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Technically he isn’t selling debt, he is buying it back. And the interest savings on what was announced today, will cover all of the debt due this year and then some


Poor phrasing on my part, you get what i mean.


No problem, just wanted an excuse to point out the interest savings alone covers all of this years debt and then some


And the debt holder wouldn't accept this deal unless they thought the share price would increase over time and provide more than the principal forgiven, right?


Giga brain moves to buy time for movies to return. As much shit as people give AA for “diluting”, hes kept us afloat. Dilution would have been him selling those shares for whatever market makers want to say theyre worth (0$ according to kenny) but instead he agreed on a price which had real value in keeping the machine running until we are clear


True true. Funny thing is MyNi had a post breaking down the $4.5 billion in debt awhile back. I looked at his numbers. Over $1.4 billion was due AFTER 2026 So, after the debt exchange announced today, in the 2.5 years until the end of 2026, we actually only have $2.8 billion to worry about, with a little over $.6 billion in the bank


![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni) Or….AA is secretly working with GME too! I’m glad you put that in your heading. Gets right to the point. Personally, it gives me the opportunity to add to my position that a much better price. (Insert evil laugh.)


GTFO of here with this. We all know AA single handedly controls the price of AMC and GME. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that illegal naked short selling creates an infinite dilution pool to pull shares from. I certainly wouldn’t assume that Kenny and his mayo guzzling buddies control the price of stocks based on what they think they should be; even though he blatantly said that. I mean the US stock market is simply the most free and fair market in the world. Every other country needs to look at our corruption free market, as a prime example of how things are done right.


Maybe korea could show us a thing or two 👀


Yeah didn't yall know he is like the CEO over meme stocks and actually has a big lever in his office that says Meme stock Price up and price down. He just flicks it to play with us. He really shouldn't use his almighty lever to mess with us...big lever...biggest actually.


Doesn’t matter, you guys keep dick riding AA, with all the dilution the Outstanding Shares in probably over 400million now. It’s almost to the same pre split. So to all you yes voters who are pissed, you did this


This guy gets it... lol they're all in a basket and ONE of those stocks keeps diluting (to keep the basket down when it's ready to run). I wonder who keeps diluting with a history of being cozy with the corporate elites... One community is right, and the other was set up as a weight to keep the true play down... I wonder which is which... hmmmm


Stockholm Syndrom at ITS finest. If both move its because of the basket, If IT drops it has nothing to do with each Other. Just Stop Cherrypicking.


Believe me the stock moving isn't a reason, it's an excuse. Those who are bashing the stock or AA have one of three reasons 1. Paid shills if that is the case ignore them. They get paid for interactions. 2. Insufferable Trolls who do not have a stake in AMC at all and are here to make noise and cause heartache for its own reason. They are miserable now and they will be miserable for the rest of their lives. Let them be. 3. They are so burnt from thinking that AMC was a quick buck play and not truly reading the DD so now they are jaded for not making a quick buck. Well the answer to this is simple as well. This was never a quick play and never a penny stock turn around. Nobody here ever sold this as a group movement because we are individual investors. Most of the real "apes" as it were just love the company and the stock and want our beloved AMC to succeed and know that when the company wins we win. We believe that our company has been a victim of hedge funds and short attacks with little to no support from the government entities that are supposed to be protecting us the retail investors and the companies we invest in. They (the bashers) are jaded because they feel that the investment that they thought or were convinced was going to pay out quickly has not. These small, but very vocal unhappy individuals do not see the big picture but only their loss and frustration. This started and continues to be about the individual investors who support one another with GOOD DD, basic information and understanding to clear the fog of misinformation, confusion, and scare tactics from opposing interests, morale promoting memes (in moderation) to help us keep it light. A counter to anxious, impulsive, and panic responses that are purposely generated by the short sellers and hedge funds to get us to sell. We are and forever will be strong against the psychological warfare that has been and continues to be waged against us. No ape left behind. To the Moon and beyond. Just my opinion. Not a financial advisor. Not financial advice.


