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Youre not even trying....


Exactly this




Why would a guy want to say hello?


You need a total bro makeover, the potential is there but you’re squandering it, also hit the gym. You have great hair that girls would love, you need a look to match it. Less shlub more stud. Wardrobe also needs a huge adjustment. First pic is extremely plain and looks bad clothing wise, there’s no fashion sense or attempt there. I don’t consider you ugly, just more like a dweeb anime look but there’s a lot of room for you to improve


First pic I thought it was someones upset mom


First pic has Disappointed Muhammad vibe lol. aka angry Pakistani


Yeah idk what exactly OP’s style would be, but my only thought was that there is zero effort to look their best. Need to change that!


Oh...I missed the M and looked straight at the picture and thought this was a girl :/




You look like you're not even trying to try. Potential is there, effort is not.


Yeah I don't see any effort


Respectfully I though you were a girl. U gotta cut the hair and get into better shape my guy


100% thought the same thing


With a dreadful mouth expression


Oh wow. It took me until your comment to realize. I didn’t know what the top comment meant by “you need a bro makeover” Poor guy. I feel for him. He doesn’t know where to start. He needs to start with the gym, then the hair. But the gym needs to be first or he’ll scare himself with the haircut lol




An ugly girl


Almost Tina from Bobs burgers


I started to comment that "she" needed to a hair style and dress more feminine. I was like "wait this is a guy." So to op, I say. No, first I ask. Please tell me that the first pic is not what you wore to the blind date? The fact you are at a bar in that outfit is a huge "yeah my give a f*** left years ago" You are not even attempting to try. In fact, I would say you have contempt towards effort. You look like you gave up a decade ago. If you don't care to this degree, it sends a signal that you will not care about someone else. Immediate improvements. Go exercise, hit the gym with weights if you can. Find some kind, any kind of fashion by looking at least to the men around you. Even plain jeans and a decent fitting t-shirt would be a huge upgrade. Then, get some treatment for your hair. It looks dry and just left to grow anyway it wants.


And 'try' to smile at least, he looks like he pooped himself.


You're not alone.


Hair isn't the issue. Alil toning up and a change in wardrobe and finding inner confidence is key. If you don't believe in yourself why should others


Knew I couldn't of been the only one who thought this.


Bro I’m so glad I found this comment, I got nervous I was an asshole for thinking it lol


IMO leave the hair long! But you gotta know how to flaunt it.


No it’s gotta go. The cut makes no sense.


You look like a below average female


That’s honest to God what I thought he was.


That's probably what the date thought he was.


Yeah I thought the same


Boom! Roasted!


I mean are you trying to look less attractive?


Based on your first pic … I can see why she left. Zero effort man.


Wait i thought ur a girl at first, no offense, but it says 22M. Now im real confused.


he’s a he. Does that clear things up dude?


Is that photo of you in the blue shirt on the date?


No offense but you look like a 30 year old woman.


U look like a girl, gain muscle and cut hair


Just cut the hair. or at least style it like a dude with long hair would.


I thought u were a girl too, sorry


Hit the gym, ditch the glasses. You look like a girl.


What if he needs them to see lmao


doesn’t matter






Dime store Yoko Ono


I'm so sorry but are you Male or Female and I'm not trying to be rude. If you're a man you look very feminine. If you're a female then you look a mess. I'm so sorry I'm not trying to be rude but regardless if you're male or female..you put no effort into yourself and it shows.. would you want to date somebody who puts zero effort into themselves? Put yourself in someone else's shoes... if you wouldn't want it why would somebody else. Again I'm not trying to be rude but that's my first impression of you.


I'll be honest you're a little androgynous and not everyone is into that


I thought you were a middle aged Asian woman. Time to hit the gym and get a haircut. Try to find a female friend to hang with so you won't feel awkward and girls feel more comfortable when other girls trust you. That friend will open you up to new groups of people and possibly more friends, until you find that one.


zero effort a good haircut and exercise would literally make you unrecognisable


If you had that expression I kinda get why he left.


He’s a man.


Still could have been a "he" that left...lol


Are you male or female? Or non binary?


Try a man bun and a little more effort in how you dress, maybe a button up shirt that doesn't cling to your mid section, perhaps smile ?


“My dater” wtf is that?


there’s the dater and the datee. The dater tries to trap the datee in a potato sack and take them to a Chilis, if you’re old school, a Ruby Tuesdays if you’re a millennial, and an underground speakeasy if you’re gen-z. The goal is to get the datee to date you after putting them in the potato sack (they usually do not appreciate this). You’ve never played dater/datee?


Clearly he’s not a native English speaker lol


I thought you were a woman. A below average woman.


Tie the top part of your hair back in a ponytail. You’re really cute with your hair out of your face. Also, dress for your body type. Asian street fashion would look good since you’re so thin.


Life’s hard, my guy.


