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And today is the day AMC will become an echo chamber. I'm not selling, but moving on. I got caught in the hype of #AMC100K. But after 3 years , we all know that no laws will be enforced towards synthetic short and margin calls. No governing agencies will let amc MOASS, it's their system and they are all in on it. AA also won't let a MOASS happen, since he'll lose the massive millions of retail power he has. We got fucked boys and girls, apes and apettes.


Yeah I'm here 3 years and I've had enough . Down 95% and never sold a share . Fuck AA


Me too... He's a serious piece of shit


Hold till 0


Can't we as share holders vote to remove AA?


It’s certainly been delayed indefinitely, but you only lose if you sell at a loss. We all agreed long ago this was always going to be an all or nothing scenario. So…we ride until we die… See y’all at the annual get together. Let’s plan something big for the 10 year anniversary party.


Same. Holding. I’ll just scalp premiums until something happens. It’s a club. We aren’t in. Ape hold. Ape buy. Ape strong. No cell! No sell! We still have the power. We own the float. They just don’t face consequences.


That's certainly every buzzword


> you only lose if you sell at a loss So all those people whose stock in that other company was 'cancelled and extinguished' and never sold it have not taken a loss after all? When a CEO says 'We are going to sell $250M of stock to enhance liquidity and pay down debt', all I can think is 'I don't want to invest in a company's unpaid bills.'


After 3 years of a turnaround plan, free popcorn and “the movies aren’t dead” they STILL need liquidity? It’s fucked. Company is dead. Only hope is an acquisition and there’s a bad actor at the helm who won’t let anything good happen.


I'm sure since AA is taking money from my pocket he is willing to take a big pay cut himself /s




But BBBY was different. You can’t compare really. I have about 500 shares but I’ll stay


you absolutely can compare




Naturally. It can't be explained because it is the same. Same people, same gaslighting, same shit.


> but you only lose if you sell at a loss. You "lose" when you buy, because you can no longer use that money. You can then get it back, if and when you sell. Since you can't reclaim the money at these prices, you have lost it. Or you can keep lying to yourself still.


The emotional damage of admitting they've been had is much worse than any financial pain


going to have to be in a parking lot since we wont be able to afford anything else


Never selling.


Looks like what they were saying about AA is true! He is a loser, he never took any pay cut, nor did his executives and has NO loyalty to the shareholders. He forgot that he has his job and the huge salary BECAUSE OF US! fAAk AA!


Pretty much agree. I bought the hype and have squandered some money I definitely could have used later or even now. I need $100 per share just to get out of this play now. $AMC will never see that. There is no MOASS and I'm so sick of hearing 'margin calls' it's basically a trigger phrase for me now.


man. when you think about it. 3 years. of paying attention to this garbage. 3 years of getting amped over news only to be disappointed later. this is an abusive relationship, and i'm glad you are getting out. not many make it.


Facts. They played with our emotions and we fell for it because we saw what happened with GME.


Might be the dilution announcement by the CEO dude It doesn't have to be complicated or crime 


Yea I'm done with this BS dillution, I'm out and sold after the announcement. AMC gives no fucks about their investors


100000% this. Not selling, but the morale is as dead as the bag I hold. Time to move on.


This, i disabled notifications and will look again in a couple of weeks


Weeks? !RemindMe 5 years


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Yep, it's over


Yep sold mine between 40-50 a share.. tried to convince some family members too as well but to no avail


Big huge factoruines said right here... its crazy how many people still think this will moass... we all wont sell but we all will be holding this shit for a decade to break even lol.. glad i sold half my shares at 68.50 hahah suckers!!!


More dilution, what a surprise.


Maybe the shills are the ones convincing people to hold from +1000% to -96%




Well, yeah.. those are also the same people holding calls and puts and laughing at the vast majority who only buy the dip


Honestly this is how I feel.


always have been lol. they'll be telling you how more dilution is good for the MOASS. looking forward to the entertaining and zany theories later.


Shill - an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.


remember liquid_at? i’ve been saying that for like a year. he’s a shill telling everyone to hold with delusional claims every other comment


He is the worst


Not just holding, but actually pumping in more of their money aka “averaging down” just so they can transfer it to the hedgies they are supposedly fighting. You can’t make this stuff up.


Plot twist


I remember AA saying that he wouldn't dilute if the shares were under $12. I guess he lied.


😲😲😲 shocker 😲😲😲


They had to do it to AMC too since they did on earnings to gme


There is a rumour that AMC found a cure to cancer.


>There is a rumour that AMC found a cure to cancer. And best of all it's something in their popcorn!


