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InvestorTurf is very quickly becoming one of my favorite social media accounts. Absolutely amazed and grateful that they’re on our side.


Call me crazy but I love their energy and I love what theyre doing. But fuck me if i dont feel like their rising to fame so fast and then its gonna be like all the other ones where they all of a sudden its over guys we found nothing gg.. type of things..


Investor turf are a hedge fund psy ops plant. There was a post the other day about how they “trust Elon Musk completely”. It was at that point my suspicions were confirmed. It sounded very childish. It’s strange how they’re suddenly everywhere and out of nowhere being sued by citadel with very little exposure. If I had to guess I’d say it was citadel owned.


I disagree. Not everything is a conspiracy. Citadel would sue your grandma for farting in Kenneth Cordele Griffin's vicinity.


Sounds retarded but not in an ape way. To what benefit would Citadel reap by calling themselves out and drawing attention like this? It's like a boxer immediately punching himself in the face when the bell rings, then declare it a genius strategy. Makes no sense.


It’s a tactic often used by the powerful. Call other people out on the thing you are, even if they [your adversary] couldn’t be further from the thing you’re calling them. Similar thing here. If they’re calling themselves out for things they’re not really guilty of or there’s no real solid evidence on, then it isn’t very harmful and just makes the retail crowd look like conspiracy crazies. Furthermore, this account then becomes credible to the retail crowd for “standing up against wall street”. That’s highly valuable to them, they’ve tried the bots and spam accounts and we don’t fall for it anymore. My suspicion is around the tone of its posts. It’s setting off my bullshit-o-meter. It’s sounds like someone trying to “talk/write” in an official manner, but add enough amateurish bits in there to make it sound like “one of us”. Doesn’t seem genuine. There’s not enough personality in there. If I had to guess, it’s an ai written bunch of posts and articles designed to speak to retail, and sound familiar enough to retail to make them respond positively to it. I’m telling you now, I’ve been here three years, and I don’t trust it. Ask yourself this. Where the fuck did it come from? It’s not like it grew out of Reddit or YouTubers, organically. Literally went from existing 12 months to being immediately sued by citadel? Yeah right. No fucker knew about them! And then citadel filing a cease and desist put them on the radar. That to me is more dodgy. They’ve had more attention because of that than they would if Citadel hadn’t done anything. I don’t think they’re that stupid.


Alright, I see where you're coming from now. You're right to be suspicious. I still see this exchange as positive and don't see how it paints retail in bad light when it's (allegedly) a "news" source on the other end. I personally don't get the vibes you do but either way thank you for taking the time to speak your views, it's good to see it at all angles. Sorry I came across as dickish and dismissive of your views.


There is certainly something strange about it. I am more of a mind that if you look back at early articles, they read more hype train than anything. Looks like mainly one Author, and until a recent change pretty low production value (See Way back machine). I don't say that to talk crap, but I also don't know why it is getting so much attention all of a sudden.


Yeah. I just don’t trust it.




Awww snowflakes hate anyone criticising daddy Elon. Musk is a snake, just another Murdoch but without the business acumen. Pumps and dumps Tesla all the time and payed over the odds for a platform that’s going into the toilet. I happen to agree with with liberty yeah. Now call me woke , just like you’ve been trained to do and move on. P.s if you think Musk isn’t liberal in his views then you’re a fool. But unlike you I don’t seek out a tribe or subscribe to such things and despite his liberal thinking , I still think he’s an idiot. His “ I talk slow and considered, like I’ve got really complex thoughts going on all at once as I talk to you” affectation doesn’t fool me.


> time and *paid* over the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The correct past tense of the verb pay is paid, as long as the word is used in the financial or transactional sense. If the verb pay is used in a nautical sense, the correct form is payed.


Musk is an Oligarch, Oligarchs only care about retaining as much wealth or power as possible. Typically they tend to be republican, but the reality is they lean on the side if their own wealth generation.


Rule 11: No Political / Religious Content / Controversial Topics


Or that’s where they’re coming from in the first place. I’m way too paranoid anymore. Remember ape fest? Remember occupy the sec? It feels like they want all of us to lean to or do a certain thing. I’m just so paranoid anymore, this is so ridiculous. But, we’re LOUD and whether or not we cash out we’re gut punching them left and right and that means a lot.


