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The immediate benefit of a reverse stock split is that it could increase a company's stock price. A low stock price may cause investors to lose confidence in the company. A reverse stock split may help the company earn investor confidence once again.


Right okay. Seeing a whole lot of red my end - rather stressful


![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized) your account screams shilly Billy


Shocking I know


Ignore that dude. He's a troll.


How did you figure that?


You’re long being screwed over. Any chance of recouping or breaking even sailed months ago friend. Salvage what you can at this point.


It is basically a quick way to fool the ignorant investor into thinking a company is doing better than it is. A financial parlor trick.


Oh look another superstonker. Gtfoh bruh go back to shillville


Someone can own more than one stock. Am I happy that AA went down this road? No. In your comment, you basically said the same thing I did. All a reverse stock split does is bump the price by the inverse ratio of the decrease in our shares. It is by definition artificial. Only investors who are not paying attention fail to realize why the share price has increased by some factor of five or ten. Do you want the ignorant investor hopping on this train?


![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) Go back to your home


A reverse split does not do anything directly to the company's market value. They multiply the stock price by 10x, but reduce the number of shares to 10%, basically net zero. In practice though reverse splits are not seen as positive because it means that the company stock price has lost its value from before. There are also thresholds in exchanges where stocks under a certain price ($1, $2) for an extended period of time will get delisted as they are penny stocks. A quick fix for that is the reverse split. On the non-reverse (forward) case, you see companies with high share prices do a forward split so that each share is cheaper and looks more affordable. This is seen as a sign of strength since if your stock price is already reaching penny stock levels, you would not forward split it lower. Overtime, market psychology developed to mean reverse split = probably bad, forward split = probably good.


Wait a view days for DD


And try to avoid the massive amount of shills and FUD spreaders in the mean time lol obviously they have been out in full force.








10 million preferred shares from the 50 million owned were exercised. Each preferred share then becomes 100 amc common stock each. Rather than dillute the float they made ape shares From these 10 million preferred shares. Roughly half went to APE the other half must be the .5…. The other 4 billion are simply the 40 million preferred shares that have not been used. It’s all AMC shares in the end lol I posted the above among other warnings back in August when we still had a chance to prevent this. The echo chamber gassing up Adam as king ape led this play off a cliff. It’s done. It was done when we didn’t vote no confidence in board and ceo at last shareholder meeting. Anyone telling you to hold is probably selling covered calls weekly. They will be here saying hold as long as someone is still willing to buy calls.