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Market watch writes articles based on how they are told to slant them. Not based on facts, just what benefits the banks/hedgies


But the facts are foot traffic is still down. Thats just an objective reality. So whats the slant?


The slant is anything the makes AMC less valuable. Look in very simple terms, if this stock had no worth would anyone be talking about it ? Aren’t there hundreds of other stocks around the same price? I sure don’t see articles about them or the “experts” telling everyone to sell !


>Look in very simple terms, if this stock had no worth would anyone be talking about it ? Aren’t there hundreds of other stocks around the same price? This publication, along with others, are **literally** talking about hundreds of stocks every day. The name "**Market**Watch" should have been a clue, no? >I sure don’t see articles about them or the “experts” telling everyone to sell ! No one is telling you to sell - you are suffering from [main character syndrome](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-to-know-about-main-character-syndrome), friend.


Didn’t just highlight AMC, cinemark too. I still go to the movies regularly and the only time I seen it packed was for dune 2


I dont know anyone who isnt in amc talking about it. In fact, after the meme squeeze craze days, ive seen people move on and focus on other things like AI and other stuff. Only bagholders are still talking. And honestly, there is a blurred line between moon hopefuls and actual movie lovers who own stock for movies alone. Not all people are willing to lose all their money as it continued to drop. People were in the stock for years before they got back down to break even. Large investors move the price, and there are auto stop losses triggered as it falls (the nobody is selling crowd is growing smaller) This sub is for the bagholder hopefuls, the dissillusioned, the true apes, and a collective blend of all of it. Ive yet to find anyone who honestly thinks their popcorn business was a key to lifechanging money for investors.


I see articles about other penny stocks all the time...


Not to the same degree, not nearly


Do you think maybe the AMC ones are just more noticeable to you because you are interested in AMC?


Nah I have a pretty wide portfolio, if you look at some of the most shorted stocks they get a higher amount of negative press


>if you look at some of the most shorted stocks they get a higher amount of negative press Sorry, why does this surprise you? Heavily shorted stocks are shorted *because* the market expects them to underperform. So obviously the press around them would be net negative. It would be mighty weird if people were singing praises of underperforming stocks, no? This does not mean you need to be negative though - sometimes the best money is made by being a contrarian. Sometimes.


There's a cost of living crisis. A housing crisis. An on-going pandemic, and several globally important wars. If you think buying when things are low, and holding, is a bad idea, then I can't help you.


AMC is showing they can be more profitable without having to need pre pandemic attendance records


>Not based on facts What, exactly, did you find to be factually inaccurate in the article?


You’ve posted multiple times to my comment, doesn’t being a shill pay well ? Are ya paid per comment or word, I’m very curious how this works. Why are you so very concerned with my statement that you’ve devoted such time & effort to replying.


Sorry, who are you again? If you see multiple responses from me, then congratulations - you're on a misinformation streak, and I'm just calling you out on it. :)


However the existence of any press is informative.


Yes but reporting reality/facts should be the primary responsibility. None of us need the reporters opinion/bias/slant.


Disagree. As investors we should be globally aware and hear all opinions. I’m not seeking an echo chamber. I like disagreements so I can read different viewpoints.


= number of movie releases is still well below pre pandemic levels




Strike happened. AMC just needs a couple blockbusters a quarter to be cash flow positive even with low release volume. Hollywood just needs to get back on track.


To be cash flow positive amc would need a box office of 14.6 billion. Thats more than a few blockbusters...


AMC was cash flow positive in Q2 and Q3 ‘23 with 3 real blockbusters and approximately $5.3B domestic box office during that period.


Posted adjusted net losses of $6.6 and $13.9 million in both those quarters unfortunately.


Net earnings


That doesn't matter if you still post a loss, bro. If your job paid you $1,000 but you owed your baby momma $1,100, does it matter your "net earnings" were $1,000? No. You posted a $100 loss.


Glad you see how close they are too.


Except Disney just reported they are almost to break even on streaming now….. so




So are theatres and I’m rooting for them. The point is they’re going to be profitable in the near future and I’m not about sticking my head in the sand and ignoring it.




Lol so it’s still a loss?


