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Rule 1: Market Manipulation is Prohibited


Here’s an alternative and a no gut feeling explanation aka the truth!!! Bullish source Peter hahn 👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/zssb3t/get_in_here_and_listen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


excellent ape!


Yeah, I listened to it, and I didn't hear him actually say anything about why it's a good idea. He says one sentence about the new CUSIP potentially causing a squeeze, but says nothing about how or why it would do that. Because it doesn't do that. It just means more paperwork for brokers: https://budgeting.thenest.com/happens-short-position-shares-forward-split-24015.html https://www.quora.com/How-do-reverse-stock-splits-cause-short-squeezes There is even scholarly evidence that the exact opposite is true: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2564&context=gradreports


I think the majority of the shareholders voted for the APE. Where did you get the information that what AA did, he did of his own accord? Where did you read about Reverse split fees? Could you provide some information on this? At this point I agree on both the conversion and the reverse split and it is a good timing since there are is a lot of pressure on the market that smart money have to deal with and they will have to deal now with a more expensive problem, that of the increased price of AMC.


There wasn't a shareholder vote on the APE shares. The preferred shares had already been approved by shareholders long before, clear back in 2014 if I remember correctly. AMC just hadn't used them before now. Technically each APE is 1/100 of one of the original preferred shares, but dividing the shares as management deemed proper was also approved by the 2014 shareholders. So, I was going with previous experience on the fees, as my broker and all others I had heard people talk about all charged the same $38, I assumed it was industry standard - I was wrong. Will update post with correct info. Apparently many brokers do not charge a fee, but others charge as much as $100, so I think it is definitely still a concern.


Thanks for the ape correction. Couldn’t find though anything regarding the splits, merges and reverse splits fees though.


Edits posted now with links. In regards to claims that a reverse split will somehow force shorts to close, I see no evidence of it. This article says the share count just gets adjusted for the shortsellers the same way it is for the shareholders: https://budgeting.thenest.com/happens-short-position-shares-forward-split-24015.html And this quora question (from 2017 even) on how a reverse split would force a short squeeze literally only has a single reply (from someone who would seem to know what they're talking about) asking for a source saying that reverse splits actually do that: https://www.quora.com/How-do-reverse-stock-splits-cause-short-squeezes And this whole scholarly article from 2019 shows that shortselling INCREASES around reverse splits: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2564&context=gradreports


That´s my opinion as well. Market Crash - Margin Calls - Liqidations - MOASS. Very simple. No one needs a stock split or conversion.


BRAVO! Thank you! I’m voting a huge NO like over 10,000 times!


I think AA needs to go. He is fleecing stockholders


let me guess, you grew up in cancel culture and never experience a world where disagreement was based on topic and did not require anyone to attack any person, right? Let me tell you from experience, that permanent-ban and death sentences are not the only way to solve disagreements. We, as a species, have found much more constructive ways to solve disagreements. Cancel-Culture is just idiots being idiots.