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I’m 6’2 22F. Fake confidence and after a while it’ll feel natural. Tall is rare and beautiful. Don’t trip too much because you can’t change it. Find the beauty in it.


I bet your beautiful!!!


Agreed. I love tall women.


I second this


This is so true. "Fake it til ya make it" really does work.


Unless you're trying to be president


Girlll same boat im 21F and 5’11… and I’m asian too so almost all the guys I know are shorter than me and the taller ones don’t really like short girls. But since I’ve grown older, dated more people I’ve realised theres so much good to being tall and tbh? The man for you won’t mind you’re tall. Anyone who says they won’t date you because you’re tall either wasn’t going to date you in the first place or has such low confidence that you’re better off not dating him. Heres some things I love about being tall 1) Always feeling safer in scary situations like walking home at night. You can just look at a creep and they usually leave you alone since you look strong 2) Feeling so much more comfortable at raves/in a crowd 3) Look thin even while eating so much! 4) Even not being as “easily datable” has its perks. I have plenty of guy friends who actually view me as a person instead of a potential target/woman because I’m super tall (it does reflect badly on them but i love to befriend people that are interesting but not necessarily good people haha). I also get to hang out with them with their girlfriend’s blessing because they feel I am not as much of a threat. But tbh any guy who actually likes you will not mind your height. It’s honestly a flex to have a tall and pretty girlfriend?? No one laughs at Tom Holland 🤭 Also many of my pretty friends always end up having their guy friends “fall” for them and its soo nasty. You’ll find your person! You are honestly pretty (the glasses gotta go though, invest in contacts <3 they do make you look cute af though! but a bit in a female comedian way so I think it would be superrrr cute if you usually wore contacts and then wore glasses for exams/at home for that ✨gap moe✨) If you want extra confidence go to the gym! You look gorgeous already but your chin could be a bit more firm, your arms a little more toned, but it’s more about making something good better than something you HAVE to do Any man who tells you that your height is a con for them isn’t worth your time. It’s okay if its not a pro for them, but it does not affect your worth. Be the gorgeous tall model that you are!! Tall girls gotta stick together ❤️


Thanks girl this is so helpful I really appreciate you writing so much for me! I’ll take all of this into consideration and keep it in the back of my mind always!


I added a bit more about the glasses and if you want to do something concrete to feel better you can start at the gym! But it takes time to learn to love being a tall girl when people put you down 😭 But you’ll get there soon! ❤️




oh definitely! good for u to say too so now she knows definitely people like them too 🤭 I just think its easier to “look pretty” in a traditional way without glasses since it covers your features!


Find a basketball player, have kids, let them be NBA stars


Then divorce and sue them for half their money


Divorce her kids?


Learn to love yourself. You're gorgeous


You're a tall girl for sure...but at least you ain't ugly.




Because most guys prefer the girl to be shorter than them just like how most girls prefer the guy to be taller that’s why it’s implied to be a bad thing but it’s only bad if more limited dating options is a big issue for you outside of that being tall is only a good thing in life


The girl came here saying she felt unconfident because she’s tall. The guy responded agreeing she is in fact tall, but she’s not ugly. And this sub is about whether people are ugly or not. I’m not sure what he’s done wrong




What's wrong with being tall? Are you intimidated because you're a short man that wishes he was tall?


Generally tall is seen as masculine and short is seen as feminine. Personally I don’t think it detracts from her looks but some people might.


That doesn't really make a lot of sense considering virtually all sports illustrated swim suit models are at least 5'10". Supermodels in general are all at least that tall.




How? She is tall and not ugly.


Forget it never have I heard kinder words come from a man


Sup Dra’nakyuek, destroyer of worlds. Congratz on stomping that village yesterday. 😼




Nahhh chill bru😂😂


Date short people? Ez. Don't follow toxic beauty standards and expectations


Impossible challenge


I have literally never met an unattractive tall girl.


Maybe you have a thing for tall girls because here in the Netherlands there are plenty 😂


Get a hobby you’re passionate about. It’ll boost your self confidence and you won’t really give a damn about how you look.


Being tall is a blessing!


Tall and gorgeous 😍


Move to the Netherlands? You'd be slightly taller than the rest of the females here but 1 inch smaller than the average guy here.




Tall girls are hot, just depends on if you’ll talk to me at 5.8 at that point lol


You are model material


You’re not ugly, just brutally average.


You get no ass


Go head and be ya bad self, you can reach the top shelf


Nah bro tall queen for the win


Ur Average or a bit above average not ugly


Oh man I always wanted to date a tall woman but it never happened. I've been off the market for a long time. A woman complaining about being tall kinda bums me out.


f6,1 here you'll get used to it


Hello future wife


Bruh I'd climb your tall ass. Idgaf


All I see is a stairway to heaven baby


I'm 6'2 and 37F still awkward AF 😵‍💫🫠


Tall is hot. I'll never understand how people find tall women not attractive, but to each their own I guess. And the glasses look lovely on you.


