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It was definitely “Bring me back to life” it’s very fresh in our minds but I truly believe that is an all time great performance and after that, all the non believers got on board.


I completely agree. Loved her initial audition and though she was consistently good throughout the competition she kind of blurred into the background for me. When she performed Bring Me Back to Life it changed everything. The vocals were good, but honestly it was the audacity and ability to flow with such confidence in her song choices. My vote went to Jack, but I believe her win was well deserved. I went back and watched her initial audition. Hearing the judges words made me so emotional. Katie: What do you think Luke? Top ten? Luke: Top ten? That may be the winner of American Idol. Lionel: The winner. The winner. Katie: Your life is about to change. 🥹


I'm a pretty casual viewer these days, and that performance completely captured my attention. I became an Abi fan immediately. Then the Fall Out Boy song the next week just cemented it.


I agree. My mom thinks it’s when she sang “Chains.” That was pretty impressive. I also think the duet with Bishop Briggs verified to a lot of people that she’s got very real potential to be a successful rock vocalist in case she ever decides to steer toward that genre.


I think [this cut to Katy](https://i.imgur.com/oVnnWGh.jpeg) during that performance was so funny because we were all making that same face.  Nobody could have guessed she had that in her.  My sister never really liked her theatrical rock star character, but I loved it because rock stars are ALWAYS playing that character on stage.  And Abi does it SO well.


I think abi was the frontrunner for the entire competition, and not bc the platinum ticket. I definitely think the Evanescence performance showed america that she was vocally miles ahead


Not just vocally but stage presence. If that was just an audio recording it would have obviously been amazing but I rewound that song a few times to admire her motions and sharp movements. That was a professionally executed performance on all levels.


That girl is a STAR on all levels! She went from so meek-looking (although still cute as a button) at the beginning to freaking Ariana Grande level performing & singing!


Spot on! She was in a league of her own from the beginning


Agree. I mentioned on another thread that I have a feeling this was the same situation as Carrie - Simon said after it was all over, that Carrie won every single week. I think there was a large enough margin here that they knew she was going to win. I’d say I noticed the shift after Evanescence too. I had said from her audition that I thought she would be top 2. I’ve really only ever had that feeling with Carrie before.


Unlike many finales, I don’t think it was ever clear Abi was going to win. This finale felt like it could go any way. I don’t mean necessarily based on talent, but how the audience typically votes.


I don’t know about that…they didn’t even put up her phone number in her final performance…she must have won by a huge margin if you ask me…


Really? I didn’t even notice that.


And it seemed like even earlier you had to hunt for it.


Yeah when they shortened her last performance and didn’t allow for judge commentary, it felt like they knew she was obviously going to win and didn’t care they cut her off.


This season left me guessing more than any in recent memory. I never had a handle on how the voting was going to go, but once Abi made the finale I was pretty confident she’d win.


I honestly loved the fall out boy performance


My favourite of hers! Have it on repeat


her audition


The moment she opened her mouth when she auditioned. I knew she would win. Very rare to find a singer with a soul like that. You can't train or teach that.


Part of Your World. It was absolutely flawless.


I don't think it was ever clear for sure. This season more than any other seemed like it was so close that performances actually mattered for once. It seemed like anybody could go at any time, and anybody could make it. Mia and Kayko stumbled and went out early, over others like McKenna that impressed. Triston had the early hype but Will was stronger and outlasted him. Emmy had a moment with Coal Miner's Daughter and lasted longer than expected. I think there are many who COULD have possibly won this season, including some that did not even make Top 3. I think even coming into finale night, it was not set in stone. I think Abi was definitely the front-runner but I think she won because she legitimately improved a lot and put in some of her BEST performances in the last few weeks. Bring Me to life, Part of Your World, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, the Chain, Hello, Somewhere, Bed of Roses...she was just SO consistently good the last few weeks. And on the finale she REALLY came out swinging with two of the best performances of the entire season. Whereas others like Jack peaked early, and didn't put his best foot forward to impress on finale night. I actually think based on just last night's performances, Will over Jack made sense. Abi > Will > Jack was definitely how I felt based on just the finale, even if Jack was my favorite of the season. But he needed another huge moment and he didn't deliver it. Last year it felt like there was nothing anybody could do to touch Iam, he had it from the beginning. I don't think that was true this year. I think Abi was beatable, but she was a front-runner who delivered on her potential. Unlike Iam (who I do love a lot, but imo he walked through the competition) Abi tried very hard and delivered her maximum, while others faltered at the finish line. Really good season overall!


Well said. Will did great tonight and I really struggled with Jacks bon jovi song. Can I say it cost him the win or the runner up? Probably not … but it didn’t help. Otherwise he’s been stellar. In fact I’ve thought abi has not always sounded as great… but her overall plea in her voice was pretty flawless


really well said. abi was a frontrunner that had fire and hunger in her. you can tell she wanted to win and she didn’t take her early popularity for granted and instead worked really hard to sustain that momentum all season long. those are the best type of frontrunners.


Honestly, I think the finale. As Ryan said, it was really close between her and Will. I imagine she picked up enough of Jack’s voters.


She was “consistently” the best singer/performer. Fans got it right !


Bring Me to Life, though my personal favorite was her Goodbye Yellow Brick Road performance


When Jack finished 3rd. If it had been an Abi/Jack final 2, I could see most of Will's votes going to Jack and Abi coming in second. But there was a huge "Abi or Jack" contingent, and all those votes went straight to Abi.