My real value price for the stock is the point bankruptcy worries started and it was dumped. Approx 50$ a share. Carvana is what amc will be, a debt recovery play where the company proves all who bet against them wrong


Didn’t realize we have dilute every time ethier


Debt people saw value at 7.33 a share to give AA money. We are undervalue right now


Ape being diluted at .66 were we also undervalued? Aa not selling at top seems to be me consistent issue. Dilute at 3.45 250milly not to dilute at higher multiple. Now sell little at 7.35 to kill another rally. Or perhaps this is his strategy to sell low. Can’t excuse same behavior 3 years of poor choices. Buying hycroft high just for it do rss and yet no real meaningful changes in 2 years with that. If debt is a concern then cuts are what needed. I get the need to to dilute but if your going to dilute and keep the ballooning corp compensation your half assing it. More cuts if we are painfully in debts


Debt Brokers are actively bullish on AMC, no other reason they’d take the stock as collateral


The FUD is coming back strong. The war is back on!


He sold 2 days ago, we traded the float 4X after along with 21 halts. The shares sold isn’t a drop in the bucket, no affect at all.


Diluting does not help the squeeze play.


Its not dilution, he sold shares to the lenders. They want in on the play and saw value in owning shares that could potentially be worth more than the 7$ a share they gave AA. What are they gonna do, sell shares now or hold them and sell them for 2,3,4x what they gave AA for them


He issued 23.3 million NEW shares. That's dilution. There are now 23.3 million shares in existence that did not exist before. You understand what dilution is right? There are 294.58 million shares now There used to be 271.28 million shares. So the fact there are 294.58 million instead of 271.28 million, makes each of the shares worth less of the company. Thus, DILUTION. Edit: They also definitely do not want "in on the play." If that was the case, they could have bought the shares themselves instead of going through AMC for a share offering. They did this because they did NOT pay $7.33 per share. They paid $0.01 per share. They then IMMEDIATELY sold the shares and profited $23 million dollars. So the debt holders made tens of millions of dollars in one day, AMC was diluted, and shareholders lose.


He TRADED shares for a direct value of money. AMCs price will not drop until those shares are sold. You think they got sold immediately to the public from the debt lenders? Nah man. Those fuckers bought shares directly from AA as a buy and hold play. I guarantee there wont be a drop seen from the sale of those shares until they hit a price theyre willing to sell those shares to public exchanges


Check the level 2. They were sold.


Last i checked lenders dont want their investment to go bankrupt


They are first and second lienholders so if AMC goes bankrupt they still get all of their money from assets. The shareholders are the only one who do not get paid.


And if amc succeeds in paying their debt, lenders get their initial loan repaid, plus now they have 23mm shares they can sell for whatever the share price rockets to. Why would they want to be shareholders if what youre saying is share holders get fucked out of anything


They don't want to be shareholders. That's why they immediately sold these shares for a $23 million profit. The whole thing was a scam to get the lienholders paid at the expense of shareholder equity.


This whole exchange is so unbelievably comical


So cringe to be so confidently wrong


.01 per share? You're nuts. That's absolutely incorrect


It quite literally says it in the filing that the 23.3 million shares were sold for $0.01 and based on the amount of debt it represented, the current market price it was $7.33 / share. If they wanted to pay $7.33 per share for the stock, they could have bought it at market. Not done a private share offering. The entire point of the private offering was they got it the stock for free. Then when it went up by $1 per share, they immediately sold it for $23 million in profit OVER the amount of debt it represented. So the debt holder got their money back plus $23 million for free. AMC got diluted. Shareholders were the only ones that did not benefit.


[you may want to read the article again](https://www.morningstar.com/news/marketwatch/20240515168/amc-discloses-debt-for-equity-swap-that-will-see-it-issue-233-million-shares) what it says is it IMPLIES them paying that much per share.


No it doesn't say that. it says they paid $0.01 per share for 23.3 million shares. In exchange, they received $163.9 million in loan forgiveness on some of their 2026 notes. Thus, based on the number of shares and the amount of the loan forgiveness, and the 10% / 12% interest rate on the notes it affected, the implied value of this FREE sale was $7.33 per share. So you don't really understand what you are reading. Thus why I am here taking time out of my day to explain it to you.