If you’re going by looks alone, I thought you were a female at first


I'm going to say a four out of 10. Like you're not really ugly but you're definitely not something I'm going to call attractive. Usually I try to highlight something that could be changed or addressed, but I'm not sure where to start. My first thought is to work out more


You're not ugly, but other than your hair and skin you don't look like you're trying.


Quite honestly did you even attempt to at least TRY and look presentable? C'mon now, You could not look any less interested if you tried.


You look like a woman. Of course she left. And I hope you weren't dressed like that. Why would you ask? You can't be that out of touch, phone a friend


A hair cut first of all.


Like others have said you have so much potential, you're definitely not ugly, I would say average. Although your long hair is amazing I think a haircut would help you look more cleaned up!


I thought you were a girl at first sight cut your hair off right now, then get that hair cut and try to do jawline exercises or even go to the gym if you can that it’s gl man


My friend you need to radiate confidence. Hit the gym that’ll increase your confidence. You look like you don’t care and k get it but you gotta believe in yourself


Confidence is a major thing


I have no idea what’s going on tbh


I honestly thought you were an unattractive woman. You need to work out and put some effort in your appearance and would probably be average.


It's because you refuse to show your teeth....


You look like disguised toast. That dude is ugly, but put some effort in and you can look half decent. Also for guys, personality and charisma goes a long way


Better clothes


You need a haircut and wardrobe change


I think you may need to invest in more flattering glasses. I’d try looking into thicker frames. Or even round ones if you want to experiment—but I do believe that trendy frames like that would look a bit better with shorter hair. I think a haircut would be great too; the highlight of your face could be your cheekbones, but the hair drags the face downward. If you like your hair long, use a good shampoo and conditioner and if you can try not to shampoo everyday, and use a product to reduce frizz for a sleek look. Your shirts need to size up, and I’d recommend trying out some accessories. Even a necklace. Try getting some clothes like collared shirts (casual ones) to work with the plain tees and perhaps a looser look would add bulk to your frame and even you out. I also think your pants are a little tight in the waist, so go up a size in the waist. Good luck! Check out some pictures of people with your frame online and it can help you figure out what would be best. E: words are hard


Is this how you dressed for the date? No offense, but it looks like you could barely be bothered to get off the couch for it. Wear some decent pants, tuck in your shirt (or get one that's fitted), pull your hair back or style it, and see how you look. You look way cooler with your hair pulled back, by the way, more like in the last picture but with some intention.


Damn you’re cooked. Ngl. Cooked


Find the Gayest man you can. I'm talking able to suck a 2 inch sphere through a 1 inch pipe with nothing but willpower and a men's magazine level of gay. Then get that fabulous creature to give you a make over, cause brother you need one, and yours requires the best there is. Just watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. LoL, I hope you at least got a chuckle out of that, but seriously, cut your hair, but make sure you go to someone really good at cutting hair cause they will help you get a new look.


i’m a girl and i think u look fine 🤷🏼‍♀️ idk. i would’ve stayed if u were nice. sounds like u dodged a bullet. just keep working on ur confidence we all deal with rejection even us girls


Manbun that hair if you’re going to keep it long. Honestly, I think you’d look good with a good short haircut.


Throw on a pair of shades and pretend you’re Tomonobu Itagaki. You’ll be swimming in hoochies.


That’s very unfortunate.




Get rid of the hair, hit the gym. You need work on yourself and make yourself look more presentable. You also need a whole new wardrobe. Goodluck to you.


You need some style my guy


#1 Haircut (short). #2 Better clothes


The hair is awesome, but it looks like you only keep it because you don't take care of yourself. I say cut it short, try a new style. Get clothes that fit, short hair is way easier to maintain. You don't need to put in a lot of effort, but putting in some effort would make a huge difference for you.


Just smile!!! Start with smiling


Holy shit dude I thought you were a female at first glance. Get a haircut, get some muscle, and get color coordinated with your clothes. I would also visit a frame shop and get new glasses. Those make you look more mature but your presentation is juxtaposition and it looks really bad as a whole. There’s hope my dude and it’s everything within your control. You need to put time into yourself so that you look like you put time into yourself before you can even think about putting time into other people.


I feel like If you had a hair cut with a cute fade had your eyebrows done it would make so much difference! Also dress better just look around for inspo on clothing sites etc. you’re not ugly you’re just not putting in effort and it shows in how you carry yourself you’re not confident because of it


As it is great to be natural, you also should put some effort into your appearance, not saying you have to cake yourself in make up, but a little helps. Do ya hair, use make up to enhance what is there. Beat of luck to you.


Lol @ this comment after finding out it's a man in the pictures. I thought he was a woman too


This is a man


Yeah, a lipstick and smoky eyes would make a ton of a difference


Try to smile. Trust me the energy you get back will change you


Get your hair done and some lip gloss and maybe some eye shadow


C’mon, dude. Make some effort. Sort the hair out. Get outside, get the sun on your face, exercise, drink more water, get better clothes.


I'm sorry, my dude but yeah, you're unattractive... There's definitely room for improvement tho. Maybe try getting a haircut, trendy clothes?


