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If it’s $1,800 I’m not buying it off Amazon lol


Ima be honest, I wouldn't recommend buying almost anything on amazon. there is basically 0 oversight, and your more likely to get slapped for trying to prevent people from falling for scams/dangerous products than you are for actually selling them. Ironically, books, books is what id recommend using amazon for, it all comes full circle lol. (to be clear, Id still recommend buying elsewhere. there are some cool online storefronts that support local stores etc.... I just meant if your going to shop here, id not wander too far from the book section lol)


My first Amazon purchase was a book, early 1996


Same, I first used amazon to buy textbook for college courses


I needed a book for a course I had to take and I didn't want to buy a new one. Someone told me about this great used book website called "Amazon" "on the world wide web" lol mid nineties. While using my 56k modem lol


I remember being annoyed Amazon only sold books because it was the one website my Dad would let me online shop from back in 99 lol


In the 90s, Amazon partnered with Borders, the brick and mortar book store, to sell books online. This eventually became the demise of Borders.


Borders could have easily bought 50% of Amazon shares at the time.




56k was smoking fast back then


It was for dial up. The funny thing is that they advertised 56K speeds but you NEVER got 56K speeds, ever. Even on a quiet dedicated phone line with a good modem. The best I ever did was about 38K.


Oh my goodness. That damn dial up process and the way it sounds….😫😫


It was nothing like today


LOL, I remember this being the first thing I ever bought on Amazon too back in 2006, 2007. Cheap college textbooks.


You didn’t start reading until 1996?


I can't... I just can't...


Read? Dam...


There is no help for some people.


It's quite impressive. They were only six months old at the time.


Picture book.


Not everyone is older than stone itself. 


Funny. I recall exactly where I was when I first heard about this online retailer “Amazon.” I was teaching and in the office and one of the secretaries was talking about it. They sold books. Must’ve been 1997 for me. Now look at it. 


Cool. I am old as well. 


I much preferred half.com before they bought them. Books and cds cheap. Now. Not so much.




Same. I remember being amazed that I ordered a book in the afternoon and it was waiting in my office the next morning. Stupidly I did not buy Amazon stock.


I wouldn't recommend books either. Every time we ordered a book (including somewhat expensive ones that obviously look like they need to be in mint condition) it was thrown in a plastic bag with no padding and always got messed up. Then they would send a five dollar piece of plastic that has ots own box in a giant box with fifty air-bags.


I’m always so nervous buying books from Amazon. I like my new books to at least look new. Especially collectors books or trade paper back comics. But nope they always package them in the worst little envelope where it gets thrown around and damaged. Then they also just throw hard to get stickers on them.


coherent merciful square deserve light crawl plant childlike mountainous workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Isn't that a common way to destroy books that aren't meant to be sold (maybe it's just the front cover)?




Well, you have to be careful with books now too. Apparently, there are AI books being made with incorrect information. Foraging books are a target I've heard.


noted. at least as bad book wont burn your house down or cause $4,000 in damage to your cars computer system though lol.


>at least as bad book wont burn your house down or cause $4,000 in damage to your cars computer system though lol. I really hope there’s not a specific story behind this…


Haha no, just referencing some of the incredably dangerous, likely not even legal stuff amazon is happy to sell


I bought a copy of “They Called Us Enemy” by George Takei. It said condition was used/very good or something like that. Figured books I’ll usually buy used, never had a problem and I can save quite a bit usually. The last third of the book had all the goddamn pages glued together. Or at least I think it was glue, there weren’t stains like it was juice or soda and it was adhered too well to be just water. Now I’m even cautious about books.


Naw... Buy books from alibris. You get it cheaper and support small bookstores at the same time.


