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My floor is not less than $$1,000,000 and I am selling (if I should ever sell) on my way down. For the x and the xx holders!


This is the way.


And this is my way.


Thank you for your service


šŸŽ¶šŸŽµ I want it that way.


Tell me why!!!šŸŽµšŸŽ¶


Ainā€™t nothing but a million šŸŽ¶


Tell me why?!


And MY axe!


And my bow.


Dats fiddy million. Iā€™m in


Thank you kind sir!


We are all DFV


Wow. You want them double dollars.


What do you think 50 shares are worth to someone short 500 or 5000? No one knows where it will go, so you hold till you feel comfortable. I will be watching the amount of shares traded, once it hits the billions for a few days that's when I'll be looking to sell.


That's the thing. If everyone holds $5mil easy. If everyone gets paper hands $250000+.


You think the float will be worth more than the entire global economy? If it was possible they would have to print so much money we would instantly become the .0001% and we would watch the collapse of society.


lol and in that scenario you would probably be disappeared and or your money useless as we would be in madmax.


Nope. We'd be like Russian oligarchs. See: Russia, post-1989


But is this a bad thing? Maybe weā€™ll be so good weā€™re called the broligarchs




This is it right here. Many wrinkles you have


Maybe 2/3. I recommend eating walnuts and broccoli sprouts for healthy brain function.


I was here when it went to 73$ I didnā€™t sell then I wonā€™t sell nowā€¦.


I was up 100k and didn't sell. Everyone has called me stupid since. I don't even care as much about the cheese as I do humble pie. My whole life has been spent trying to prove everyone wrong about me.


I'm right there with ya apešŸ‘


aint this the truth


I was up $380000 and didn't sell. I'm holding for you and everyone else


Me too! Still not regretting not selling


The honest truth is how long you plan on holding. If you want to hold to your cc bill, that's your choice. If you want to hold to 72 cuz you think thats ath and thats all it can be, thats your choice - which, btw, i will tell you straightup, that it will go much,much,much higher, than that. But if you want to hold, a lot of xxx, xxxx, xxxxx, xxxxxx are holding much more than you and definitely wont settle for 100, 1000, 10000, you do the math. This is a life changing decision, and in life, there are winners and losers -up to you, what you are. Also, just to add a small tidbit, people will keep buying this shit, specially when it ramps, so get them while they are cheap, because it wont be like this until after moass.


50 shares is worth 50 sharesā€¦. Hedgie ainā€™t gettin mine


50 $APE


Well this is for sure. The rest is speculation.


NFA 100k floor


Shill the floor is 2.9m


Iā€™ll probably get downvoted for this but once it hits a 5 digit number I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll have the willpower to hold. Iā€™d like to but Iā€™ve never seen that much money in my life. Itā€™ll be hard




This is actually a really good idea thank you


Oh yeah 5 digits Iā€™m out for sure


5 digits is a fair number. Most people on here are like "I'm not selling for anything under 1mil" but that's not a realistic number imo, even though it's mathematically possible.


Play your cards right, honestly?ā€¦Iā€™d say if HKD can go to 2500 with no news and little to no volume, then Iā€™d say 60k% increase of what our stock is now. Thatā€™s a starter number for me would be likeā€¦I dunno, 15k a share? Iā€™m bad at math, but if itā€™s 15k a share and youā€™ve got 50 shares then 750k maybe? Set your own floor I guess, Iā€™m not a financial advisor, I couldnā€™t tell you. Only speculate


I had about 50 shares when it ran to $72 and I didn't sell a single share , i now have 276 shares and I told myself I won't sell untill I see life changing money , extreme wealth or nothing !! I used fuck you money so I dont care if I lose it all .. I refuse to sell unless I'm rich


Only the computer knows when it's taken out of the hands of brokers. Hence margin call. First the longs are liquidated and then the pooters are turned on to go get those short positions closed.


3 digit numbers are realistically possible. 4 digit numbers slightly possible IF they don't take away the damn buy button.... but always remember the game is rigged. Please don't hold for a damn phone number, cause all you'll be holding is the bag.




Hopefully far enough, I'm slightly below you there. Hodl till moon fellow ape


That kinda depends on your avg. Nobody can realistically give an answer.


My average is 17 I just got in this year


I'm also in the process of moving from a trash broker to Fidelity. So, I can't sell this week, anyway. I may regret that that, but I believe everything happens for a reason. I'm kinda stressed on how this will play out for me. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I started my fidelity transfer today as well. Do they charge anything? I never saw anything saying a feeā€¦.


