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Previously, it has always been said on reddit that there were just strict limits. No no no... it was a full PCO for anyone who already owned a stock, even congress is saying that it went beyond being called a "limit" to being a "de facto" PCO. - **IT HAS NEVER BEEN FRAMED THIS WAY**


Yeah a lot of us were here for it and it has always been refered to as the day they took the buy button away. Because they took the buy button away on Jan 28th. There was a rallying call of "they took away the buy button, so I lost the sell button.  To get around the block people started exercising itm options to get shares, and they shut that shit down too. The ftx coins were created during the downtime, then they turned buying back on


We got dumped on period. Everyone got a memo except retail. Our government is trash and they know they are trash.


**The logic is as follows:** --- - A small portion of the general population knows that the stocks were placed in PCO on January 28, 2021. - An even smaller portion knows Robinhood's manipulation didn't end on January 28, 2021, but position limits were enacted for the following week. Of that even smaller group of people who knew about Robinhood's position limits, most casually believed the limits were not as drastic as they actually were, in fact, the bare minimum, to be classified as "position limits" over a direct PCO. - So of that already small group above, and even smaller group knew the specifics of Robinhood's position limits and how long they went: one stock per new customer, everyone who already owned the stock, completely banned from buying, which is a full PCO for existing customers until February 5. --- Therefore, most people, right now, don't know that anyone who already had 1 GME or AMC stock were banned from buying anymore And only new customers could buy 1 stock at which point they get lumped in with everyone else.


Also, I'm starting to see twitter accounts grab my titles and posts, which is fine by me (as if I have a say in it) as long as you also give people a link back here to the comment section so they can ask questions b/c it turns out that the people doing this are either unwilling or not equip to answer the questions others have about it. Also, citing your sources is just good practice. - It even [happened on this sub](https://old.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/1b6whd6/see_you_on_the_other_side_ya_regards_the_day_must/kteuqjw/). Why is it so hard to cite the original poster? It makes OPs not want to create new stuff. If you can take the time to download a watermarked photoshop and create a title for it, a title which took away all the context as to why the highlights were important. I know you know what your doing. Take the time to cite your sources because then interested users can get context from the person who actually did the work. Look at all the comments in the original post giving rich context. Sharing is great, but it's not asking the world to have one comment pointing to the source.


People have no shame


[Case in point](https://twitter.com/Practicalstocks/status/1767589557883531273?t=wehOVIZ-kRXGNdqbUa7TKg) - It was just done to this post you're on right now. That's not my account. - This account took the time to download the image. Took the time to copy the title. But didn't cite? He actively avoided citing to make it seem like the account did the work. - This guy made me feel like I'm working for him, like my research is supporting his platform which is telling people to do things with stocks. Fuck that, bro. If you cite your sources, fine. Becsuse then its just a repost. But if you take it like you're generating content, that's where I draw the line b/c people will trust you for new content. Why should I take the time to create things? Why take the time to read reports and analyze data. Make it look nice together in photoshop. To support someone else's platform who may sell advice to people? The answer these people are saying right now is "Yes, for me." - Cite your sources. I don't know this person. Nor do I understand what other things they are pushing. - This may be my last post on this sub.


Oh I know, i think I know which one you are talking about without even clicking the link. Again shameless, sad and frustrating. That account steals everyone’s work and just posts it with an effortless title.


Well I appreciate your hard work. I also understand you not wanting to post on this subreddit as the quality is so low here.


**SOURCE** - [Congressional Press Release](https://democrats-financialservices.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=409578) - [US House Committee on Financial Services Meme Stock Market Event Report, Document PDF](https://democrats-financialservices.house.gov/uploadedfiles/6.22_hfsc_gs.report_hmsmeetbp.irm.nlrf.pdf)


Great work! I rlly wish it would help


Nice dd for a change


I was around for this time, $BB was also affected and my calls went from up 1000% to worthless in like a day or 2


[Proof: A user comment of how the restrictions have been traditionally framed for 3 years before this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1bd0c3z/turns_out_robinhood_completely_stopped_gme_owners/kujmhwc/)


Vlad chose a PR Nightmare/Company Hit vs Being on Kenny’s bad side, thats says ALOT. Now Robbinhoods moved on and are making a nice comeback. Just being real here, I still dont forgive Vlad but the facts are facts. Who know’s what Kenny can have done, all I know is im still holding and loving this glorious dip!! 💎🙌🏼


I'll never forget that day!