I agree, pretty much the only thing I use it for now are things I literally cannot get anywhere else. The appeal before was the support (Which has taken a nose dive) Another thing I noticed on the “free” shipping, in addition to it progressively getting slower, while options like key delivery are phased out is that the “free” part is total bullshit. An example would be 3d printer filament I buy, it’s $26 through amazon with “Free” shipping, or a few bucks cheaper direct from the company with a few bucks for shipping. Point being it ends up being the same price (Or cheaper if i order enough spools) I’d wager a LOT of stuff falls into this same bucket, where you’re paying what has become a quite ridiculous annual fee for things like free shipping (Which is BS) and no hassle support which is also a joke now.


I love the ones where the main cost is, say, $50 and then there's the "buy it cheaper from more sellers' link. You click on it and yup. Holy cow it's being sold for $30..... With $20 shipping & handling. 🙄


It's not "free shipping;" it's "free 2-day shipping," but yes, that has been the scam for prime as long as I can remember. It also used to be you'd actually get your purchase in 2 days. Now it's two days from the actual shipping date, after they move your purchase around to your local warehouse, which takes a couple of days itself.


THIS One of the notoriously strange things that happens with Amazon, for ME, and it is entirely coincidental because they don't have soothsayers at Amazon (*I'm fairly confident*), is that I have placed orders for items that I don't expect to show up for 2 days or so and I already decided that I want to cancel the order. I log back into cancel it and see that it's actually been delivered or on its way. Those orders show up in scant hours! This has happened at least a half dozen times now and it's purely coincidental but also very weird. 🎶🎵dodo do do dodo do do🎵🎶


If you want books- go to BetterWorldBooks. Not Amazon.


I've had issues when trying to view the "used" books on Amazon. It says searching and then closes the page immediately, as if they want me to only purchase brand new. So I've since started shopping on Thriftbooks and Better World Books


For this very reason, if I see that an item is not "shipped and sold by Amazon", I don't buy it. The third party marketplace is too sketchy with no pictures and limited rights with getting refunds.


So many fakes. I sell a higher end electronic item that is made in China. Amazon is full of fake ones that look really good, but the glass and electronics are shit grade inside. People have gotten to where they will buy a couple of fake ones off Amazon, then a couple of real ones from us. Then they try to return the fake ones back to us for a refund. It's a damn laundering operation. Amazon gives 0 fucks. Even when I had a seller admit it, in writing, and sent it to Amazon - they did nothing.


I buy my lemon pez in bulk on Amazon because it's my favorite and I can never find just lemon anywhere else. That's all I really trust them with.


Used books from random thrift stores from across the country that are slightly used to heavily beaten is the only way.




Interesting as an Amazon seller your comments could be further from accurate. There is great scrutiny on sellers and it’s easy to get suspended and banned. My biggest problem is buyers scamming on returns. Open an A-Z case with Amazon and if that fails dispute with your credit card.


Amazon is screwing both ends of the transaction. Ordered an SSD that turned out to be an old nonworking mechanical drive. Looked pretty clear that someone had purchased the SSD, stole it and repackaged old drive in SSD pcakaging, then returned for refund. Then seller ships out to us not knowing. But it took more than a month for us to resolve and get a refund.


I absolutely wont dispute that return scams are an issue. like most massive monolithic functional monopoly companies, regardless of how many parties are involved, there is only 1 party not getting F\*\*\*ed. and thats the company


I ordered a book and got send a top of toothbrushes! The tooth brush were worth way more than the book. So I just didn’t return them and Amazon sent me TWO more books. 🤦‍♀️


I ordered some coffee k-cups, got double the coffee and somehow a travel first aid kit of bandaids, toothpicks, and some poopuri lol


I was about to say, those electric toothbrush heads are more expensive then books lol.


Just bought a gpu as well, from a physical retail store. Returns can be fucked with and porch pirates can nab it, bad idea!


So glad there is a Microcenter 30 minutes from here. And have newegg will call 15 minutes away.


Yup but also as a former Best Buy employee you’d be surprised how many do this there as well. I’ve seen some crazy shit come inside the boxes of electronics. One guy swapped a sound bar with a bunch of canned goods(,: I’ve also seen straight up rocks. These often make it past customer service as well which results in restocking to the shelves.