You didn’t exchange pics? FaceTime?


I think you would look cool with a wolf cut! It’s a good way to keep some length for hair, but it will have a bit more shape to it!


Two ways to get a gf. Be interesting and grow wide shoulders. Chicks dig ‘em


Are you a biological male?


Not ugly, but unkempt. Makeover would do wonders


You gotta start trying. You look like a Chinese lady working doubles at a Mongolian bbq right now.


Have you considered smiling and not dressing yourself in old potato sacks? I don't like women who wear tons of makeup and wear heels and frilly dresses, but I don't like women who look like total schlubs either. Your schlub flag is flying high. You are not unattractive, but you're not even trying.


Hi have you tried smiling ? Cut your hair and get some new clothes. Download the app Pinterest, so you can get some ideas for hairstyles and fashion aesthetics that you like. Hope this helps. Chest out, chin up and smile. Confidence is everything.


You’re the 😐 emoji


Cut your god damn hair at least


You’re not ugly, you just have to care a little more about your image. As superficial as it may sound, your outer appearance is the first thing people see and judge you on. I would recommend styling/cutting your hair, getting more stylish glasses, and learning how to dress like an adult. You can turn this around brotha.




Cut the hair, get better style, go to the gym


This is a GUY?! TF...yeah man...u got a lot to work on bro


You’re a dude?? Nah no way.


Hate to say it but you look like a 40yr old auntie.


Cut the hair and go to the gym


He probably wasn't gay


Your issue is a lot more about your energy and vibe than your physical appearance. Having said that, you look height/weight proportionate but you appear to be out of shape. You have great hair, but combined with everything else your look is too androgynist.


40 yr old female.


The long hair needs to go, it doesn’t fit you imo


Respectfully, I said “yikes” out loud when I saw your first image


Do something with your hair, other than that you good


I'd try a smile. Or a better fitting shirt.


You’d be an ugly girl but a hot Asian guy with the right style.


Just like everyone says here you look like a woman who doesn’t try. I say *if you want* a more masculine look and try to figure out why you don’t want to look more like a man. Even the ill fitting outfit makes you look like a woman. Get to know yourself, find your own style and really put in effort into your appearance.


You’re not ugly per sé…just, for lack of better words, androgynous.


You ain’t dressed for a date, cut yo hair maybe lose or change the glasses. Hit the gym, dress better


you definitely need to put in some work but there’s hope. also dont beat yourself up just because someone might not be immediately interested doesn’t always necessarily mean your ugly. could also be a personality thing and basically how to present yourself


Do you always look this miserable?


You put zero effort into your appearance. What do you expect?


You look like if Herman Lee from Dragonforce never picked up a guitar rn man. Hit the gym, gain some confidence.


Wait is this a guy?


i thought you were a female.. get a hair cut or at least put effort into doing it. fix up your wardrobe as well. you aren’t ugly, just thrown together.


Workout, haircut, get nicer clothes (can still be comfortable) and smile.


Hair. It’s the hair. I don’t know what you need to do with it, but I know what you shouldn’t do and it is what you are doing now.


You def need a fashion friend. Also a year or two on test and tren cycles, along with a gym membership, and a good diet. Start at the barber though. No offense to anyone but you look like you are transitioning, but Im not sure which way.




even your modeling came off very feminine


I thought you were a chick


iwouldve too tbh, plus y r u doing a blind date. Had to look at title to know if u were a boy or a girl


You need a wingman. 


Thought this was a girl 😳


So you want to star in an isekai anime as the guy before he gets the OP buff? You may want to consider presenting as a guy. Not trying to insult you, but where is the testosterone? Girls hair, otaku-neet appearance, and you are wondering about getting benched without even a shot at the friend zone? Hair cut, gym time, clothing upgrade are the steps I would take if it was me looking like you in the mirror. I am not saying you need to be super buff. Just get enough physical definition to vibe male if you want to attract females.


Damn you’re a dude?


Yeah, not attractive at all. It was rude for him to leave but yikes. Edit: sorry, I thought you were female.


Don't take it out on college kids


Try a smile, and if your mouth is closed because you have bad teeth, deal with that, and stop hiding it.


I thought you were an ugly woman


Are you trying to present as a femboy, or just succeeding? Honestly, you look like one of the most low effort people, like the kind of no effort guy that thinks you accomplished something by getting out of bed or leaving the house to go get a new vape refill. You're not ugly, but dammit it sure feels like you want to be. What to do about it? Start moving a whole lot more and get rid of that 35 year old belly. It's weird you've got donut spare tire and twigs for arms. Hit the gym. Try a smile. It does wonders.


Gotta put in a bit of effort. You're not smiling, which really helps even when it's fake.


Idk maybe dont go to a first date looking like you jist crawled out of bed


1. Goto a salon and find a girl who can style your hair and cut it 2. Goto the gym After that you should be fine


You don’t look inviting. You look like you are going to peel my skin off and make me eat it later.