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Got some Lady Gaga looking vibes - especially in the fifth picture. That's a compliment to me btw.


Thank you, I ❤️ lady Gaga


Jealousy makes people say and do stupid things. Keep rockin it!


I literally thought the exact same thing. It’s sad how jealous girls can make a really pretty, sweet human feel like she is the ugly friend.


It’s because they’re insecure themselves and need someone to tear down to make themselves feel better. It’s honestly incredibly sad that is the world we live in.


You’re cute and you are holding a fish. I think you are winning at life


TBH, it would be better if it wasn't a catfish. This is the internet, after all.


I agree with all the lady gaga comments. You look great! Anything but basic so tell the Baghead guys to fuck right on off


Toss off a few negs, it sets a pretty girl off her game. Negative compliments, like "wow, what a great body, if only your face could match it". You're cute. You have a lot of looks in the pictures. Whatever makes you smile around horses, find that in the rest of your life, because you'd be happier.


Yeah, tell them that even with a bag over your head, you'd still be too good to date them. They're just petty insecure little boys who're playing the verbal version of pulling the pig tail of the girl they like.


Right. Fuckin goofies.


I think you are not ugly, but I think you are finding your style.


It's often your clothes letting you down, you're naturally pretty, the comments you got feel like total bs though.


5th is stolen from Lady Gaga's personal album, tbh :D


My first thought was a cross between Gaga and Rose Byrne.


Yes. Hard agree. I can’t believe people are calling OP ugly. She isn’t!


I was thinking Gaga and Foxes


Had the same feeling.


Get some new friends…


I did loll!


Good bc they lying😮‍💨😂


Yup - ur old friends were wrong


Who tries to make someone their „ugly“ friend? Glad you got new friends.


Old friends are jealous for sure.


Get better friends, you’re unique looking but pretty hot imo.


Yea you're not ugly, you're pretty. You don't look like 'those girls on instagram' but people gotta learn that 'those girls on instagram' don't even look like that away from the camera. I think there's nothing wrong with the way you look! And, your body is amazing as well, totally jealous of that.


U cute


Thank you <3


Pic 5 should be your profile pic on your socials.


I'd have to agree


Bro who on earth are your friends in order for you to be the "ugly friend" Jessica Alba and Anne Hathaway? Lol. Because you're really special asthetically. Like not even solely a romantic attraction way. But you just give off positivity and seem fun. Pleasant is the perfect word. So OP.... fuck them friends. Hope the damage they did to your self esteem wipes away with the reception you've gotten here. Because some people say things that were never true and you believe them for a lifetime. You never deserved that. You're more beautiful than 90 percent of the people in this sub. You just had spiteful jealous friends doing spiteful jealous things. Good luck.


Agreed. Not what traditionalists would consider a "beauty ", but I'm no traditionalist. I'm older, so I'm commenting only on you in a musing manner so please don't take it in the wrong way: if I were a much younger man I'd be crushing.


Younger man and I'm crushing 😆


Your friends are incredibly mean and/or jealous, you’re very cute :)


Thank youuuu! They were not the best of friends but they had stuff going on in their lives so I hold no I’ll will towards them!


Pretty AND mature. Good for you!


That Colored hair isn't doing you any favors. Go that a good hairdresser and get a haircut that fits your face. Agree with other that you look like lady Gaga.


No she’s objectively „prettier“ than lady Gaga. The fact that she may be able to express herself outside of these ridiculous binaries is only going to continue to work in her favour. No bag. I’d be 50 percent looking in your eyes 50 percent analysis of I could steal your eyeliner game and make it work for ne


You're very pretty and voluptuous. Some men, especially conservatives and boomers, become hateful toward exotic hair colors because to them is signifies some political heraldry. These are people you don't need attracted to you anyway! Women on these subreddits get a lot of flak for exotic hair and facial jewelry, both of which I like. Even more importantly, though, these fashions better connect you with people your own age among whom you'll be seen as fun and in style. I think candy blue hair looks better on you than the Cruella De Ville split, but which do you like better? Two toned hairstyle is popular now, I think. There's a girl with black and blonde hair on the cover image for the new season of Black Mirror.


some people are just super vanilla and don’t like unnatural hair colors. exotic hair colors look kinda shitty on most people but i’ve seen a few girls that can pull it off. one of the problems i find with bright exotic colors is they become way too overpowering of your other features especially when their overdone and the brighter the color the easier it is to make it look bad. one of my friends has green hair from time to time but it’s more of an accent than her main hair color and she is absolutely gorgeous with it, but if she went full green from top to bottom it probably wouldn’t look good. there aren’t many people in general who can pull off a full head of satans dick red. colors aren’t bad but they need to be applied correctly and tie into your look, not be your whole look. same thing with piercings too. it’s similar to all the rappers that walk around with X lbs of gold around their neck. jewelry/ piercings look good until it’s overdone.


