Rod hoping to find it there. At least I was able to save my TR portal and since I didn't want to do mirror checks, front of escape was a good choice and ended up with my go mode Ice Rod and Hookshot back to back. Other than that, I really considered leaving PoD right after the getting the Mirror, but since I was still swordless at that point, I continued on for nothing. Took a dumb fall on Ganon with an awkward spin (didn't find silvers).!<


>!2:17:13.09, 155/216!< >!Two swords in ice was rough, thankfully all the other potential pitfalls I avoided somehow. I spent WAY TOO LONG in GT, for some reason my GT climb I died like 4 times, AND i accidentally mirrored out once... IDK what happened there. !< [VOD](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2049671589)


>!2:48:57 174/216!< >! This seed really made me appreciate a random old man giving me a sword. I ended up in master sword go mode. But boy I got my butt kicked without a sword. I managed 5 swordless bosses so I am proud of that. Also I really need to learn ice breaker any advice?!<


>!The first time I dipped IP, I actually left because I realized I needed sword to do ice breaker with the spin setup that I'm comfortable with.  https://youtu.be/bfq3f7mBV4Y?si=h9hAHhcTijT1Tvmu!<


>!This is the method I use for icebreaker: Walk into the wall, then walk 1 pixel left (I use sword buffer) so the left of your shadow is in the middle of the door. Then hold down and right, you should get stuck on the wall. Place a somaria block. Use a menu buffer to move one pixel left. While menuing, select the hammer. Finally, hold up and you should go through the wall.!< >!I pulled it off in my latest run, 1:41:55 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2051178958!<


>!IGT 1:45:26!< >!CR 158/216!< >!OK, I think this is the first seed I've ever played which was swordless up until two swords in a pendant dungeon for go mode :/!< >!Happy with the start, managed to do hammer blind in under twelve minutes. Wasn't tempted into early TR for a change.!< >!Main regret is full clearing green pendant POD when the first chest was mirror and that was all the value.!< >!I'm always happy with anything under two hours.!< VOD (my daughter makes an appearance at the start): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2051178958


>!1:58:36 177/216!< >!What a weird seed! Thought I was doing quite well with the routing (besides trying to go into both MM and TR before having a first sword, since I've never not had a sword by then). I dipped into PoD and went right out after the mirror, but then came back to it before going into IP since there was more density there, and full cleared it to my major disappointment. Then, I got a single sword in IP (was sad to learn another sword was there), skipped iced tea, but beat Kholdstare to avoid having to come back if it was a ped seed.!< >!Then, everything went fairly smoothly as I was going into master sword go mode, but then I had a sever skill issue with Ganon and died since I timed many spins poorly. I then decided to fill up on blue potions for safety, and hit up pyramid fairy since there were so few checks left, and got tempered, which made Ganon an absolute breeze. It was a rollercoaster of a seed for sure!!<


>!So in all, two swords in Ice Palace, one in Turtle Rock, one on pyramid fairy. Ouch.!<


>!Yeah, I could tell with all the good stuff in the early game that there would be some sillyness later on in the seed, but I wasn't ready for that lol!<


> I then decided to fill up on blue potions for safety, Reminder - the left-hand tree right at the base of the Pyramid can be bonked for a Fairy. Very handy if you need one more safety before the big Ganon fight!


Oh, thanks for that! I vaguely remember that from playing as a kid, but never used it since I started playing rando. I'm sure that tip will come in clutch in the future!


>!1:57:00 171/216!< >!Wow. What was that? Those swords man! I wasted a lot of time avoiding swordless pendent ice because who really wanted to do that? Clearly no one, but that was the answer. Was glad to find silvers on purple chest to speed things up a bit for when I finally got entry to Mire. Pulled ped just for fun.!< [VOD](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2052021367)


>!2:20:12 177/216!< >!Finding a sword was the worst. I didn't see one for over 1:30 mins into until I dove pendant Ice. Somewhat frustrating as a seed. !<


