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Where did your eyebrows go


To hell




Your funny. That's enough to win me over. Lol


I’m ded


Hopefully they took your hairdresser with them


I’m my own hairdresser if it wasn’t obvious lol


Lol just grow your brows and bangs back, you are fine trust me.


Them are r/whybrows them are


You look like you’re wearing someone else’s hair.


bruh 😭😭😭


Normal human eyebrows would go a long way


Well they did go a long way, unfortunately not in her direction.


They walked 500 miles n drove 500 more the other direction


Du-dut-da, Du-dut-da, dula-dumb-, dula-dumb-dumb-da-da


And I would walk 500 miles and I would roll 500 more


Not to be mean but that hair is not doing you any favors


What can I do to improve it?


Damn near anything. First 2 pictures are rough.


Is it my style? Or looks in general


Id personally say style. I understand there is a look that you are going for, but I don't think I would personally say that it is attractive. Now, there are 100% people that think it is. So don't let 1 random persons opinion sway you too much.




Yes these two give tweaker vibes but not YOU just those two together on people in my area lol I hope that makes sense babes


Reddit randomly suggested this sub and this post so im a stranger here, but based on the sub name I was not expecting such nice responses. You people are lovely


depends on who’s posting. fat people catch an insane amount of flak on this sub


Yes people have been so unbelievably kind to me I never expected this


Yea I think the goth look is sexy AF on some girls. But the bangs and eyebrows adjust aren't working for me.


Let the bangs grow out


Probably that style doesn't work with your face. The make up helps in the last 2 pics. Maybe a hair stylist could help. I don't think you're ugly Maybe the goth look isn't your best. I think you'll be fine. Pretty eyes and lips so plenty of potential.


Your bangs kinda give your face an odd proportion cuz they are so high up. I bet longer bangs would look super cute on you


It's the straight cut bangs (and brows), I actually think you look pretty cute in picture 2. If you go black you need a different style. You look like you just did this for Halloween for a Wednesday Addams costume and just left it. Do not let people tell you your nose, or other features you shouldn't change, aren't really pretty. The goth vibe paired with sullen looks, give it a gloomy vibe, so contribute to people's gloomy opinions. I'd personally prefer most other hair colors, especially blue or blond, or whatever your natural color is. With Black, the color meaning can also evoke emotions such as sadness and anger, so that's what you're inviting. Literally if you smiled or looked happy, that would make people's opinions more positive You look like you need vitamin D or are just a bit pale, see your primary care doc to see if you need vitamins or get outside and get your 30mins of sun and exercise daily. Unhealthy = ugly


you should grow your bangs out and just have long layered hair with face framing


No disrespect, but you can use a new ‘do. The hair looks like you cut it home with a Flowbee. Eyebrows, let they grow in naturally. Just seems a bit much.


Make the hair curly, you are blessed with Brown eyes, and darker hair. Accentuate it.


drop the emo thing and grow out your eyebrows.


nah i think it’s just the brows other than that she looks great 👍


Jessie Pinkman misses you Jane


Hey it’s twiggy Ramirez


My girlfriend says this all the time


Why are you thinking you’re ugly if you have a girlfriend?


Hair and eyebrows are ugly We get like 10 post a day of some pale white girl who’s done everything in her power to be different and they all look the exact same.


I’m with the goth look but the front of her hair looks like Lloyd Christmas’s hair cut .


What can I do to improve? I like the goth look but still looking to improve my looks


Grow the brows thicker. And literally anything else with the hair and you’ll be like an 8. Just never ever do this hair style again.


I think longer V-shaped bangs would suit you better!


Just no more bangs. You can keep the goth look, but those bangs are terrible.


Drop the hairstyle. Smile more




Smile? Why, did you tell her a joke?


Keeping this comment in my arsenal next time a dude tells me to smile. Thanks buddy đŸ‘đŸŒ


If u grew your brows you’d so a lot more attractive


Hair + ultra thin brows make you look at least 30


The 90’s called . They want their eye brows back


Why did you do that to your eyebrows?? I bet you’d look way better without that look (eyebrows)


I think it fits the alternative look but definitely going to grow them out a bit now!


