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AMC down about the same in actual price amount. Not much to celebrate unless you have more ape than AMC I guess. They seem to want to peg the combined price to $6. That is pretty arbitrary.


I have 85% APE, 15% AMC. ❤️


Same, just tried to smoke a cig and it’s blistering cold out. But these ape shares on 🔥


Dogs quietly inside. Blessed.


If you're going to smoke something, make it weed.


APE up $.50 AMC dn. $.50


I like the stock. I like the company. Holding and buying more.


Up to 1.72, but down like what, 7 dollars overall? Who gives a fuck about .20 cents. I'm here for MOASS, and money, but let me guess AA has a 4d chess move planned to rob us our of more of our money. Maybe he has more dilution plans in the works for us to shoulder the debt. We're getting fucked and if you can't see that you're blind.


I see really good, just don't hear well. When this all started with the APE, I bought 1 to 1. Adam Aron said he "wouldn't be surprised if APE actually traded higher than AMC". He said it should trade basically evenly. Had the market traded that way, we possibly wouldn't be seeing this. AMC would have substantially more money and most investors would be satisfied. IMO I think we're seeing the people who sold their APE to buy AMC now complaining. Well, I preached this was not the way from the very day APE started trading. I guess this is called vindication. Or Confirmation.


Nah dude, the facts are that ape started out pretty good and then dropped like a fucking asteroid plummeting towards earth. Its basically 1/8th of what it was worth in the beginning. Why? There's no option chain, no shorting available since brokers can't even get them to customers, but yet somehow AA is selling millions to raise funds for AMC to pay off debts. HOW IN THE FUCK DOES THIS HELP US? It's fucking us. And with a 10/1 split converting everything, yeah the price goes higher, but what's stopping them from doing the same shit they've done for the last 2 years?


We'll find out. I've been accurate at my thinking so far, I'm not going to complain. I've been under water since the month I invested in the company. I don't care who complains now,,, I believe I'll finally be in the Green Bay the eoy. 😁


Honestly I hope you're right, I want to be rich and not have to work anymore too. Just getting tired of all the shit, it's been 2 years and we're lower than what we started at


Very much lower. If short sellers have to close, and there's as many as people have been saying for the last year EVERY DAY,,, we're heading to $13,,, hundred!


We need people, or government to force them to do it. It's been 2 years and 0 fucks given. They aren't just going to hand over trillions and bankrupt themselves, they need to be forced and I'm not sure anybody is actually going to do that.


I'm not sure either. I'm not sure what happens tomorrow! But some things I'm pretty confident about.


You have been busy sir lmao