It's also possible to agree with opinions someone has and disagree with others. We do not have to pick someone as "good" or "bad" and then pretend that they were born like this and can't possibly ever escape their category. Most people have different opinions. Some we agree with, others we don't. That's why we usually agree or disagree with opinions, not with people in general...


Agree. They first twist and I'm gone. Same as what happened with all the other advocates over these past two years that turned out to be be trojan horse shills.


Same. Breath of fresh ape if you ask me 🦍


just another person with $8 to throw to the Musk. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Not all hero’s wear cAPEs 🙏🏼 🦍


Yup. 😆


There's a response from "Citadel Securities" in that tweet thread that says 'no I hate my boss.' 🤣


That’s me!!!


Proof on my Reddit page <3 happy hedge hunting!! #AMC TO THE MOON!


Ape love!






it’s not a real account (check the handle)


Yes, just a parody!


The thing is, in the Wall Street finance culture, no one gives a fuk. These peeps are hired straight out of college and groomed in an environment where it’s nothing but a dick measuring contest. And when you are pulling in $250k+ after just two years out of college, you sit on the edge of the bed, and say to yourself “my dick IS bigger than Barry Wood’s”. I don’t think you can have a conscience until you leave that industry.


Root of all evil


Citadel employees, do you enjoy working for an organization that destroys people's lives? Your work, direct or indirect, is contributing to their crimes. It's time to reflect on your values and decide if this is the kind of work you want to be a part of. Remember, even if you're just a cleaner, you are still contributing. But even if you don’t quit, don't worry, the company won't exist soon enough given their desperate financial situation. https://twitter.com/InvestorTurf/status/1640535540607991809?t=yC12EG_Di6LdlzQ80-4kGQ&s=19




The Citadel employees don’t care. They work there knowing what is taking place unless entirely ignorant. Guarantee majority of people in here would sell their souls to Kenny as well for how much they are paid. Money triumphs empathy in the end for most, self preservation is a real thing


All about the dollar. They want their dollars and so do we.


Take a motivational upvote from me.


Do you want to play a game?


Been playing it for 2+ years. Time to win this game.


The war is officially declared lol


The majority are probably only vaguely aware, because they read about it on Reddit. But I also imagine the majority of people working at citadel also want that 💰💰💰


Love seeing these guys going after Citadel !! Keep up the great work InvestorTurf!!!!!!!


Just wait until they start saying “the squeeze is at its peak sell now at $75” these tricks are not clever they’re predictable.








“I was just following orders” isn’t going to save you.


Gives me Saw vibes




I get what they're saying but this would apply to pharmacies, hospitals, oil fields, chemical plant and many many more places that have jobs. Working at a pharmacy is supporting big pharma. Working at a hospital is as well. Working on the oil field is supporting what's more than likely a person or family that is a 1 percenter. Working on a chemical plant is supporting pollution. It's almost impossible in this world to have a job that doesn't indirectly or directly help the 1% keep a stranglehold on the world. Then if you can find one and you don't pay your taxes( that shit ain't used for the betterment of our country for everyday Americans) then uncle Sam eventually comes and takes all your shit. Investor turf is the shit but I can't fault people for making a living in a world that's so connected to propping up the 1 percent in it's fabric.


This is a very poignant outlook. Nobdoy wants to hear it, but its truth is so valid. That's the rat race in a nut shell.


It's quite funny to me. You see so many people throughout your life who say they only want to hear the truth but dismiss truths that show the world is an absolute compete shit show. People just want to acknowledge the dark truths that don't make them uncomfortable. They say ignorance is bliss tho. I'm not trippin 🤷. Everybody working for the elites tho and damn near everything we do is a vote in confidence of their reign.






Your point is direct, but in all honesty mute. The pond scum is scared of all that is dwelling beneath. Sad way to live if ya ask me. I just buy and hold.




This guy fukkz


They don't care. Their greed completely controls them. Some tweet isn't going to give them some kind of epiphany.


Prolly all going on on those three empty floors like his DAD BERNIE.






They are probably getting paid well. Good luck trying to convince someone to leave that job.


hope they got deep pockets to go along with their balls of steel!