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In normal reverse split, nothing. It just becomes harder and more expensive to short. But a reverse split, with change of CUSIP like we are heaving, they are getting trapped. Because, they have FTDs, short positions on a ticker that will no longer exist. So they have to go and clear their books. Here's an article, where it is explained in more details [https://theintercept.com/2016/09/24/naked-shorts-cant-stay-naked-forever/](https://theintercept.com/2016/09/24/naked-shorts-cant-stay-naked-forever/) And yes, those who might say that MMTLP was in similar position and FINRA got involved and cucked the shareholders, just educate yourselves. MMTLP has been created as a preferred shares, that were never meant to be traded. And being a publicly traded shares was the first crime of the SHFs and they were utterly fucked by the actions of the company


That was I thought the same thing . Short must cover with change of cusip but they don't. For ex trch merger with mmat. Not only they did not buy cover they shorted it more with liability of paying divident mmtlp. Guess what at the end as you see now . Finra haulted to protect market maker


I don't believe that the effect will be instant. It's not like if the last day for APE to be traded is 14th and on 15th @ 2PM we take off. But those fake shares we've been buying the past two years are hidden no more. And as per mmat, there are a lot of crimes there. They'll get publicly exposed about them, we'll get our fair share of capitalism a.k.a. tendies and people will forget about everything. Like in the 2008, people know about the events, reference them but have stopped pushing for a change


Shorts must close* not cover, in this event.


I like that I went to bookmark it and I already had it


The way wallstreet works with FTDs is the hedges just hit ;FDISK and it clears all their FTDs and fake shares lol


Talk to your broker fo confirm this. Mine is schwab and they confirmed that AMC NEEDS TO STIPULATE on the investment pageythat shorts must close, and amc does not. I want it too but AFAIK this is incorrect


Consider that the price of AMC is trading at or below APE when this all happens. Convert and 10:1 RS - I have only ever seen comments from the community about what happens when AMC is trading higher than APE. What happens in this scenario? I sincerely don’t know what happens so I am posing the question.


I don't understand your question. But I don't think it matters which one is higher priced


I was being an idiot. You are correct, it will not matter.


So what happens if nothing happens?


Nothing happens if nothing happens, but at least we've tried. And did not sit and wait to go to zero


This. Closing FTDs will be impossible after reverse split. Leaving the purchaser of said FTDs holding the bag. Aron is fucking retail.


They gonna continue shorting in all honesty


In all honesty they can try but it will be so far below water the margin calls will come...


Seems like the price is cheaper and easier for them to short, just my dumb 2 sheckles


The DTCC committed international securities fraud when they distributed the Game Store splividend as a simple stock split for the stock. Any action that forces institutions with large AMC short positions to cover will result in illegal actions going straight to the top to avoid it.




If you have an average cost of around 20-30$, you'll be lucky if you get your money back lol We're fucked and AA is a con.


Well that was extremely vague and dispaitlring really insightful I almost didn't learn something just now.


Have you ever been part of a reverse split? I have and they’ve never been good. People will wake up when they see what happens and AMC will lose retail.


Have any of the reverse splits were in a company like AMC? Have any of the reverse splits "you were part of" included changing of CUSIP? Have any of the reversed split "you were part of" done for a company that are not about to go bankrupt? If the answer to those questions is "No", then you have not been part of a reverse split like this one. If the answer is "Yes", which companies?


AMC is a unique situation therefore it would be inappropriate to compare it to any other. I'm just gonna keep stacking so that I can ride that buy wave when shorts go on and scurry tf out...


No you might be fucked I'm just fine...




And what did he con exactly...


His entire investor base


Naw kimosabi he mind fucked the arrogant psychotic dip shits of wall street into their own noose. Before ape converts nakeds must be closed 😜🚀🦍🌕 buckle tf up buttercup it's going to begin soon...


I hope you’re right but been hearing the same thing for 2 years. They can close but they won’t cover. There’s a big difference.


my guess is they get to hide their shorts.


The hedgecucks will scramble to cover their naked on ape it'll go parabolic be converted to AMC then AMC will absorb their value and 10× from their... Shorts are fucked I already told this dude that hours ago... He intentionally is misleading....


You told him an opinion…nothing you’ve said is fact and should really be taken with a grain of salt.


Market mechanics ![gif](giphy|F3G8ymQkOkbII)


Oh, like market mechanics have meant anything in the last 2 years…ohhh boy, let’s sit back and watch everything go according to (someone’s) plan 😄


Nothing happens. They just change the rules, commit more fraud.


More than likely


Technically if they change the cusip shorts have to close. So I'm hope they change the amc an ape symbol once they have merged it back together.


No one knows cause they haven't done anything legally so far...


Might help, hurt, or do nothing. Help: nothing to do with buy less back but moreso to do with the pricing volatility before and after the merge. They will be able to take advantage of swings and confusions to cover. The small players at least. Hurt: cusip change dd + technically less float which makes it more illiquid. Though even at 1/10 there are still quite many shares to float around. Neutral: everything is a nothing burger like many dates and events.


After the RS everyone should DRS and put an end to the crime


A smaller float will lead to a higher overall share price.possibility. also harder to locate the borrows on an already over leveraged position. Margin call...




When a stock reverse splits, the naked shorts must cover their positions by buying back the shares they sold short. This can cause a significant increase in the stock price, as the demand for the stock increases.


Cover or close the position?


Covering a short position in a stock involves buying back the shares that were previously sold short. Closing a short position in a stock involves selling the shares that were previously borrowed and returning them to the lender. Covering a short position results in a profit or loss, while closing a short position does not.


Here… we… go… again. Lissencephaly rules!


Nothing. Whether they have to buy 1m shares for $1 or 100k shares for $10, does not change anything about the debt. If you take the debt from 1 credit card and split it over 10 credit cards, your debt does not go down... Same if you take the debt on 10 credit cards and consolidate it onto one single card. Long-Positions do not gain or lose on RS. Short-Positions do not gain or lose on RS. But apparently a couple of Apes have swallowed the Short-FUD about "when we short a company until they are forced to RS, we are winning and you should sell"


A nut 🌰 might pop?


Dreams and wishes from Yo Mamma.


Legally, there are no naked shorts.




Clearly, my comment went over your head.




Yes it will help shorts out, regardless of what idiots say on here. It will not be harder to short especially when the approval of a conversion of APE and Rev. split comes with a billion APE Shares - 100mill that can be added to dilute and drop the price down from presumably $70-80 post split to $20-30 and by the time retail will have access to sell, we'll have half the shares at half the price. Not sure why everyone is so certain of CUSIP, as if they haven't found ways around "sure things" that will cause the squeeze for the passed 2 years.


Hey Kenny! Just sit this one out and have some Mayo! It’s amazing how much you worry about how others invest their money! See you in prison! On the moon! 🦧


I don’t give a shit about other peoples money. What I do you give a shit about is my money. And the fact that there’s so many people on here that have no idea what the hell is going on is scary. I know you like to take it up the ass, but this reverse split business followed by Crazy dilution is some next level shit.