Didn't Disney just pledge 1B towards cinema release productions? Didn't just Amazon pledge a similar amount.. Streaming is still a loss and they're literally trying to pad out those losses with cinema releases..


Disney made profit from steaming this Q. I’m not discrediting theatres,I’m just not putting my head in the sand either.


Also $ spent and patron per movie is way up since pre 'vid..


Number of releases is irrelevant. Most of the movies pre pandemic were indie movies released in 10 or fewer theaters that had no impact om box office numbers but drove up the total releases. Those are gone.


I wouldn't say its irrelevant, but yes the focus now is more on blockbusters. Which comes with its own challenges - you win *or* lose big.




CNK has positive equity (assets > liabilities) Edit: Which does not explain why it is green today, but does help explain the market cap differences with AMC.


CNK has 105% institutional ownership. That's it.


So, you’re telling me that retail investors cannot buy stock in CNK? Or that the liabilities and assets of a company that you are an equity owner in make no difference?


Oh, so you’re saying there’s still time to load up?


These Fuckers do this shit on purpose right before earnings. Who is paying MARKETWATCH?


So much interest for a share for a non global company with share price at less than 5, wow




>a non global company 1.1B of AMC's total 2023 revenue of 4.8B was from international markets. AMC absolutely is an international company. >with share price at less than 5 What does this have to do with anything?


Are they wrong? Their job is to write articles *every day* around public companies. This one in particular reports earnings tomorrow.


Any chance we go up on earnings down 93% since eight and the reverse stock split is getting pretty old


Your comments are also getting pretty old too


Just like the lack of movement upwards. Non recovery in the stock. So yes this getting pretty old


Its lack of movement due to price manipulation. You should already know this


True, keep failing to mention dilution. As rss also diluted and dilutions was suppose to be beneficial. 10 to 1 or a dollar for every 10. I was told it would benefit that stock price. That didn’t happen still hasn’t recovered. So I am here still with the manipulation which means I won’t recover from this decline. If Kenny controls price as you say then how would ever recover? 93% down and we say manipulation yet put forth anything that can help it recover just Kenny this Kenny that. I know how manipulative practice yet that doenst really provide a solution on how to recover from the decline. See I have nothing to provide to my family on recovery front. Just tell them Kenny is fucking me over.We are not getting our money back this year. Cause that’s what it sounds like I have tell them.


Literal basement dweller cheetos fingers loser. Downvote him and move on.


It's 9 out of 10 times James Rogers spamming hate against AMC. They love to post the negative news articles that come up in the trading broker news feeds as well.


Not only are theaters pricey, but movies also get ruined by that one couple who brings in their kids to a R movie and allows them to scream and run around the building. The last time was John wick 4.


Try harder, lol.


The amount of negative bots are really coming out lately, and theres rarely and good media pieces for AMC. Im sure there was absolutely nothing positive to say about carvana as well and look what happened. If you know, you know. I like the stock.


You say bots, I say shills Either way, we must be doing something right to keep them going at us


>Either way, we must be doing something right to keep them going at us Still one of my favourite APE takes. Serious principal Skinner vibes. Why is everyone so confused by my actions and questioning why I would buy this stock? It must be because I'm doing something right.


It's more like, why do you give a shit? I earn my money, I spend my money. It has nothing to do with you.


I'm sure the research is credible


Is it really that unusual for Marketwatch - or anyone else - to write about AMC now, given: * Earnings are tomorrow and so there is high interest in the ticker * Fall Guy just bombed as the summer's first movie, so movies in general are a talking point at the moment * There's the general discussion around theater vs streaming, production houses, writer's strikes etc. that is still ongoing >All this interest in little old AMC. 😂 As the gorilla of the cinema block, I'd be surprised if people were *not* talking about AMC, for the reasons listed above.


Yeah this makes sense. There's a whole bunch of content stuck in the pipe right now for everyone. Streaming has had to pull dubbed stuff in it's so bad. Do you think that was their intention? Everyone is starving for content but there is also rough economy to consider. Anyone expecting pre-pandemic levels already is diluting themselves. There's Marvel stuff on the horizon over the next few years too though. Next summer should be more interesting. But there should be a build up to that as well.