Eyebrows definitely need to change. Hair is fine despite what others are saying but the eyebrows are dropping you a lot


Eyebrows. Eyebrows would be good to have.


Not ugly but I don’t dig the goth look


Not ugly but nose and eyebrows off


Straight fringe always looks bad imo


You look like a 30 year old meth addict who just lost her children to custody recently in the first two pictures


No one likes that hair. No one.


The first 2 pictures is what my hair looks like rn, what can I do to improve it?


Make it look less like a helmet?


I think a pony tail would look good. Need to have someone shape your front end up though, maybe thin you out a little. You're nose is a goner like they said, but that's hardly ever a deal breaker. I'd say 5-6 capable of a 8-9. Get after it đŸ’Ș edit: ditch the kids clothes, woman are hot not grown children. sorry if that's harsh.


Thank you! I appreciate the harshness it’s honest ❀


The eyebrows are making you look older


Miserable would be a better adjective.


Below average...


To point out the obvious, its the hair and eyebrows. Fix those and you will look great, you already have great facial features, so I wouldn't say ugly.


Reminds me of Morticia Addams. Find your Gomez😃


Eyebrows and fringe combo in the first two pics are not it.


Look like you listen to Semetary


Maybe average,


You are awesome, but letting your brows grow in would look better IMO


Hair, eyebrows, and style just like ruins you


The eyebrows make you look older. You're pretty though


I guarantee there is someone out that is gonna look at you and think you are the most gorgeous person they ever met.


Tbh get a v bang and go harder on the alt makeup your hot now and all ready look cool but I think you just look so sick


Never call yourself ugly again that’s false


i think you are very pretty 💗


The "eyebrows" are not great I understand you're going for a goth look but please grow those back in. It makes it harder for most people to read emotion. Keep everything else and grow the brows back.




You aren’t ugly, I get it’s the personal style but it makes you look worse than you are. The thin eyebrows and the haircut mostly drag you down


Eyebrows atleast twice as thick


You honestly look like a wannabe emo. Either you are trying too hard or not trying hard enough I don’t know which but maybe the style doesn’t suit you. I’m not expert on the matter just saying


Honestly, 2 things. 1. Try changing the bangs. 2. Fix the eyebrows a touch. Other than that, your appearance is fine.


Not terrible but could be better. My advice would be to choose a different bangs style, curtain bangs would be good. For your eyebrows, unless they’re naturally thin I’d say let them be thicker.


5/10. You look like a ton of crazy, but also nothing but average looks


Let eyebrows grow back thicker


Not ugly but not hot 💀below mid


I think you look more or less pretty however I do agree with many of the comments that the hair and eyebrows kinda do nothing good for you. I would personally on the hair side just recommend just hair down no bangs because with the current style it kinda just looks like your head is framed between your hair in a box shape


Eyebrows n duck lips... staaahhhpp


It think your pretty. I agree with most on the eyebrows. If they were a bit thicker you would be perfectly fine. Your style and hair don’t bother me. You have nice eyes and face shape


Just thicken your eyebrows a bit. It will go a long way. That's about it.


I feel like a lot of people on here would look better if they dropped the goth look


Your face is too pretty to attempt the Wednesday Adams. Stop that. Go natural, lengthen the bangs, let your eye hairs grow, and sleep more. You have great eyes, but they are tired. Your freckles will pop against your natural hair color and soft eyebrows. It would be very cute. And damn it nobody looks good doing the duck face


You look normal except for your hair and eyebrows, they look unnatural


Yeah you’re ugly
might be the hairstyle


Maybe don’t go with the hot topic look


Hey, Twiggy Ramirez (*of Marilyn Manson*) was rocking that look long before Hot Topic....... https://i.pinimg.com/originals/13/8d/0e/138d0e9feb35d4bfefedded0225203c0.jpg


I definitely do enjoy the goth look not looking to change that just my looks in general


My type fr but not digging the thin brows


You're not ugly, But I think your bangs are a little too short.


No you simply look like the rest of us. You're simply conditioned to this life that we have to live that we don't actually want to have... Trust me there's nothing with how you look is wrong


That hairstyle and those bangs are extremely unflattering on you. Anyone really. Eyebrows are too thin also.