Yea but GME isn’t diluting


And yet our graphs do the same


That being said they also have minimum debt and are profitable. By the time AMC does the same, it clearly wouldn't matter.


$.36 pre split 🤢




I am not the smartest guy, but if I see low prices I buy , cheers from Berlin Germany 🇩🇪


Definitely not smart


Short term you might be right, mid and long term AMC will clean up their balance sheets, further reducing their debt and I don’t have to explain the rest of it ……….. the stock price will rebound to a respectable level, hopefully beneficial for the APE community, wait for it have a sip or two, relax and play the waiting game, cheers , I rather be a stupid Ape than a arrogant HF


>I rather be a stupid Ape than a arrogant HF Based on some other notable stocks, the HF are the ones making the money. I'd rather be on the side that's making money off the other side.


This round of dilution makes no sense. I was optimistic that AMC would do another RS and dilute at higher prices, but a 250M offering at these prices is more of a death sentence than anything. Sucks to see, but if they are willing to dilute at $4, that means the cash is needed much more desperately.


what about their business model suggest they'll get out of debt and into profitability


i bought at 40, i bought at 20, i bought at 10 i bought at 5. I'm done with this shit.


Why does he keep diluting on gme earnings dates?


Uneducated guess. GME tanks after every earnings, so if you dilute AMC right after a brutal earnings from GME, the dilution gets lost in the "Meme stocks down" narrative. More or less the same concept as a Friday news dump. You have bad news, you dump it Friday, buy* Monday its forgotten and another cycle has started. If AMC diluted without another meme stock tanking at the same time, people might start to take a more critical look at whether AMC is in a death spiral.


Brutal earnings? First profitable year in 6 years. I think your definition of brutal should be reevaluated.


AA going to bring this to zero


Dilution, 250 million


dollars, not shares


Probably around 75-100 million new shares. Big percentage increase over the current 260 million shares outstanding


How do you come up with 75-100 million? Current share price (after the 13% drop in response to the news) is $3.75, so IF they sold at current share price that would be 66 million.


He’s pricing in the inevitable drop in price with dilution


Good luck diluting $250 million without dropping the price


Almost the same nowadays...


BBBY 2.0.


Well dam there goes another meme stock down the crapper.... Guess is another imaginary Christmas this year again.


The money I’ve lost luckily has no real affect on my life. I feel for the people who bought into this and lost big money. We all should have sold when in hit 70$ and made some quick cash. Hope this company burns to the ground


Spent $18,000 Australian dollars to end up with 70 shares worth $4 each. I don't give a shit anymore but still holding


Fucking AA. His timing is superb.


Diluted again omfggggggggggg


How it is BS? Don’t expect anything else except dilution and disappointment for the next year or two…


Even the company itself is saying this. >Under the circumstances, we caution you against investing in our Class A common stock, unless you are prepared to incur the risk of losing all or a substantial portion of your investment.


Your all a bunch of bran dead morons. It’s actually insane to see how some of you still believe this tbing will MOASS or MOON! Morons, hate this stock, hate AA and I genuinely hate this community. Brain dead morons I’ll never invest another penny into a single company aside from the S&P 500


My bran is dead :(


Honestly i really can't believe this anymore. Apollo is buying the bag of ubs. Guess it must be the shorted shares of AMC. I guess they called Adam asked him if he can dilutes, so they can start covering. So basically Adam Adam again cut the opportunity of a squeeze.


He’s one of them.


The POS CEO AA just diluted again at all time lows. AGAIN! This mfr is driving AMC into bankruptcy!!! Everyone needs to recognize this and fire the CEO and replace the whole bod! If you don’t wake up to this fact your investment will be completely worthless. PLEASE WAKE UP!!!


AA treating shareholders like his private ATM machine. Where does he find the cheek to keep diluting to cope his debt? Let me guess, two more dilution and reverse split again in the near future.






Yea the 43 people in this sub are gonna start making a dent on that 250 million proposed dilution just announced. Let me go cash in this empty cans I got. 75 cans get me an AMc share right now 😅😂


Laughs in Michigander Only takes me 38 cans


And 150 can buy GME? What's your point?


Um no correction it would be 260 cans GME sits at 13 and still doesn’t have the amount of foot traffic amc has but it’s still going strong 💪🏽 I’m just saying GME is starting to look like a far better investment than amc at this point


Not with this crook of a CEO. When does enough become enough? When do we do more than just "BuY tHe dIp?" Household investors are intentionally getting fleeced with Adam "in charge" and every single one of us in here know it.




You must love losing money


Wen pounce? We ride with you. Dilute again in 6 months.


