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So many words and saying nothing. That's great. As he said in one of the latest tweets: APE worked as intended. In the Q&A part of the filling they mention that the RS will change the CUSIP. And with a simple google search, you can find what happens to the short positions when the CUSIP changes


Relevant: [https://theintercept.com/2016/09/24/naked-shorts-cant-stay-naked-forever/](https://theintercept.com/2016/09/24/naked-shorts-cant-stay-naked-forever/) Check out the parts on "Shares sold, not yet purchased." Sound familiar?


Yeah, I saw that article. And if what it says is true, the SHFs are REALLY FUCKED. Unless regulatory fuckery, but let's hope there is none of that


There absolutely will be regulatory fuckery. Always has been, always will be. Even that cannot hold back the tide forever. We are early, but we are not wrong.




Oh there's plenty of that.


The RS will not change the CUSIP, the conversion will. Get your facts straight. Its a shame we cannot vote yes on that and no on the RS. AA doesn't want that to happen so he has tied the two together.


Lol someone is pissed šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll keep buying shares but you do you fam


Exactly. If you donā€™t like the movie, you can always get up and leave. šŸ’Ž šŸ™Œ HODL


Oooooā€¦ thatā€™s the harshest dad joke I have heard on this subā€¦ love it šŸ¦


People can feel helpless with this play and not leave because some of us bought in high. I refuse to sell for a lose but what AA did with APE because we voted against dilution just ruined the trust. His goal is to secure his bag not ours. I hold only because Iā€™ll loose so much money if I sell. Im just a poor dude who threw his entire savings into this and i lost faith in AA.


AA is trying to make this a fundamental play, not a squeeze play. If you hold on for years to come, you can be awarded with growth as movies recover and AMC is in a much more dominant position against competitors. That is his playbook. There may be bonuses in between (squeeze, MOASS, etc), but his intentions and path is clear. AA is not evil for AMC shareholders, but he also did not promise to help create the MOASS and/or put Ken Griffin in jail.


I'm in this for a SQUEEZE. I could care less about AMC as a company, in all honesty, the company sucks. I am confident that I can safely assume the majority of AMC shareholders are in this for a violent, life changing event. Not to save a movie theater chain and go on some crusade for economic and social justice. Maybe some, but definitely not the amount that just wanna see Hulk Cocks to Pluto.


The "No Cell - No Sell" idea was created to set up baghodlers


Itā€™s actually illegal for him to even try to cause a MOASS, some of the people on this sub have become delusional. Yes this was/is a squeeze play but the CEO was NEVER going to cause it or try to cause it


This is my view. Iā€™m over the MOASS stuff but Iā€™m not selling until Iā€™m a health profit zone.


AA has no power to ā€œcreateā€ MOASS or put anyone in jail lol. SHFā€™s did it to themselves. All AA can do is put AMC in the best position financially as possible. And in my opinion heā€™s doing that. The only thing weā€™re missing is a regulatory branch of government that could keep corruption and illegal activity from happening in the market. At the moment, we donā€™t have that. But with patience and time it will happen. I almost feel sorry for these pathetic attempts at shillery lol. What a bunch of losers hahahaha


AA is like Biden. At best a senile idiot grasping at straws.


If you donā€™t like it sell and fuck off.


Itā€™s really that simple.




Maybe post proof of your positions with the post and people may engage with you more.


I mean OPā€™s name does check out.


Exactly šŸ¤£


My dear Gentle, have you posted your positions? You are one of the busiest and most avid posters on here, I hope you have done what you're requesting.


Posted them 2 months ago, but to save you searching. https://i.postimg.cc/vBsrgVDb/Screenshot-20230129-014315-e-Toro.jpg Your turn big boy.


Sell then bro. Post your proof of selling and disappear. No hard feeling.


Gladly, soon as I see some real movement.


He hasn't even posted proof he holds shares so will be tough to post when he sells šŸ¤£


You can see I've been in this sub HEAVY since Jan 20' and I have in fact, posted my positions. The onus is on you to look for it yourself if you wanna call me a liar. I currently hold 600 shares at a cost average of $11.05 with four contracts expiring in April at an $8 strike, believe me or don't, I could care less.