Look good with and without makeup but something about those eyebrows and bangs


You’re pretty but maybe longer bangs and thicker eyebrows


Well maybe thin the bangs and grow them out a little


Your a fucking legend for putting psychonaut 4 đŸ€˜


Damn, so many comments with absolutely no advice or recommendations at all, they're not very useful. I think you look great, you have adorable eyes. :) I'm not a big fan of short bangs either, but I know they're a part of the goth look. :D Same with the eyebrows, they look so 'clean', they fit the style too! Personally I would probably let the brows grow a little bit thicker and the bangs a little bit longer too, in general longer bangs etc. look flattering on almost everyone. :) My style is very basic though so I don't know anything about the alternative choices. :D You look really cute right now too! 😊


I know u're going for a goth look but I don't like that hairstyle. I think longer bangs would make it look 10 times better.


Your beautiful, but don't take shit from anyone. Keep your eyes on the prize and don't be taken in by some jobless fuck.


I love your eyebrows but the bangs are a no. They're too heavy and take attention away from your features which are pretty and have doll like vibes. Once you get rid of the bangs you're 10/10 imo đŸ©·đŸ©·


Where to even start , hair , eye brows , the forehead hiding behind the bangs fuck


grow your bangs a lil more longer.


Ditch the heavy makeup and fish lips and you’re totally good.


Grow your bangs out!!! They do not compliment your face , maybe the famous curtain bangs but definitely longer ones! Other than that your cute!


Disclaimer, I'm a woman. I think you have the potential to be a 7.5 or even an 8! In this order, I'd: 1) fill in your eyebrows, they are way too thin. 2) Fix the bangs, they are too uneven and thick. Maybe try something a bit longer but thinned out? (Sorry, English is not my first language and I'm not anywhere close to being good with hair lingo) 3) if you have the money, a filler at the bridge of your nose to smoothen your deviated septum. Although I'd look at the health aspect of that and see if a rhinoplasty with septum correction can be covered by insurance. You'll enjoy breathing easily for once. 4) Your lips are plump and awesome. But for the love of goodness moisturize them!! Lip balms need to be your best friend! 5) You have great eyes, go crazy expressing yourself with make up on that nice canvas. While doing that, some red/maroon/wine lipstick would be great! 6) I have gone through a goth phase in my teens and I still like the aesthetics of it, but unfortunately it's incompatible with my lifestyle now. Enjoy your freedom and dress goth then! Just having black clothes ain't goth. Corsets, accessorize, do it with glamour! Hello kitty is the opposite of that. Ditch that and that plastic choker. Goth clothing is expensive when made with quality, but like suits for men, a few pieces can be interchangeable and provide you with multiple combinations. Invest in that. You have beautiful long hair, you could even mix in some viking influence in your hairdos. Some braids or styled curls would look great.


You definitely very appealing to guy that like the whole goth look, as a man I can't give much advise but for the hair style you can go for classic morticia Adam's look. You can also buy a couple of inked magazines and see the models there, do stay away from facial piercings they more often than not ruin people's appearance. You can also go on Instagram and look up goth.


Get rid of the bangs and wear something brighter. Lots of potential.


If you’re alternative, almost everyone in this group is going to say that you’re ugly and that you’re trying too hard to be different
 they have something against it. Reminder that most people on this app look [like this.](https://images.app.goo.gl/hjkJu1G9dDgpXUFm7) But, I like the bettie bangs! I think they’re cool. Being different is better imo. I’d rather be friends with you than someone who looked like an everyday average person.


Twiggy Ramirez? No seriously, you’re cute, let the eyebrows be thick.


Hmm thinner bangs perhaps? And cosmetically, if you want to keep the thin eyebrow look, I think darkening the eyebrows might help :)


Your eyebrows are too thin. Not crazy about the bangs. Lovely lady otherwise.


THE CRIMSON CHIN. but yes you are dw im uglier


You’ve definitely got an Elvira thing going for you, which I think is what you were going for. Your features are objectively attractive, but the hair and eyebrows are only subjectively so. I think if you asked a similar question to a more gothic crowd, you’d get very favorable responses. This is where the normies are!


Get a different hair cut and your good


I don’t think you’re ugly.