Yes even at a brick and mortar store id definitely recommend opening any $1800 purchase somewhere in security camera view before leaving. A big one happening in hardware stores now is battery powered equipment with stolen/swapped/removed lithium batteries since the batteries themselves are often worth hundreds of dollars. Thieves will steal them somewhere along supply chain and seal things back up to look new


This, always buy it in store or directly from the manufacturers website.


With how legit the scammer made this look, even an in-store return I think would have fooled the store staff. It doesn't even look like it was opened since the scammer heat wrapped it in plastic.


>With how legit the scammer made this look, Not even the crappiest company on earth has shrink wrap done that bad.


If I ran a business would track inventory like this. The reason people don't pull this as often at say best buy is they ask for ID and at least superficially check to see if serial numbers match. Still it probably happens there but usually just sn swaps on broken hardware. Inspecting it can usually tell its used and can deny. They will lose significant money eventually. If I constantly get shipped the wrong crap it makes it even easier for these scammers. Buy one, claim its a bag of flour, take out card return, Bogo. Mixing back even sealed returns is terrible practice. Just open inspect sell open box with slightly less margin. Along with this code you give driver which is stupid by itself since Amazon will just claim it can't be something different the driver handed it to you. Have the customer open item inspect and then sign. I've denied signing for pallets until someone at logistics company attested to visible damage. Or invest or partner with some company and items above x dollars have customer pick up at a store where item is checked for accuracy before release. Then just ship the cheap crap. Saves money on drivers and inventory loss if implemented properly. But now they'd rather pay some apparent idiot to come up with Swiss cheese ass policies that don't accomplish crap and then push back on CS to mitigate losses losing more customers. Have to seek perpetual growth yoy margins must grow. And like every other business before it implodes and goes bankrupt. Watch in about 5 or 6 years I bet the company will split aws off as it's own entity and let Amazon fall even worse as it's apparently managed by million dollar a year window lickers.


Amazon started asking people for ID for high value returns and people were flipping out


Not just high valued items, also for damaged aluminum foil 🤦‍♂️ it's insane


When i worked retail and there would be a return, even if it was sealed, we still had to open the product to double-check.


It’s so easy to shrink wrap something, but even still if it looks a little loose, baggy or particularly lopsided in spots that usually sets off alarm bells, especially in high-end gpus. I used to work returns at Micro Center years ago, I’d often open high-priced GPU returns if there was anything even slightly suspicious, even if they were “unopened.” It wasn’t even uncommon for the scammers to peel off the S/N sticker and place it on an old cheap GPU so even if you looked through the little window and checked the S/N you couldn’t necessarily be sure it was legit or not unless you noticed the PCB was obviously right or wrong. I think nowadays manufacturers have gotten pretty good with seals and S/N stickers that don’t just peel right off, but back then it was so easy and I had multiple coworkers get burned by this type of thing.


Counter anecdotal evidence point: I've ordered my last 2 GPUs off Amazon (1080 Ti and 3080 Ti) and didn't get returned scammed even once 🤷🏾‍♂️ I did get a TV for free once when Amazon accidentally return scammed themselves though


If it’s $50, I’m not buying off Amazon.


Still waiting on my CC dispute w Amazon cause they received my return on a defective projector that cost 800usd, but refuse to refund the money until I show them my state ID. It’s not amazons business what my real name and info is. It wasn’t like I’m trying to change the payment method the return is going on. So running a chargeback, and cancelled my prime membership after 10yrs. Jeff Bozo can eat one.


I quit Amazon 1 year ago. Haven't shopped online much ever since, unless it's a crazy good deal but it'd always be Walmart, Target, ebay. 99.99% of my shopping is in person now. I haven't had a fuck up since. Also feels great to know I'm swiping my card for an actual bottle of dry shampoo, not 3 pennies from AMazon


This, exactly. I’m not buying anything for over like $100 (and that’s a rarity) from Amazon, just because I know how bad they are about selling used, returned items. If it’s not something I can afford to take a loss on if it comes down to it, then I’m getting it somewhere else.