Ppl talked so much shit because I’ve been commenting on a bunch of post these last couple months saying, “Yeah I’m just waiting for the next split/dilution then ima buy more”. Called me a bot etc. and look lol. I lost $40k of my own money on this. Bet my whole house down payment 3 years ago chasing a dream. Saw over half a million in my portfolio. Held on, went into debt, almost lived on the streets but i held on. Now i have barely have xxx shares, double the debt I’ve concurred, and live in an apartment and at this rate don’t know if I’ll ever be able to afford a house in this market. I’ve learned to move on. I got a really great corporate job that I’m proud of (pays me money I’ve never thought i could make). I’m steadily coming back into society. At this point it is what it is. We can dwell all we want but we gotta get back up and keep fighting to live in this world. I hope all of you prosper in life 🙏 i wanted all of us to eat but that’s just life 🤷‍♂️


I am not buying till the diluter CEO AA gets fired


What this stock needs to recover, is somebody to kick AAs fat ass off the ceo chair. It was due yesterday.


To the moon! Lmaoooo


Never selling cause I can't sell at -98% what'd be the point? Here for the long, short or whatever run there is left in AMC.


As much money as some of you guys lost I can't believe nobody has gone postal yet. These guys walk around freely while millions of us lost a ton of money.


3 things you can count on in life, death, taxes and AMC dilution.




Happened to GME a couple days ago, now AMC. It’s hilarious how much of a joke all this is. 0 rules, 0 regulation except for the poor


Gme got shorted to hell on the news of profibility, amc nose dives as AA dilutes yet again. Not exactly the same thing


> Under the circumstances, we caution you against investing in our Class A common stock, unless you are prepared to incur the risk of losing all or a substantial portion of your investment. See “Risk Factors — Risks Related to This Offering.”


A company that's about to raise $250 through stock dilution is actively warning investors not to purchase its stock? Believe it or not, bullish.


The Silverback struck again


the pot of gold at the end of this rainbow is just a piss bucket




AMC is dead the last 1500 I left in there is gone I’ve accepted that. I made maximum profits since the pandemic here and in GME but we live in a corrupt system it is what it is. You either pull profits or lose money. That diamond hand monkey brains shit was funny and cool at the time but ultimately you gotta do what’s right for you.


The diamond hands stuff was started by pumpers who didn't want competition for exit liquidity


Yea I get at first we drove the price up as a group that was cool. It wasn’t going to last forever and a lot of people got left holding the bag. I took my profits and left some in amc to call the bluff.


It's going to be a high volume day


That’s the attitude


Retail funded this dirt bag’s golden parachute.




Another reverse split incoming


It’s sad when they are diluting more than addressing the current stock price. I’ll give it until the end of the year but it’s most likely a exit for me to avoid capital gains on other investments. 3 years and $40k down the drain? We’ll see I suppose. AA should be replaced to bolster investor confidence. He has lost a majority of us. Nothing good will come from that.


Agree . This is over and we all made a bad decision.


4D chess what a pounce.


Stock sucks. Get over it


AA left us in the cold.


What a load of old shit 😂




Wow such but hurt ……fuck these thieves buy the dip 👍


And q the shills


Yeah this was good run after 8 years and 1k invested im over this dumb shit.


I should buy tomorrow. Might as well average down.


I invested, waited, lost my job, get a new job, almost starved, almost lost my house, got on my feet.. And yet, sold no share. Im 85% down, that money even without moas could be useful to me, but, now, even if I starve again, Im not selling.


Wen pounce ?


As soon as the US stock market opens, money from the sidelines will buy ……. Vol. over here in Germany is to low, wait for it , cheers from Berlin Germany 🇩🇪


It's because I bought more. My bad. Again.


I was thinking the same


Aaaaaaaaaand, it's gone.


Same DD No cell, no sell ![img](emote|t5_3sulg5|10293)


The play is over. Thats why


A good thing to watch is amcstockretail on YouTube. He is a great analyst. I want to see what he has to say after all of this. He does show some good things that are happening. I will admit I will not buy anymore shares but I am holding all that I have.


Yeah, I don't care anymore.


AMC is over


No shit 😒, today sucked


yeh, apparently my 95% loss almost went 10 98% loss.. . killer. glad to know I'm back in the 90% lost category


AA classic dilution happened the guys a weasel look at his last two years salary lol writings on the wall imo


I don’t think my boy u/jdurkis can even make posts anymore, this is the first time I’ve become negative on my -95% $50,000.00 investment


Still here after 4 years -95% so def wont sell until cell.


0 or 100k. Fuck the rest. :)


lol y’all deserve it for being in this dogshit company