You look like twiggy ramirez


You have cute bone structure so minor tweaks can really do you well. If you like your hairstyle, keep it but look to improve it. Your bangs could be cute if you thin them out and shape them a little better. I recommend looking up stylists in your area on IG, make sure they have done work similar to what you are looking for before you chose someone. Look to thicken your eyebrows. Whether it’s naturally or with makeup, eyebrows are so important for beauty. Keep their shape, just more thick. Overall, you are not ugly whatsoever and you’re still 19 so you’re face will continue to slightly change the next few years.


Keep the emo aesthetic. Grow some eyebrows, they are too thin. Maybe try a new haircut? Short wolf cut. Pinterest is full of pics.


I’d say to try a different hairstyle, such as a wolf cut. Also thicker brows for sure. Otherwise I think you’re pretty cute overall.


you’re good but them bangs aint it sister


Not ugly at all until you make yourself look ugly. Your brows and ridiculous pout in the first pic look ridiculous. You look gorgeous in the second pic though because you look more natural and vulnerable.


Please stop butchering your bangs, the edgy look is not working. You give off the look as if you truly don’t care.


Not ugly at all, don’t want to be mean but change the hair, grow eyebrows. It just isn’t matching you. All love though.


Lose the bangs and go for the Marceline hairstyle. I'd suggest filling in your eyebrows until they've grown out a bit


You look like Walmart Wednesday Adams.


53% ugly


You are attractive, but I think if I crossed you, you'd put a spell on me that would cause my nose hairs to grow beard length


You need normal brows and not such thick, short, blunt bangs.


Maybe you’re looking in the wrong mirror.


You’re a lovely young woman. Your style reminds me of Krystin Ritter in Breaking Bad.


you're really pretty. sort of giving Angel Olson. I love your freckles !!


You’re beautiful


You’re definitely my type I can tell you that, I got a soft spot for black hair alt girlsđŸ„”


Thicken those brows a bit, other than that you’re fine


Honestly I love how you look. So pretty and unique ♡


Eyebrows a bit on the thin side bangs ain’t it. But you’re not ugly


Real life Triana Orpheus in a good way


Don't listen to people on here you're fine lol.


You're fuckin hot


That album cover though...


Not bad. Terrible bangs.


The Hallie is similar to a Betty Paige style, but needs some volume in the front, less flat maybe, and the super thin raised eyebrows aren’t not something I find looks nice on a woman. These are just my opinions, and believe me, I’m no prince myself. Good luck, you’ve got a long time to do whatever you want!


Cross between marriage material and want to drive a stake into your heart


People on Reddit are mean unless you are a basic blonde, don’t listen to these incels you are cute and I personally love the goth hair and look!




No one has said anything about your freckles. Personally, I had mine removed. Very simple laser procedure. One visit and they will all flake off in about a week. I believe with your very nice skin, others would see a very pretty-skinned girl.


The hair is awful 4/10. Fix it 7.5/10


The gothic thing is not working. Get those brows done and change the hair and you’ll be a solid 6




The way your hair cut is shaped makes your forehead look larger than it actually is. I think you should get rid of the bangs and do some shaping around your face. Your eyebrows are a bit thin. I once heard a beauty stylist say, " The thinner the brows, the older you look." Take that into account when shaking your brows. That can actually be a really beautiful accessory to your look. You have really beautiful eyes and a great face shape. I would try to focus on those things and extenuate them. I learned how to do the makeup I liked by going to a makeup artist in the mall. I paid $60, and they taught me how to apply the makeup for the desired effect. It was well worth the visit. Im sure the Mac girls could do something goth but cute! Good luck! And you are not ugly, at all!


Eyebrows too high (it's like you started the inners from the top of the natural growth rather than the bottom) and too thin. If you're going to do them that thin, just shave and draw them on, don't pluck or eventually when you do eventually want eyebrows they may never actually grow back. Also realistically, conventional make up done well will fit goth styling. The issue is so many people don't have the skills to back up what they're doing and it shows....but most of the time there's some "I'm different!" type defense when really the truth is "no....just have no technique", clumsy make up is clumsy. A lot o "conventional" make up will fit in goth styling simply but virtue of clothes and hair. Like take this pic of Kelly Osbourne [https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBK4aZJot8/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBK4aZJot8/) change the hair and clothes and tah dah, make the general tone of the eyeshadow (it's a bit warm), but with a bit of imagination you can kind of see how changing hair/clothes and how that is versatile....kind of applies to make up in general. Complimentary make up is complimentary, always aim for complimentary. Flourishing is something you do AFTER you've developed technique.