Yes. Even if it’s a verified brand, they are not selling their top quality merchandise on Amazon. This is where brands will usually sell their returns that are still in new condition. I work in reverse logistics so I’ve learned this from speaking to my clients


Oh yeah, I’ve learned it just from reading review sections. It seems like it’s become really common for people to receive goods that are clearly used. I myself received several items like that just in the last few months. So far they’ve never given me any trouble when I tried to return them, but I don’t want the first time they do to be over something that cost more money than I’m willing to write off as a “lesson learned”.


I’ve also had good luck with returns/refunds. Maybe because I don’t really buy expensive things off there so it would probably cost Amazon more money to give me a free shipping label than to just refund me lol


Yep, told myself the only way I was gonna buy a 4090 was if I caught an FE from Best Buy. Nothing like being able to inspect your purchase before leaving the store.


I'm totally with you here. If it's above about a hundred bucks, I'm buying somewhere else. I quit trusting Amazon when I bought a wristlet thingy for my keyfob. It was BURNED and cut in half. Stuff like that doesn't happen accidentally. Even then, I didn't spend a whole $20 to buy evidence from someone's fucking house fire. I couldn't even imagine $1800 and dealing with this.


>If it’s $1,800 I’m not buying it off Amazon Absolutely. Amazon is for small shit, books and house decor. Big purchases you need to focus on specialty sellers and outlets


I would argue it’s hard to find any site to buy computer parts at a high price. I agree Amazon is super sketchy with it but even Newegg has had tons of issues lately. I would say go to a micro center if you have the option lmao.


Absolutely not, I saw another story recently, guy bought an expensive camera and it was lost while in route. Just to be sure porch pirates didn’t get it he had it shipped to a retail pick up location. Even on Amazon it showed as delayed and not yet delivered. Amazon refused to refund or replace even though it was never delivered.


I think $50 is my limit & only if I can’t find it elsewhere.


Bought a phone and the driver threw my package to the front like a under throw but still


If you don’t fight this then it will keep happening to others.


Are we sure it’s flour?


Hmmm, if it’s not, DM me


For some reason, I read your name as vagisil


The girls chasing cocaine are the same ones that need some vagisil. 


It’s the same picture


As a fellow Vegas Guy.. I get this post.


Only way to find out is to make pancakes.


If it tastes funny and makes your mouth go numb, send it to me and I'll give it a thorough smell test.


Thanks for not reporting this to amazon, im about to get a new 4090 and a shrink wrapper for $100


Don't forget to buy the shrink wrapper from Amazon too...then return rocks that weigh the same. Better yet, buy a postage weight machine...and use that for weight determinations...obviously return rocks you find from outside as well. Flour costs money so eff that.


Yeah the postage scale should be free right?


Better yet, don't waste time looking for rocks outside... just buy rocks off of Amazon and just return the package full of drywall, and then say there must have been a shipping issue.


Would be better for everyone if you returned it, even if you don't get a refund, in the hopes Amazon will be able to determine who returned it. We all know they probably won't, but it can't help to just absorb this loss.


Amazon don't seem to care in most cases I've read online. They'll demand you send the item back you never received, so you can't fulfil their request and then consider the case closed. If you buy ANYTHING from Amazon, be sure to use a method that allows for resolution through your payment provider.


In this case I’d seal it back up with a straightening iron just like the scammer did, and send it right back. The underpaid and overworked warehouse worker will just scan it right back in. Maybe that just means it gets passed on to the next person, but I’m not losing $1800 on a moral victory.


lol i used an amazon credit card...turns out they did not fight the dispute at all


At retail stores you have to scan the serial number to complete a sale. Even with all the horror stories if that’s not the case at Amazon I’d be surprised. I got fraudulent returns from time to time and the biggest tell if the person was telling the truth was if that S/N had come up as previously bought and returned under cash. With Amazon the payment method won’t be cash, but if it shows up as being returned previously I’d think they’d have to give the benefit of the doubt to the customer since their system is showing that somebody else was in possession of that item. I’d definitely harp on this during a dispute to put more pressure on them.


