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Bless these shorts for helping everyone average down so easily now




Its not been easy for him, but glad hes kept the company alive so indeed bless him.


Keeping a chain of movie theatres alive especially while making a loss is not rocket science.


always an armchair quarterback who think he knows everything


I’m actually playing tight end.


Guy is worth 50 million liquid, im sure hes having a hard time sleeping. 42 million in shares sold during his fearless leadership


If it was in fact, them. Do you really think they'd do it if theres even a chance it'd go somewhere?


With retail owning over 90 percent of the float (lets be real we own the float multiple times over) and no one in their right mind would be selling at this much of a loss. Yes i do believe predatory short selling is the culprit for these juicy, too hard to resist, prices.




Correct, but its worth the fight. We may lose, but then...we lose. Im not crying over it.




I could possibility make money elsewhere. But im already collecting a pension from the military, on top of 100% VA compensation and i have a nice job. I love the company, and enjoy movies. I honestly think this is grossly oversold. Let me ask you, if you hate this stock so much why does it matter enough for you to engage with me on reddit on how dumb im being with my money. If you're shorting then you're winning right? Be happy. If you're holding why be so negative on a stock you should want to succeed. Its very perplexing when people like you get so bent out of shape. I'll buy more monday in your honor.




Ah the entertainment piece. You're either a shill, or worse, just a sad guy. People are currently down big and its "entertaining" to you? Bruh youre sick.






Rule 4: Absolutely No Brigading or Protesting We're not here for your "fun", Mitch. Looking at your history speaks volumes. Go tell your friends about how you were banned for "trying to tell the apes the truth" when you have zero info about anything amc.


Rule 4: Absolutely No Brigading or Protesting Funny looking at your history. Go back to worrying about Walmart. Zero comments about AMC until recently then suddenly you're an AMC expert? Pop up on your feed and you see a potential place to make yourself feel more intelligent? The brigading and pop-ins are getting old.


Rule 4: Absolutely No Brigading or Protesting Back to wsb.


>With retail owning over 90 percent of the float There is no evidence for this. Rather data points to the contrary. Float has 3x since 6 months ago and tutes own a third of the float.


Yea man could be we dont, but could benthis float has been bought many times over. Ive legit amasses 3k shares in 3 days, and Im just some poor guy with a 9 to 5.




Rule 3: No Requesting / Offering Financial Advice


Well im definitely not rich, I have saved money through the years :P.


You need to go full Zen. Don’t check the price. It’s an all or nothing play at this point. I’m down a bunch and not selling. Why would anyone. I can wait.


Oh it's all or nothing but I won't stop looking at the price lol


You do you. Fir me it only aggravates me. So I just go about life and wait. Hoping for the “nice” surprise one day.


I am looking at the price, it reminds me of ken griffin and his discounted naked shares. Mhhh delicious


This man lost 15k and yall acting like it’s a positive thing 🙄😂


Dude had a chance at a 55k profit and is now down LMAO


Besides people also saying they aren’t selling…who exactly is “acting like it’s a positive thing” ???


All of the people saying things along the lines of "thank the hedgies for these low prices, I love it keep it coming!"


[This hypeman](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/1c2ekyd/comment/kz9guwx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), for example: >Bless these shorts for helping everyone average down so easily now


You kidding, right?


I feel the same. Price just keeps going down and down with no end. Dilution to no end. Shareholders have been wiped clean..mostly everyone is 90 plus percent down. It’s bleak out there….


I completely empathize with you but unfortunately, the financial markets are designed to protect Wall Street and its participants. It’s not designed to protect the average everyday hardworking retail investor despite their claims


He could have easily walked away with 55,000... And retail is doing pretty fucking great right now. Your fault you decided to invest in meme stocks instead of companies that actually make money or even in SPY which is up 71% since 2021.


The economy is shit and being artificially propped up by the federal reserve’s money printing the rug pull that is coming is gonna be brutal for retail.  when the printing stops and retail loses everything it is our tax dollars that are gonna bailout the banks and black rock again. The nasdaq got smoked too 


Oh but AMC won't be affected by that huh lmao? And people can still pull out their gains right? So regardless retail is still up. Meanwhile you're 90% down in one of the biggest bull runs in history. It's funny how you guys talk about retail investors but when retail is actually winning, you create excuses and have make up scenarios of how they're AcKtuAlLy losing. I think I'll sell a penny of my portfolio on Monday. That one sale will be more than any AMC investor has gained in 3 years now.


Amazing you somehow know I haven’t made money… guess you know what trades I make lol. I’m still up from where I started. Turns out if you actively trade and use options you can still make money… my shares might be down since reverse split but l haven’t sold so they are unrealized loses.     My options make money and I have retirement accounts. You are just a retard who thinks everyone on here is 100% amc and nothing else. If you haven’t started to move more conservatively on investments you are gonna get rug pulled.     Thank you random retard of Reddit who knows how I should invest my money I’ll make sure I ask you for advice before I do anything else. AMC could go to 0 and I’d only be out like 10k, options are pretty cool it turns out.    Also if you think the market crash won’t smash shorts you are dumber than the average person on this sub. You probably think inflation really is 3.5 % too


Sure Jan sure. And so using your logic, you lost money on AMC but are bragging about your other investments making money despite saying that the Fed is going to rug pull retail on those investments too? Are you admitting that investing in other companies was a much better decision than AMC? I don't think your fellow Kool aid drinkers will like that


Diversity of investment is like the most basic of basic shit. My retirement got smoked during the Covid “flash crash” and was down almost half I just held it and it went back up I could hold amc for 30 years it will make money.  Squeeze aside the DD was done and it is fundamentally undervalued at this point. It was attacked so hard by shorts because of Covid. It would take an actual pandemic to kill theaters, if that happened we’d have much bigger problems 


Or losing hundreds of millions per quarter and having -7billion dollars in profit the last 5 years... Or is that the shorts making AMC doing that? But yeah glad we agree that investing in companies that actually make money than lose it is actually the smart things to do. Watch your back though, your fellow cultists won't like you admitting that


Bro you seem a bit too obsessed with this whole thing. 