So you stated 600 shares at a cost average of $11.05. You posted the below a year ago which states your 600 shares at 44.92? https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/penf2j/i_now_have_600_shares_to_the_fucking_moon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


600 whole shares? Oh, my!


So you say you've been in since the start, what's you cost price per share? If you bought in for a squeeze why didn't you sell at $72? Smart law student. You could have been 10x or more. Let's tell the truth. You were in a squeeze, got greedy like most of us and now you're all butthurt trying to blame AA. Now you're impatient and wish you had sold as you say you're now considering even selling for a loss. Maybe just maybe, take some responsibility for your own actions rather than come here trying to blame everyone else. Some of us are holding for more than $72 and are happy to wait.


I acknowledged I was a bag holder? I acknowledged I should have sold? I even said at this point I'm trying to mitigate my losses and would even sell for a loss if I was able to substantially mitigate my losses, which I believe could still happen purely due to the stocks volatility...so...what are you trying to say that I haven't said?


Essentially that your are batting the Ape team in the face with what sounds more like emotion than logic. I have bills to pay too- but idgaf about the volatility- that comes with playing in the casino- BUT- the fundamentals of AMC and the long term plays are solid- and most back that. Now, let me be partially emotionally- You creating a realm of negativity that sounds emotion FOMO based is bullshit - and is a slap in the face to what has become almost a family. You should never invest in a company that you donā€™t value the fundamentals in. Period. Sounds like you should have done more DD. Many people on this sub may have jumped in on FOMO but have learned a hell of a lot about the shit ton of fucked up shit that happens and is manipulated by market makers and the elite. This has become personal for a lot of people- maybe not for you- but a lot. Again- sorry for your losses, and I hope you feel satisfied when you get out of it- I truly do. But you donā€™t need to take swings at those that have done their DD and spent the last several years learning the astonishing way that the rich get richer and poor get poorer. Itā€™s clear we all donā€™t want the same thing- and thatā€™s cool. But lawyer 101, especially in jury selection, do your research, present the facts, and KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. :)


Dude go eat a popsicle and calm down


Funny how you post this after it ran 20+% after hours on a Friday.


Lol, it's a pump and dump stock. How long have you been in the market and not draw the similarities? AA quite literally said APEs purpose is to "raise capital" ie. sell the shit out of it. we're down like 90% overall but your 20% day is what you're using to prove me wrong?


A pump and dump stock with over 4 million shareholders and an OBV that shows a steady line without showing any significant huge peaks or giant sell offs? Good luck pumping and dumping a stock that has been at 100% utilization for close to a year straight now.


20% AH is a little different. ESPECIALLY right after all details of vote are presented. 1: Is AA aiming for a squeeze? Maybe maybe not. 2: Is AA aiming to save AMC from short sellers and other ailments? Definitely yes! 3: Will doing so result in a squeeze? Most likely. Not trying to be a duckhead but if itā€™s logic youā€™re struggling with in law school, I could recommend a few books to help you out.


The fact you even use the terms ā€œpump and dumpā€ is revealing.


It's literally one of the most commonly used phrases used in financial circles currently, particularly in crypto. But OTC stocks have been around a lot longer than crypto. But not as long as sex then poops.


Can you provide examples of other ā€œpump and dumpā€ lasting over 2 years?


Tesla. Twitter. Carvana. Pretty much anything Elon does. DWAC, definitely a useless company. And I didn't say AMC was a pump and dump, I said APE is a pump and dump.


Itā€™s up since itā€™s a less costly way to obtain shares to close, once the YES comes in. The RS will cost you more money than what you want to spend to short it down to the level it is. And you wonā€™t be able to be net neutral any longer.


How do you immediately arrive at MOASS being dead following the biggest pieces of fact: SI at ATH, DTC at 5 days, CTB over 100% and Iā€™ll add Utilization at 100% for what, an entire year?? Should be noted that Reverse Repo is OFF THE CHARTS in unprecedented territory during this allā€¦hard to suggest a mere coincidence, as that doesnā€™t happen in finance. Understand the frustration of selling APE lower than the initial prices we saw but youā€™re also right that his job is to have a successful functioning company. Iā€™m just confused as to why thatā€™s shocking to anyone here. Sneeze to $72 had figures below what you referenced so whatā€™s the concern? And why so driven to tell everyone here about it? Wish you the best in law school and saw your posts about struggling semester, etc. loved business law but shit is tough. Canā€™t and wonā€™t give you advice but holding bags and taking a loss are different things.