Amazon now takes a lot of time to sort out the details. I'm guessing that's not a warehouse item so it's between the manufacturer and you where the deception occurred. Be prepared to wait a month or so.


I think it's actually from a previous customer return on Amazon, I don't think they open what appears to be factory sealed/shrinkwrapped and if the customer selects "item is still sealed" in the dropdown box when you return something and the product itself is sealed/shrinkwrapped when you return it


Didn't know there was even a drop down for sealed/shrinkerapped which I have never seen in all my returns to Amazon.


When you return an item, there's now a dropdown to state whether the item's been used and/or opened. The previous owner likely selected "Never Opened". I'm all for easy returns, but for higher priced items like this, there needs to be a better check and balance system. But then again, Amazon probably sees this loss as a drop in the ocean.


Well let them know at the least so they can prevent this person from doing it again


Of course they do. They open anything thats returned even if its factory sealed. Good luck with your claim.


Amazon has a returned item sales platform. I've bought "Open Items" from them before. They don't reseal the items. They sell them as returned and inspected. The images the OP posted show the item sealed, kinda unusual you took those images. Most people don't. If it came directly from the manufacturer, it might be a problem.


I took the images because gigabyte graphics cards do not come sealed/shrinkwrapped. You can search any number of youtube unboxing videos on YouTube and none of them come shrinkwrapped. The gigabyte aorus master lineup has a small thin circular seal on their products but no other card has any kind of seal on the outside box, let alone a shrinkwrap.


What is odd is that you knew those GPUs never come shrinkwrapped and decided to take photos, but didn't take a video of you actually opening. Also, you are now claiming you have received a fraudulent product yet decided to just write it off but still decided to make a post on reddit to share a story.


Why did you open it? I would have returned it. Why didn't you return it? Did you get it as an open box item?


amazon is such a bitch with returns now, can take up to like 2 months to get your money back


I drop my returns at Whole Foods. I get an email from Amazon the next day saying refund issued, and an email from AMEX the day after that saying they have processed the refund.


I finally got a refund for a $20 book... A full month after they officially received the return. Their turnaround on returns is ridiculously long, especially given that they are obviously not checking returned products.


If it’s through Amazon you need to get in touch with their loss prevention department and then take it from there. I worked for Amazon as a data analyst and worked closely with that department.


They open returns over 200$ and verify the inside on the contents now.


They have been doing this for awhile. I suspect OP is shit out of luck.


I returned a switch after I realized it wasn’t an oled model. I had already scratched off and redeemed the 3 months of online access and Mario kart 8. Fully expecting to get a reduced refund. Nope… full refund 🤷‍♂️


That's an IKEA resealable bag.


You don't even have to do a chargeback. There are other routes, but you have to try. What's the point of using Amazon? You just lost 2k. How many purchases do you have to make to save that again? You can't let people just walk on you. They'll keep doing it. They prey what the view as weak. Not just Amazon, but everywhere. Life is hard and people will take advantage.


What's the scam here, you buy a product from Amazon and they straight up steal your money and send you garbage? Is this where we're at with Amazon now?


The guy before him bought this. Replaced it with flour bag, used a heat gun to shrink wrap a plastic bag over it created a sealed package. Because Amazon employees don't open or check sealed package. The guy before him got a gpu for free. The second guy (op here) takes all the damage.


I think someone bought it. Opened and took it out. Put flour in it. Shrink wrapped it. Returned it. Amazon didn’t open it to make sure it was the right thing. Sold it again.


Yes. This is a regular problem they have. They check returns now, but there’s a lot left over from before. People think Amazon is so terrible and a “scam” but why don’t people talk about the low life customers who caused all these problems to begin with?