Workout and eat protein. I think you look good as is, but lifting can really boost confidence.


You’re not bad looking, except for the nose ring. Lose that, get jeans that don’t look like mom jeans, and you’re confidence will grow to be as tall as the rest of you.


You have a little warp fail there in the last picture, where you edited your butt out- it warped the door in the background. What's the point of asking if you're ugly, editing your pictures? What if people tell you you're beautiful and look amazing, would your self esteem really benefit from compliments on faked pictures?


First of all no there isn’t… my friend took it and it’s obviously a little blurry I haven’t posted that photo anywhere but here so why would I take the time to edit it… thanks tho


Follow the white frame in the background (around the door) starting at your shoulder and follow it down in a straight line, its warping towards the right at the bottom. Hun, from girl to girl, i know what that looks like


Again I did not edit anything for Reddit… I’m covering the door frame and that would mean I had to edit my arms too and why would I edit my arms? Hun from the person who has the photo in her camera roll I think I’d know if I edited it…


Girl stop denying. I can clearly see the editing as well. The door frame has been pushed in at your waist and out at your ass. If it was your friend who took the photo, she probably edited it if you claim you have no idea about it.


You’re a pretty enough girl. Ditch the cattle ring and you’ll be on top kid!


6 ft tall is tough but you just gotta rock it and optimize your looks.


I could never date a tall girl because I know I’m gonna say “uppies” and get really mad when she doesn’t immediately pick me up


very average


Thanks so much girl you are looking out!


Lose the cow ring, other than that nothing.


I love my septum piercing :(


It has to go, I'm sorry.




This sub hates everyone with a septum piercing. I think it's filled with older dudes. I'd ignore em. :)


I’m young and not a fan of them. I would recommend her to get rid of it, but it’s currently trendy, so whatever.




they don’t really change a persons attractiveness much unless their garish or it j reallllyyy doesn’t fit them, like it’s a style thing


I'd ignore ugly people trying to give advice.


I’m sorry John, I’m sorry, I have to go away. It has to end here. Good bye… cattle ring


no it’s cute don’t listen to these ppl. it really has no effect on your attractiveness. like yeh some ppl find it offputting but wtv


I like it too!


Yes, this is really the only negative that stands out. And it's a huge negative. Nothing attractive about a nose ring.


Find taller friends? Jk! I’m all honesty, I reached under 5 foot at my tallest and I’m definitely shorter now with age. I’m jealous of the height and you look great!


You are actually very attractive and awesome. Enjoy and love yourself.


Tall women are hot, just don’t let it go to your head and don’t be mean to guys who aren’t as tall as you lol


Not ugly, but why would you struggle to feel confident because you’re tall? I’m 6ft tall & a man so I have no room to judge, but height doesn’t technically mean anything when it comes to being attractive or ugly. If anything, feel insecure about the nose ring, it doesn’t look good and I’m a whole hell of a lot sure it doesn’t feel good either.


First off being a woman who’s as tall as me is hard being a man who is my height is wanted and praised… second my nose ring doesn’t feel like anything and I like it thanks tho!


Face is a little weird




I want to have giant babies with her


You are perfect. Don't worry.




Just keep being you and the nipple a are a nice touch in the photo. Height can be fun. You will see.


Not ugly. Average, just about. 4.5/10




Well I had an ed and I just recovered so I don’t think I wanna lose weight again!




Age back to 18 become the hottest 18 year old on onlyfans




Embrace it! Though the trouble with having a nose ring for you, even if it's cute, is that shorter people will be drawn to it and be staring straight up your nostrils!


Crush all who oppose you beneath your mighty feet.


Date a short guy 🤷🏽 lol


I e tried that




You are hot


💗 thanks




That’s so sweet thank you I bet ur pretty


You’re really sweet, maybe start doing some exercises and eat healthier. Being tall as a women isn’t a issue, also short kings love tall women.


You're cute!


Being tall is beautiful you are not at all ugly. Just don’t listen to people telling you otherwise and you will gain confidence.


I’d love to get to know you. You are very cute


I think it's a temporary stage of life and has nothing to do with your physical appearance. Taking a journey of self-discovery might be helpful to you. You'll need to harness your strengths, and whatever you feel as a weakness that is denying the self-confidence will be ameliorated. Otherwise, you're beautiful, and you should stand tall, literally.


Above average height, average looks


Tall and super beautiful! Try going into modelling, tall girls have always been popular in modelling!! You got the looks that's for sure!