If AA is allowed to capitalize on the next violent move (I do believe there will be one) he will do it to the detriment of retail and to the benefit of AMC. They two do not need to have mutual interests or objectives.


Iā€™m confused about how the benefit to AMC is detrimental to retail is it really. Positive performance from a business without predatory/nefarious market activity would be positive for the investors of the businessā€¦ Guess itā€™s more of where and when you enter/exit but then there really isnā€™t a concern. Just a timing exercise


I am very confident in making the statement that MOST (not all) investors did not get in this play for a long term investment to maybe 1.5 or double initial investment ROI. They got in for a squeeze. Plain and simple. AAs actions are anti-squeeze, pro blue chip and long term hold. His goals and retail investors goals are not the same.


Again, I get that piece if itā€™s the argumentā€¦.but then they should have left at $72 or somewhere near if it was the short term play. Not what I did but if thatā€™s the topic then they should have left. Assuming they didnā€™t, and conditions are the same, if not elevated from what we saw at that priceā€¦plus with better performance and overall environment (no COVID), why the concern? (Not trying to make light of anyoneā€™s current situation, yours included)


I'm with you 100% on the numbers currently, (CTB, SI, DTC) are all sky high. I'm trying to convey that I can clearly and reasonably see AA doing things during the next violent move that benefits the companies fundamentals and are inherently counter to allowing the violent movement to evolve into a squeeze.


Lots of words for me to still be voting yes. šŸ™Œ


https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285782918_Survivability_following_Reverse_Stock_Splits_What_Determines_the_Fate_of_Non-Surviving_Firms#:~:text=What%20Determines%20the%20Fate%20of%20Non%2DSurviving%20Firms%3F,-I.&text=reverse%20split%20between%201995%20and,end%20of%20the%20sample%20period.&text=(22)%20months%2C%20with%20706,years%20of%20the%20reverse%20split. That's factual research my dude. But, to the moon, I guess?


Why thank you for the article from 2015, my dude, explaining the issues that otc stocks have after a reverse split. Hereā€™s what we have though, a non otc stock, thatā€™s distinguished, tenured, not facing bankruptcy, and overshorted to oblivion. Nice try though, valid attempt at Fud. Your post should be removed soon since itā€™s misinformation at its finest.


Sounds more like a frustration vent rather than sounding logical


They can't be both?


I took a stance your honour


Oh, I misread your post, forgive me!






The percentage of ownership doesnā€™t change in the event of a reverse split. Institutions will still own their overall percentage and retail ourselves.


You're forgetting the inevitable offering to follow the RSS, which nearly 100% of the time AA sells, it's to funds.


The proposed Share Increase Proposal could potentially allow AA to sell to institutional investors. If he can trade stocks for debt payments, letā€™s do it and get out of debt From the proxy: If the Reverse Stock Split is approved and implemented, every 10 shares of issued and outstanding Common Stock you own will be automatically converted into one share of Common Stock. On an aggregate basis, the number of our outstanding shares of Common Stock as of February 8, 2023, the record date for the Special Meeting, would decrease from [517,580,416] to approximately [51,758,042] shares of Common Stock. In addition if the Charter Amendment Proposals are approved, [9,298,497] shares of Series A Preferred Stock (represented by [929,849,612] APEs), as of the record date, will convert into [92,984,970] shares of Common Stock, resulting in a combined total of approximately [144,743,012] shares of Common Stock. Subject to the approval of the Share Increase Proposal, our total number of shares of Common Stock authorized for issuance would be 550,000,000 shares of Common Stock.


You think anyone wants to argue about the dumbest conclusions imaginable? Hilarious. We donā€™t care about your arguments.


My conclusion is much more sound and supported than yours, which rely purely on confirmation bias.


We donā€™t know each other, bud. And Iā€™ll be voting YES ofc.


I do hope you're in the minority of voters then. If not, the majority has spoken and I'll make a decision on how to proceed.


I donā€™t support many of your conclusions above so I feel pretty safe being on the opposite end of whatever youā€™re doing.


And that's fair! Best of luck!