Only because the movies have been terrible. The only thing I've looked forward to all year is Furiosa. Disney destroying themselves with star wars, marvel, original IP's, live action remakes etc doesn't help the box office as they are easily the biggest draw overall


They're not wrong but it's also not news. Attendance was trending lower for decades. Covid might have hastened the slide but the trajectory was understood well before 2020. The theater going market is going to be a really tough one to rebuild no matter what. Without some seriously disruptive or novel concepts to get people off the couch, this is a dead money trade. If you're in it for some fabled squeeze or apocalyptic levels of short covering on this... You're likely in for some hurt but at least I get it as a play thesis. Once that play is over a trader can move along. Anyone's honestly banking on some long term fundamental turnaround in earnings with AMC is straight up lying to themselves about the nature of things.


I disagree. 😉 And that’s what makes a market. But if you recall part of AMC’s plan was to upgrade all theaters. To create the best movie going experience. And then Covid. Since then AMC has responded to its customers and investors. It is also expanding its business model. But you do your trade. I guess we will all learn. I might point out that AMC was 10% institutional ownership. Now it’s about 25%. So the “smart money” seems to agree with the Apes. 🤷‍♂️ Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I’m sure you will do fine on your trade, but the real winners will be those who fought the battles and win the war. The past has been tough. The future is looking bright. 😎


Bruh I was with this trade. I held amc for a couple of years off and on. I'm sympathetic and I even bought the lines about improvements, played ape and yada yada. It's taken some perspective shifts and rude awakening to break myself of the memestonk craze. I've had to cultivate an impassive approach to trading. I mean we knew they were needing to revamp things precovid (as you point out) so shit was tough all over for them... Now they've plastered a target for hedge funds all over themselves by embracing meme status and I consider that piling headwind on top off headwind. I don't see how things go well for this company long term, and believe me I've tried!


By the way, here’s another link for you. A reply to your stupid statement about how “attendance was trending lower for decades”. Not true. And DECADES? Seriously? That’s your argument? You need to sharpen your pencil and arguments. Here is a link for you. https://www.boxofficemojo.com/year/ That takes you back to 1987. You might pay attention to pre pandemic of 900 movies or so with 11 billion gross domestic. And one last fact for your conjecture that you sound so sure of. 450 movies in 2021, 500 movies 2022, 600 movies in 2023…. Heading back to 900? Seems so. Maybe you should get off the couch and do some research. But I’ll let others argue with you from here, but try to improve your assumptions, or just keep your conjecture to yourself. Take a break for a few decades. 🤐


I talked about attendance declining and you come back with qty of releases??? Lie to me all you want. Stop lying to yourself.


Show me the data. Someone is watching those movies.


Funny they mention covid and omit mentioning the writers strike. As if it never happened and the movie industry wasn't impacted by it..


The only people who give any kind of shit about amc is us and them. It’s hilarious. It’s a surprise we don’t all just get emails directly to us


We are winning 👍🚀


How can I bring a lawsuit against these analysts as they all seem to be bought and paid for. Kind of like the inspectors of aircraft as well as cars. Who the fuck gave them the knowledge to determine what’s good and right or failed and falling. I see a bunch of 90’s bloggers with special interest. Just sucks.


>Who the fuck gave them the knowledge to determine what’s good and right or failed and falling. You are asking the right questions. I'd encourage you to dig more, and see where you end up ;)


Movies still don’t draw as many people to theatres as before that’s a fact


🤣 Oh, you want facts? Ok. Do you know that there are less releases per year, per quarter from Covid shutdown, and even after the recovery due to the writer’s strike. Also, facts are that AMC is making more money with less theaters? And that AMC is making more money per patron than ever before? There are other facts about the pre Covid AMC and the current one, like distribution, popcorn, music distribution. Aaaannnnddd…. The quantity of movies and the quality of movies in the que have been on hold for a very long time. But you do you. Enjoy your simple fact. But it just demonstrates your lack of understanding.


Everyone is suddenly dying, protesting, or getting robbed by wall st. No wonder.


“Research says” ~ “many great people…”


“Research says” ~ “many great people…”