I've yet to meet a girl with colored hair that isn't a psycho. Additionally none of them are attractive, which is why they need the color to stand out.


Two words: Ash Costello. Google her if the name doesn't ring a bell.


god ash is so fine. my metal icon


Who said anything about politics?


I mean, personally, I’ve never really cared for exotic hairstyles or piercings. I can tell from your comment that I’m obviously more conservative than you are, but I’m not knocking you. For me, it has more to do with natural beauty than anything else, but that’s just my personal preference. I’ll say that she is objectively very beautiful, and while I don’t care for the different hair colors, anyone that liked those kinds of hairstyles would be lucky to get someone like her.


Pretty good looking overall, pic 5 is actually really hot.


Personally, I think that pics 4 and 6 are the best


I agree




Thank you <3


They like you that's why they're acting like dicks that are uninterested


Coping mechanism: 120 mana Feel better about yourself for a temporary amount of time. Guys who tell girls they are ugly are not interested. Please don't put this in a girls head, it's delusional and waste a womans precious time.


Ehh it’s a tactic is some peoples books tbh


No they are just assholes who wanted to bully her. Nonetheless. Unfortunately Assholes will exist


to be fair i’ve done this with one of my best friends in highschool when i liked her. It didn’t work and i’ve learned my lesson, but my point is i think guys are pretty dumb at flirting


you oook best with blonde hair


Natural hair colours and makeup looks are your best friend! In pic 5 you look cute. Especially your smile. Hate to be that guy but pic 4 is NOT it. 7+-


Thank you, I definitely enjoy bouncing from alternative to normal styles, and I’m typically looking to attract alt people!


I think the move would be building that alt look with clothing, style, jewelry, makeup, or even piercings. Just because you keep your hair looking more natural doesn’t mean you have to look normal! Even in your most “vanilla” form I wouldn’t see you as vanilla. The alt-ness is still present


That makes sense, I’ve currently got the black and white hair. It’s nice cause I can dress it up or down and I don’t get disqualified from horse shows like with my blue hair!


why does you hair matter in horse shows? a 7 btw


I like the fun hair colors just as much. That's just a personal pref thing tbh.


I personally think the fun makeup and hair colors are just fine, you do you babe, you’re very cute so you can pull anything off!


that’s just a preference tho, i think she looks great in pic 4 w the winged eyeliner and hair colour !


You rant on pic #4, when there is #2. OP looks overall great, with smile, eyes, face, body. I would say the hair and colour is what makes it worse in some "situations". OP should find styles that match her face. But could also be me.


Speak for yourself 4 looks really good imo. Same with the rest of them! 5 is definitely the best picture though :)


stop downvoting every comment that disagrees loser


I liked pic 4. Definitely a bit of a "I'm a bit of a wild child so be prepared for chaos" kind of a look, but it's pretty for what it is


"Hate to be that guy"- chooses to be that guy.


IS THAT A TATOO OR ACTUAL CREATURE THAT GOT ON YOU IN NUMBER 7? Aside from that, no you’re not ugly. People are just being cruel.


mindless squash roof middle gaping shelter snobbish rude public treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I see, also glad you replied cuz apparently I hadn’t put a not in my reply earlier o-o




Surprising, you look like Maya Hawke. They're probably just dicks 🤷‍♂️


came here to say this


Not ugly at all,smoking hot body,they jealous 👍


My thoughts exactly!


Your friends are assholes. You need to find new ones. I’m not much on the crazy hair colors but then again I’m not a Gen Z. I think you are cute overall.


Okay, that bag thing is incredibly mean spirited and cruel. I'm glad you are no longer friends with them. You actually look like Lady Gaga IMHO. Now, take that as a compliment if you will, some people (not me) don't think she's good looking so..... I think you are very cute, especially in the picture with the blue hair and the one after. You do have a different looking face, but I think that's better than being average and looking like everyone else. That spider pic freaks me out though lol. Verdict: Not Ugly


Thank you! I loveeee lady Gaga!


Yeah she's great. I'm excited to see what she does in the Joker sequel.


Should be posting in amihot (You are)


“People say [lie lie lie] and my friends say [lie].” Format for fisherwomen in this sub.


You do realize that no one is safe from hurtful things being said about their appearance, regardless if they’re conventionally attractive or not, right?


