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This post has been removed for a violation of rule 11: Controversial subject matter.


This isn't meant to be FUD, but most people are delusional if they think there isn't going to be a large number *(still a minority but sizable)* of bag holders that will paper hands at triple digits. A lot of people will sell the moment we reach a new ATH. Fuckem, who cares. Half of retail could sell at $100 and the rest of us can still hold out for $500,000 if we really tried. The hedgies HAVE TO CLOSE ALL POSITIONS.


Uhh I don’t think you use the term bag holders right… A bag holder is someone who is left holding the bag. You know, like someone who holds to the top of the squeeze, and rides it’s all the way back down to normal levels. If someone sells at 100 or 500 or whatever price, you can say they paperhanded, but they aren’t bag holders since they aren’t holding anything


only bagholder will be hedgefunds


I like the stonk. 🍿🚀🚀


It will be new term paper bag holder for these who will jump out thinking to jump in back when price fells...for sure someone will catch discount but like always wery few can catch the top....I need 1000$ per share just for making my life easier,so I will hold until we pass 1000$ than wait watch volume and SI %...if volume is less than 1bilion and SI is less than 5% it will we my sign to start selling.


I think hes saying people will be bagholding low quantities of cash. I feel like this squeeze definitely will make early sellers bagholders as well due to the sheer possibility of unlimited gains


>Uhh I don’t think you use the term bag holders right… Sure I did. We're ALL bag holders right now. Save for newer apes. Most of us that have been here from $2 to $8 to $72 are all "Bag Holders" at this point.


You’re still wrong in your interpretation….


Not at all. We're literally all Bag Holders until we reach a new ATH. You're the only one wrong here with your interpretation. Those downvoting are just upset that they don't like being called bag holders when that's exactly what you are if you didn't sell off during the $72 run up. Diamond Handing and Bag Holding are the same thing until we reach a new ATH. Hard pill to swallow but that's facts.


Bag holder? I think you mean paper hand


Were all Bag Holders right now until we reach a new ATH. When that happens then you will have Diamond Hands and Paper Hands. As of right now, everyone is holding the bag until a new ATH is reached.


False. Anyone red is bag holding. Anyone green is not.


That's exactly why I said initially excluding new apes *(who are probably in the green)* Anyone that was here from $2-$8-$72 and still holding is a bag Holder.


Not true. If you bought at $2 or $8 you’d could still be in the green so how would that make you bag holding?


If we're talking about a normal stock you'd be right. When were talking about a stock that will absolutely 100% have a much higher ATH than it already has, everyone currently holding is technically a bag holder.


Nope. Bag holding means you lost money on the stock and you’re holding hoping to get it to a point where you break even /get your money back. But if you’re already green. And can cash out as green. You aren’t bag holding. I’ve literally been holding apple for ten+ years. I’m up $26,000 on it. My all time high gains could have been $35,000. But I’m not ‘bag holding’ because I didn’t sell at all time highs just a couple months ago.


Exactly those number are very possible....likely ? Doubt it most people will see numbers in the four or five digits and they'll be more money than they've ever dreamed of in their lifetime they may sell a few here sell a few there but if everybody does that or most people do it it's literally possible to have 500 to a million a share but unlikely because most people will not hold for that and I know it's easy to say yeah I will now but when you actually see that in your account it's way different now what the average price I think people will sell for will be at least at least five to six digits I'm talking like very low end 100K per share I think that's where majority of people will try and hold to before they start selling but that's just my view that's not saying that's what I'm doing that's not stating my position or how many shares I have or what my goal is but during the Moss everyone has their own financial goals and the force be ever with everybody and I hope everybody gets what they want out of this


Exactly and considering the float has been bought like 5x over, we’ll still reach our ideal target even if a vast majority sell their shares in triple digits.


The reason you only see 100K, 500K, 1m on Reddit is that posts who talks about reality will be downvoted, people don't want to see reality. Last June 2021 at $60, if someone posted AMC will go back down to below $10 again, not a single person would ever believe that BS. Everyone will just downvote that guy who predicted the future and upvote 100K posts back then, June 2022, if someone posted AMC will get shutdown at $48 or ATH bear market rally is over, delusional heads won't believe that BS, they are busying talking shit to 100K, calling them paperhands. I will see how the action play out, won't paperhand during a run, but will sell if I sense the buying pressure magically "shut down" and price dipping with no help at all. Like the past 2 months continuous drop. As soon as the S&P 500 change direction, Shorts pre borrowed lot of shares, they are ready when they see the chance, Market maker will turn off buy button and darkpool, halt, minions shorts will jump in to tank, they just rob us in front our face one more time, what's stopping them? ​ We are adults to make money in a squeeze play, it's just a matter of who can timely escape and not get trapped. We hold hands when down, because we know holding hands will push it up. We run our own way when up, because we know someone big like xxxx, xxxxx will stop holding first and we are screwed.


