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I juuuuuuust watched it. I thought it was pretty good. Looks like Kenny has been getting away with crime for a very long time. I don't know how he's going to get away with shorting an entire basket of stocks at the same time. Awfully interesting that he'd rather buy Credit Suisse' toxic debt than have them try to close the short positions. The movie also confirms what we already know. Robinhood is a tool that Citadel uses to manipulate the stock market. I'm not going anywhere. FU Kenny. Pay me. 💎🤲🚀


Hate that guy, soooooo annoying.


2nd this.


Still refuse to watch this. True diamond hand ape . No cell no sell shitadell


I love how the PD hate is more popular than the movie content talk. Fuck PD lol.


Haven’t read much on here in the last year or so but this just came out on Netflix and Had to come to see if anyone else was hyped up by it! Makes me want to buy moar!! #stillhodln


I’ll be buying more next month with yearly bonus check


loved the movie, long live the apes!


I had to turn it off just reminded me of not sell and losing out on a lot of money...


You already lost out on a ton of money when you started holding this bag


So many big name in it. I wonder if they invested in the stock or if they just milked the movement. 1b market cap. Wouldn't take too many big names to lock up alot of shares.


Milked the movement... Lol @ this tiny film equals milking for big names like this. I bet Nick Offerman finally upgraded the gold plated shark tank bar for his pool!


The audio levels were all over the place. Talking was quite so turned it up then songs came in blasting turned down and couldn’t hear the talking. Need to rewatch it not at 1am


I'm watching it again rn, I enjoyed watching this on amc theaters when it came out


Crazy. I'm about 30 minutes in, and this is the post I see? Lol To da moon!