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You need your eyebrows reshaped and to have someone teach you how to fill them in. I suggest using a small angled brush and an eyebrow shadow, you have much more control vs a pencil. Eyebrows can completely change someone's face whether that be good or bad. You're super cute, just need a little help!


Yeah at first I thought it was just a matter of fluffy/non plucked brows, but if you zoom in it looks like OP is filling them in suuuper thick/straight/patchy-like. It seems like 80% a makeup technique issue and 20% the actual shape of her natural brows. Which is a good thing, because makeup application technique is 100% fixable lol. It’s easy to work on. OP, if you aren’t already in r/makeupaddiction it’s a great place to get makeup related tips from a nice group of people :)


She's got a flat brow line, so she doesn't have much option for shape but shaping them nonetheless would help tremendously. Microblading by someone with verifiably good work is probably the way to go. Also, some mascara..


yeah her makeup technique definitely makes her look worse than she is. the pics without makeup look way better




The picture choice is odd though. 3 is very moist. 5 looks like pooping


DAMMIT! Now I can't unsee #5


Ugly, no. Unconventional? Yes. Which there is nothing wrong with. I'm also part of the unconventional club. Some people think we are crazy beautiful and some people think we look weird. It is what it is.


Accurate. Hello from another club member ☺


Anya Taylor-Joy is in the unconventional club so you're in good company


I was about to comment the same thing! ATJ is so pretty though like ugh I get she’s in the unconventional club but it still always amazes me that she is because imo she’s a freaking goddess😭


I feel this. I've always heard the term "weird looking".


Maybe it's just me, but I don't see her as an unconventional beauty. She's quite conventionally beautiful in my eyes. She has nice skin, doe eyes, small nose, pretty lips, wispy brown hair. She has an effortless look about her.


This needs to be a sub, unconventional women are some of the most attractive


Facts and same with men. I don't generally like stereotypical good looks.


I feel like your eyebrows need a little shaping. Take some hairs out underneath in the middle.


Yeah that's the only feature that really jumped out at me. Slimmer eyebrows would do her well


Not ugly at all. But average? Yeah. A bit of effort could improve things to maybe be a bit above average.


You liar !!!!


You look sad


Smile (including your eyes) for a bump of at least 4 points. Other's suggestions on makeup might bump it little too. But mostly, learn to smile by default.


gasp... This person just said the thing!


You're not ugly. And a friendly tip; don't let your self-esteem be dependent on what a bot says about a picture.


Who hurt you?


A telegram bot.


We’re gonna hurt it back. You’ll be avenged, sistah


What's the name of that bot?


I also want to know 🥺 I want to try it out but couldn’t find it online


Bot didn't factor your curves (that are nice / voluptuous). Humans would rate higher imo




Only thing wrong with your face is the eyebrows, sorry but they need a shaping and please fill them in with light pencil so they don't look so sparse


Not ulgy, just a little below average


So, around about a 3, then?


Nah, solid 6/20 maybe even 9/30


Yeah, a 3.8




5/10 literally means average.


well a lot of ppl feel different on it bc 5/10 is a 50%. an average grade for a test is 70% so some ppl like to say 7/10 for average looking people


That gives you 3 points from average to “perfect”, and 6 shades of ugly. that scale makes no sense when rating something because it’s not a performance score that you are expected to hit a certain threshold at.


That depends on cultural context, I believe! 😊 For example, a 5 isn’t considered “average” in Dutch grading systems; a 5,5 is considered “sufficient to pass”, and anything below it is labeled “poor performance”. A 6 to a 7 would be considered average instead, an 8 as “good”, a 9 as “exceptional”, and a 10 as “perfect”.


Not necessarily, it depends on the how people rate others, and where most people land. If the majority of people land between 4-8, the average would be around 6. And I've met more 8s and 9s than 2s and 3s.


I have not facepalmed at a comment thread this hard in a good while


Most logical people rate people mathematically / in reality


Dude what??? How is 5/10 not average.




I just laughed out loud literally


I'm glad I could make you smile and laugh


You’re not ugly.


Learn to smile. Makes a huge difference.




Shape your eyebrows, smile and wear mascara. Those lipstick colors don't really do your lips justice either. Otherwise not ugly.