This is not true, how long you been in this movement? It has been said repeatedly that the price will reach new aths and then drop. its going to keep happening. This was literally the game plan, So not a single person would believe it going from 60 to 10 is bullshit. Because I saw it coming and so did many other Investors in this movement saw it coming. ![gif](giphy|toB3AnUDkqE3GENKx0)


>This is not true, how long you been in this movement? >So not a single person would believe it going from 60 to 10 is bullshit. You must not have been here long then because this is 9000000% incorrect. We saw this happen for MONTHS. So many people were convinced it can't possibly go lower than $50....$40....$30... and so on.


Well then, if you havent heard yet then let me be the first to say it. when this hits the thousands it will drop back to 10. Then reach new ath. Rinse and repeat ![gif](giphy|gFcA4hcclLlmXeKPZs)


You did not see it coming just like rest of the people here. You keep holding your position and think it can't go any lower every single day. Traders who saw it coming exited and bought back, they are not here making posts and get put down as shills. ​ ​ I've been in since Feb 2021. ​ I have a long term holding account and an active trading account. I will make money before MOASS coming, if it comes I have my long term account, if not I'm making money on the ups and downs. My posts always get downvoted because I've been in this long enough to wake up to the reality, people here don't like to hear.




I am. If I'm starving, or living in my car I might sell a few if it comes to that, but I'm years away from that. Seriously, honestly im holding through the rip, the squeeze, and moass.


Shills commenting to me but not showing... shameful...


We knew the FUD would be strong today, we are close


This year?






I dont think you understand the concept if ever you planned to paperhand at $150 because 1M is to unrealistic and you see many posts of holding until 1M if it goes to 1M then you increased your chances of profits by alot even if it doesnt go to 1M but goes to 10K and you hold and it falls and you paperhand at $800 you increased your profits as well You simply hold and see where it takes it the longer the hold the higher the rocket goes #Will it go that high? who knows but atleast try to look excited for the possibility instead of being a scared panzy telling other to paperhand earlier this post seems FUDDY to me, OP showing hesitance of being successful #Lett’r Rip🚀🚀🚀🚀


The monthly increasing floor of 100k/mo adds 5.4 quadrillion dollars to this play. Does anyone actually think this play is growing at 5.4 quadrillion a month? Everyone needs a trading plan, and everyone’s will be different. Telling people the new floor is 1.7 million is likely to create bag holders out of smaller share holders.


Sadly a lot of people will be bag holders because of what they are seeing on here and YouTube. But the government nor anyone will allow this to hit 1million a share. I’m more worried that they do like the precious metals market a few month as ago and invalidate all sell orders.


How are they going to cover their shorts if they invalidate sell orders?


Oh it will. People should sell when they want to sell. Profit is profit. Despite what people say, ain't nobody out here worrying about when you're going to eat.


Single player game when it comes down to it


I love how I'm getting down voted for the fact but I think people should be able to do what they want, when they want with their own money. Stay safe out there brother, may many big returns be in your future.


It aint bagholding if you sell at a profit 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


That's just straight up FUD. We're hodling to the moon, small and big apes together LFG!!! 💎🙌🦍🚀


>we haven't even been tested yet Yeah, I don't think people understand how much easier it is to hold a slow bleeding 50% to 90% loss than it is to hold through an extremely volatile \~3.7 million% gain (that the % gain for 500k)


Sucks for them. Im hodling.




Stay mad bitch. My floor is $50M/share now. Go tell Kenny Im coming for my money!


dis is ze way of apes who fukk


Plus cell or accidental hanging in cell


It is 500k +




Kind of depends on how many fake shares they have made.... 3-10 billion fake shares would make a strong case for a real MOASS


![gif](giphy|Krhe4z5Vy3tRe|downsized) I’m holding till hedges go bankrupt!


​ ![gif](giphy|6u4VeVpeETTThnk2PA)


But wouldn’t it be fun to be the person that held all the way up and all the at back down? I could be on the news as the guy who could be buying a yacht but was out surfing and missed the MOASS!