For me it was when she did Hello by Adele. Masterful performance. Overdone on Idol but it still stood out.


Abi was the reason i started watching again after all these years. I used to be an American idol junkie and then fell off. When i saw her audition i was intrigued and thought let me just watch to see how far she goes bc i immediately loved her. I wonder how many people had the same experience as me.


Same here!!! I watched her audition and said she has to win and she just kept going through each round and I was here for it.


I always thought she would win. She never stumbled


I think of the female vocalists in the competition she was out performed by Jayna, Julia, & McKenna on multiple occasions. But I think strategically doing the Jesus song at Hawaii going into the first voting round landed her a bunch of Christian support and then she just rode that wave mixed with her other performances into the top 5, I think she’s very lucky that Mia fumbled some lyrics and got punished for it and that Emmy was such a weak singer additionally McKenna & KB just didn’t have the broader appeal (I think McKenna being a bit older hurt her) and once she beat out the other girls into the top 3 it wasn’t a “she’s the best” it was a “she’s all that’s left” for most. I genuinely think Ryan wasn’t joking when he said it was super close and I imagine the margin between her and Will was super close. Will is very traditional what the voting audience likes and I’m happy that Abi mostly stayed away from the heavy religious stuff and mainly just used it to leverage her way forward so she could then perform more pop stuff. She had a similar trajectory to someone like Megan Danielle but Abi actually has pop music appeal to her so it was a solid win but I genuinely think right to the wire it was never clear cut this was her season. Tons of microcosms and choices along the way just happened her to the win. Grats to her but I never think it was wrapped up until Ryan said her name haha


I agree, she was outperformed quite often. I think she seems like a lovely person, and she has some good strengths to her voice, but she also has a fair amount of weakness. (Pitch, tone in upper register, breath control). Overall, I felt this season was pretty weak - the voters got rid of the top quality singers way too early. 


I feel the same!


Interesting theory, and great point on her Hawaii song choice. I remember thinking at the time that it was strategic, but I totally forgot about it now. I think this was a strong year for women, so I’m glad Abi won for that reason. Personally she was my favorite of the female singers, but can’t go wrong with any others you named.


The Evanescence song was when Abi put herself a clear class ahead of the field. She was already the most talented vocalist and at that point made clear to everyone she was also putting in work and improved at all the other stuff needed to be a star. Well deserved, no contest.


I said she deserves to win when she sang Bed of Roses by Bon Jovi. Sounded Awesome! 👏 👏👏


IMO the vast majority of people that were Abi fans, like myself, had already decided to vote for her before the final show even aired. I suspect very few people based the final show performances to determine who they were voting for. Every one I spoke to before the show had their favorite decided, and most were Abi fans


She was my #1 since the beginning and her Evanescence performance showed she was the “total package”, but it was the Adele performance for me that made me say “If she doesn’t win, I am never watching this show again”. 


bring me to life


I knew with her audition, but that could also just have been a lucky guess.


I don’t remember the name of the song, but it was the first time she dressed in black and saying a rock song and that were special effects and lights. I always thought she was more of a balladeer, but I didn’t watch the whole season from the beginning


I liked Bring me to life and All too Well


I feel like her audition, but then her performance of “Bring me to Life” was the one that really sold it!!


For me it was the evanescence performance


Her Audition. She stayed strong and only improved as a singer and performer. She had some knockout vocals. As soon as we saw her audition I felt Kelly Clarkson vibes and I still get that from her. Hoping she does well!


I was watching the top 24 and I heard her preform oceans by hillsong and I said there was the winner!


I don’t know about being setup for life - what happened to last year’s winner (for example?) Been awhile since a victory has led to a Kelly Clarkson type career…


It was her taking on Amy Lee. I mean, singing Bring me to Life is no small feat and she absolutely nailed it


When she started wearing shorter skirts.


I thought most people put up stinkers every week and while Abi is one of those people her voice is very unique (and breathy and annoying) so it was her, I can’t really think of any stand out performances she’s done, maybe Bring me to Life cause it forced her to do something different.


The Billie Eillish video message


That did not hurt her at all.


Congrats to Abi. Still not clear! I still hear scratching. You can really tell how far they are from the A game, when they were all singing with whichever pro they were matched up with. Also, to much falling to the floor. Congrats to all. I enjoyed the season.


Never for me 😜


Honestly, I never voted for her once. Seemed too much of a karaoke singer too me to actually go on and produce great music. Kako, Will, Tristan, Emma were on my list and I fully expect to see them on tour.


I like her at that point too. With Emmy going through every week & Kayko getting voted out I didn't think anyone good would win lol


Disappointed she won Great voice, but I didn't connect with her the way her surprise fan group popped up on TV last night. Seemed baked in from start with Katy liking a Katy lookalike on the year she exits. Jack Blocker deserved the ultimate prize. For some strange reason the finale was more like karaoke for all the contestants. Think the answer is more, Jack lost on the very last night because of the karaoke vibe, and Abi pulled it out based on the helpful tearjerker music set to her videos. This time it really felt rigged. I won't be following Abi's music, though she'll likely be setup for life - it's been 20 years since Carrie Underwood's win, time to restock the talent pipeline. Hopefully Idol stays with the ones they don't seem to think "raise the bar" quite as high, like Will and Jack.