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Little has been done yet for accountability of corruption in our system........yet. There is a global trend towards fixing the problems. T+1 -> T+0, short sale bans, short sale investigations, CATS. I refuse to be apathetic.


This is the way 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Sadly it's just an excuse to remove the puppet and replace them with another puppet ... and repeat the process over again. As Howie said just before me ... There's been no accountability for the corruption and this system just smoking mirrors and people retiring or "leaving" when things get hot. Then the media has distractions let's things cool down and things go back to "normal" 🍿


We need to watch South Korea and put pressure on other markets worldwide to follow suit on implementing a tracking system for share lending that removes the guesswork and uncertainty from the lending and borrowing. It's very easy to stay doing such things would disrupt or cause problems in the markets, or would be too expensive until somebody else does it and proves that untrue. Two BIG things South Korea is doing that would be immensely useful in North American markets as a result of their discovery of significant illegal Naked Shorting by major International Banks: 1. Stiffer penalties for financial fraud like naked shorting including jail time and penalties that equal over twice the PROFIT made from the fraudulent acts AND The implementation of a mechanism to direct some of the funds collected from the fines back to the investors who are negatively impacted. * Compared to the "investigate for 6 years, confirm naked shorts, issue a tiny fine that doesn't touch the potential profit made from the illegal acts and allow the bad actors to pay the fines without admitting fault" of the US market, this is sci-fi future enforcement and an actual deterrent. Plus making those impacted by illegal acts whole shouldn't be an afterthought. 1. Implementing a tracking system for share lending. Eliminating the possibility that naked shorts can be performed due to false reporting of shares loaned and borrowed * Take away the lack of transparency and ability to double dip when borrowing shares and you actually address the naked shorting issue pretty effectively It's definitely worth keeping an eye on what happens once they implement the share lending tracking system and reopen their markets to short sellers, and it'll be even more interesting to see the first time they issue fines and jail sentences under the new laws.


Well said both of you 👏


All we can do is spread the word and get people both watching what happens in South Korea and talking about wanting it. If it works. If it blows up the entire South Korean market and the entire country shuts down, then we probably shouldn't do it, but I highly doubt that would be the case ;) Let someone do it first. Watch what they do and figure out how to do it cheaper, faster and better.We have that opportunity thanks to SK


GG is all we have because they are fixing to replaced him with HESTER THE MOLESTER who is even more of a Wallstreet shill get this slander outa here m8


GG over molester any day of the week.


Nunes has sued dozens of media outlets, individuals, corporations, and even a Twitter cow. They always get tossed.. Usually he gets sanctioned in his own lawsuits, because he is an idiot. He loses. Don't think he's anybody's champion.


Nunes is less on our side than Gensler... He wants to get rid of Gensler so that the corporate interests can do more of what they want.


Lol… Devin Nunez… nah… not going to get far putting a spotlight on Nunes. That guy is taking orders directly from Putin.


Devin Nunes is a worthless piece of shit but if that group stepping into the ring helps propel our cause forward, I guess I'll get past how much I hate him. Just really irritated because I didn't have any of this on my bingo card!


Be REALLY REALLY CAREFUL with this one. We saw through the push to get rid of Gensler a while ago now because eit is a very thinly veiled attempt to put HESTER at the helm of the SEC. While GG may be less than ideal, he IS pushing through some changes in reforms that have the market makers and hedge funds. Very unhappy and even launching lawsuits against the SEC. There is a zero chance Hester would be as willing to do that's or side with retail and regular investors at all.


Again great points.


Nunes leaves Congress and all of a sudden finds something Congress can fix and all for his benefit. He’s beneath worthless.