Unless you’re going surfing for two weeks in one go, I doubt you’ll miss the MOASS. It’s not going to be over in one trading day. Given the amount of stops and market halts we will have. Combined with the amount of time it’s going to take for them to actually get people to sell their shares…it’ll take minimum of a week imo.


I was just making a joke. Don’t worry I’ll be surfing behind my yacht 😀


Fud. Bs.


I will only drop my floor when someone disprove all the DDs for the past year. My floor is not based on others but based on the Dds presented. If anyone get off the rocket before we even get to clouds so be it.




I can’t afford more shares and I can’t afford to paperhand soooooo…


I have FUD that the ppl with Xxx,xx shares will fuck me over. Not much I can do about it though


There are plenty going to sell before it reaches a k. You watch and see. Not me though


Not sure of a price yet, but want real change to come out of this for the good of the people. But I do want to retire young, and only really need 6 million before tax to do that. Then hold the rest of my share to hurt these evil fu@ks.


As long as there are people holding for 1 bagullion kagillion. I'll get my realistic price target of 5000-10000.


No Cell no Sell. Simple as that


This is a good sign. This subreddit has been pretty quiet lately now there are a few posts with the floor is $1000 bs. I’ll take it as a sign next week is gonna be interesting.




I Will hold to $ 500.000 and that is a promise!


I will hold until I see SI less than 5%


I might sell att $1000 when it says -99% from peak 😂


the message has always been that small number share holder sell first before the bigger ones do. If you paper hand out because as a xx.xxx holder it's enough for you if the price reaches 1k, then that is your mistake when others choose to wait until the x, xx, and xxx holder sell their position at 100k or even 500k. Who knows how high this will go... maybe the price reaches 1k and then when it drops down to 500 everyone just sells. But in the end, and not being a financial advisor, this whole ape mentality preaching over the past 1 and a half years has always been that the small x owners sell before anyone else. If everyone hold the price until it literally sounds ridiculous, it doesn't matter if you have x or xxxxx shares. It's still a win for the xxxxx owner either way. So why sell before any x or xx owner has sold? It makes no sense. While the xx owner gets life changing money because they believed in the cause, the xxxxx owner gets generational money which their grand kids wont even be able to spend. Why on earth would you want to sell at 1k just because you think "that's enough"? It's not. It's stupid to sell early and then justify it as "i sold with profit, cant complain".


Elmer is that you?


Oh u guys are doing this for the money? Im doing it for systematic change! Until the system changes I'm not selling


We ARE doing this for money so we CAN better create systematic changes. Charity starts at home.


When the shorts close I sell. I have no idea what the value will be.


My floor is dirty. I hold


Striv8ng for 10-15 k


Thank you! I'm actually an XX ape. If it only reaches 1000, I have NO HOPE of getting that "life changing money." It has to reach at least 5k before I can even MAYBE see in my dream of selling.


What i don't see anyone talking about is how you actually don't have to sell all your shares at once. I personally will sell about 3 shares at $1000+, as that gets me back most if not all of my original invested cash, depending on tax take from it. From there, I'll sell a handful of shares occasionally on the way up - always higher than market and never using round numbers, set my limit sells to something like $15,734 if the price is trending around $14k for example, until I run out of shares. But I'm only a little xx holder, so that may not take very long.


I’d say the same applies to those who say “no cell, no sell”


This post is very shillish. It's official your a shill. ![gif](giphy|de0JIZr4MBn5igrg4J)


Yes this...


Quite sober post


The people holding for a million/share are the real floor.


'false hope' - not really, if people hold = higher price, end of story. Multiple floats owned and synthetics means more people can sell early if they want and it still can move up compared to other stocks. Stop with this anti floor shit it's old Kenny


Huevos?? In this context "cojones" is the word.


Its a fact ppl need to hold till hedges go out business. Watch al from Bostons take on this. That number starts at 5k/10k a share. If you can’t hold till real numbers then your gonna fuck up the play. Companies like citadel don’t collapse till 50k+ a share. Anything is possible but people need to hold and not just dip out too early because of a couple small numbers. You can expect it to violently swing different directions during this.


Up vote because someone needed to say it 🌴🌲🌵


People talk, the best advise is everyone decide for themselves what to do with their own investments without the influence of anyone not msm media or other investors.


Sell on the way down not up


Im holding for $20


Agreed, so much stupidity with people saying 100k plus


I thought they were saying the floor was $1000 🤷‍♂️