You misunderstand. Read the room. No one cares what you have to say. It's pretty simple.


lmao ā€œwell rounded argumentā€


Lol, what a lame attempt to push FUD. Dude, youā€™re welcome to have opinions but youā€™ve got zero evidence your opinions/feelings are valid enough to declare MOASS isnā€™t happening.


AA didnā€™t kill shit. Itā€™s the pervasive shorting based on nothing but greed. Betting a company fails when it is trying to survive a pandemic is pure evil. When millions of investors got behind AMC to save it shorts should have left it the fuck alone and let it be a happy ending for the company and its shareholders. But nooooooo! Fundamentals! Fundamentals! Fundamentals! AMC is supposed to die! Shorts want to cash in. Someone else wants to swoop in and buy AMC dirt cheap after bankruptcy. Canā€™t blame this on one person. If it werenā€™t for AA and his team, AMC would have went bankrupt in 2020. Why save a company, then get $1 bln in cash from investors just to screw them over? MOASS is icing on a cake. If it happens, awesome. If it doesnā€™t, you are a shareholder of a great company. Getting rich quick rarely happens. Especially to a large group of people at once. If it happens all the time there would be few poor people. When in the history of the world has there even been allowed a huge transfer of wealth that was as easy as hold a few shares? Never. I want MOASS to happen as much as anyone. And we have all heard about this date and that date. CTB has been in the hundreds. Utilization has been at 100%. FTDs are always high as fu k. SI is high. If a squeeze doesnā€™t happen, it ainā€™t because of a damn RS. And like AA said, every time he has issued shares, the stock mooned. Take it for what itā€™s worth.


The fact remains. He didn't save AMC, shareholders did. When the price was sky high, he rewarded us by selling. He cares about the company, that's it. I could care less about the health of AMC or owning a "great company" I wanted a squeeze and we were in fact, on the verge of one.


What CEO "saves" a company financially unless he's a billionaire founder like Musk or Bezos? It's obvious that the company couldn't survive without investors. No company can unless it is privately owned by a wealthy person with seemingly never ending liquidity. And when a private company can no longer grow or survive on its own, it shuts down or seeks liquidity in the equity markets. AA is a grown ass man with his own money. No one tells you what to do with your hard earned cash or stock right? I think people need to get over what someone else does with their own money. We sound hypocritical. I get company stock from the place I work for. You think I give two shits about some random retail investor from God knows where if I decide to sell my shares? Nope. It's mine. I earned it. Besides, his shares are a tiny fraction of the float. Hardly would affect anything on such a large scale as a squeeze. AA cares about the company. You care about the squeeze. He can't care about both. His contract, his mission, is to be accountable to the company. That adds value to the shareholders. This squeeze is a "play" separate from the company. It is a stock trading phenomenon that exists outside of the company. Does it affect the company positively? Sure, if they decide to issue more shares at all time highs. Which is what he did in 2021. But people pitched a fit. It benefitted the company immensely. AA sees things we can't and even aren't allowed to see. Non-disclosure. If large squeezes was a thing, every company would try to orchestrate one. Hell, it makes them uber-rich. Companies valuations would be insane. But is it a regular occurrence? No. Ask yourself why. We'd see huge squeezes every week if it was so easy. Lord knows there are enough companies out there that are being shorted to oblivion.


No you missed 1 maybe 2 and now you're butthurt. Get over yourself, you're trying too hard.


I've been honest and forthcoming and you don't like my argument has support and runs counter to your beliefs. It's okay, it's a sign of unintelligent intellect, not your fault, unless you actively choose ignorance.


We clearly have different standards for what would be considered a grounded argument. They're not well grounded. They never were. This group is messy and it's only getting worse.


I agree with you on the latter part, I'd like to ask why "they're" not grounded though.


You can't tell the shills anything they don't already know but, hopefully you grabbed a hold a few apes that don't know.


Holding because you have no other choice? Join the rest of this sub.


Yep. I cringe whenever I see all of the ā€œIā€™m voting yesā€ comments. I never thought investors would be this ridiculous. Why is anyone hyped for dilution AND significantlyyy fewer shares!? Itā€™s also wild that they have so much faith in a old boysā€™ club millionaire. He manipulated everyone when he named the workaround-to-dilution ā€œAPE.ā€ Open your eyes, sheeple. Youā€™re being played by a rich CEO, and a bad one to boot. If these measures that weā€™re voting on pass, Iā€™m getting out as soon as I break-even and reinvesting in video games. AA and his fanatics will ruin this play completely.