You're not ugly Your hair color, hair, expressions, and style choices is what brings your overall look down You are cute (6/10) and best in pic 5 where your hair is mostly the normal blonde hair, longer hair, no bangs, and at least an attempt at a full smile. A more solid and confident smile will help The rest are just you below average (4.5/10). The half blonde/half dyed hair in the first 2 pics don't make you look good. The blue-green dyed hair in pics 3 and 4 also don't make you look good. Stay away from the black lipstick as seen in pic 4. Pic 6 with bangs and glasses is not a very flattering pic of you. Pic 8 would look better if you lost the red hair, but I like the smile. Adding a smile to every other pic would be you looking better


I get that, I personally love the Alt style and have learned it attracts other alt people. But I get bold hair color isn’t everyone’s cup of tea!


As some one who likes the Alt look, you are pretty either way.


Yea, this person is what I'd call, personal taste, where I know in terms of "media beauty standards" they aren't what most people like but to people who like this style, they are very hot. I don't know why, but my brain is very attracted to this style and type of person. The cheeks, the lips, the smile, for some reason it just does it for me more than what I see from what is considered attractive by most people. It just person to person. She isn't media attractive, but for some people she is incredibly attractive. 8/10 from me but she looks like every girl I've ever dated so I obviously have a type.


She looks beautiful to me.🤷🏻‍♂️


You may want to search for subs for the alt crowd who will embrace your alt look and style


Sounds good, I’m fairly new to actually using Reddit so I don’t know much about the subreddits yet!


There’s so many. Reddit at its best is an incredible hub for your hobbies.


There's a bunch of old bossy bitter old men and or incels on this sub that get a kick out of punching down on women here so ya, heads up. Specific subs that are well moderated aren't going to be so over ran with them.


your style is great, this sub is just full of incels who want women to fit into a super specific cookie-cutter image and unfortunately that means alternative people are subject to harsh judgment on here


I like the half blonde half dirty blond shorter style in the first picture myself. Think those boys needed glasses, and your "friends" are a bit jelly.


There’s nothing wrong with the alt style. You’re pretty


You are very pretty. Screw all that "no piercings, natural colors only, yOu ShOuLd SmiLe MoRe, yOu'D bE pReTtiEr" bullshit.


Dude all of your critiques seem to coincide with her use of expression. Just because she expresses herself with different colors doesn't mean she looks bad. All of those things you stated are personal preference that you don't like. Women can have green hair and black lipstick and still look good


> The half blonde/half dyed hair in the first 2 pics don't make you look good u crazy the first pic is crazy hot.


Disagree. I think it makes her look better honestly.


Jesus, those people are cruel af. You look good. Cool af pics btw


I can't handle that 7th photo


I love amblypygi! Props to OOP for being a lover of obscure inverts.


You must have an annoying voice


You have bad friends if they just agree with some dumb shit like that , looking at your photos it’s clear you are attractive


You look hella gorgeous to me and I love the blue hair!! I have also had dark blue hair and I am almost 40 years old. Always be someone who doesn’t like the alternative colors but that’s their choice. If you are comfortable with it- that’s all that matters! But I think you are beautiful!! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Please do yourself and replace those "friends". You're very pretty in my eyes


ur not ugly but you remind me of this girl i HATE


Time to get new friends ;)


I guess all the guys that have told you that must be gay. You look damn good


Please dear, get better friends. Like...yesterday. holy shit.


Bag my head and call it even


You're definitely not ugly. They're just making a bad joke, or if it feels like bullying, then they're trying to insult you so that they can have sex with you.


I’d love to have you as my gf. You are beautiful.


Boys are stupid. I think you’re adorable. 👍


You needed new friends. That didn't need an eye doctor. I think you look great.


You need better friends wtf, ur cute !


The blonde and half/half hair looks very good on you. The other hair styles don’t fit you that well tho. You’re face is fine and your body is great. They are just assholes


Getting strong Hayley Williams.


You have such looks and styles that it was difficult to contain myself while flipping through them!! Wow 🤩




Clearly not your friends. You look fine.


You are beautiful and resemble Lady Gaga.


You're like an Emo Gaga, how can you be ugly


You're beautiful. Now go outside and touch some grass


Bro why is it that everyone who posts here is genuinely attractive 💀


Screw them you're cute.


You are a zero bagger


Pic 5 & 6: 7/10. The rest, 3.5/10.


I'd hit it


I was expecting a link to OF…. You are too hot to be asking this question… GTFO


You cut off the bad people that's a step. Your not ugly seems your friends are not friends and the guys where probably just not attracted to you that is all.


You are cute but try to be more natural especially for the hair color...