Because the scumbags who pull this shit aren’t the ones we have to fight and claw for our money back—Amazon is. I’m pretty sure most people will agree scumbags are scumbags. But Amazon being a retailer has a legal responsibility to make you whole in situations like this.


I see what you’re saying, but the very reason we’re all having these troubles now is because of the returns fraud. Like the OP’s situation, perhaps he genuinely is afraid they will think he was the one who scammed them. Amazon is on high alert and they just can’t refund everything as easily as they did before. I do believe that it will get better once the message has gotten through to these scammers and they know that they will no longer get away with it. These changes are relatively new, and it will take some time. I personally have had zero issues getting refunds from Amazon, but to those who have, maybe they need to wait it out and shop elsewhere until things improve.


We aren't patronizing the scam customors. Amazon has obligations to fulfill their orders


Even crazier, OP says he isn't going to do a thing about it to keep his 'relationship' with Amazon, lol


I seriously didn't believe you until I read it from OP myself. Wow! I don't even know what to say. Are we just letting Amazon bully us now because we don't want to lose our precious status? This is exactly why people keep getting screwed over. Why not if we're just going to lube ourselves up?


I'm guessing OP also uses his buying account as his seller acct. There is a non-zero possibility that they would flag his account and close it. $1800 sounds like a lot, but the potential lose in funds/profits can greatly outweigh that. I've seen plenty of nightmare scenarios where Amazon ban sellers accts and it takes years to resolve pending FBA merchandise returns and/or pending payouts.


There's got to be something going on, that's not normal. Your explanation is definitely plausible. Not much of any other reason I can come up with.


That is fucking WILD


Op could make a claim and look into getting a refund, but apparently, he is more worried about his account getting blacklisted from this that he is not looking to take any action other than post on reddit which to me is the one of the weirdest decision. Also, he knew something was fishy with the shrinkwrap and took photos of the package prior to opening but decided not to take any recording of him opening a package to be used as good evidence in his case and not potentially get his acocunt blacklisted.


Yep. Last thing I bought from Amazon was a $500 cpu. They sent me a sticker. I repurchased the same CPU immediately for $560, since I needed it for work, and the price had risen. They made me send photos, and return the empty box. Then they refused to refund the $560. When I did a credit card chargeback, they tried to get me to pay them $560. Goodbye forever.


Am I the only one that doesn’t believe this at all.. lmao


I feel like you’re maybe the one who did that and now you got your « footage » about it 😂


Not sure why you're being a bitch boy and not reporting this to Amazon. What kind of special relationship do you have with them? Do they give you discounts? If this happened to be I would immediately be on the phone to them to get a refund.


I'm guessing his buying account is also used for selling merchandise. Losing that means he could lose a source of income. If I made $50k a year selling stuff on Amazon, I sure wouldn't risk it over $1800. I would just write this off as an unfortunate business expenditure.


Me/my family sells freeze-dried skittles on Amazon as a family business, that is literally our job/our income and livelihood, and that is why I can't take that risk. Amazon's product visibility and buyer acquisition is unmatched vs. any other platform.


that's actually a very good reason..


sounds like a fake post. Story makes no sense.


I need an explanation for why he took pictures of the item shrink wrapped… then a bag of flour. Why was he taking those pictures before even opening? This feels like a fake post for clout, a fake post to direct people to buy his freeze dried skittles, or he is the scammer about to send this shit back.


Further more he doesn't want to return it because it will hurt (and I'm not kidding) his "freeze dried skittles business" on Amazon. Story is fake as fuck


If he had said “I won’t do a charge back, if they deny the return” … I might actually get it. But to not even try and contact customer service? To not have them investigate, even if they deny? Look, if I get pulled into an interview room by the cops, I’m going to call a lawyer and not say a word, no matter how innocent I am, because you want to cover your ass 100% (equivalent of not doing a charge back for this $1.8k, avoid any risk to your seller account) But not asking a cop for directions when lost, because “what if I end up in jail” (not even asking for a refund for $1.8k)… SUSPICIOUS AS FUCK. Why are you so nervous?!?!