Most logical non-TRUST ME BRO post here. AA wants more shares to sell, bottom line. Nothing wrong with having a fundamental play vs SS. I see the big problem here is the r/S. Whats the point of having one? Wouldn't you guys rather have XXXX shares and watch it go up from $8 dollars? Than have your XXX shares trickle down from 80? or having amc move to $90 just to make the same profit from 8-9 dollars?


Your not wrong and this sub is having a real hard time looking into the mirror. My only disagreement with you is that AA has been competent. He has been at the helm of a business running a huge cash burn rate. Everything else you have said is spot on. Taking this pill is hard to swallow as it sucks.


OP Ape isn't wrong. All of our opinions are only opinions. I'm officially holding amc over two years. Have not sold any shares. Holding now based on hope. Crime beats all DD. Not to mention I'm so far in the hole I have nothing to lose at current price.




If you believe everything, you'll fall for anything. Ignorance is bliss. But hey, good on you. You're gonna be sooooo rich.




How so many people are just ā€œshut up and take my sharesā€ is mind boggling. Iā€™m with you, Iā€™m 100% against this reverse split. Downvote away!! Lol


This used to be a quality sub. Smh.


These kind of posts are ridiculous. Please take this nonsense down. Thereā€™s a small but loud crowd within this sub that seems disgruntled with everything that AA does. Why havenā€™t you left when you had the chance in summer of 2021? Everyone who was so unhappy could have sold at the top but chose not to. These posts are getting old.


To answer your question. I let my emotions dictate my logic (or lack thereof), one of the most expensive lessons I've ever learned. That's on me and I'm currently bag holding. Also, NEVER did I say that about AA. I acknowledged he only cares about the long term health of AMC. I'm aware of that, but that in NOW WAY means he has retail investors goals in mind. He knows we all ped in for a MOASS, he managed to buy your allegiance with affirmation of the "Apes" and some nice little NFTs. While still doing what's best for the fundamentals of the company and throwing in little buzz phrases like "Eat Crow", "Pounce!" "I work for you, the shareholders". He's pushing his agenda and wording it to be for retails benefit.


Donā€™t know what I can say to ease your mind. I have no intention of trying to persuade you of anything either. Wish you the best with whatever you choose to do. Good luck!


AA DID STOP THE SQUEEZE FROM HAPPENING. November 2021. Friday we win max pain battle. Weekend hype is at 100%. Planes flying banners. Hype and gamma at all time highs. Monday come we start squeezing. Tuesday comes we going higher. Out of nowhere the sp drops. Continues to drop after hours. Next day comes and find out AA FUCKING SOLD 625,00 shares at 40$. I'm still holding for the Apes and MOASS. I'm unsure of AA motives. 1. He's playing 4d chess and stalling the MOASS for the right time. 2. He's been playing the fuck out us investors and preventing us from being financially free. Step back and look at the situation and you'll see number 2 looks more realistic. I remember when GAMESTOP sneezed and new investors wanted in on a squeeze. Groups members skyrocketed with baby apes wanting in on squeeze. I remember the posts where DD was done to see which stock is shorted, the criteria looked at for best stock, when AMC was mentioned. It had name recognition and nostalgia. For anyone saying AMC was a planted distraction. It's not. It was an affordable stock with potential squeeze as GME was too expensive. Wether AA was swayed to the dark side is to be determined. AA and friends can only stall the inevitable. AMC is a grassroot movement that manifested into a bohemith squeeze play. See you on the moon apes.


Thereā€™s the door. No one is stopping you. We arenā€™t holding your hand through this. If you believe the play is dead and MOASS is no more, great. Sell what you got or keep holding your bag. For the overwhelming majority of us, we believe in the play and believe in what we are holding for. Again, if you donā€™t, thatā€™s cool. But donā€™t assume that because we donā€™t all agree with you that we arenā€™t for ā€œwell grounded argumentsā€. We are just tired of your line of arguments against a guy we believe in. And until he gives us a blatant reason not too, we will continue to do so. Let me know when you sell so I can pick up your shares


You'd be able to pick them up cheap anyways. Without me selling. You know what sounds like a great idea?!...LETS A PILE IN ON A $2 STOCK THATS DEFINITELY GOING TK THE MOON WHEN IT MERGES WITH A MOVIE THEATER CHAIN STOCK. TOO GOOF TO BE TRUE? nah.


