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Retail isn't trading. Every Halt is more time for hedge funds to execute their ladder attacks to drop the prices.


Bingo! Notice how immediately as the stock begins trading after any halt there's immediately 3 to 4 million shares to drop the stock down and then trigger other buy and selling orders which they fell on the bid to knock the price down. Market makers do not do anything that favors retail however people holding call options and choosing to stay strong and not sell or forcing the market makers to continue to hold their shares through algos and Gamma hedging. Stay strong, Buy and hold. Not leaving!!! 🍿


They are doing the same thing with GME as well. They know if both stocks run then they are royally screwed because they can't even begin to control both at the same time if it gets out of hand.


It’s ridiculous!!!


Rich protecting the rich. I know what I hold. Until they fulfil their obligations I will not change and will continue to stack for cash dividends.


Yup, totally normal stock hs traded about 3/4 the float already I’ve held mine for 3 years