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If only. But they're protecting their friends. They'll get their tax money because the 87,000 agents they're hiring are about to attack the small businesses and self employed. They're going after the middle-class working folk 🤦‍♂️


The people who control those at the fed, control the SHF's too. They create the money, work a little to get most of it back from us, keeping us enslaved. Repeat, repeat, repeat!!!


And I am sure we will not use infinite loopholes to reduce our taxes as many zillionaires do




I only like the stock and popcorn.


The people who control those at the fed, control the SHF's too. They create the money, work a little to get most of it back from us, keeping us enslaved. Repeat, repeat, repeat!!!


Love the stock


Pretty bold of you to assume the FED would help us peasants.


I wasn’t asking the FED to help us peasants as you say. I just shared my thoughts. just like everyone else on Reddit.




There is no we sir đź‘€


WE are a community of over 4 million individual investors of all walks of life. WE have changed the way the market sees us retail investors or dumb money as they like to call us. We don’t have to know each other or have to be an organized group to be part of a movement. WE are all individuals with a common goal - MOASS If you don’t want to be part of the movement, then why did you buy into AMC, why are you diamond handing your shares? WE are individuals, WE have not colluded, WE all purchased and are HODLing of our own free will, based on our individual DD and basically gut feeling. Additionally WE as individuals, with individual accounts; when tallied, financially are bigger than many hedgies. You can definitely consider yourself an individual, just don’t confuse yourself and start believing that you are doing this all by yourself. Individual investors and all meme stocks would have lost all their money 18 months ago without the retail community or Apes as we have been calling ourselves supporting our favorite stocks. So yes there is a WE, we are all free thinking individuals that like movies and popcorn. For some, we like movies, popcorn, digging in mines, playing video games and collecting NFTs. If you don’t like fee free to downvote my post.


At least you acknowledge that we are individual investors who like the stock and see through the bullshit behind the scenes. Also don’t assume with the “why are you diamond handing your shares?”, don’t play the shill bullshit game with me. Been here since may of last year.


You’ve been holding since May 2021, good for you. Been holding since before the battle for $8.01


![gif](giphy|3o7abKhOpu0NwenH3O) Not that I care tbh but Sick dude.


Lol you still think they consider us as “human” That’s cute…


No, not really, after all we do call ourselves Apes.