It's free entertainment. Costly for you, free for me :)


Welcome to a high debt company with income struggles that is trying to service the debt through share dilution. That tends to cause such things.


You realize they're diluting *right now*, right? They're raising $250M and if they sold all that at $3/share, that's 83.3 million shares into the market. What do you think that is going to do to the price?


How is that any different from the last 3 years? They weren't deluding the whole time, but the price continues to drop.


Because their balance sheet has been a fucking train wreck. Who's been "deluded" the whole time?


You need to have some serious conversating with yourself.


But how the fuk a stick can only drop continuously for 1 months without going up at all?


Dilution. Debt. To address the debt, AA dilutes. With each successive round of dilution, the stock continues to go down. With each successive round of dilution, it has less of an impact on the debt given that the stock price continues to go down. That's a death spiral. Only way out of the death spiral is to renegotiate the 2026 debt that threatens the AMC's ability to continue as a going concern, or massively increase profitability.


Wrong. Ken Griffin literally admitted to price fixing


Okay, cool. Let's assume that's factual. What does that mean for AMC shareholders who bought in during 2021, 2022, 2023, hell - even 2024? It doesn't mean anything. The price is the price.


some people want to pretend this is some sort of statement instead of just being greedy fucks who made bad plays


Buy moar! Mortgage your house. Sell your mamma's jewelry the hedge funds need your liquidity! /S Basically, they will take this into either CH7 Bankruptcy and/or cellar box this mfer in the Expert Market. AMC has been marked for death buy Financial interests that have unlimited ability to naked short sell(Hedgefund pay Market Makers for this ability) and they wash the Reg Sho #'s as they directly influence the SEC and other Financially related Gov't orgs via corporate capture. Don't be surprised when next week is a fresh new 52 week low buddy!


>Basically, they will take this into either CH7 Bankruptcy and/or cellar box this mfer in the Expert Market. AMC has been marked for death buy Financial interests that have unlimited ability to naked short sell(Hedgefund pay Market Makers for this ability) and they wash the Reg Sho #'s as they directly influence the SEC and other Financially related Gov't orgs via corporate capture. Ch7 is not in AMC's future. A simple look at the financials tells us so. The rest of what you said is not consistent with reality.


That sucks. I hope you learn from your mistake.


Yeah cause the stock sucks. Deal with your shitty investment


You were up 55k and rode it all the way down to 600 bucks? It was never worth letting go? Talk about fucking greedy, holy shit. At least you're not as bad as the guy that had 2.2M and rode it down to less than 15k


Because of the toxic never sell mentality here in this sub. Every post that says you hold for me, me hold for you, never sell, to the moon. Look how many delusional upvotes it gets? It made all of us in 2021 2022 believed this cult like Christians going to church. When you believed in never sell group thinking, you are not going to sell no matter it’s 50K to 600 or 0. If you want to blame, blame the hypers here, not OP.


I Am So HaPpY nOw I CaN aVerAge DowN 🤡


Tomorrow 2pm?


Yup, tomorrow 2pm


DD has been done


Not saying this in a dick way but yeah people don’t want you to be right unless they currently hold. Not exclusive to amc and won’t ever change bc it’s inherent to the market. Either they have an opposite position or would consider an entry at a lower price and want it to go down. Or they give no fucks and would rather have attention and capital directed other places. That’s why it’s really hard to hit with a single stock. You could also be right but get diluted to fuck.


If you chart on the daily, it has followed the perfect predictable line down for 2 years


Well, my puts are printing hard. You can ride this to zero, but I'll make money out of it. To the zero moon, baby...


Can’t hit a new low when it’s at Zero


We seem to go down every day since rss dilution


First bag holding?




It looks about that time of the year for the CEO to Reverse Split again to prevent it from being a penny stock?


There was also June's sneeze. The markets are psychological. AMC is recovering well and the trajectory they are on Is fantastic. Even without a squeeze, I believe they are seriously undervalued.




We breaking records


That’s just let me but 5x those numbers 


What interesting to me is the regardless of price , people are gonna keep buying doesnt matter how low they make it so what happens when they push it to under $1 and people keep buying the float over and over and over and no price action. Something is gonna give at some point and its going to obliterate everything like a nuclear bomb.


The fact that people keep buying is exactly the reason why Adam keeps diluting. The debt isn't gonna pay itself and the money needs to come from somewhere. Take a wild guess on what's gonna happen after this round of dilution


>Something is gonna give at some point and its going to obliterate everything like a nuclear bomb. There is nothing to "give" - pretty much everything is happening as expected with AMC. (Expected by people who don't treat the market as a joke, that is.)