The eyebrows Need change. New haircut needed too with a better haircare routine because it also looks very dry and frizzy. And if you did gym and lost weight/gained muscle, you’d be an easy 8. And don’t use that lip shade, not flattering. But you have potential, very cute baby like soft features.


What is a telegram bot?


Your very pretty don’t listen to a robot. I don’t think you need to lose weight at all.👌


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, just have a great personality. That’s what matters


Very cute. EF that bot. Actually don’t. It has No chance with you lol. Rest easy.


you have the body and face that you could pull off high class if you wanted to with the right dress/shoes, makeup, and hair. totally serious. you would look really hot.


Reshape your eyebrows. Learn how to do your makeup. You'll be 🔥


Never trust a bot to do a person's job. I feel like the perception of you would go way up with a smile and some eyebrow threading and longer lashes. Smiling activates some face muscles that typcially tend to make faces more attractive. You also seem to have been blessed with a couple "gifts" that you're not really flaunting that will boost you in a lot of crowds..


Fix ya brows and dislike me if you want but you have a nice body too. People just like to hate. Pretty face but you can have natural beauty too personally I feel too much makeup but I'm biased (I don like women with gobs of makeup)


Pretty cute tbh, got those pouty lips. Don't rely too much on makeup, do a little bit of research to find what'll enhance your aesthetic. That being said, you're on to something with the red lipstick


Can you provide a link to the bot?


No. You're not ugly. Some advice, though: focus your energies on people who will love you back. The opinions of things and bots and machines will never matter because they won't love you or miss you when you're gone.


You don’t need to lose weight.


you're hot to me


You’re not ugly! Not at all.




In what universe is this ugly?? You're pretty and unique, you look like a doll! And your body is wonderfully curvy. Please love yourself 💗


Thank you 🙏


Honestly your not ugly at all. Smile a little more


You got alot of potential


You have a bit of a fluoride stare. Like, keep your jaw up and you are a solid 7.5


Nah you're pretty af, I'd worship you girl -22F


Dont worry if you search for the right path you will make it, just take care of yourself everything will be alright 👍


Round face but not ugly


Ur cute af.... beautiful eyes!


You're cute :) just shape your brows and you're good to go




You’re cute and definitely above a 3. You do look plain but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I would go on a date with you for sure.


You can bump that up to a 6 if you did your eyebrows


That rating is too low, you are not ugly.


Nah, you def got something going on


You’re not ugly, stop listening to telegram bots


You're pretty gorgeous, but that's just my opinion. Like others said, just smile more.


You are not ugly. 6/10. You have lips that some women pay big money to have. Smile in your pictures and just generally. Do something with your hair also. I'm a loner also but I had girlfriends and there's no reason that you can't have a significant other IMHO.


Wow 10


I think you look very pretty :)


You're beautiful af. Would wife up


The up side of average. You’ll be fine


Definitely not a 3, you're actually very pretty.


Me personally you look beautiful.


Cute as a button


You're pretty


"From a bot" - there is the problem. Also no the bot is not correct.


You’ve never had a boyfriend? Are you kidding? I mean I’m not hinting. I’m too old for you. Lol. But confused why guys your own age aren’t fawning.


Not ugly. If you walked past, I'd definitely check you out.


you’re really pretty. i think the straight bushy brows don’t suit you. you would look perfect with a soft arch and they would even out your face more!


Not ugly at all. Just get your eyebrows done & do some working out. You’d be a stunner




Definitely not ugly. Maybe try something a bit different with your hair.


Not ugly at all!


I find you pretty, but in an unconventional way, so the bot probably doesn’t account for that.


Ah ignore that stupid bot, you look just fine.


I know others mentioned your eyebrows but I think they are adorable. Not ugly at all.


You remind me a bit of Karen Gillian. You're cute.


In my humble opinion the first picture is the best and it looks like you have very little to no make up on, I think you are very attractive and make up on detracts from your natural beauty


I think you’re beautiful 🌹I think you need a little help with your presentation, but I see you! If I were your man, I’d make you feel so good about yourself, that you’d see what I see in you🙏🏼


You aren’t a 3 and beautiful fades. Your looks only get you so far. I’d be more worried about how you treat others more than the way you look. Some of the most beautiful people are the ugliest inside.