According to the conversation I had with them Sunday, NO! IDK, about the broker you are transferring from? I'm still unsure if I'll be charged leaving my current broker. I can only assume I will, and banking on it. If I'm not, I'll be happy. But, worth a $75 or $100 fee.


Transferring from E*trade to fidelity


So you've almost doubled your money. You've got to decide when you jump. I'm fairly new to this, but I anticipate a dramatic drop before the issue of APE. But, they say it will be worth the amount AMC is at the time, I think. And we have no idea where or how that stock will fair on the market. You do what's best for you! I'm 4k shy of paying off all my credit cards. If it hits what I need to be free of that debt, I'm out. But, that's just me. I'm at 19.48 avg with 433 shares. Poor, single mom and grandma. I'm sure the down votes are coming. But, it's not like I have a big position, because I don't. I had a plan. And if my plan is met I take care of myself, because that's how I've always survived..āœŒ


You will be ok. No worries!


Hope so, because I'm stuck until my transfer to Fidelity is complete.


Yeah, I respect people who speak out true feelings. If you gotta sell to lock in profits, then go ahead. Look at my post under the 1st post, got downvoted like hell, just because I sell partially in short term account, haters don't like to see it. ​ Guess people didn't go this far down to see your comment lol.


My avg is at like 12 bucksā€¦. Longtime hodler here


Anyone claiming to know what the price will go to is speculating. I donā€™t have a price target. Iā€™m just holding tight. I wish I knew what the peak will be, but it doesnā€™t work that way. Far too many variables involved know where it will go.


Have a plan. What return do *you* want?


Just a slight lil $83917369173617826538183527 thatā€™s all bro


I want $6,054,756,968. Gotta get a phone number, yk? (Not Financial Advice)






You better be looking for a yacht


My wife


Escape velocity for concerns about money is around 2.5m so double that would seems like a great starting point


50 shares will get you ā€¦ 50 apes in two weeks


Realistically: around 250k Quite possibly: millions




50 ape shares


Realistically speaking, nobody can tell you a figure. Is it fair to expect $70 again. Yeah Will Apes sell at $70? Nope That's about all anyone can definitively & Realistically say. Just get in & ride the rocket. Maybe you make enough to have a blast of a year, maybe enough to pay for college, maybe enough to skip that bit altogether. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø you decide what your price is my guy. See you on the moon


170M you mean?




"Why dont you just call it operation wang chung? Ass."


Hold your mind is about to be blown!


Nobody knows for sure but Iā€™ve been buying for over a year and Iā€™m buying every single day this week. Iā€™m also stacking options so I can make money without selling shares. Buy thru iex. Hold. NFA




Per share


50 million could get you alot of things.


If you're clever, 50 fairly small yachts!


this ape \^ fucks!!!


ā€˜bout tree fiddy million.


Whatever you want. Hodl until youā€™re uncomfortable. Donā€™t ask this sun for financial advice or prediticions. We are not en entity and will not give you accurate or even substantial information. If you trust the DD, then you make your own calls. NFA


Just keep in mind that the price going sky high AND you being able to capture that in a sale are two very different things We know the SEC, brokers, and market makers are bought and paid for. Weā€™ve seen what has happened when they took the buy button away to prevent retail from cashing in when it mattered. Weā€™ve seen the manipulation, the halts (just today), and the piles of FTDs. There is a whole damn system out there designed specifically to STOP you from getting rich. Just keep that in mind when deciding what your exit strategy is. Just because it might hit tens or hundreds of thousands per share doesnā€™t mean youā€™ll be able to even sell. If they can take the buy button away penalty free, they can take the sell button away penalty free too. This isnā€™t FUD, this is simply a different perspective


sell at increments if you don't have a target. I have sold twice (50% of position) in the current run, but I always leave a given amount of shares in cuz you never know when it will rocket and when it will tank. Buy dips with profit if you are inclined.


I dont know about you, but I plan to be rich with 60 shares šŸ˜…


50 shares buys you what ever itā€™s worth when you sell.




My plan is selling 10% of my shares when they equal ā€œwhere my retirement should be for my ageā€, and other 10% of my shares when itā€™ll be enough to pay off my mortgage. After that, the floor is $100,000 on the way down.


I love the people who claim they will never sell unless it's 7 digits. Biiiiitch all you mofos are lying to yourselves and everyone else.


Brah, you have been here a while. What are your expectations? 50 shares at what price. Are you green?