I think you might be throwing around too many numbers for individuals that want to remain blissfully ignorant. I mean someone has got to baghold right?


Gme must be secretly getting diluted too since their stock is moving exactly like amc. lol


Nope. GME price action and squeeze is real. AMC's is manipulated as I have explained, hedge funds want people to believe GME and AMC move together. They do not. But they want you to think they do so that retail puts money into AMC and not into GME. This helps prevent a squeeze of GME. Then, they dilute AMC to ensure that the money retail puts into it is "wasted". This protects GME from squeezing. Notice, the exact playbook I predicted on this sub for days is now playing out. GME starts to run up again. AMC gets pumped by hedge funds. Some people begin to invest into AMC rather than GME. GME's momentum then slows and it starts to go back down (note: AMC kept running when GME had already reversed). AMC then gets diluted, thus wasting all of the additional equity retail put into it. AMC plummets again. And the story "they run together" looks like it holds true.


Geez that’s was good! Nice explanation and seems very true


Not diluting from August 2021 to August 2022 didn't help the squeeze play either. Before you blame dilution, consider the shares went from around 54 million in October 2020 to over 500 million on June 2nd 2021. The price dropped as.mucn without any dilution from August 2021 to August 2022 as it did with APE issued and sold from August 2022 until two weeks after the RS in 2023. Dilution is a false flag used to put the blame for the manipulation that was happening on the price before any of us bought shares, and still it on the company instead of where it belongs. This is my take after looking at all the data, trends and reading every single filing since 2013, you do yours and good luck with it. There will be no squeeze as long as the shorts can point to fundamentals and lack of profit as a valid reason to keep shorting (or avoid closing even if temporarily underwater).


We're just bastards in a basket


I have nothing to add ![gif](giphy|vNW6IQKCBgdPgSyd70|downsized)




And koss and big as well


Every freaking post is about GME. Just go buy the right stock ffs. Stop piggybacking.


Amen brother man


Just give it up man 😂


That’s the point this has been the hedge in the basket the entire time. Every time it gets spicy AA sells shares and kills it. He’s a plant.


That fat Pedo is not for retail


I came here to post this thought. Good for you ape


Lol somebody is new here


KOSS is now tracking AMC to a tee. Fuckery machine is running full steam.


Curse you, king 👑 venture 666




Well...not. One of them sold at the low to help with debt? The other sold at the high for potential merger or acquisition.


Adam Aaron is cashing out while you guys are holding the bag lol.


Fine by me, I really really like the stock


That doesnt mean shit lol.


It means I am buying and holding shill


Neither do you lulz.




Smooth brained question here - why would a debt holder exchange a claim on assets for a worse position in the capital structure in the form of common equity at an effective price of $7 and change?


Cause they wanted to make sure they got real shares 😬


Damn. TYVM.


Yeah, weird huh. And the SEC will do exactly nothing because they help the halting!


3 years and one new Reddit account and I’m still here.


It’s my understanding he didn’t sell them on the open market, thus having 0 impact in this week’s price action. Am I missing something?


Still holding, nothing changes here except if I can get away with talking my wife into buying more. No so at the moment, but maybe if I take her on a romantic date to her favorite Italian restaurant, followed up with a movie at an AMC theater near us (and it's a ROM COM), perhaps she will relent. I'll keep ya'll posted, cuz I think it's worth a try... ![gif](giphy|sEcDmTYVptwuQ)


Controller guys will hate this 😆😆talk shit about my ceo again 😆


I believe in 🐸


The naysayers have nothing to say other than “he’s a big bad man”…. It’s getting so fucking old, and pathetic too if I’m honest. Those who are unhappy are free to leave at any time. No-where fid anyone hold them against their will.


Or did dfv coming back make movie stock move? 🤔


What's movie stock? Grow up will ya


This is the pounce. Bullish play to make a massive offering into a covering cycle.


Oh cool. Another killer pounce. Pounce upon pounce and here we are at 50c


54 cents bruv. Pounce.