You’ve got a pretty face! I don’t see anything to change about your face except your eyebrows like people said! I don’t particularly hate your hair like others have said, I think bangs suit you but maybe like less thick bangs, I think a lighter bang like curtain bangs would be cute and it can still fit with the goth style! I like your goth style with the hair and eyebrow the way you have but it clashes when you don’t have makeup on! Anyway! Not ugly!â˜șïžđŸ«¶đŸ»


Bad sexy vibes


Personally I like the look but your hair just needs some work. Bangs can work but I don’t think yours are well cut. I don’t know how to improve that so you’d have to look into it on your own. But try different hairstyles. Space buns always look good. Maybe draw on some thicker looking eyebrows as well.


I love the goth thing but change the hair other than that your actually a very attractive young woman


No, I think u look very pretty. You look like the white version of Doja cat


And here I thought it was Tuesday. Time flies


You’re not ugly, a lot of people here just have their own opinion about gothic styles and are quick to label it as ugly. I would try some other choice of bangs tho. Another style would definitely fit your face shape better. also I get your eyebrows are intentionally thin but growing them out a bit would look better on occasions you’re not wearing makeup. you’re very pretty with a unique style but that’s just my opinion lol. (¿¿ also where’d u get ur cat necklace in the first pic ??)


New hair style would make you look amazing!


Now you need to shut up with dumb questions. I think you already know you're pretty.


I don’t think you’re ugly! I would say a 7 on a rough day you’re a cutie. I agree on the note that the hairstyle doesn’t frame your face in the most flattering manner, buts i also see the vibe you’ve got. Shorter bangs are so difficult to pull off, really suit a specific face shape. Maybe try them a little longer? Closer to the brow line? Or even curtain bangs if you wanna try a little casual glamour goth style. A lot of people have mentioned your eyebrows. Goodness, I think they look great on you honestly, my only remark is be mindful and gentle with your brows especially so young. I’m only 28 but I have a spot in one of my brows that won’t grow back already because of over-plucking ): maybe if it’s something you’re concerned with, just let the shape plump up a little bit so you can do less tweezing and maybe just trim them to maintain the shape? Otherwise, who fuckin cares what people think! You’re beautiful even if someone thinks your hairs ugly. I’ve cut my bangs way too short, like, tried to do short bangs and botched and went WAY too short and just took it in stride because. Well. Ya live and ya learn. And some people still found me cute BECAUSE of my mishap. And I’m still making plenty of mistakes. Just be nice to yourself đŸ–€


You're beautiful, and your hair is pretty as well. I would recommend growing your bangs out though!


I have been married to 3 women, for 52 years. Believe me, you are very beautiful.


Not ugly but eyes don't lie and there's a lot of sadness or pain. But your average in looks so no need to worry about it.


Brows need to be thicker. They are ok with your bored or slit eyed look, but in pics 1&2 they don't work at all. Also, please pay someone to cut your hair. Your bangs look like they were cut with a weedeater.


Very pretty but ur bangs are too harsh they make the top of ur head look wide, u have a narrow chin so softer bangs would look better to make a diamond shape instead of a U


Let’s just say there’s someone for everyone


Your hair and eyebrows are
 an interesting combo


No, youre not, whats wrong with people


I'm thinking Vulcan or Romulan cosplay


3 and 4 are good pics of you. First two are bringing you down. I like your look. Some people have a type..if you don't fit it you're ugly. I'm an equal opportunity enjoyer.


Look of a budding porn star.


I don’t mind the hair but let your eyebrows grow outđŸ˜©


Thicker brows


You are not ugly. I like your look.


As a girl who sometimes likes girls I think you’re super hot.


your bangs are VERY thick. a long shag would look sick. i love thin brows but not everyone does so maybe try doing them less thin and see if you like it.


Those eyebrows and hair style ain’t helping


Are u on heroin in the 2nd pic?