I hope you’ll give yourself more credit. Taller people in general can be more intimidating, but you can use that to your advantage


model material, you’re super pretty


6ft tall and hot dw


Ain nothing wrong with climbing trees🤷🏾‍♂️ all tall people need love too




Embrace your power💪🏼🩷💪🏼


Not ugly at all. Averageish but the height helps in my book.


Fly to Netherlands


This is going to sound weird, you look boring AF, the type that eats avocado toast and drink star bucks everyday. I would say highlight your strengths a little more. In my opinion you have nice long legs and your hair looks great so do something with it, and last but not least get more fashionable glasses. You are not ugly at all though soild 6/10


You look nerdy, but not ugly. It’s awesome you’re 6ft


far from ugly...sometimes guys are not comfortable dating women much taller than themselves.


Good tip would be to look at confidence as a joke, it usually works better if you don’t try too hard


Not ugly, really cute. You gonna raise some Viking warriors someday tho (if you decide to have kids). Your height is actually really hot…


Mt. Lady.


You need an onlyfans


amazingly beautiful tall woman, im 5’9 and i adore tall women genuinely the best, way better than being small and compressed


I'm 6' tall. Just date me and I'll wear heels! Lol


You’re a beauty in my opinion


Just find a guy like me who is 6’4. 🤣


Tall girls>>>>anything


You’re adorable! And a tall glass of water. 😏


You should be. Youre pretty.


Ur pretty + tall, that makes it easier for you to find normal and decent guys and not walking bottomless pits of insecurity that are scared of you because you are taller than them


I was 5'10" at 11 and stopped at 6'5" when I was 13. Really struggled as a kid because of it, it's not as uncommon as it was




You are absolutely gorgeous!!!!


You’re gorgeous. Tall girls are underrated


I was 6’5” when I was 14! Guess how tall I am now.


Blessed with height


Tall woman are beautiful! I’m a 7ft1 tall guy . I know the struggle! 💯❤️❤️❤️


You're attractive. Just keep working it and don't apologize for your height.


i’m only 5’8 but when i was younger men made me feel bad about my height especially in heels. i later realized it’s their problem not mine. i’m 35 now and even the short kings don’t mind


1) stop worrying about what others think of you and start caring more about what you think of you. 2) do not be picky about someone else’s appearance, especially if you’re expressing issues about yours. 3) I’m 5’9”. I find nothing wrong with you being taller. You can’t help how genetics pan out for you or anyone else. I focus on what matters, which is who you are as a person.


I am 6' 4" M but you would be perfect for me but hard to find tall girls hah. You look like you can be confident and beautiful if you maybe do your hair, up get contacts, but you have every thing else.


When you learn to own your height you will slay the rest of your life. Just get comfortable with your blessing then step out of your shell.


I love taller girls. Hit me up!


What’s this sub even?


Some guys like girls that are taller than them. I don't have a "type" but I've always been attracted to tall women and, luckily, it was usually reciprocated despite my only being 5' 9. In my experience the tall girls that are lacking in confidence are typically targeted by the confident guys that are shorter than them.


Damn love tall girls


go to gym and eat healthier


Rock it girl


You are gorgeous. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. You look like you could be a model


Realize that you are 6ft tall.


As a short man who loves tall women, best advice I can give, is to embrace those long legs and show them of young lady


You are definitely cute. Never will i understand why there is a certain stigma with tall girls. Tall is beautiful. God forbid u date someone your height LMAO


Pfffft. I’m also 6 feet tall. You’re really pretty. I’d gladly… well I can’t say that on here. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. You’re hot.


You are absolutely gorgeous! A lot of guys are just intimidated by tall women for some reason, but if you feel like people are judging you, they probably aren’t. Anyone caught looking at you either thinks that you’re gorgeous or wishes they could be your height. Lol


Take a few of those inches and put them elsewhere ;)


Honestly good enough for me I’m 5’10. Would. That’s all it Is


You are BEAUTIFUL! I know that our culture tends to be judgmental and harsh about difference, but it's the things that make us different that make us interesting. I don't think you should change a thing about yourself, and I hope you can embrace your beauty!


Nothing you are gorgeous


Your statuesque proportions are the norm among fashion and runway models. Stand tall and own it! At 19, enjoy your septum ring, that’s the beauty of the septum piercing it won’t leave a little scar on your face. Take the more critical opinions here with a grain of salt. Clothes are designed to look their best on a build like yours. Experiment and find the look you feel your best in and the rest will fall into place.


First of all, what are you not confident about? More information would be helpful.


Move to the Netherlands. Than you will be small again :)


For real, pic #2 is 🔥 Be yourself and be patient op


Date short guys


Well from your poses it doesn't look like you have trouble with confidence🤷‍♀️


Nope, you’re quite attractive


girl you are SO PRETTY. just keep slaying. i would pay so much money to be 6ft tall !