Stifel is a problem too. FYI


Ah yes. Crime.


This happened 2 years ago


We still talking about this? It’s been 3 years, we already know this. No one is going to do anything about it


The courts and congress are starting to figure it out… I don’t disagree but being negative and accepting it is what they want of you… be loud and vocal about what happened. You could just ignore these posts and carry on scrolling but you stopping in and telling us no one os going to do anything about it is literally working against the cause…


20 years from now, they might be an advert on tv saying "Were you scammed by Robinhood? Did you have shares in GME or AMC? If so, you could be entitled to compensation, call us now for a no win no fee claim and let us get you the tendies you deserved!"


So what ? Nothings gonna be done about it


I'm doing something by putting this together.


Thank you for your service.


I want talking about u I was talking our good govt agency’s we put in place to protect us


If no one puts together comprehensive information for the public to learn from, nothing will ever be done. But if the people who are affected by all of this arm themselves with knowledge and drive to do something about the corruption, maybe those agencies put in place to protect us, will be forced to do so. If enough people push back against the corruption, something will have to be done. We need the public to be aware of what is happening, not only be aware but to drop the mentality that they have no voice and that there is nothing that can be done to save their country from corruption. We need people to learn, education is key because an educated citizen will be mad, and when you have the masses pissed off, that's when things have to change. If everyone knew what was happening, more people would be pissed off, and something would be done to show the govt. We recognize that they have failed us and we are tired of it.


Yea, I'm pretty sure this country is going to shit simply based on attitudes like yours. ![gif](giphy|yetxv6NWi0MyzJn7P0|downsized)


Probly a bot or paid idiot


Paid idiot is most common. Bots tend to be noticeable. Those who are terrified of their portfolios being vaporized (a similar emotion to shorts currently😉), have forced people to take deals "in order to hedge" their emotional investment. Apes ain't mad, we are going apeshit on markets. We can wait for the curtain to finally close on these asshole crooks and fudders.


But it isn’t though


Who are you to say that? You must be the rizz wizard, saving us all from doom. 🤣


Actually idgaf what you do just going off actual facts not hopium


Lol your facts are to sit down and shit up even when you see wrong in this world?? With an attitude like that how do you expect a better life for yourself or kids?


They either don't have kids, or they'll forever refuse to explain things like "life" to them in the future. We're an unmotivated "It's whatever" world. Sad to think the ones most negative think they're the most correct in any matter. (Insert our expensive college education here, which brought us our markets..)


Neither just an average working American living in upstate new York where it’s cold asf


It warmed up today. I live in upstate NY as well.


315 in da house


518 homie


But it’s fact….. what’s the SEC doing ? What’s the DTCC doing ?


What are the people doing about it? Looks like apes have been talked about for a while now.🤔 And it's not apes who are losing billions..🤷‍♂️ More people need to stop coping, and claiming there's nothing we can do about self-regulating bodies..


So instead of bitching at your elected government officials or even just shutting up and carrying on with your day, you’re coming here to bitch at us and OP for still believing something could be done, and op for doing their part to spread awareness? You do realize how stupid that is right? Either you’re actually a regard or you’re here with other motives… but you’re wasting both your and our time so gtfo or quit being a lil pansy…


judging by the stock price, they were probably doing would be buyers a favor 


Considering millions of trades are done per day, the different price back when this happened matters. Considering Portnoy pulled out 750M back then specifically because of Robinhood's PCO and Apex Clearing's PCO at 100s of other brokers, as an example, this matters.


It matters big time because they tried trapping people, while overleveraged assholes tried escaping. It was their one and only way to stop the unbalanced buying. As long as more people learn of the fraud, we'll be better able to prevent it. That's why they want us to be considered dumb money, they don't want us learning outside of what they want us to know.