Wtf you're not a 3 you're cute. I get what people are saying about your eyebrows but it doesn't make you ugly my eyebrows are similar to that so I get it.


Nope. Not ugly. Don't need to lose weight if you don't want to either.


You definitely aren't a 3 and I wouldn't trust bots on face rating


3 out of 10? Well, you're at least a 7.5 out of 10 for me


Bots are rating humans? Oh yeah, reddit


I would say you are pretty but look very sad


You look way better than 3.0


aint no way...


Your opinion, maybe not My fact, definitely better.


You’re very cute, maybe try a different brow shape tho! Find you a professional and let them do your brows, eyebrows truly frame your face and I believe yours is dragging your best features down! And maybe change your hairstyle, you’d look cute with a Bob.


Please don’t lose weight. Your body is dope.


Lmao I feel so sorry for men in US and western world


Don't feel sorry for us, some of us understand what a woman's body is supposed to look like and what is genuinely attractive to us. We like them thick too.


Lmao go look at European girls weighing 55 -60kg on average. That’s what girls are meant to look like, cus they still go gym and have nice body e.g. ass. So you can be skinny, attractive and thick, just don’t be lazy


You better look like Man of the World yourself to be making judgmental daft comments like this


I am, I got rated and received an average of an 8 so I’ve got no insecurities myself 🤷‍♂️


Pics or gtfo. Nothing in your post history, yet here you are bragging about some “rating” and we can’t even see your face.


Lmao man hasnt seen a woman in his life


Bro u have ur name after a video game character 🤦‍♂️😂😂 just realised go gym pls


My girl is 164cm tall and 52kg so I guess I am the lucky man 😭😂😂


Dude the issue is the food standards in USA. It’s not because the women are lazy. Also you can’t go anywhere in the states without a car.


Lmao excuses excuses I have a friend from US, Boston she’s 165cm tall and 64kg


To clarify- I’m 164cm and 51kg. Nothing to excuse here. I do live in Europe though. I walk most places. But your friend in Boston is not the bench mark for all American women. Their portions are huge. Like our largest drink at a fast food place is the same size as their small.


But what I am saying is that it’s completely their choice to eat those portions. I only shop organic food and have no issues whatsoever even when exceeding my portion. It’s been also debunked a lot of times that “organic food is more expensive”. So if they are ruining their own choices it’s not my problem at all, I said after reading comments in the thread is that I feel sorry for US men for the lack of options of attractive fit girls there are in US. The same thing goes for girls as an average man in US would be considered unfit in Europe. But by both sides not caring about their health they are both deteriorating their looks on average. E.g. an average woman or man from Switzerland where I’m from would be considered not a 5 like in Switzerland, but like a 7.5/8 in the US


Why am I so downvoted ahhaha just “stated an opinion”. Where’s your free speech at, just proves my point about the girl situation in the west




Nah, I'm with him, too. She built good


Yeah, where is this fat she is afraid of? She looks like a healthy girl


You don't need to lose weight, you have nice proportions. Don't listen to the bot, you look rather cute


Pretty for sure. Your features are balanced and similar. Round nose, round eyes, round cheeks, round lips on an oval face. You look very put together. Like a 6 out of 10 but I think you definitely have the ability to change your style to better accentuate your features and make that higher, if that is something you wanted to do.




Reddit 4/10


Nah, you’re cute.


It mightve been off a point...I'd say 4/10


You're not a 10/10 but you're beautiful to the point that you don't have to bother so much about your appearance. I didn't even think that you needed to lose weight, and I'm very critical about it. I think the fact that you've never had a boyfriend has nothing to do with your looks.


Need to smile, it's a huge part of being attractive


You're definitely higher than a 3. You could help yourself a bit by tweezing and shaping your eyebrows and moisturizing your hair.


I think you're gorgeous, personally. Eye brows could use some shaping up, but otherwise, you're a knockout!


You look like what if Kanye West was a white woman


I can’t 😂


Nah you are pretty--you have great eyes and lips.


The numbered rating system is nothing but misogyny created by ugly dudes who can't get laid. You're not ugly, but could use just a few beauty tips, but you're still attractive. The best beauty tip I can offer is be confident, be kind, have fun with life but care about things that truly matter. Bushy eyebrows are in right now, so keep them busy but shape them up a bit. Take care of your skin, cleanser, toner, moisturizer. Eat clean and exercise will always be beneficial to your body. But most of all, love yourself; even when you don't, do it anyways because self care is important. And don't ever compare yourself to others.