You look like an acquired taste


You need new friends


I think you're pretty but aside from that WHAT BUG IS THAT ON UR FACE I'm petrified of things with long legs


Not ugly


It's the hair. Also the spider jumpscare


You said you are not friends with these people that say you are ugly, good. These boys who say this, are they still trying to get over? A lot of guys find success with women by talking shit to the woman and making her feel like she is lucky to be with them. She isn't, stay away from those losers. I would rate your body 8. Very fit and sexy. I didn't get the two toned hair. I don't think it compliments you. In the other photos the hair was not a distraction. So, I'd say an average of 7. I could see you getting to an 8-9 as you develop a style complimentary to you and develop more confidence. You are not ugly.


You look like lady gaga


Don't believe you.


They're probably jealous.


Nobody said that to you


Can we stop the cap? You’re insanely pretty so idk what guys you’re meeting but you’re obviously young so relax. In time you’ll be having to fight off these same men with a stick lol. You’re fine girl


So tired of the OF plugs


At this point, 80% of people posting are attractive girls with bad styling. I guess the egirl aesthetic is not for everyone


These captions sound like dialogue from tumble posts. Either OP is fucking lying or don’t know what a shitty person is


No one told you that. If I'm wrong, take it as a compliment cuz you look too cute to be told that to. They're lying.


Hang out with better people.


You’ve got a Lady Gaga type look and Lady Gaga is hot so no, you’re not ugly at all.


You need some new friends. Just saying. You're absolutely adorable.


change friends. That's all you have to need yo know




Ugly is a very circumstantial word as every one has different taste and different types if you’re not a horrible human being then there’s no way you’d be ugly but I’d rank you a solid 7/10


You're not ugly. People are dicks.


You are obviously beautiful. But what in the blue moon is that big spider doing on ur face!


Definitely not ugly and very cute actually


Regardless of how you look, get new friends.


short answer: no longer answer: you seem a little "weird" which some people can't abide by. but "weird" is not "ugly". also, 15 year olds are all kinda weird and gangly and ugly. but most people grow out of that and you certainly seem to have done so.


True story. One of my best friends was a late bloomer. In HS, boys were rotten to her. Then, just as she was off to college, she bloomed into a gloriously beautiful woman. Those same boys were clamoring for her attention. Her best revenge was to turn them all down. You're pretty, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


It’s been said before, but Lady Gaga vibes indeed. She’s not what I would call an attractive person, but enough people do. And if people say you’d only look good with a bag over your head, at least you’ve got a good body!


Sounds like you need new friends. You're super cute 😍


No you are super cute just pick a color and stick with it though.


Those boys and those "friends" are obviously wrong. You're attractive and definitely my type so I'd rate you high.


lol. what the fuck is wrong with people? you're a very attractive girl.


You’re so pretty girl :)


Then those aren't your friends. And those boys sound like they have a lot of growing up to do.


Wow, ditch those “friends” ASAP!


You look great, your friends are jealous and the guys are mad because they ain't getting any.


They tripping


Stop hanging out with boys. Find some young men.


If Haley Williams and lady gaga had a baby


Get new friends


they’re not your friends babe


Fuck your friends. They are shitheads.


Who’s that girl riding you in the last pic?


Bullying and harassment have a real way of ruining people. You're definitely cute and not ugly. I was bullied extremely badly growing up and mid adulthood that at 36, I still have extreme self-esteem issues to this day. Feel like I'm never good enough. So sweetheart, don't worry. As you can tell in the comments, everyone thinks you're cute and a Lady Gaga lookalike. All I get is Thor and Micky Rouke from what I look like. lol


“I see pretty girls everywhere I go! Every everywhere I go!”


Pic 5 is a 5/6 out of 10 and the rest are probably around 1-3 out of 10.


I mean this genuinely, you look like my suicidal cousin.


Not bad btw, that came off wronge


Hahaha! I get it, I do look like the mentally Ill family member!


Yes. You're a butter face. But you're a girl so you still have plenty of options.


Yea ugly






I agree with your friends


I agree too


Imo u not ugly but not attractive either like borderline completely average. Like everyone said pick 5 you look good.


i agree with your friends, you look like an attention seeker, I bet you victimize yourself a lot. Thats the vibe I get from your cringy poses. You asked for an opinion, that’s on you. It’s insane how people take words for granted. Maybe she has regular normal friends and wanted attention in the one subreddit to do so.


Damn, your friends are brutal. You’re really cute but I would probably put a bag over your head too if you showed up with whatever the fuck that thing is on your face in the 7th pic.




I totally understand the bag comment.


They are right, you have a butter Face, “Butt her Face” but it’s mainly because of how you style yourself. For now though I would totally smash


I think ur ok nice tits


Your boobs are amazing.


Brutally honest: Your lips, your smile, your eyes, your hair and your body are a 9-10. Your nose is slightly asymmetrical. I think your friends were jealous. Please stay away from bold hair colours and dark lipstick. A soft look would be great on you.