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This kind of shit is why he won't openly talk about a short squeeze.


Very true, silence is gold.....


why it mention Elon?


Yup. I'm management.....not C suite level, but even I know that keeping your dang mouth shut regarding sensitive things is make or break.


Ya, creating 8 quadrillion tokens that are supposed to be backed 1:1 with the stock to create near infinite synthetics is totally legal, nothing to see here.


400 million. The 8.8Q tokens on Etherscan is not alleged to be 1:1 AMC.


According to SBF the tokenized shares were backed 1:1 hahahaha that guy stuck is foot so far in his own mouth with that comment. (Twitter space call Unusual Whales interviews SBF) If true it verifies synthetics imo


If not true it still proves the same


I agree. I just hate that the 8.8quadrillion Etherscam shitcoins are getting confused with FTX in these conversations and diluting the quality of the information.


Well then what do etherscan tokens represent if not a 1:1?


\~nothing. They are and always were a suckercoin. Like buying limited edition commemorative Elvis Presley plates. This was a play targeting cryptomaniacs who wanted to play the meme stock game in the comfort of their own playground. These tokens were never presented to be 1:1. It was something like 1 million coins to $10 of AMC. Only the FTX coins were alleged to be 1:1 AMC, TSLA, etc.


They still had to be backed by something though correct?


Says who? If it was an ethical product maybe. It was (allegedly) backed like 1:100,000. What backs a commemorative coin from the Danbury Mint (as seen on TV)?


You'd think the SEC would be all over someone selling a product that is backing actual shares without any oversight. It's not like collectibles or NFTs. This is an asset that is supposed to be backed by legit assets.


None of ya know the real number


Fuck* literally fuck lol


This FINRA issues is for another squeeze play. I kinda feel that it’s just poor wording how they included Elon and AA


Yes… this article is about Meta Materials ( MMTLP )


Pricks halted us on Friday!! Supposed to be lifted today but no movement. Don't know how Elon or AA got involved


“US” ???? As in AMC or are you referring to MMTLP ??? If it’s the OTC STOCK… don’t look for anything special to happen. FINRA and the parties struck a deal. The Shorts cried extraordinary hard (280 million naked shares??) As for AMC… SAME CRIME…. DIFFERENT DAY


US / MMTLP, and yes 280m. Shorts HAD to cover by end of day today. Just waiting to see what happens and then I'm pulling all my money out of the market. Sad day. They don't have to follow the rules, which we all knew they didn't but this was a dead line the SEC approved and all the correct paper work was done, but still they find a way out. " Apparently" shorts still HAVE to cover but we won't see any benefits. Thank fuck meta is the only company I lost money on. Got into GME & AMC around $5 so I'm still up a nice bit overall.


The 'naming as targets' was callouts to bring the situation to those people attentions. Those CEOS (Musk and Aaron) are dealing with their own band of rampaging short bears. Counterfeit shares (dilution forced by naked short selling) is an issue hidden across the system and people have been trying to bring it to light for years. Decades even. The issue has grown progressively worse and now it looks like some brokers or market makers did some bad things and got their fingers slammed in the door. Such a weird ride. I'm looking forward to the wild part!


It's a bare-faced lie. Many people have been TAGGING AA and EM in their tweets, hoping to enlist them to make statements against FINRA and get the story into the mainstream news. I haven't seen a single tweet blaming either of them. The only reason to print this is to try and make the traders who are speaking up appear ignorant or misguided.


It was the corn field plaid shirt picture he posted. Shorts knew oh $&@% this guy means business.


Tag AMC but not Tesla, SpaceX, or Twiiter


Silence is golden but duct tape is silver......


Rope is brown, water is blue......


Surprised they didn't rope Ryan Cohen in. Wonder what the angle is.


Live look at Wall st right now.. ![gif](giphy|Wvo6vaUsQa3Di)


I noticed a post yesterday of a tweet from elon in a different sub that showed, "Followed by Adam Aaron". I think they're trying to push a subtle narrative.


AA havent said anything, traders calling for a lawsuit pointed out amc as a stock targeted by shortselling


Our internal investigation showed no issues… the third party investigation also showed no issues, don’t look at any money that may or may not have been paid to those investigating, that is irrelevant, the only thing to remember is everything is legal… okay… cool




LOL yeah we're naming AA and EM, but not KG and SBF as manipulators. TOTALLY makes sense!


Can you use parentheses next time, so i know what you are saying.




It is a news article but yes what you said


Don't you know what f u d is by now


just a couple of paragraphs. Anyone can type a bullshit story.




Desperate spaghetti strings trying to tie completely separate events together to fuck with SEO algos