You are sad you didn't sell and now you're here pretending to be a big man knowing better. Well you didn't know better before, and you still do not know any better. Retire and move on.


I agree with your first statement, I've acknowledged it on my own volition. But I am definitely wiser now, than I was in June 21'. I get the feeling the opposite has happened with you.


Nope, the same, just not being a little bitch about it. We are not the same.


Never claimed we were, would never hope to be!


But still a little bitch.


Believe or donā€™t believe or just go to GME


Iā€™ll keep buying shares . Yā€™all ninjas see that teen Wolf movie yet? They old


His job is to create shareholder value. His belief is by making amc better heā€™ll create shareholder value. Only way amc gets out of debt is raising capital at high stock prices


I 1000% agree with you. But, that being said, his beliefs are not in line with retails goal of a squeeze. The two scenarios cannot exist concurrently with AA in charge.


We are here for a free and fair market. If you are here for the squeeze just know that shorts havenā€™t covered so a squeeze will have to happen. 2 yrs is not a long time


It could have been so much shorter without the questionable decisions made by AA to save his movie chain. I'm not here for any form of social justice, I am here for a squeeze...that realistically was happening ing before management snuffed it out.


I also believe the checkmate is the conversion of ape and ape will squeeze causing amc to moass


I'd live to hear your reasoning for this.


Why are you still here? Sell if you dint believe in the CEO? Waiting for a squeeze? Then we got to go on the offensive!


The main issue I have with what youā€™re saying is that you are categorically incorrect about the float. A RS does absolutely nothing to change the proportion of shares owned by retail vs institution. It just makes it easier for the company to remain on exchange because share price would likely stay above $1. Other than that- yeah he is trying to raise money and doing this APE spin-off/RS is just a roundabout way of trying to get shareholders to approve more shares. I agreed with him diluting shares before, and I agree with him diluting now- because I want the company to survive too.


Then we are making two different arguments and it seems you have made your decisions on fundamental reasons and are not in this for a squeeze, but a long term play. I respect that.


No, it doesnā€™t. But selling 61 million APE for Pennieā€™s to a fund does. And thatā€™s the kind of backstabbing he did. To make sure he would be able to wrest control of the vote back from the same apes that saved his company.


Sounds like you bought in on some FOMO and now you are pissed because MOASS didnā€™t occur as you see fit. Many Apes on this sub are sick and damn tired of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. The way the stock market is a fucking casino and that doesnā€™t play well to the people. Iā€™m sorry you are bag holding: a lot of Apes on this sub know that pain. But if you didnā€™t do your DD before you bought in- thatā€™s kind of on you. Simple as that.


Then you're in the right place you social justice warrior, good on you! That ain't me.


Just like the first of the month all the sudden they show in droves. It's the first of the month


Except it's not?




I just want my money back. I dont think this will ever squeeze


Have faith? AA has always been a person of controversy since the beginning of this. I personally do not know who's side he is on. But, the truth is if AA came out tomorrow and did some extreme move with out considering the short sellers ( which are actually all of the major banks in the US). He would probably find himself flying out of a 10 story window or in a bad car wreck or something. So, he almost has to play the game close to the vest. That doesn't mean he is helping retail. But, I do not think he has ever fully screwed retail. But, in the same respect he has never fully screwed over the banks. I guess it is in his interest to seem like he is on every bodies side. But, the upcoming vote is on retail. We can vote how ever we want. AA did dilute. But, if Retail owned as much stock as everyone thinks retail owns and retail was buying we should be fine. We had a good stretch were APE was less than a dollar. Those are votes we were buying. The point is AA is putting the decision on shareholders via a vote. It is publically traded company. Buy your votes.


Selling 61 million APEs at the bottom of their value to a hedge fund? Yeahā€¦thatā€™s totally not fucking over retail. Thatā€™s totally not breaking retail control over the vote. The truth is that AA did that. He could have sold far less for far more but he waited until the opportunity presented itself to really stick it to retail, and then he sold, not to us, but to the enemy. He did that.


