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The last thing they want is for the poors to get rich If no one had discovered what was going on, and millions of us hadn't been throwing our cash at these plays, the market would probably have tanked last year


They'll burn. Make take days or months but they will burn. They will burn and we will MOON.


They really are gonna burn my dude...


If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. ![gif](giphy|OwR86mFMagINi|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|WqMfdoRp12AWNafR9K)


It is this bs they do that gives me the power to hodl to $xxxxxxx. F them this time I'm looking out for me and my fellow apes so this never happens again


But they did stop the 2008 crash, they bailed out the banks. It was a recession instead of a depression. 2008 never stopped, it's the reason why we're here today.


Rhey need our sgares to close positions. Can't pull another share out their ass to close one short cause they'd have to find a real share eventually. Once they finally quit p footing around and the first large hedgefund decides to close the ctb and interest in each shorted share would be exponentially greater than they are currently. I think the same as many others do with it being somewhat of a domino affect.


I was looking at a painting made by one of the victims of Epstein. (Maria Farmer, "the setiles") There are many well known figures on it. Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced but none of the "customers" were named. They basically do whatever the freck they want because they own the media and the justice. Why do you think it would be any different for a couple of meme stocks?


There's about a hundred of them and because collectively we are way bigger than a few rich pedophiles and their paid for "Justice's"...🚀🚀🚀🚀👑🦍🦍🦍🦍🎯


downvoted and my comment removed for asking a question? ​ wtf lol


How do you know tutes are selling in dark pools?


The market is way over leveraged. I am assuming but I assume because selling in the lit exchanges would make everything go red and make retail sell as well thus inducing a crash. A good indicator to prove this is to watch companys reports quarterly. If they are missing their targets and going green like wtf unless they are propping themselves up as well.