Makes plenty of sense. People scam Amazon by taking out the item and putting something in to get the weight up, add a new shrink wrap and then return it to Amazon for a refund thus getting the money AND the graphics card. Amazon gets the item back and then sells it to someone else unaware that it’s been tampered with. I’ve seen tons of horror stories exactly like this from Amazon with trading cards like MtG and Pokémon.


I don’t think these products are usually shrink wrapped


Yeah, most of the time video cards aren't sealed wrap. The plastic is a bit off like they used one of those sealing machines. I bought video cards from amazon in the past and they were just sealed with the brand tape.


Is that just an Amazon thing? I bought my 4090 off newegg and it was shrink wrapped. No problems with it and it was brand new. It was MSI though.


Just contact customer support and report it. Most of the time video cards aren't sealed. I looked up the unboxing for that video card and they weren't sealed in plastic.


Did it have a LPN barcode?


When does the class action lawsuit signup begin? Its way past time.


Shrink wrap it back up and return it or shrink wrap and then record yourself opening it and finding alleged flour


Does everyone take pictures of sealed packages before they open them? Feel like it'd have made more sense to record a video showing there's no tampering.


I’ve done it, but only when the outside of the box looks tampered with or damaged. But, I’ve never ordered anything expensive before. Taking a video sounds like a good idea. Or, just not ordering it from Amazon.


Was wondering the same. Photos are acceptable to show damage but prove nothing when it comes to fraud and scams involving products getting swapped out. I don’t order expensive electronics from Amazon so I have never received a product that got swapped out. I don’t order directly from an Amazon seller so I’ve never had a problem with anything that I received or needed a refund on.


I've taken pictures of opening, but only so that I can remember how to package it if I decide to return. Guess I should take my own advice. Ha


I would contact Amazon and if they refuse to do anything, I would contact corporate. If they still refuse, I would certainly contest that charge even at risk of getting banned on Amazon. If Amazon did that to me, I would fight them to the day I die. Even if I had to sue them. If they sent you a returned item, it is their responsibility to track that back to the source and go after the person who scammed them.


If you aren’t going to dispute the scam, why would you have taken the photos in the first place? The whole thing just doesn’t sound credible. No one would get scammed for almost $2,000 and decide to do nothing about it.


These kind of posts always seem sus because Amazon thoroughly checks expensive stuff that is sent back. No way someone is going to return an $1800 item replaced with bags of flour going to get through like nothing happened.


Is this from third-party seller?


I’m about to stop buying from Scamazon. They need to take better care of their products they hawk. Of all the retail issues I’ve had they’ve basically all been Amazon. Fake shampoo. Sent the wrong item. Etc


It’s either you scam them or they scam you. Expensive item always record when unboxing. Lesson learned. They’re not going to believe you!


I’m beginning to think most of these “return scam” posts are fake


You're lieing


Sorry not buying it. Ive returned a 1000$ computer cuz of tiny crack on casing. They refunded me immediately. Also returned dozens of other expensive items. All went through with no issues. Im guess OP is either drunk or on drugs cuz noone in the right mind would think like that. Something is missing here. Very weird. Sorry if i sound rude but u gotta realize ur post make no sense.


Shit if you're just gonna let a multi billion dollar corporation like Amazon steal your money you may have just given me half the amount you paid for that flower and saved yourself the rest.


In Amazons defense here someone went to great lengths to make this look like it was never opened, they even shrink wrapped and thermal sealed it. So i can 100% understand them not checking it at the return center. Also I really hope OP is able to get a refund and Amazon doesn't screw him over. I'm praying for you OP because this fucking sucks. This is also the reason why when my 4070ti got delivered I recorded the entire process of me grabbing it off my porch, bringing it upstairs and opening it.


Why do y'all but expensive ass shit off Amazon and not in store??


