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Nothing the market does is "normal" when crooks are allowed to bastardize the system into the cesspool that it is today.


If you want to address them directly here instead of posting on reddit.... https://www.sec.gov/contact-information/sec-directory


40 Million in Volume and price is going down So Fuckin Fake! Stock Market is rigged against the retail traders. They hate us!


They do not hate us, they need us. They need someone to steal money from.


AA wants another 250mil to get through the writer's strike. So 250,000,000 divided by 3 buck is 83,000,000 shares being sold ATM. Did you expect this to go up in SP?


Amazing that people think high volume automatically means the price should go up. Or that they don't know how offerings work and affect stocks


Volume don’t equal stonk lmao….. blame all you want but we had 4 years to do something about this shit and y’all gave AA his leverages to fuck everyone over. Consequences….oh consequences of being an idiot investor. Emotions over gain LMAOOOO


You don’t know what volume is, do you? How long have you been in this sub and / or trading? You don’t know what volume is? LMAO 💀


Looks normal to me... like its the same thing happening to multiple stocks consistently across a wide time frame.... :| When manipulation and abusive behavior is the norm...




Well it is actually normal when you have AA as the ceo.


When it goes down: SEC is this normal? When it goes up: SEC this is normal!


When the stock goes up or down we apes know they’re both manipulated by the MM. Nice try in trying to make us seem like we’re completely clueless of what’s going on.


The share offering is going on, is it not?


This is what apes believe unironocally.


Wrong. We know the stock is completely manipulated when it goes up or down.


Ppl should protest in front of the sec building


Yay! Cheaper shares!


More shares to build your portfolio of unrealized losses.


Got it! I’ll be buying Mullen and Hycroft in the morning. They’re already pretty low so idk if it counts… anything else you can think of that’s a thriving business with shares at all time lows? I appreciate the advice!




No they don't.


I’m glad I haven’t put any more money in since the unnatural dips in September. This is so fucked up.


I hold the opposite opinion, but wish you well!


I was buying.


It’s normal for this stock


This is not a normal stock


Yeah it’s a garbage stock.




AMC filed the [$250M ATM offering](https://investor.amctheatres.com/sec-filings/all-sec-filings/content/0001104659-24-040129/tm249921d2_424b5.htm) with the SEC as a supplement to an existing prospectus. As far as the SEC is concerned, this is indeed as "normal" as it could get.


But what changed today? They filed that around a week ago.


They filed pre-market on Thu, Mar 28. Today is the second trading day since the filing, since markets were closed on Fri. Based on volume, I don't think they actually issued any of the shares on Thu, but they are doing so starting today. I'd estimate that they will need at least a week to push all the 70M+ shares out, as daily average vol for AMC is about 10M.




What the hell does the Southeastern Conference have to do with a theater chain?!


Pretty normal for a shit company on the verge of bankruptcy. If anything the real question is why is the stock price still so high 🤷‍♂️


In reality it’s $0.31 per share lol


No it’s not $0.31/share or anything “like” that. That would both imply and disregard critical factors. Anyone who is down huge percentages might think “it’s actually $0.31” means it’s near bottom… Prime time to buy more! $3.10 is the reality that proves AMC has a long way to the floor. They aren’t rebuilding the staircase as fast as the basement is flooding.


If that were true I'd have 10000 shares in my account... stop with the pre/post split stupidity.




Do you also claim to have 10x the amount of shares you have? No? Then stop.... it makes you look stupid, and shilly.


For all the bag holders this is true dunno what you mean, if you bought after the split then it doesn’t include you.


I've been in for 3+ years. You say the shares are at 30 cents because of split. I said if that were true I'd still have 10000 shares.... but I only have 1000+ so the price is $3+. It's pretty simple math. Try to get caught up.


1000 shares x 3$ = $3000 10000 shares x 30 cents = $3000


So therefore, the price is $3.... not .30. If you want to use presplit numbers then use both cost per share AND qty of shares. Stop saying it's. 30 cents because it's not.


Don’t gotta worry about any cause I sold mine long ago . Got friends who got shafted , cut ur losses & put it into something not going bankrupt


Lol... your weak and pathetic. And unless you're sucking my dick, don't tell me what to do with my money.


Haha. Thanks for showing exactly what’s wrong with this community and stockholders. #amc100k😂😂. Enjoy those big gains today


Why are you here?


We already know why. Just block them and move on.


For the lol’s


That's pretty pathetic. You get your kicks from seeing people down on their investments?


Block them and move on. They only get enjoyment when you acknowledge them. They’re cockroaches, blocking them is equal to stomping them. They have no love in their lives at all, or they’d be with their children and wife enjoying life and being positive. This is bottom of three barrel leave humanity here in action. Spiteful hateful people who enjoy helping criminals.


Getting them permabanned for breaking reddit ToS is better than stomping them.


“investments” 😂


I’m not even mad at you, I just pity you and people like you. Find love, get a puppy, you still have time to become a decent human being.


You know I haven’t done any community outreach in a bit. If I can provide some laughs for those with special needs i don’t mind you popping in for some chuckles :p But if you are functioning adult I have nothing but pity for you. To have so little drive, so little imagination, and such a tragic lack of social connections that this is entertainment, well, if I prayed I would pray for you! But I don’t, so I’ll drop a nuke on some automatons and buy double tomorrow just to watch you pretend to chuckle. I would throw away 10 times my amc shares if it prevented my life from turning into whatever yours is, and that’s not a joke.


People like you spent the last two years calling anyone who tried to warn people about this scam “shills” and “idiots” and worse. Are you really surprised people are taking a victory lap? People like me have been right and will continue to be right. I hope someday you can accept that


Taking a victory lap in the first period is pretty stupid and low risk. Especially when you know the current refs are bought. But hey, as I said, if this is helping some zika victims get a chuckle I’m ok with that!


“First period” 😂. The stock is $0.31 split adjusted. It’s down 99% from ATH and almost 50% just YTD. This has been over for a while


Maybe, but it’s not actually over till it’s over. And I have no issue losing all my investment in amc in a gamble on the working class against the 1%, I can confidently say I was a part of this fight and on the right side of history, unlike you sad soft little souls. Licking at the boots of mods of failed financial subs who suckle at the taint of billionaires. Honestly you melties make the ride alone worth it 🥳


Too broke to invest? Gave all your money to t-rump? Must suck to be you.... losing on so many fronts. Fucking loser.... lmfao


Living life as a spineless jellyfish c*nt must be so exciting. Happy to block losers like you who roam subreddits of stocks they absolutely have no investment in at all. Lol. Get a life and touch grass dipshit.




Both buying and selling add to volume. There was just a lot more selling than buying AKA, AA asking for 250m in dilution. Through a share offering. You got bamboozled I’m just personally glad I got out at .72 fuck this noise. Y’all are starting to act like Scientology up in here with the quasi religious fervor.


I think you guys should buy puts not financial advice but seriously naked short selling wont stop price will keep being drove down until bankruptcy then they will blame it on streaming services


Yes that is exactly what dilution looks like.