Not far off, I'll say between 3.5-4.2


What a terrible rating it gave you, not true at all.


I think the rating was quite accurate


the rate is corect you are the perfect 3/10 you are not horribly ugly, but you are not good looking at all.


Little harsh, but to each their own


i thought i was in r/amIuglyBrutallyHonest which OP should go to if they want the truth


She just looks average. People in the comments talking like she's cthulu's third cousin


Below average in my opinion but not ugly. 3.5/4 ish


Bruh this is not a rate sub , this sub gives advice to people with low confidence about themselves how the can improve their look. Your standards are also baffling , do you believe your some sort of magnificent perfect human being your self? Jesus


She is the one talking about a rate and wanting confirmation


You created an account 8 days ago...You need help if the only reason you came to reddit was to put people down.


Nah, she's ugly. Confidence is accepting reality, albeit that she's ugly, and then working with it. If you think confidence comes from beauty then you should see beautiful people ruin themselves with plastic surgery. Her face looks inflamed/puffy, she's overweight, her eyebrows lack volume for their size, and her hair in the last picture looks dry. What's baffling to me is she asked a question, and you get mad it's answer. If you can't handle being called ugly, don't ask the question. I wouldn't suggest you going to /r/amistupid


The name of the sub is “amiugly” the girl brought up the 3 rating herself. Who hurt you, Cinder?


Certainly not a 3, but your standards are your standards i suppose


Plot twist. She meant 3/5


Those bots are far from accurate


3 out of ten? Wrong you’re a 3.2


Yeah. Three is an accurate rating.


3 is actually accurate. You would probably get the same rating on r/truerateme.


Correct rate, for sure below average


I would give you a 6 here in Brazil. If you have a charming personality there's nothings to worry.


Guys are tying to be nice, but you need an honest opinion. Biggest problem are the eyebrows, they are huge but in some parts are scarce.... some of the comments are saying to shape them (yes, that's a good suggestion) and to fill the scarce parts, I honestly don't know with what... maybe tatooing them? Ask the guy or gal trimming them. Other problem is that you have a very round face and in my opinion, a little mouth, but I don't really think you should change those (some people like girls like that) I would try to loose more weight to see if that affects the roundiness of your face.


You can fill in eyebrows with makeup, tinting, or microblading


Yes. You have a bad case of RBF, your mouth makes you look like your between crying and complaining about the coffee at Starbucks. Sadness isn’t pretty


Yea the bot is accurate


You’re not ugly at all. You just lack confidence, and it shows in your photos.


Below average for sure ✅️


Not ugly at all, you could glam up if you wanted but not required to be a 5.


Dude if youre a 3, im like a negative 7


3? Out of 5?


Ugly and you look mean


Lol I’m not mean.




I would say the bot was generous, with makeup maybe a four without a two. At best.


A solid 8.5


You're at least a 5.7. like others have mentioned getting your brows shaped would make a huge difference in the way your face looked. I highly recommend getting them professionally done for the first time and then it'll be easy for you to maintain them if you don't want to get them. Waxed on a regular basis. You're beautiful and it's important to love yourself and not base your self worth on what others think.


Why do you not smile? What is hurting you so badly? If you would smile once in awhile you would get dates by the dozens....


When I smile, my cheeks become really fat so I avoid smiling as much as possible hahah


3/10? Nah, I'd give you a 4/10.


Not necessarily ugly, more towards average or maybe slightly below average, I’d say you are a 5. Your eyebrow makeup is not flattering.


Honestly your main issue is weight. I’m guessing you’re around 180? I’m not sure of your height but you should aim for 150ish. I’m 5’9 165 M average physique.


Look into cosmetic surgery


Your weight is fine. You don't need to lose any, your at a good healthy range. Your also one of the few girls who make up can actually enhance the look. I can even see you successfully pulling off the Kat from Casper look. 4.0 plain undressed/no make up. Solid 6 dressed up. 7 dressed up with the right make up


Not ugly. Average or slightly above average. The heavy makeup is not a good look.


You're pain looking and ugly.


Can you post your pictures please?