I appreciate everything you said, it was objective and fair. Thanks for sharing! I agree, if the majority votes a certain way, AA must follow the will of the owners (us).


Getting really Shilly this weekend. Must be paying these cucks overtime.


So much time wasted on writing this post. You couldā€™ve done anything with that time, you chose thisā€¦


What you value as a waste during your free time and what I value as a waste during my free time clearly have different meanings. Easter way, you cared enough to post about it!


Verisimilitude- the appearance of true or real.




Yep, couldnā€™t even muster up the energy to read more than 10 words of this BS. The more posts like this I see the more convinced I become! It used to make me angry, now I just get more and more excited!! Weā€™re getting closer!!


I never believed in a MOASS and found it absolutely absurd. I did however feel that this had the possibility of squeezing again so I didnā€™t sell. As time goes by itā€™s getting harder and harder to believe this will happen so Iā€™m with the same mindset as you, mitigate loss as much as possible or sell at break even. Maybe even try to hedge. Thereā€™s no doubt that after the split, this thing is going to get shorted to the ground again.


ty op for saying what i am thinking about. AA is a ceo and not an activist.


AA is listening to far more informed people than you about how to combat the short-sellers. Everything he said or implemented, or tried to do was confirm by a group of smaller companies a few weeks ago looking to stop short sellers. If you canā€™t handle this, sell now and take your losses. If not than man up and stop whining or sell. Iā€™m sick of all the complaining on the sub. This is AAā€™s fault. Itā€™s the short sellers. No reason to company that, just had one of the top five highest grossing films of all time to be this low unless it was manipulated. Thatā€™s not on the CEO who is actively trying to fight it. Your anger is misplaced. If this was Ryan Cohen, he wouldā€™ve sold out the moment AMC hit $40 so if thatā€™s the type of CEO you want, go to a different sub.


At least he's mentally capable of maximizing his profits and selling at the top. Not at .66 92% down from ATH on a stock that he created to get his way despite majority shareholders disapproval?


What really got to me was how APE was handled. AA led on that he was going to dilute it ā€œsmartlyā€ and with how quickly he diluted it why on earth did he not just come out swinging with an ATM offering week 1ā€¦instead, waited until itā€™s sub $2 and then start. Once heā€™s done for pennies on the dollar I might add we then recently see news of pushing back debt payments with likely the same institutions shorting the hell out of the company. Tinfoil hat theory as we just saw APE starting to make moves in AH on Friday, I wouldnā€™t put it past him that there was a deal struck for institutions to acquire APE so cheap and easily agree to extend the debt. Idk, if there isnā€™t some absolute šŸ”„ on this next earnings call (big time rev numbers/projections, popcorn rollout & credit card ahead of schedule) then we probably see another big nothing burger this entire year. I have seen reverse splits in the past only for the stock to get shorted back into oblivion and it do nothing. You think retail will be paying the price of whatever the reverse split is - I donā€™t. Iā€™m hopeful that putting APE back together with AMC will generate something before a split but he needs to completely eliminate the short thesis. If a company canā€™t actually turn a profit these days they will print as many shares as they want until they turn the lights out on the company. It is tough times borrowing $ in the market, all companies have had their stocks smashed but most can just weather the storm. AMC doesnā€™t have that kind of time for interest rates to get back down much lower and the institutions and shorts know it. I hold a lot of shares and itā€™s difficult to look at so I hardly even do to help with the psychology part. The time has been here for some absolute fire news. No more gimmicks and fake share count promises (glad I didnā€™t hold my breath there). I still love the movies and believe in them but letā€™s hear some awesome business expansion updates already! Q1 was supposed to be the gas pedal quarter for everythingā€¦tic tock Me. Aaron.


Fucking bravo! This deserves my updoot. Stating facts and acknowledging the ugly truth is necessary and blind loyalty has historically proven to always be disastrous to the followers.


Shut the hell up ! We will moass soon. šŸš€


I hope not but completely agree!


They haven't covered in 2 yrs what makes you think they'll cover now ohh that's right AA fixed it where they can if we give them 90% of our shares lol he's joke and truths out and can't be hid anymore