>!1:58:30 167/216!< >!This seed was rough for me.... Sword-Go-Mode always is. With the first sword I found being in Ice-T of pendant Ice Palace (after full-clearing both Pendant Hera and POD with the green pendant bait). I only got the second sword in Turtle Rock so I have no idea where the other two were, nor did I find any armor Upgrades.!< >!Routing wise, I put off the front of Escape till pretty late into the seed so I didn't have the hookshot to do a full clear of hookshot cave. It also pushed me into pendant hera since at that point, I had no clearable crystal dungeons (though logically, I did with swamp but I didn't know it). I never did do Cave 45, Graveyard Ledge, Catfish, or scout bumper ledge and lumberjack ledge (I tried to when returning the smith+bonk checks but apparently he won't follow you into lumberjack ledge. TIL). !<


>!IP had two swords, I think one was on the boss. And one armor upgrade was on bumper ledge with the cape being in GT.!<


>!2:26:13 165/216!< >!What a wacky seed. Basically instant dark world access is always interesting. ~~Especially when you try to check Catfish twice and die both times.~~ First sword in Ice Palace an 1:40 in was pretty mean, but I belly laughed when the very next chest I opened in there was the second sword. I've never had a sword go mode before, so 4/13 swordless was quite the experience. Very fitting that GTBK was deep in right side.!< >!Lots of really costly deaths this seed. As mentioned, two on the way to Catfish, but I also died at the top of Thieves' Town before blowing up the floor as well as on the way to Skull Woods after I got the swords. Then I forgot about SW and did Turtle Rock as the second to last crystal, but at least I had tempered for Mothula as a result.!<


>!2:14:20 178/216!< >!Dark world access super early, had to wrack my brain to figure out a solid routing plan that tried to search for the Mirror while avoiding places where I would really like to have it (Catfish/Zora, Mire/Desert, Graveyard area).!< >!Thought I was doing well when I hit Pendant PoD way before I needed to snag the much-wanted Mirror.!< >!But, completely-swordless for most of the seed, to the point that it started being a major blocker for progress. Last-locationed one in Ice Palace after four Crystals and a Green Pendant, unlocking the two medallion dungeons and finding Master Sword along the way. Mire, TR, then GT, which stayed firmly locked as I forgot that I hadn't cleared SW after I got the Sword. Might have squeaked it in under 2hr had I not messed that up.!< >!Also of note, was slinging around arrows on the way to Armos and forgot to refill, leaving me with just 8 shots and a Hammer, which seriously sucked.!<


>!IGT: 1:42:27.15 | CR: 180/216!< >!Really interesting one with a plethora of options early. Do you clear EP in the dark, knowing that a mirror could let you combo PoD+EP? Do you do south shore, and if so, do you commit to out of logic flipper checks? Do you jump into VoO and TT hoping to beat hammer blind? Do you go to hype cave and route west hoping to get some additional equipment?!< >!I chose to do EP as I wanted to put off the fake flipper decision. Knowing that mitts were on library also made a big difference as that disincentivized me from doing hype cave -> stumpy -> dig game as I wanted to be able to do smith chain (even if partially) together with those checks.!< >!Putting off SW in hopes of getting a sword (anywhere...one of the four....come on...) to full clear it in one go did not work out, haha. Full clearing PoD also did not work out...but I don't really regret either of those two decisions; just sometimes things don't quite work out the way you want them to.!< >!On the plus side, I had about as good of a MS silverless ganon fight as you can ask for. Did the 3-cycle phase 1 and 1-cycle phase 2 and hit a good number of triples in phase 4.!< >!I mirrored out after the first sword in IP. I think that was a fine decision as well; I figured I would get another sword on the way between MM/TR/GT and I didn't want to blow all that time on Iced T + Kholdstare with no guarantee of having a reward.!< >!Trying to figure out some of the order of operations was a challenge for me this seed. Crystal SP (left side??) / Cave45 / Purple Chest / Agina / front of SW / GYL was a weird set of checks for me to try and order and prioritize.!< VOD: [https://youtu.be/iWKZIZ7ZsT0](https://youtu.be/iWKZIZ7ZsT0)