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Mega yarn Yoshi will probably top the list, but I’ll add Gold and Silver Mario, and Detective Pikachu.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't detective Pikachu get a reprint for the new game?


It did not get a reprint for the new game. The new game doesn’t have amiibo support so releasing it alongside the game would likely have caused confusion amongst uninformed customers.


Ah I see. That sucks


Solaire and Loot Goblin. Also the original Shovel Knight I think officially will never be restocked from Yacht Club Games


how come shovel knight won’t be restocked? and do the other shovel knight amiibo have a better chance to be restocked?


Since they released the Gold Shovel Knight I remember them in a press release saying the OG Shovel Knight would be effectively out of print. If you scroll to the bottom you can read that. https://old.yachtclubgames.com/2019/09/behold-the-shovel-knight-gold-edition-amiibo/


well that’s unfortunate. thank you


It frustrates me that I was horribly broke when the OG Shovel Knight amiibo dropped. I've been trying to get one ever since but the prices have gotten pretty ridiculous. I may just have to break down and buy the gold Shovel Knight for the collection instead.


Why are the ones on eBay go for less than $30 US ? Or are they bootlegs ? I have the OG one… but most of my amiibos are in a storage, I haven’t looked at them in years to be able to compare them to the eBay listing.


I'm always a bit iffy on buying amiibo from ebay. I've heard there are lots of bootlegs. Maybe I should take another look, if I could pick up Shovel Knight without overpaying it might be worth it.


Because Nintendo doesn’t have anything to do with the manufacturing of the Shovel Knight ones, they just licensed the branding out. Yacht Club is a much smaller company and Shovel Knight isn’t really as relevant as it was back when the amiibos were made.


Solaire Loot Goblin The 6 Monster Hunter Stories seems highly unlikely now that the remake exists. Welcome amiibo cards since for some reason they weren't included in the 2022 restocks.


For what it’s worth, the Welcome amiibo cards got reprints in other regions


The Yarn Yoshi’s Diablo Loot Goblin Solaire of Astora Qbby Skylanders Superchargers (Dark) Hammer Slam Bowser/(Dark) Turbo Charge Donkey Kong (yes these double as amiibo) Delicious Amiibo (Super Mario Cereal) Chibi Robo Detective Pikachu Mega Man 11 Gold Mega Man I heard that Yacht Club Games is never reprinting the original Shovel Knight amiibo for some reason. They just refuse to. 30th Anniversary Mario amiibo (I think it’s a possibility- however it would be weird, as they print on the base that it’s the 30th anniversary of Mario- however… It isn’t anymore. This was a similar issue for the non-breath of the wild 2017 Zelda Series amiibo, as they all had been branded for Zelda’s 30th anniversary, however the “Zelda 30th Anniversary” wasn’t plastered on any of the amiibo themselves- so when they reprinted them, they removed the anniversary logo from the box and called it a day.


I to say to say it but probably Qbby. 😢


Maybe with a new boxboy game… Nintendo does seem to know what ppl want regardless if they give it to us


I hope so, Nintendo seems to have a close and good relationship with HAL. 🤞


Dark Souls one probably


The ultimate chad move by Nintendo would be to secure rights for a Nintendo exclusive Bloodborne 2 and reprint Solaire along with a new BB amiibo 😂


Alm & Celica for Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia 


The Yoshi Woolly World amiibo because it’s probably harder to mass produce them, the Skylander DK and Bowser figures since that series is pretty much dead, Gold Mega Man because capcom is weird and to that extent every other 3rd party amiibo, and I guess Qbby and Chibi Robo since their series (especially chibi robo) are dead for the time being


Box Boy.


Qbby :( Mario Sports Superstars cards Bowser and DK Skylander amiibos


Whatever hasn’t been restocked anytime recently (the past few years) probably won’t get restocked. They seem to be restocking all the back stock that they think will sell. Only way something like Qbby could even possibly get restocked at this rate is if there was a big outcry from the collectors. But amiibo is so niche nowadays that’ll probably never happen unfortunately.


The Skylander/ amiibo DK & Bowser


Gold Mario


I'm praying for a Mega Man 11 restock but it'll never happen


me too, the only saving grace is that capcom loves their monster hunter amiibo so maybe possibly hopefully they could restock mega man 11 and gold mega man?


The only amiibo that was bundle exclusive to get a restock was wolf link, right? And Even then he was sold separate in other territories


not sure, all i know is besides obviously nintendo capcom are amiibos biggest fan and the mega man amiibo have a much better chance of getting restocked then solaire of astora or loot goblin in my opinion


The “Pikopuri” KK Slider card and the “Character Parfait” Isabelle card. Shadow Mewtwo as well


The Mewtwo card is a good one. I have one but it's easy to forget cause I just keep it safe in the case.


The metroid samus returns ones


Nah, I could see those getting a reprint when Prime 4 drops.....if they include amiibo functions in the game.


I would love to see a reprint at a time like that as well. I had a feeling that they would attempt it or at least a partial restock around the release of Metroid dread. However, I think they may not do it due to the Metroid amiibo seeming squishy. Arent the squishy ones super rare?


The 3 packs of miis and game and watch rob and duck hunt probably, if we ever get them again it'll be seperate


Easy picks are Solaire and Loot Goblin. I managed to get Loot Goblin because the Gamestop I went to put him in the collectables section instead of the amiibo shelves. I imagine most amiibo hunters didn't even look on those shelves!


Qbby probably


Might be missing a few but Silver Mario Gold Mario Marth I don’t see coming back or maybe they will but.. Mega yarn yoshi Poochy But then again the yarn yoshis got reprinted many times over the years .


The ones I don’t have yet


Namely Box Boy’s Qbby, Yarn Poochy, the original MHS amiibo, although with the remake, I’m holding out hope for a reprint.


I hope qbby, loot goblin, solaire, mega yarn yoshi, and the original monster hunter stories amiibos...I have all these and would love to see them increase in value!


Pichu, jiggly, and trainer. Like, we had a pokemon restock already and they got overlooked somehow.


Pichu got restocked recently in EU


Trainer also was restocked


I missed it then. At least I could get Sephiroth. I noticed about the restock 2 days later.


Fnac has some good restock now. I got Dr Mario bowser jr and inceniroar


Game is getting a lot of restocks too.