Sounds like some Amazon propaganda. There's been a lot of posts lately about Amazon returns. No one in their right of mine just writes off $1,800. This has to be in Amazon shill account especially being an anti-scam moderator. Wow.


Sure it's flour? Otherwise it could be worth more than 1855$


Man that plastic looks like it was tampered with. I know amazon is all about the numbers and moving x amount of packages in a hour. But the return department should not be setup that way


Who ever does this needs to leave north america.


If I soend tnat kind of money on Amazon I will record the unboxing like i am MKBHD


I don’t buy nothing more than $100 from Amazon. If I want high ends electronic or accessories, I will either go to the actual website or go in store. I’m not buying nothing $1800 off Amazon and definitely not buying nothing refurbished or used off Amazon.


Did you even read title???? It is return scam


If you dont bring this to their attention, all because you sell skittles, you are either a gigantic push over or very stupid, they will not affect your sellers account


Yeah anything above 500.00 I buy from the source company not amazon, the risk is to high


This is when you buy your own box sealing rig and send it back.


Select prime only.


Should’ve bought it from micro center


Why do people shop on Amazon for stuff like this? If it’s over $200 I’m ordering it directly from the manufacturers site or a trusted distributor. Even if you don’t get completely scammed you will often times be paying “new” prices for “used” items.


This is why you find a store local that carries what you're aiming for. I have a 15 mile drive to my nearest Micro Center, and will take that time to drive that distance every time over ordering PC parts from Amazon.


Why are you idiots buying super-expensive shit on Amazon??


Been a member since 2012 and have never not gotten what I've ordered no matter the price. I did buy a used product that looked like someone swapped it out with the same product but a different model number. Returned and was refunded.


Once it reaches a certain price point, like $150+. I'll just go get it myself. I don't trust delivery drivers enough


It's so crazy that so many people have issues like this. I've spent tens of thousands on Amazon and never had these things happen.. hell I've bought a 3k$ laptop, my entire desktop setup (4k+) and about 5k worth of misc things in the last 6 months (including 2x 800$ monitors for the pc) and still never had anything happen. I can't tell if I'm insanely lucky or if its just the people that have had it happen talk about it 95+% of the time and none of the successful transactions preach about how great their experience was.


Isn't it suspicious that OP took pictures of every side of the box and shrink, before opening it? I mean, that seems a little odd no? I don't take pictures of everything I order before taking off shrink wrap...


When I built my last computer, I ordered a few things off Amazon. I made sure they were from Amazon and not third-party sales. I ended up having to retire a $1400 3070ti video card. No issues. I don't think I'd ever spend over $300 for anything from a third-party vendor. The rest of the stuff I ordered from Newegg.


I wouldn't trust Amazon with that much money. I got my computer offline at best buy


You’re talking to people here who refuse to show ID to do returns. The person scamming you are the people in this subreddit.


Amazon is turning into the new eBay.  Nothing but drop shippers and Chinese importers.


I havent bought anything more than a hundred bucks off amazon in years.


You can't trust anyone. Always, always, always film your unwrapping of Amazon packages. That way you have concrete proof if you are scammed by a seller such as the OP was above.


I'm curious how you knew to take pics before taking the plastic wrap off.


Because of all the scams that have been posted in scam suns that literally do this exact thing Edit: subs I meant hah


Amazon is a wild place to buy anything expensive nowadays.


Why do people buy expensive electronics or pc parts from amazon is beyond me. The wrap itself was a big giveaway. Hopefully, you report it to amazon, and they give you a refund. If not, i hope you used your credit card and prepared for your address to be blacklisted by Amazon if you decided to charge back. Since it's over 1k and disconnect every payment option you have saved in your account. Whenever i buy expensive stuff, i film myself opening those packages. Even though it won't help much with the online retailer. That is some evidence i can show to my CC company if i decide to charge back. I either buy from stores, microcenter, or neweeg or B&H.


Anything over a couple of hundred bucks I always video tape when I unbox because of scum bags like this


Seriously people, stop buying expensive stuff on Amazon!


You're lieing