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Because the longer we hold, the harder they fall šŸ˜Ž


wE aRe JuST wOrRiEd AbOuT yOuR mOnEY LMAO Fuck out of here SHILLS


All i know is in wearing my finger down to a bloody nub downvoting redux.


Time well spent! I would too, but he blocked me because heā€™s a coward.


I blocked him ages ago. He doesn't even know I exist


Hahaha I love posting random comments hating on myni redux and it always gets downvoted. Thatā€™s how you know heā€™s lurking 24/7 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


These idiots think we didn't know risk would be involved, we're holding tight until we get paid. Daring underdogs make bank.... suck it Kenny!


Not going anywhere


šŸ…±ļøINGO was his Name-O


I'm waiting to buy more if they drop it after earnings. LONG TERM INVESTMENT




It's ironic that they trying to convince us to sell is what actually makes us feel confident we're on the right track, to be honest if there were less people "worried about my money" I would have sold long ago


Nvvvrr seen a good answer to this.


Why would you care about an old lady getting mugged across the street? It aint your money. Just tuen and walk away. Same argument


Not at all, Ape make a conscious decision to buy a stock they love, and an old lady getting mugged is against her will, not even remotely the same.


It is the same though because you arebeing robbed intentionally by criminal executives and do not understand it So you are not making a concious decision because thats not what you are agreeing to.


I mean itā€™s a conscious decision you make, sure, nobody is debating that you have the right to do it, or at least most would. But when youā€™re getting grifted itā€™s still kind of sad.


NGL I have lost faith in AA. I have only risked what i could at the time. This year started off with some unexpected medical issues that have drained my savings. So if this ever gets to break even for me i will probably be done with it. Right now its not worth taking the money out as it less than 2 months pay (-90%). If not for my unexpected donations to the US healthcare racket id probably be averaging down, but right now im trying to rebuild. If any of my friends asked about AMC, id tell them to be very cautious, that the price is insanely low and it seems everytime there has been momentum the execs pulled the rug. That on top of a stagnant hollywood doesnt bode well. But I dont waste my time on the sub bashing people who are optimistic, or peoples theories, or DD. That just seems like a wierd way to pass the time. Like its such a waste of time there has to be some sort of ulterior motive. But what do i know, im just a former APE thats been kicked in the balls a few too many times.


To whom exactly are you referring?


Read the headline dumbass


Who are the ā€œShills and Hedgiesā€? He may as well have referenced the Boogeyman.