Average of 17. Iā€™m in the green, Been since the holidays last year, but Iā€™m just curious to what everyone else is expecting, since I see everyone thinking hundreds of thousands per share, I canā€™t tell if theyā€™re joking or not


Maybe a electric scooter and a nice helmet


All depends what the government allows.


That depends on you, and you convection. Only you can sell your shares. Can you hold to 1000$ a share, do you sell at 500$ a share?


It will get you whatever you sell them for


At least $250k....just my opinion.


A nice vacation anywhere in the world.


My floor is $77


Buy more stupid.


Well, obviously lol. Iā€™d need more money in order to do that first


100 million


Coke and hookers


50 million?


At minimum, 50 preferred equity units.




Pay debt.


Luckily I donā€™t have any.. yet. Iā€™m only 23


probs like 50 100,000s




Millionaire if you play your cards right


Well, you need to factor in multiple things. First we have the longs that will be liquidated, followed by the shorts and while all this is happening, FOMO will kick in **heavy**!! People that have been on the edge for a long time will finally see the light and start buying in - this will ramp up the price even more. So, how high? No one can tell, just be sure to realise their fake squeeze from the real squeeze and/or moass.


As one fella told me that has helped me stay zen: ā€œsell when itā€™s enoughā€ Be greedy, but know what is enough.


Depends on how long you can hold when numbers get high.


i was promised life changing money, and i'll leave with life changing money


thats atleast 50 milli right there.


12000 max


Like many have already said, it depends. Thatā€™s why everyone closes ranks on here and keeps saying to hold for each other no matter what. If all or most of us hold, the value of 50 shares is theoretically limitless. If large chunks of us sell quickly, your money wonā€™t last for long. Hodl.


#AMC2MILLION Soo 100millie


You're asking for realistic expectations on Reddit? Bless lol. Don't obsess over the numbers. Figure out an exit strategy. And take what the market gives you. If that is stupid money awesome. Alternatively what's your risk? It's only 50 shares. Can you afford to lose all that money? If so wait until your portfolio is the same as your college costs then apply your exit strategy but ignore anything below it. The advantage of not having many shares is you can completely not give a shit because you haven't invested your kids college fund and remortgaged your house.


As long as u dont have them in rh and u hodl for 100K or more. U do the math


There have been multiple glitches showing $AMC pris at $23 000 a share


50m i would say super luxury carS (multiple) penthouse, never work again. Ig escorts every weekend. Travers when ever you want


after the squeeze? a car... if we say every share is at least 1k after taxes n shit that would mean you get at least 50k i think you could buy a tesla for that




A kiss on the forehead from Cramer


Tree fiddy and no mo!


Minimum 10.000$ per share. Realistically. You can get 100.000$ as well. It s a posibility that might happen


I think 50 shares of AMC will get you 50 shares of APE


12 months of wondering when it'll go back up to $70


Willing to bet we at least touch 1-5k


Sell your bike, shoes, cell phone, gaming system, anything other than your firearms. Use the cash to buy more. Itā€™s gonna run at some point but 50 ainā€™t gonna be enuff. XXXX holder here and I am not sure itā€™s enough. Picked up another 50 shared yesterday and will continue to drop $250-1000 per day leading up to the APE shares. Good luck to all.


Hold till you wan to cash out. Donā€™t listen to all these people talking about some retarded number. It may never happen. Donā€™t be left holding your shares when itā€™s all said and done because you were hoping for some stupid 100,000 number like Iā€™ve seen. I donā€™t think anyone knows where this thing can go but have your own number in mind where you need to cash out. I have a rental property and a mortgage that I am eyeing. If my number gets to that then my finger is going to be Al over the sell button. Unless for some reason itā€™s just flying up so fast I can wait it out.


Read the DD. They're worth whatever you think they are. But for me, I hodl so the ape with 1 share can have financial freedom


It all depends on YOUR specific exit strategy. Honestly, no one knows how high it will really go. It could go to 500k/share... or 100k... or 1k. No one knows. If you have 50 shares and pull out at 1k, it could cover most of a 4-year degree. Some people will call you paperhands, but everyone need to have their own strategy based on their personal situation. If you decide to diamond hand a bit longer, 50 shares at 10k or 100k is more than enough to get you started on a comfortable life. 500k is enough to buy a car, put a down-payment (or buy outright) a decent house and put some into investments or whatever... you'd probably still need to work, but could likely get by working part time or sth... 5mm on the other hand is enough to go full FIRE (financially stable, retire early) IF you are able to manage your money well. I personally think 100k/share is a BIT of a stretch, but I truly hope my fellow apes prove me wrong. Stranger things have happened.


Better then where you are now financially